Insurance Mathematics & Economics

(The median citation count of Insurance Mathematics & Economics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Addressing the life expectancy gap in pension policy27
Cyber claim analysis using Generalized Pareto regression trees with applications to insurance23
A random forest based approach for predicting spreads in the primary catastrophe bond market20
Equity-linked Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits with dollar cost averaging17
Pricing longevity derivatives via Fourier transforms17
Linking retirement age to life expectancy does not lessen the demographic implications of unequal lifespans17
Sparse regression with Multi-type Regularized Feature modeling16
BERT-based NLP techniques for classification and severity modeling in basic warranty data study16
From risk sharing to pure premium for a large number of heterogeneous losses15
Autocalibration and Tweedie-dominance for insurance pricing with machine learning14
Precise large deviations of aggregate claims with arbitrary dependence between claim sizes and waiting times14
Law-invariant functionals that collapse to the mean13
Optimal reinsurance and investment under common shock dependence between financial and actuarial markets13
Robust optimal investment and reinsurance for an insurer with inside information12
The added value of dynamically updating motor insurance prices with telematics collected driving behavior data12
Equilibrium investment strategy for a DC pension plan with learning about stock return predictability12
What can we learn from telematics car driving data: A survey12
Stackelberg differential game for reinsurance: Mean-variance framework and random horizon12
Pandemic risk management: Resources contingency planning and allocation12
Multiplicative background risk models: Setting a course for the idiosyncratic risk factors distributed phase-type11
Valuation of guaranteed minimum maturity benefits under generalised regime-switching models using the Fourier Cosine method11
On a family of coherent measures of variability11
Hawkes processes in insurance: Risk model, application to empirical data and optimal investment10
A BSDE-based approach for the optimal reinsurance problem under partial information10
Is mortality or interest rate the most important risk in annuity models? A comparison of sensitivity analysis methods9
Gamma Mixture Density Networks and their application to modelling insurance claim amounts9
Infinitely stochastic micro reserving9
Comparative risk aversion in RDEU with applications to optimal underwriting of securities issuance9
Volterra mortality model: Actuarial valuation and risk management with long-range dependence9
Mortality modeling and regression with matrix distributions9
Optimal reinsurance with multiple reinsurers: Distortion risk measures, distortion premium principles, and heterogeneous beliefs9
A hybrid deep learning method for optimal insurance strategies: Algorithms and convergence analysis9
Stochastic orders and multivariate measures of risk contagion8
The multivariate mixed Negative Binomial regression model with an application to insurance a posteriori ratemaking8
A Fourier-cosine method for finite-time ruin probabilities8
Prepayment risk in reverse mortgages: An intensity-governed surrender model8
Longevity risk and capital markets: The 2019-20 update8
Systemic risk: Conditional distortion risk measures7
Improved index insurance design and yield estimation using a dynamic factor forecasting approach7
Optimal life insurance and annuity demand under hyperbolic discounting when bequests are luxury goods7
Moment-matching approximations for stochastic sums in non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck models7
Mean–variance investment and risk control strategies — A time-consistent approach via a forward auxiliary process7
A bivariate Laguerre expansions approach for joint ruin probabilities in a two-dimensional insurance risk process7
Predictive risk analysis using a collective risk model: Choosing between past frequency and aggregate severity information7
Deep hedging of long-term financial derivatives7
Stop-loss protection for a large P2P insurance pool7
Stackelberg differential game for insurance under model ambiguity7
Optimal risk exposure and dividend payout policies under model uncertainty7
Moment generating function of non-Markov self-excited claims processes7
Demand for non-life insurance under habit formation7
The tail mean–variance optimal portfolio selection under generalized skew-elliptical distribution6
Bayesian credibility under a bivariate prior on the frequency and the severity of claims6
Tail dependence and heavy tailedness in extreme risks6
Optimal capital allocation principles considering capital shortfall and surplus risks in a hierarchical corporate structure6
Optimal reinsurance under the α-maxmin mean-variance criterion6
Optimal investment, consumption, and life insurance strategies under a mutual-exciting contagious market6
Cause-specific mortality rates: Common trends and differences6
Risk aggregation with FGM copulas6
Parametric measures of variability induced by risk measures6
Cyber risk frequency, severity and insurance viability6
Copula-based inference for bivariate survival data with left truncation and dependent censoring6
Optimal retirement products under subjective mortality beliefs6
A class of generalised hyper-elliptical distributions and their applications in computing conditional tail risk measures6
The Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function: A review from practical perspectives6
Statistical estimation for some dividend problems under the compound Poisson risk model6
Modelling mortality dependence: An application of dynamic vine copula6
The role of a longevity insurance for defined contribution pension systems5
Extreme-value based estimation of the conditional tail moment with application to reinsurance rating5
Incorporating statistical clustering methods into mortality models to improve forecasting performances5
Spatial patterns of mortality in the United States: A spatial filtering approach5
Can a regulatory risk measure induce profit-maximizing risk capital allocations? The case of conditional tail expectation5
Cyber-contagion model with network structure applied to insurance5
Pricing in a competitive stochastic insurance market5
Leveraging high-resolution weather information to predict hail damage claims: A spatial point process for replicated point patterns5
A decomposition of general premium principles into risk and deviation5
A benchmarking approach to track and compare administrative charges on flow and balance in individual account pension systems5
SynthETIC: An individual insurance claim simulator with feature control5
Pareto-optimal insurance contracts with premium budget and minimum charge constraints5
Maximum weighted likelihood estimator for robust heavy-tail modelling of finite mixture models5
Fees in tontines5
Stochastic differential investment and reinsurance games with nonlinear risk processes and VaR constraints5
Pareto-optimal reinsurance policies with maximal synergy5
Joint generalized quantile and conditional tail expectation regression for insurance risk analysis4
Multivariate dependence among cyber risks based on L-hop propagation4
Multi-population modelling and forecasting life-table death counts4
On the modelling of multivariate counts with Cox processes and dependent shot noise intensities4
Valuing guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits by a change of numéraire approach4
Center-outward quantiles and the measurement of multivariate risk4
Optimal control of investment, premium and deductible for a non-life insurance company4
Variable annuities: Market incompleteness and policyholder behavior4
Stochastic mortality dynamics driven by mixed fractional Brownian motion4
Robust retirement and life insurance with inflation risk and model ambiguity4
Haezendonck-Goovaerts capital allocation rules4
An insurance risk process with a generalized income process: A solvency analysis4
An asymptotic study of systemic expected shortfall and marginal expected shortfall4
Fair dynamic valuation of insurance liabilities via convex hedging4
Model-independent price bounds for Catastrophic Mortality Bonds4
Blockchain mining in pools: Analyzing the trade-off between profitability and ruin4
Risk aggregation and capital allocation using a new generalized Archimedean copula4
Macro longevity risk and the choice between annuity products: Evidence from Denmark4
Bowley solution of a mean–variance game in insurance4
Portfolio choice with illiquid asset for a loss-averse pension fund investor4
Positivity properties of the ARFIMA(0,4
Annuity and insurance choice under habit formation4
Gompertz law revisited: Forecasting mortality with a multi-factor exponential model4
Decrease of capital guarantees in life insurance products: Can reinsurance stop it?4
COVID-19 and credit risk: A long memory perspective4
Equilibrium in natural catastrophe insurance market under disaster-resistant technologies, financial innovations and government interventions3
A continuous-time theory of reinsurance chains3
Tests for Laplace order dominance with applications to insurance data3
Exact credibility reference Bayesian premiums3
Optimal risk-sharing across a network of insurance companies3
Joint and survivor annuity valuation with a bivariate reinforced urn process3
Return smoothing in life insurance from a client perspective3
Empirical analysis and forecasting of multiple yield curves3
Distributionally robust reinsurance with Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk3
Unraveling heterogeneity in cyber risks using quantile regressions3
S-shaped narrow framing, skewness and the demand for insurance3
Micro-level parametric duration-frequency-severity modeling for outstanding claim payments3
Optimal portfolio selection with VaR and portfolio insurance constraints under rank-dependent expected utility theory3
Deep quantile and deep composite triplet regression3
Dynamics of state-wise prospective reserves in the presence of non-monotone information3
Approximate Bayesian Computations to fit and compare insurance loss models3
On the ordering of credibility factors3
Dispersion modelling of outstanding claims with double Poisson regression models3
A general optimal approach to Bühlmann credibility theory3
Optimal fee structure of variable annuities3
A fractional multi-states model for insurance3
Dividend optimisation: A behaviouristic approach3
Care-dependent tontines3
Optimal insurance to maximize RDEU under a distortion-deviation premium principle3
Automatic Fatou property of law-invariant risk measures3
A hierarchical reserving model for reported non-life insurance claims3
A two-stage model for high-risk prediction in insurance ratemaking: Asymptotics and inference3
Transforming public pensions: A mixed scheme with a credit granted by the state3
Risk-neutral valuation of GLWB riders in variable annuities3
A multi-year microlevel collective risk model3
Stressing dynamic loss models3
Frequency-severity experience rating based on latent Markovian risk profiles3
Asymptotic properties of generalized shortfall risk measures for heavy-tailed risks3
Mortality forecasting using factor models: Time-varying or time-invariant factor loadings?3
Mortality options: The point of view of an insurer3
Multilevel Monte-Carlo for computing the SCR with the standard formula and other stress tests3
Probability equivalent level of Value at Risk and higher-order Expected Shortfalls3
Pricing extreme mortality risk in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic3
Forecasting mortality with international linkages: A global vector-autoregression approach3
Ratemaking territories and adverse selection for flood insurance3
Inf-convolution and optimal allocations for mixed-VaRs3
Robust optimal asset-liability management with mispricing and stochastic factor market dynamics2
Concave/convex weighting and utility functions for risk: A new light on classical theorems2
Analyzing the interest rate risk of equity-indexed annuities via scenario matrices2
Joint life care annuities to help retired couples to finance the cost of long-term care2
Recent declines in life expectancy: Implication on longevity risk hedging2
The Parisian and ultimate drawdowns of Lévy insurance models2
Risk transference constraints in optimal reinsurance2
It takes two: Why mortality trend modeling is more than modeling one mortality trend2
Optimal annuity demand for general expected utility agents2
Aggregate Markov models in life insurance: Properties and valuation2
Earthquake parametric insurance with Bayesian spatial quantile regression2
Sarmanov distribution for modeling dependence between the frequency and the average severity of insurance claims2
When is utilitarian welfare higher under insurance risk pooling?2
Reinsurance of multiple risks with generic dependence structures2
Classical solutions of the backward PIDE for Markov modulated marked point processes and applications to CAT bonds2
Three-step risk inference in insurance ratemaking2
Closed-form solutions for an explicit modern ideal tontine with bequest motive2
Statistical inference for tail-based cumulative residual entropy2
Insuring longevity risk and long-term care: Bequest, housing and liquidity2
Time-consistent longevity hedging with long-range dependence2
On a robust risk measurement approach for capital determination errors minimization2
Optimal insurance contracts for a shot-noise Cox claim process and persistent insured's actions2
Estimating the time value of ruin in a Lévy risk model under low-frequency observation2
Regret-based optimal insurance design2
Option pricing in regime-switching frameworks with the Extended Girsanov Principle2
Pricing time-to-event contingent cash flows: A discrete-time survival analysis approach2
Corrigendum and addendum to “From risk sharing to pure premium for a large number of heterogeneous losses” [Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 96 (2021) 116–126]2
Optimal dividends under Markov-modulated bankruptcy level2
Empirical tail risk management with model-based annealing random search2
Actuarial fairness and social welfare in mixed-cohort tontines2
Fourier based methods for the management of complex life insurance products2
Modeling stochastic mortality for joint lives through subordinators2
Extreme value estimation of the conditional risk premium in reinsurance2
Modeling and pricing longevity derivatives using Skellam distribution2
Sample recycling method – a new approach to efficient nested Monte Carlo simulations2
Optimal reinsurance with multiple reinsurers: Competitive pricing and coalition stability2
Estimating and backtesting risk under heavy tails2
Optimal investment for a retirement plan with deferred annuities2
On the analysis of deep drawdowns for the Lévy insurance risk model2
Intergenerational actuarial fairness when longevity increases: Amending the retirement age2
Risk measures induced by efficient insurance contracts2
On retirement time decision making2
Right-truncated Archimedean and related copulas2
A new class of copula regression models for modelling multivariate heavy-tailed data2
Assessing mortality inequality in the U.S.: What can be said about the future?2
On non-negative equity guarantee calculations with macroeconomic variables related to house prices2
The economics of sharing macro-longevity risk2
Valuation of general GMWB annuities in a low interest rate environment2
Irreversible reinsurance: A singular control approach2
Robust Bayesian estimation and prediction in gamma-gamma model of claim reserves2
Equilibria and efficiency in a reinsurance market2
Ryu-type extended Marshall-Olkin model with implicit shocks and joint life insurance applications2
Refundable income annuities: Feasibility of money-back guarantees2
Dynamic hazards modelling for predictive longevity risk assessment1
Extension of as-if-Markov modeling to scaled payments1
Asymptotic results on marginal expected shortfalls for dependent risks1
Cumulative Parisian ruin in finite and infinite time horizons for a renewal risk process with exponential claims1
Uniqueness of equilibrium with survival probability heterogeneity and endogenous annuity price1
Cause of death specific cohort effects in U.S. mortality1
Revisiting the optimal insurance design under adverse selection: Distortion risk measures and tail-risk overestimation1
Asymptotics for a time-dependent by-claim model with dependent subexponential claims1
Moral hazard in loss reduction and state-dependent utility1
Robust equilibrium strategies in a defined benefit pension plan game1
The annuity puzzle and consumption hump under ambiguous life expectancy1
Stochastic orders and distortion risk contribution ratio measures1
Optimal asset allocation, consumption and retirement time with the variation in habitual persistence1
Optimal risk management with reinsurance and its counterparty risk hedging1
From risk reduction to risk elimination by conditional mean risk sharing of independent losses1
Time-consistent mean-variance investment with unit linked life insurance contracts in a jump-diffusion setting1
Loss modeling with the size-biased lognormal mixture and the entropy regularized EM algorithm1
Editorial Board1
Capital, aggregate risk, insurance prices and regulation1
Risk aggregation under dependence uncertainty and an order constraint1
European option pricing with market frictions, regime switches and model uncertainty1
Robust claim frequency modeling through phase-type mixture-of-experts regression1
De Vylder and Goovaerts' conjecture on homogeneous risk models with equalized claim amounts1
Inference for the tail conditional allocation: Large sample properties, insurance risk assessment, and compound sums of concomitants1
Risk aggregation in non-life insurance: Standard models vs. internal models1
Law-invariant return and star-shaped risk measures1
Multivariate claim processes with rough intensities: Properties and estimation1
Bootstrap consistency for the Mack bootstrap1
A new stochastic dominance criterion for dependent random variables with applications1
Term structure of discount rates for firms in the insurance industry1
Optimal investment in defined contribution pension schemes with forward utility preferences1
Optimal risk sharing and dividend strategies under default contagion: A semi-analytical approach1
The merits of pooling claims: Mutual vs. stock insurers1
Batch mode active learning framework and its application on valuing large variable annuity portfolios1
Frequency and severity estimation of cyber attacks using spatial clustering analysis1
A combined analysis of hedge effectiveness and capital efficiency in longevity hedging1
Pairwise counter-monotonicity1
Bivariate distribution regression with application to insurance data1
On capital allocation for a risk measure derived from ruin theory1
Dependence modeling of frequency-severity of insurance claims using waiting time1
Multivariate matrix-exponential affine mixtures and their applications in risk theory1
Diagnostic tests before modeling longitudinal actuarial data1
Actuarial intelligence in auto insurance: Claim frequency modeling with driving behavior features and improved boosted trees1
Structured reinsurance deals with reference to relative market performance1
Univariate and multivariate claims reserving with Generalized Link Ratios1
Parametric expectile regression and its application for premium calculation1
Bayesian CART models for insurance claims frequency1
Calendar effect and in-sample forecasting1
Robust asset-liability management games for n players under multivariate stochastic covariance models1