Journal of Economic Psychology

(The median citation count of Journal of Economic Psychology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Social pressure in the stadiums: Do agents change behavior without crowd support?73
Sex differences in trust and trustworthiness: A meta-analysis of the trust game and the gift-exchange game32
Strategic interactions between humans and artificial intelligence: Lessons from experiments with computer players29
Gender differences in willingness to compete: The role of public observability28
Cognitive abilities, self-efficacy, and financial behavior25
Information avoidance, selective exposure, and fake (?) news: Theory and experimental evidence on green consumption25
Making the carbon basket count: Goal setting promotes sustainable consumption in a simulated online supermarket25
The prospective associations between financial scarcity and financial avoidance24
Replication: Belief elicitation with quadratic and binarized scoring rules20
Financial scarcity increases discounting of gains and losses: Experimental evidence from a household task20
Personality traits, preferences and educational choices: A focus on STEM19
Locus of control and saving: The role of saving motives17
Less cheating? The effects of prefilled forms on compliance behavior17
The Big Five personality traits and earnings: A meta-analysis17
Tax morale and fairness in conflict an experiment16
Quantum decision theory augments rank-dependent expected utility and Cumulative Prospect Theory15
Happy to take some risk: Estimating the effect of induced emotions on risk preferences14
Inter-group contact and out-group altruism after violence14
Do what (you think) the rich will do: Inequality and belief heterogeneity in public good provision14
Unemployment and general cognitive ability: A review and meta-analysis13
Conflict and parochialism among combatants and civilians: Evidence from Ukraine12
Lost job, lost trust? On the effect of involuntary job loss on trust12
(Dis)honesty in the face of uncertain gains or losses12
Gender differences in bargaining with asymmetric information12
Promoting financial literacy among the elderly: Consequences on confidence12
Image concerns in pledges to give blood: Evidence from a field experiment11
Gambling versus investment: Lay theory and loss aversion11
Dishonest online: A distinction between observable and unobservable lying10
How decision-makers’ sense and state of power induce propensity to take financial risks10
When the cost has sunk: Measuring and comparing the sunk-cost bias in autistic and neurotypical persons10
Replication: Emotional well-being and unemployment – Evidence from the American time-use survey10
Trust and trustworthiness after negative random shocks10
Dispelling misconceptions about economics9
Job search in the presence of a stressor: Does financial hardship change the effectiveness of job search?9
Dictator game variants with probabilistic (and cost-saving) payoffs: A systematic test9
Self-reported & revealed trust: Experimental evidence9
Gender bias in performance evaluations: The impact of gender quotas9
Out-of-pocket vs. out-of-investment in financial advisory fees: Evidence from the lab9
Cooperation between newcomers and incumbents: The role of normative disagreements9
Self-control and financial risk taking9
Learning to be selfish? A large-scale longitudinal analysis of Dictator games played on Amazon Mechanical Turk9
Simple guilt and cooperation8
Incentives in surveys8
Tra i Leoni: Revealing the preferences behind a superstition8
The role of generalised reciprocity and reciprocal tendencies in the emergence of cooperative group norms8
Emergency-aid for self-employed in the Covid-19 pandemic: A flash in the pan?8
The Fragility of a Nudge: the power of self-set norms to contain a social dilemma8
Monetary incentives, motivational orientation and affective commitment in contact centers. A multilevel mediation model8
Building versus maintaining a perceived confidence-based tax climate: Experimental evidence8
A self-funding reward mechanism for tax compliance8
Sacrifice: An experiment on the political economy of extreme intergroup punishment7
A reference point bias in judging cheaters7
Because of you I did not give up – Peer effects in perseverance7
The economic crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic has a negative effect on tax compliance: Results from a scenario study in Austria7
Asymmetric price effects on food demand of rural households: Panel evidence from China7
Give and take frames in shared-resource negotiations7
Dispositional optimism (and pessimism), wealth, and stock market participation7
Modelling the role of anticipated emotions in blood donor behaviour: A cross-sectional study6
Altruism and information6
Information search, coherence effects, and their interplay in legal decision making6
It’s about the process, not the result: An fMRI approach to explore the encoding of explicit and implicit price information6
Pay online or pay on delivery? An ERP study of how payment methods affect online purchase decisions for search vs. experience products6
Effects of urbanization on trust: Evidence from an experiment in the field6
The unintended consequences of confinement: Evidence from the rural area in Guatemala6
Public good provision, in-group cooperation and out-group descriptive norms: A lab experiment6
Complexity aversion in risky choices and valuations: Moderators and possible causes6
Biases in belief reports6
Nudges as norms: Evidence from the NYC taxi cab industry6
Tipping in crises: Evidence from Chicago taxi passengers during COVID-196
Revisiting “money illusion”: Replication and extension of Shafir, Diamond, and Tversky (1997)6
Short run reference points and long run performance. (No) Evidence from running data5
Online belief elicitation methods5
Eyes on the account size: Interactions between attention and budget in consumer choice5
It does (not) get better: Reference income violation and altruism5
Advice from women and men and selection into competition5
Choosing an electoral rule: Values and self-interest in the lab5
Replication: Framing effects in intertemporal choice with children5
The prosociality of married people: Evidence from a large multinational sample5
Giving time or giving money? On the relationship between charitable contributions5
An experimental investigation of the Allais paradox with subjective probabilities and correlated outcomes5
Effectiveness of random payment in Experiments: A meta-Analysis of dictator games5
The hidden cost of humanization: Individuating information reduces prosocial behavior toward in-group members5
Morality and trust in impersonal relationships5
Gender differences in the perception of inflation5
What are you calling intuitive? Subject heterogeneity as a driver of response times in an impunity game5
Discounting from a distance: The effect of pronoun drop on intertemporal decisions5
Chess girls don’t cry: Gender composition of games and effort in competitions among the super-elite5
Anchors matter: Eliciting maternal expectations on educational outcomes5
Deliberate ignorance in moral dilemmas: Protecting judgment from conflicting information4
Deal or no deal? How round vs precise percentage offers and price-ending mimicry affect impasse risk in over 25 million eBay negotiations4
The effects of social information and luck on risk behavior of small-scale fishers at Lake Victoria4
Organ donation and reciprocity4
Non-monetary reinforcement effects on pro-environmental behavior4
People are conditional rule followers4
Self-serving bias in redistribution choices: Accounting for beliefs and norms4
Sex hormones and choice under risk4
Streakiness is not a theory: On “momentums” (hot hands) and their underlying mechanisms4
The stability of self-control in a population-representative study4
Impulsiveness moderates the effects of exogenous attention on the sensitivity to gains and losses in risky lotteries4
The association between saving disposition and financial distress: A genetically informed approach4
Preference reversals with social distances4
Cooperation in the name of God? Experimental evidence from Ghana and Tanzania4
Expectations, gender, and choking under pressure: Evidence from alpine skiing4
Reciprocity and uncertainty: When do people forgive?4
To cooperate or not to cooperate? An analysis of cooperation and peer punishment among Syrian refugees, Germans, and Jordanians4
Household debt, automatic bill payments and inattention: Theory and evidence4
Lying behavior when payoffs are shared with charity: Experimental evidence4
Description-dependent preferences4
A gender bias in reporting expected ranks when performance feedback is at stake4
Does deception raise or lower lie aversion? Experimental evidence4
The Good, Bad and Ugly of information (un)processing; Homo Economicus, Homo Heuristicus and Homo Ignorans4
Goal-oriented agents in a market4
Multilevel public goods game: Levelling up, substitution and crowding-in effects4
The influence of tax authorities on the employment of tax practitioners: Empirical evidence from a survey and interview study4
An empirical analysis of insistent bargaining4
You don’t need an invoice, do you? An online experiment on collaborative tax evasion3
Parimutuel betting on the eSports duels: Evidence of the reverse favourite-longshot bias3
Not all luck is created equal: Sources of income inequality and willingness to redistribute3
Coercive and legitimate power in the sharing economy: Examining consumers’ cooperative behavior and trust3
Conditioning the effect of prize on tournament self-selection3
Transcranial stimulation over the medial prefrontal cortex increases money illusion3
“One Bite at the apple”: Legislative bargaining without replacement3
N400 correlate of brand associations3
People weigh salaries more than ratios in judgments of income inequality, fairness, and demands for redistribution3
Conditionality of adaptiveness: Investigating the relationship between numeracy and adaptive behavior3
Academic integrity in on-line exams: Evidence from a randomized field experiment3
When losses can be a gain. A large lab-in-the-field experiment on reference dependent forgiveness in Colombia3
The effect of intergroup contact on discrimination3
Predicting serial position effects and judgment errors in retrospective evaluations from memory recall3
Who discriminates? Evidence from a trust game experiment across three societies3
Locus of control and other-regarding behavior: Experimental evidence from a large heterogeneous sample3
Social media charity campaigns and pro-social behaviour. Evidence from the Ice Bucket Challenge3
Urgency and engagement: Empirical evidence from a large-scale intervention on energy use awareness3
Ours, not yours: Property rights, poaching and deterrence in common-pool resources3
The arithmetic of outcome editing in financial and social domains3
Undervaluation versus unaffordability as negotiation tactics: Evidence from a field experiment3
Reference dependent prices in bargaining: An experimental examination of precise first offers3
Donation requests following a pay rise3
Replication: Do coaches stick with what barely worked? Evidence of outcome bias in sports3
Non-exclusive group contests: An experimental analysis3
Dare to ask in front of others? Women initiating salary negotiations3