Statistics & Probability Letters

(The median citation count of Statistics & Probability Letters is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A variation of constant formula for Caputo fractional stochastic differential equations with jump–diffusion189
On a class of mixed stochastic heat equations driven by spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise26
Limiting behavior of a kindness model24
On the asymptotic properties of extreme values of discrete random variables23
On a family of Lévy processes without support in 19
Proximal causal inference without uniqueness assumptions12
Nonparametric clustering of discrete probability distributions with generalized Shannon’s entropy and heatmap12
Asymptotic properties of mth spacings based on records11
Some martingale properties of the simple random walk and its maximum process11
Corrigendum to “Proximal causal inference without uniqueness assumptions” [Statistics and Probability Letters 198 (2023) 1-8/109836]11
A generalization bound of deep neural networks for dependent data9
Scalable efficient reproducible multi-task learning via data splitting9
Euler–Maruyama scheme for SDE driven by Lévy process with Hölder drift8
Convergence rates for empirical measures of Markov chains in dual and Wasserstein distances8
Note on locality of volume growth rate of graphs8
Editorial Board8
Simultaneous computation of Kendall’s tau and its jackknife variance8
Large deviations for mean field model in Erdős–Rényi graph8
A transportation inequality for reflected SPDEs on infinite spatial domain8
Empirical limit theorems for Wiener chaos8
Editorial Board8
Stationary jump processes for planar directions obtained by wrapping8
Almost sure polynomial stability and stabilization of stochastic differential systems with impulsive effects7
Optimal designs for comparing population curves in hierarchical models7
On Stein’s method for stochastically monotone single-birth chains7
Fractional diffusion Bessel processes with Hurst index H7
Probabilistic global well-posedness to the nonlocal Degasperis–Procesi equation7
On Stein factors for Laplace approximation and their application to random sums7
Nonparametric estimation of marginal distributions for unordered pairs6
On the density for sums of independent Mittag-Leffler variates with common order6
Uniform bounds for ruin probability in multidimensional risk model6
New characterizations of bivariate discrete Schur-constant models6
Azuma-Hoeffding bounds for a class of urn models6
Recursive integral equations for random weights averages: Exponential functions and Cauchy distribution6
A. de Moivre theorem revisited6
Construction controllability for conformable fractional stochastic evolution system with noninstantaneous impulse and nonlocal condition6
The “logarithmic scale” Minkowski dimension of the most visited sites of two-dimensional Brownian motion6
Asymptotic properties of one-layer artificial neural networks with sparse connectivity5
Improved probability inequalities for Mardia’s coefficient of kurtosis5
On the compression phenomenon of typical discrepancies5
The conditional spacings and their stochastic properties5
Robust concentration inequalities in maximal exponential models5
Intrinsic Hölder classes of density functions on Riemannian manifolds and lower bounds to convergence rates5
On inverse-Gamma distribution delayed by Poisson process5
Inference on common intraday periodicity at high frequencies5
Which Urbanik class Lk<5
Generalized Rank Dirichlet distributions5
Nonparametric kernel estimation of conditional copula density5
Strong uniform laws of large numbers for bootstrap means and other randomly weighted sums5
Empirical likelihood based on synthetic right censored data5
Large deviations of aggregate amount of claims in compound risk model with arbitrary dependence between claim sizes and waiting times5
Two-step estimation in linear regressions with adaptive learning5
Improved concentration bounds for sums of independent sub-exponential random variables5
A spatial skew-Gaussian process with a specified covariance function5
Adaptive rank-based tests for high dimensional mean problems5
Nonparametric recursive regression estimation on Riemannian Manifolds5
An inequality for the total variation distance between high-dimensional centered Gaussian laws5
Conjugate priors and bias reduction for logistic regression models5
Optimal non-asymptotic concentration of centered empirical relative entropy in the high-dimensional regime5
On likelihood ratio ordering of parallel systems with heterogeneous exponential components4
Deviation estimates for Eulerian edit numbers of random graphs4
Bayesian optimal design for non-linear model under non-regularity condition4
Some limit theorems for dependent Bernoulli random variables4
RDS free CLT for spiked eigenvalues of high-dimensional covariance matrices4
Cramér moderate deviations for a supercritical Galton–Watson process4
Diffusion processes in Brownian environments on disconnected selfsimilar fractal sets in 4
Optimal estimation for lower bound of the packing number4
A nonclassical solution to a classical SDE and a converse to Kolmogorov’s zero–one law4
A note on stationary bootstrap variance estimator under long-range dependence4
Equivalence of equicontinuity concepts for Markov operators derived from a Schur-like property for spaces of measures4
A characterization of normality via convex likelihood ratios4
Intermittency in the small-time behavior of Lévy processes4
A transitivity property of Ocone martingales4
Semiparametric inference of treatment effects on restricted mean survival time in two sample problems from length-biased samples4
A note on the asymptotic variance of drift accelerated diffusions4
A spectral based goodness-of-fit test for stochastic block models4
A new family of omega-square-type statistics with Bahadur local optimality for the location family of generalized logistic distributions4
Editorial Board4
Strong convergence rate of the Euler scheme for SDEs driven by additive rough fractional noises4
Asymptotic efficiency of some nonparametric tests for location on hyperspheres4
On the consistency of incomplete U-statistics under infinite second-order moments4
Non-linear Dynkin games over split stopping times4
Surviving ends in Bernoulli percolation on graphs roughly isometric to a tree3
Nonparametric local linear estimation of the relative error regression function for twice censored data3
Matrix hypergeometric function and its application to computation of characteristic function of spherically symmetric distributions with phase-type amplitude3
Uniqueness of principal points with respect to p-order distance for a class of univariate continuous distribution3
On the Chvátal–Janson conjecture3
Asymptotic behaviour of linear eigenvalue statistics of Hankel matrices3
Editorial Board3
Estimating social effects in a multilayered Linear-in-Means model with network data3
Local limit theorems for collective risk models3
On the convolution equivalence of tempered stable distributions on the real line3
On the local compactness of spaces of positive measures3
On the rate of convergence for the autocorrelation operator in functional autoregression3
Monotonic limit theorem for BSDEs with regulated trajectories3
Normal approximation when a chaos grade is greater than two3
A note on a dynamic network model with homogeneous structure3
On the optional and orthogonal decompositions of supermartingales and applications3
Convexity and sublinearity of g-expectations3
Hurst estimation for operator scaling random fields3
Global well-posedness of 2D stochastic Burgers equations with multiplicative noise3
When Janson meets McDiarmid: Bounded difference inequalities under graph-dependence3
Marginal log-linear models and mediation analysis3
Kendall’s tau estimator for bivariate zero-inflated count data3
Weak approximation of Schrödinger–Föllmer diffusion3
Editorial Board3
Nonparametric density estimation over its unknown support for right censored data3
Regularized covariance matrix estimation in high dimensional approximate factor models3
On Itô’s formula for semimartingales with jumps and non-C3
Tail asymptotics for the bivariate equi-skew generalized hyperbolic distribution and its Variance-Gamma special case3
Quantization coefficients for uniform distributions on the boundaries of regular polygons3
Editorial Board3
Comparison of Lp3
Robust sphericity test in the panel data model3
The Riemann–Liouville field and its GMC as H3
Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects versus building individualized treatment rules: Connection and disconnection3
A maximum projective stratification criterion for selecting space-filling designs3
On negative correlation of Arboreal Gas for specific parameters3
An upper bound and a characterization for Gini’s mean difference based on correlated random variables3
Point processes of exceedances by Gaussian random fields with applications to asymptotic locations of extreme order statistics3
Functional limit theorems for discounted exponential functional of random walk and discounted convergent perpetuity3
Linking the Hoeffding–Sobol and Möbius formulas through a decomposition of Kuo, Sloan, Wasilkowski, and Woźniakowski3
A Stein characterisation of the distribution of the product of correlated normal random variables2
Simultaneous confidence bands for survival functions from twice censorship2
On the stability of the martingale optimal transport problem: A set-valued map approach2
Domain of attraction of quasi-stationary distribution for absorbing Markov processes2
Errata to “Transportation cost inequality for backward stochastic differential equations” [Statist. Probab. Lett. 155 (2019) 108586]2
The tail behavior of jump-diffusion Cox–Ingersoll–Ross processes with regime-switching2
Limit Theorems for an extended inverse Hawkes process with general exciting functions2
Ensemble Kalman inversion for general likelihoods2
Innovated scalable efficient inference for ultra-large graphical models2
Stochastic averaging for the non-autonomous mixed stochastic differential equations with locally Lipschitz coefficients2
Estimating accuracy of the MCMC variance estimator: Asymptotic normality for batch means estimators2
An imitation model based on the majority2
A note on statistical distances for discrete log-concave measures2
The quantile-based empirical likelihood for the difference of quantiles2
FWER goes to zero for correlated normal2
Bayesian estimation of constrained mean-covariance of normal distributions2
Uniform concentration bounds for frequencies of rare events2
On a necessary and sufficient identification condition of optimal treatment regimes with an instrumental variable2
Ordering results between two multiple-outlier finite δ-mixtures2
A characterization of the Marchenko–Pastur probability measure2
A remark on moment-dependent phase transitions in high-dimensional Gaussian approximations2
The eigenvector LSD of information plus noise matrices and its application to linear regression model2
Bayesian size-and-shape regression modelling2
Precise large deviations for non-centralized sums of partial sums and random sums of heavy-tailed END random variables2
On the maximum penalized full likelihood approach for Cox model with extreme value for heavily censored survival data2
A note on the reduction principle for the nodal length of planar random waves2
An exact method for simulating rapidly decreasing tempered stable distributions in the finite variation case2
Testing departures from the increasing hazard rate property2
Robust parameter estimation of regression models under weakened moment assumptions2
On relationships between the Pearson and the distance correlation coefficients2
Maximal inequalities and the strong law of large numbers for strong demimartingales2
Limit theorems for a discrete-time marked Hawkes process2
Frank copula is minimum information copula under fixed Kendall’s τ2
A new monotonic algorithm for the E-optimal experiment design problem2
Some new inequalities for beta distributions2
On stochastic dependence in residual lifetime and inactivity time with some applications2
Replication in random translation designs2
A note on the conditional probabilities of the telegraph process2
On the intransitivity of the win ratio2
A Bayesian spatial scan statistic for multinomial data2
Universally consistent K-sample tests via dependence measures2
Variational formula of capacity for asymmetric Markov chains2
A general approach to sample path generation of infinitely divisible processes via shot noise representation2
Construction of weighted efficiency optimal designs for experiments with mixtures2
R-optimal design of the second-order Scheffé mixture model2
On integrals of birth–death processes at random time2
Quasi-random ranked set sampling2
Nonparametric estimation for periodic stochastic differential equations driven by G2
Some useful results related to various measures of extropy and their interrelationship2
Uniform convergence results for the local linear regression estimation of the conditional distribution2
New testing procedures withk-FWER control for discrete data2
On concentration inequalities for vector-valued Lipschitz functions2
Instrument-residual estimator for multi-valued instruments under full monotonicity2
Copas’ method is sensitive to different mechanisms of publication bias2
Exact anytime-valid confidence intervals for contingency tables and beyond2
Cauchy, normal and correlations versus heavy tails2
Epidemic change-point detection in general causal time series2
Cramér-type moderate deviations for the log-likelihood ratio of inhomogeneous Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes2
Asymptotic Bayes’ optimality under sparsity for exchangeable dependent multivariate normal test statistics2
Laplacian and Brownian motion on positive definite matrices, revisited2
On absolute moment-based upper bounds for L-moments2
On harmonic oscillator hazard functions2
On Yu and Hoff’s confidence intervals for treatment means2
Quantile trace regression via nuclear norm regularization2
Pricing formula of Lookback option in stochastic delay differential equation model2
Editorial Board2
Sign consistent estimation in a sparse Poisson model2
Convergence of series of conditional expectations2
Large deviations for sums associated with supercritical branching process in a random environment2
Editorial Board2
Some new asymptotic results for series estimation under clustered dependence2
Least singular value and condition number of a square random matrix with i.i.d. rows2
Indeterminate Hamburger moment problem: Entropy convergence2
Some new bounds for the mean value function of the residual lifetime process2
On the probability that a binomial variable is at most its expectation2
Limiting properties of an equiprobable sampling scheme for 0–1 matrices2
Coalescence times for critical Galton–Watson processes with immigration2
On k-out-of-2
Exact post-selection inference for adjusted R squared selection2
A note on the optimal dividends problem with transaction costs in a spectrally negative Lévy model with Parisian ruin2
Exponential ergodicity for reflected SDEs with interaction in a multidimensional general domain2
Saddlepoint approximations for the probability mass functions of some nonparametric test statistics2
The elephant random walk with gradually increasing memory1
Monotonicity properties for solutions of renewal equations1
A new likelihood inequality for models with latent variables1
Posterior robustness with milder conditions: Contamination models revisited1
On the probability of forming polygons from a broken stick1
Reproducible feature selection in high-dimensional accelerated failure time models1
Sub-exponential rate of convergence to equilibrium for processes on the half-line1
Mean-field fractional BSDEs with locally monotone coefficients1
Dynamic Pólya–Eggenberger urns1
Almost sure invariance principle for the Kantorovich distance between the empirical and the marginal distributions of strong mixing sequences1
Beta approximation for the two alleles Moran model by Stein’s method1
Optimal curing rate allocation in the SIS epidemic model1
A negative binomial approximation to the distribution of the sum of maxima of indicator random variables1
On the moments of dividends and capital injections under a variant type of Parisian ruin1
Mean square error and variance estimation of the sample ratio under Lahiri ’s design1
Local existence and uniqueness of solutions to quadratic BSDEs with weak monotonicity and general growth generators1
Note on the delta method for finite population inference with applications to causal inference1
Two-step conditional least squares estimation in ADCINAR(1) process, revisited1
Right-most position of a last progeny modified time inhomogeneous branching random walk1
Exact uniform modulus of continuity for q-isotropic Gaussian random fi1
A simple proof of the Lévy–Khintchine formula for subordinators1
Non-convex isotonic regression via the Myersonian approach1
Non-parametric estimation of Gini index with right censored observations1
A note on invariant manifolds for stochastic partial differential equations in the framework of the variational approach1
A correction to make Chao estimator conservative when the number of sampling occasions is finite1
Theoretical properties of Bayesian Student-tlinear regression1
Random Dirichlet series with α-stable coefficients1
Penalized composite likelihood estimation for hidden Markov models with unknown number of states1
Maximal inequalites and applications for reverse demimartingales based on concave Young functions1
Waiting time representation of discrete distributions1
Fluctuation analysis of synchronized system1
Asymptotic normality of least squares type estimators to stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions1
Exact quantiles of Gaussian process extremes1
Unified specification tests in partially linear quantile regression models1
Dispersion parameter extension of precise generalized linear mixed model asymptotics1
Editorial Board1
The rate of complete consistency for recursive probability density estimator under strong mixing samples1
Generalized wordlength enumerator for asymmetrical designs1
Occupation times for spectrally negative Lévy processes on the last exit time1
On the laws of large numbers for pseudo-independent random variables under sublinear expectation1
Intersections of Zipf random sets: Maximal weighted relevance1
Stationary distribution of a stochastic generalized SIRI epidemic model with reinfection and relapse1
Nonparametric bootstrap for propensity score matching estimators1
Convergence rates in the limit theorems for random sums of m-orthogona1
Bayesian adaptive Lasso estimation of large graphical model based on modified Cholesky decomposition1