Population Research and Policy Review

(The median citation count of Population Research and Policy Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Childbearing Risk, Job Sectors, and the Motherhood Wage Penalty116
Assessing the Effect of Increased Deportations on Mexican Migrants’ Remittances and Savings Brought Home45
The Relationship Between Body Weight and Primary Healthcare Visits28
On Measuring U.S Interstate Migration with Moving Van Data28
LGBT+ Self-Identification Among Youth in Ireland Aged 17-18 Years: A Research Brief27
Timing and Frequency of Fathers’ Migration and Nutritional Status of Left-Behind Children in India: A Life Course Approach24
The Effect of Age at First Marriage on Female Fertility: Evidence from Korea’s School Entry Policy Using Exact Date of Birth22
Gendered Trends and Patterns of Attitudes Toward Remarriage Among the Divorced in South Korea21
Space, Context, and Human Capital: A Micro–Macro Perspective on the Social Environment and Financial Literacy in Later Life15
To What Extent Does the Fertility Rate Explain the Education Gap?15
Influence Mechanism Analysis of the Spatial Evolution of Inter-Provincial Population Flow in China Based on Epidemic Prevention and Control15
Couple’s Decision-Making Power, Women’s Labour Market Outcomes, and Asset Ownership14
The Future of Assisted Reproductive Technology Live Births in the United States14
Household Income by Nativity Status and Race/Ethnicity Across Metropolitan and Regional Contexts13
Parental Work Characteristics and Children’s Insufficient Sleep12
Childbearing Biographies as a Method to Examine Diversity and Clustering of Childbearing Experiences: A Research Brief10
Projections of Future Demand and Costs of Aged Care Services in China10
The Interplay of Sibling Sex Composition, Son Preference, and Child Education in China: Evidence from the One-Child Policy10
Destination Choices of International Students in China: The Impacts of Environmental and Policy Factors10
Socioeconomic Disparities for Early Childhood Anthropometrics and Vocabulary and Socio-emotional Skills: Dynamic Evidence from Chilean Longitudinal Data9
The 2020 US Census Differential Privacy Method Introduces Disproportionate Discrepancies for Rural and Non-White Populations9
Migration from Muslim-Majority Countries: A Tale of Two Patterns9
Geographic Variation in Reproductive Health Among the Black Population in the US: An Analysis of Nativity, Region of Origin, and Division of Residence8
A Four-Country Study on the Relationship Between Parental Educational Homogamy and Children’s Health from Infancy to Adolescence8
Leaving no One Behind: Displaced Persons and Sustainable Development Goal Indicators on Sexual and Reproductive Health8
Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Inter-county Migration in California: A Multilevel Gravity Model Approach8
State-Level Variation in the Association Between Educational Attainment and Sleep8
Race/Ethnicity and Employment Insecurity: Impacts of COVID-19 on the US Labor Force and Beyond8
The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second-Generation Southeast Asian Americans in the 21st Century: Evidence from the American Community Survey, 2012–20167
Differences in Health Insurance and Usual Source of Care Among Racial/Ethnic and Sexual Orientation Subgroups of U.S. Women and Men7
Disparities in Gender Preference and Fertility: Southeast Asia and Latin America in a Comparative Perspective7
Absolute Wealth Mobility in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic7
An Evaluation of Projection Methods for Detailed Small Area Projections: An Application and Validation to King County, Washington7
Does Twitter Data Mirror the European North–South Family Ties Divide? A Comparative Analysis of Tweets About Family7
Parental Incarceration and School-to-Work Trajectories: A Life Course Perspective6
Spillovers of the Heroin Epidemic on Grandparent Caregiving6
Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Dyadic Pregnancy Intentions Preceding Births in the United States6
Application of P-TOPALS for Smoothing Input Data for Population Projections ‘At the Edge’6
Disentangling the Roles of Modernization and Secularization on Fertility: The Case of Turkey5
The Mental Cost of Food Insecurity among LGBTQ+Americans5
Policy and Fertility, a Case Study of the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan5
Timing and Toll: Europe’s Excess Mortality in the First Three Years of COVID-195
Addressing Abortion Underreporting in Surveys with the List Experiment: Lifetime and Five-Year Abortion Incidence with Multivariate Estimation of Socio-Demographic Associations in Two U.S. States5
Is Geographical Mobility Beneficial? The Impact of the South-to-North Internal Migration on Occupational Achievement in Italy5
The Transition to a Coresidential Partnership: Who Moves and Who Has the Partner Move In?5
Care Life Expectancy: Gender and Unpaid Work in the Context of Population Aging5
Gender Gap in Intergenerational Educational Persistence: Can Compulsory Schooling Reduce It?5
Gender and Beyond: Employment Patterns during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy5
Gentrification and the Shifting Geography of Male Same-Sex Couples5
The Impact of Supportive Housing Policy Scenarios on Marriage and Fertility Intentions: A Vignette Survey Experimental Study in Shanghai, China5
Cost of Living Variation, Nonmetropolitan America, and Implications for the Supplemental Poverty Measure4
Can Daddies Learn to Care for Babies? The Effect of A Short Paternity Leave on the Division of Childcare and Housework4
Racial Disparities in the Relationship Between Parental Incarceration and Childhood Obesity4
Housing Affordability Crisis and Delayed Fertility: Evidence from the USA4
Immigrant Legal Status Disparities in Health Among First- and One-point-five-Generation Latinx Immigrants in California4
Correction to: US Parents’ Domestic Labor During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Rethinking Marriage Metabolism: The Declining Frequency of Marital Events in the United States4
Do Asian Immigrants Have Better Mental Health? An Examination of Arrival Cohort and Gender in Australia4
Race, Gender, and Nativity in the Southwest Economy: An Intersectional Approach to Income Inequality4
Correction to: Remittances of Immigrant Citizens, Attachment to the Host Country and Transnationalism4
Correction to: Intergenerational Coresidence and Mothers’ Body Weight at Midlife4
The Geographical Mobility of Journeypersons in Canada: Evidence from Administrative Data4
Declines in Health and Support Between Parents and Adult Children: Insights from Diabetes3
Speeding Up for a Son Among Immigrants in Canada3
Internal Migration and Rural Inequalities in India3
Comparison of Past Year Substance Use Estimates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity Between Two Representative Samples of the U.S. Adult Population3
American Community Survey (ACS) Data Uncertainty and the Analysis of Segregation Dynamics3
The Impact of Health and Education on Labor Force Participation in Aging Societies: Projections for the United States and Germany from Dynamic Microsimulations3
The Lasting Health Impact of Early-Life Chronic Poverty: Evidence from Starvation Experiences in Rural China3
Modifications of Traditional Formulas to Estimate and Project Dependency Ratios and Their Implications in a Developing Country, Bangladesh3
The Unintended Effects of Social Pensions on Migration: Evidence from Rural Mexico3
Mexican-Origin Children's Educational Expectations and Academic Performance: Disparities Across Maternal Legal Status and Children’s Immigrant Generation3
Parental Migration and Children’s Early Childhood Development: A Prospective Cohort Study of Chinese Children3
Family Size and Children’s Education: Evidence from the One-Child Policy in China3
Mothers’ Sexual Identity and Children’s Health3
Can Universal Cash Transfer Save Newborns’ Birth Weight During the Pandemic?3
Boosted Regression Trees for Small-Area Population Forecasting2
The Consequences of Fertility Decline on Educational Attainment in China2
Comparing the Effectiveness of Assignment Strategies for Estimating Likely Undocumented Status in Secondary Data Sources for Latino and Asian Immigrants2
Internal Migration: Understanding Parent–Child Differences in Educational Expectations2
The Role of Chance in the Census Bureau Database Reconstruction Experiment2
Same-Sex, Same Health? Health Concordance Among Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples2
Differences in Decision-Making Capacity Among Mexican Women of Different Ages2
The Casualties of War: An Excess Mortality Estimate of Lives Lost in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict2
Population Change in Wildfire-Affected Areas in the United States: Evidence from U.S. Postal Service Residential Address Data2
Origins and Destinations, but How Much and When? Educational Disparities in Smoking and Drinking Across Adolescence and Young Adulthood2
Fragile Families in Quebec and the Rest of Canada: A Comparison of Parental Work-Life Balance Satisfaction2
Untold Story of Wartime Children: Results of the Vietnam Health and Aging Study2
Sandwich Caregiving and Paid Work: Differences by Caregiving Intensity and Women’s Life Stage2
Women’s Work Characteristics and Fertility Expectations2
The Gendered Division of Housework in China: Parenthood Effects and Heterogeneity Across Parenthood Stages2
Multipartner Fertility and Psychological Distress: Evidence for Social Selection2
Dynamics of Intercity Migration Propensity in China: Evidence from an Age-Period-Cohort Analysis2
Economic Integration of Afro–Latin American Immigrants in Mexico2
Marriage Market in Pakistan: Consanguinity, Educational Assortative Mating, and Fertility2
The Liberalization of Cannabis Possession Laws and Birth Outcomes: A State-Level Fixed Effects Analysis, 2003–20192
Immigrant Status and Hesitancy Toward the Use of Covid-19 Vaccines and Drug Treatments Developed for Children2
Reconceptualizing Measures of Black–White Disparity in Infant Mortality in U.S. Counties2
Patrilocality and Child Sex Ratios in India2
Occupational Attainment Among Parents in Germany and the US 2000–2016: The Role of Gender and Immigration Status2
Reproductive Burden and Its Impact on Female Labor Market Outcomes in India: Evidence from Longitudinal Analyses2
COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality by Race, Ethnicity, and Age Across Five Periods of the Pandemic in the United States2
Inheriting the Homeland? The Influence of Parental Origin-Country Fertility on Ideal Family Size and the Timing of Birth(s) Among the Children of Immigrants in France2
Reconstruction of age distributions from differentially private census data2
The Prevalence of Hardship by Race and Ethnicity in the USA, 1992–20192
Family, Work, Economy, or Social Policy: Examining Poverty Among Children of Single Mothers in Affluent Democracies Between 1985 and 20162
Fertility in the Heart of the COVID-19 Storm2
Brexit and Fertility Implications in the UK and Europe: A Regional DID and Panel Event Study Analysis2
Estimating the Lifetime Prevalence of Incarceration in the U.S. Veteran Population2
Late-Life Changes in Ethnoracial Self-identification: Evidence from Social Security Administrative Data2
Is US Fertility now Below Replacement? Evidence from Period vs. Cohort Trends2
Economic Vulnerability of Sexual Minorities: Evidence from the US Household Pulse Survey2
Giving Birth While Facing Death: Cesarean Sections and Community Violence in Latin America2
The Enduring Significance of Ethno-Racial Inequalities in Poverty in the U.S., 1993–20172
Examining the Reciprocity Between Perceived Discrimination and Health: A Longitudinal Perspective2
State-Level LGBTQ + Policies and Experiences of Interpersonal Discrimination among Sexual and Gender Minority People2
Forecasting a Tribal Population Using the Cohort-Component Method: A Case Study of the Hopi1
Application of the Extended Log Quad Model to Municipal Life Tables1
Socioeconomic Attainments of Second-Generation South Asian Americans: Evidence from the American Community Survey, 2014–20181
Sex Selection for Daughters: Demographic Consequences of Female-Biased Sex Ratios1
Migration and Contraception among Mexican Women: Assessing Selection, Disruption, and Adaptation1
Education Policies and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in China: New Evidence for the 1986–95 Birth Cohort1
The Future Process of Japan’s Population Aging: A Cluster Analysis Using Small Area Population Projection Data1
Can the Content of Social Networks Explain Epidemic Outbreaks?1
Mortality Modeling of Partially Observed Cohorts Using Administrative Death Records1
The Dual Role of Race and Immigration Among Ascending Neighborhoods in U.S. Metropolitan Areas1
Data Disaggregation with American Indian/Alaska Native Population Data1
A Counterfactual Assessment of Poverty Alleviation Sustainability on Multiple Non-equivalent Household Groups1
Who is the “She” in the Pandemic “She-Cession”? Variation in COVID-19 Labor Market Outcomes by Gender and Family Status1
The Role of Gender Differences in Partnering and Re-partnering for Gender Differences in Completed Fertility1
Ethnic Variation in Fertility Preferences in Sub-Saharan Africa1
Standing on Their Own Two Feet: How the New Public Charge Rules Could Impact Non-European LPR Applicants1
Capturing Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Population-Based Surveys: Data Disaggregation of Health Data for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs)1
Below the Tip of the Iceberg: Examining Early Childhood Participation in SNAP and TANF from Birth to Age Six1
The Missing Baby Bust: The Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Contraceptive Use, Pregnancy, and Childbirth Among Low-Income Women1
Impact of the Economic Crisis on Body Mass Index in Spain: An Intersectional Multilevel Analysis Using a Socioeconomic and Regional Perspective1
The Immigrant Health Advantage: An Examination of African-Origin Black Immigrants in the United States1
Occupational Status and Health in Early Midlife1
Nowhere to Launch? County-Level Correlates of Home-Leaving and Home-Returning1
Fertility Intentions and Sexual Orientation: Evidence from the 2020 Youth Survey in Estonia1
Abortion Policy Context in Adolescence and Men’s Future Educational Achievement1
Disaggregating Heterogeneity among Non-Hispanic Whites: Evidence and Implications for U.S. Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities1
Setting Health Targets Using Information from Probabilistic Projections: A Research Brief on an Application to Contraceptive Coverage1
Differential Privacy and the Accuracy of County-Level Net Migration Estimates1
Can LARC Fulfill Its Potential to Reduce U.S. Women’s Unintended Pregnancy Risk? Examining Women’s Contraception and Childbearing in the Year Before Initiating LARC1
The Welfare State as Safety Net in Migration Preferences: Empirical Evidence from an Experiment Among Dutch Master Students1
No Longer Indigenous1
Persistence in UK Historical Data on Life Expectancy1
Strangers in the Homeland? The Academic Performance of U.S.-Born Children of Return Migrants in Mexico1
Trajectories of Employment Gaps of Refugees and Other Migrants: Evidence from Austria1
Unequal Access to Primary Care Providers at the Intersection of Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and Gender1
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Sexual Activity Among Young Adults1
Separation and Savings in Tax-Favored Retirement Accounts Among Canadian Men and Women1
The Gendered Consequences of COVID-19 for Internal Migration1
Assessing the Impact of Differential Privacy on Population Uniques in Geographically Aggregated Data: The Case of the 2020 U.S. Census1
Describing and explaining age, period, and cohort trends in Americans’ vocabulary knowledge1
Family Member Deaths and the Risk of Obesity Among American Young Adults1
Immigration Status and Farmwork: Understanding the Wage and Income Gap Across U.S. Policy and Economic Eras, 1989–20161
Universal Transfers, Tax Breaks and Fertility: Evidence from a Regional Reform in Norway1
Housing Instability in an Era of Mass Deportations1
State-Level Variation in Abortion Stigma and Women and Men’s Abortion Underreporting in the USA1
Impact of Relaxing the Hukou Constraints on Return Migration Intentions: Evidence from China1
Close Social Networks Among Older Adults: The Online and Offline Perspectives1
Income Support Policy Packages and Birth Outcomes in U.S. States: An Ecological Analysis1
Household Shocks and Adolescent Well-Being in Peru1
Perceived Spousal Concordance on Desired Family Size and Birth Intendedness Among Second and Higher-Order Births in Pakistan1