Linguistic Review

(The median citation count of Linguistic Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Resultatives and low depictives in English9
Morphological analysis of alienability contrast in Nuer: an atypical typical case6
On the properties of null subjects in sign languages: the case of French Sign Language (LSF)5
Large-scale pied-piping in the labeling theory and conditions on weak heads5
Romance and Latin approaches to word structure features3
Cross-morphemic palatalisation in Getxo Basque: empty positions, bipositionality and place licensing3
Output-conditioned and non-local allomorphy in Armenian theme vowels3
Embedded-complement and discontinuous pseudogapping in Hybrid Type-Logical Grammar: a rejoinder to Kim and Runner (2022)3
Against Upwards Agree3
Ablaut in Cairene Arabic3
Negative concord by phase: multiple downward agree and the parametrization of edge features2
Bracketing Paradoxes resolved2
The morphosyntax of Ezafe in Southern Zazaki2
A comparative syntax of the formal politeness markers in Japanese and Korean: -Mas/-Des and -(Su)pni2
Displacing the PStem2
Two is too much…in the phonology!2
On wh and subject positions, the EPP, and contextuality of syntax2
A footless stroll through Italian stress2
On Minimal Yield and Form Copy: evidence from East Asian languages2
Italian preconsonantal s-voicing is not regressive voice assimilation2
The adjunct condition and the nature of adjuncts2
Proleptic PPs are arguments: consequences for the argument/adjunct distinction and for selectional switch1
Explaining ellipsis without identity*1
Revisiting agent pseudo-incorporation in Turkish: a dependent case theoretic perspective1
A multi-dimensional derivation model under the free-MERGE system: labor division between syntax and the C-I interface1
On the argument structure of complex denominal verbs in Latin: a syntactic approach1
Only states can be gradable1
Multiple sluicing and islands: a cross-linguistic experimental investigation of the clausemate condition1
Coordination versus separation: difference of gapping between Chinese and English and its prosodic attribution1
Silent lateral actors: the role of unpronounced nuclei in morpho-phonological analyses1
Pre-field phobia – About formal and meaning-related prohibitions on starting a German V2 clause1
An experimental perspective on embedded gapping in Persian1
Revisiting aspectualsein Spanish: telicity, statives, and maximization1
Hans-Georg Obenauer (1944–2019)1
On the why of NP-Deletion1
How to derive allomorphy: a case study from Czech1
A categorisation solution to the incompleteness puzzle in Mandarin1
Seeking an optimal design of Search and Merge: its consequences and challenges0
¡Mira! The grammar-attention interface in the Spanish left periphery0
Why-questions and focus in Italian0
A syntactic analysis of <no + event deverbal nominalization> in Spanish0
Towards a theory of syntactic workspaces: neighbourhoods and distances in a lexicalised grammar0
Optimal place specification, element headedness and surface velar palatalization in Polish0
A morphosyntactic haplology of -i drop in the Korean vocatives0
A phonological reanalysis of morphological segment deletion and de-affrication in Ik0
Chinese tag questions: the CP/DP pro-form analysis0
The interaction between modality and negation in Turkish0
Phonology to the rescue: Nez Perce morphology revisited0
On event-denoting deadjectival nominalizations0
Hanging Topic Left Dislocations as extrasentential constituents: toward a paratactic account. Evidence from English and Spanish0
Parasitic gaps aren’t parasitic, or, the case of the Uninvited Guest0
Corrigendum to: Split noun phrase topicalization in Eshkevarat Gilaki0
Simplifying the theoretical treatment ofwagerverbs0
In Memoriam Pieter Muysken0
Flat structure: a minimalist program for syntax0
How word stress is realized in Thai: evidence from the ordering of coordinate compounds0
Syncretism of plural forms in Spanish Dialects0
Proleptic objects as complex-NPs0
Labeling by type0
Me toofragments in English and French: a direct interpretation approach0
Introduction: workspace, MERGE and labelling0
Complementizer deletion in embedded gapping in Spanish0
Force mismatch in clausal ellipsis0
Pseudogapping in English: a direct interpretation approach0
Embracing multidimensionality in phonological analysis0
Compositional mechanisms and selectional constraints in syntax and word formation0
Differential subject marking through SE0
Goal, source, and route preverbs in Latin: their interaction with spatial datives0
The third way: object reordering as ambiguous labeling resolution0
The syntax of wh-phrases, narrow foci, and neg-words in Georgian0
On the linguistic functions of the particle ʕaad in Jordanian Arabic0
On a dichotomy of question types: the case of Mandarin Chinese and Changsha Xiang0
Glottal stop insertion and production planning domains in French0
Experimentally testing the interpretation of multiple sluicing and multiple questions in Hungarian0
Chinese topic constructions are derived by movement: evidence from acceptability judgment experiments0
A morphosyntactic analysis of nominal expressive suffixes in Russian and Greek0
From relative proadverb to declarative complementizer: the evolution of the Hungarianhogyʻthatʼ0
A recursive prefix in Neasu0
Vocative, where do you hang out inwh-interrogatives?0
Phonological evidence for morpho-syntactic structure in Athapaskan0
Introduction: Special issue on empirical approaches to elliptical constructions0
“Adverbs and functional heads” twenty years later: cartographic methodology, verb raising and macro/micro-variation0
No case tampering once transfer domain is formed!0
Complex weight distinctions in Harmonic Serialism0
Size, allomorphy and guttural-final stems in Modern Hebrew0
Specifier-to-head reanalysis: evidence from mandarin and Cantonese0
Phonological solutions to morphological problems0
On the verb-raising analysis of non-constituent coordination in Japanese0
Decomposing and deducing the Coordinate Structure Constraint0