Structural Safety

(The TQCC of Structural Safety is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A simplified method for risk assessment of surface damage of marine reinforced concrete structures156
The first-order time-variant reliability expansion method116
Efficient Bayesian updating with two-step adaptive Kriging110
Editorial Board100
An adaptive dimension-reduction method-based sparse polynomial chaos expansion via sparse Bayesian learning and Bayesian model averaging85
Typhoon risk and climate-change impact assessment for cultural heritage asset roofs69
A hierarchy model for the uncertainty quantification of spatial variability in the constitutive parameters of concrete in structures50
Ring simulation: A novel simple and efficient simulation method for structural reliability analysis48
GELF: A global error-based learning function for globally optimal adaptive reliability analysis45
Tornado wind hazard mapping and equivalent tornado design wind profile for Canada44
Numerical algorithm for determining serviceability live loads and its applications39
Editorial Board34
Editorial Board32
Determining failure modes devoid of redundant elements for pin-bar structures using null space of equilibrium matrix32
Simulation and statistical analysis of ground snow loads based on a multi-layer snow accumulation and melt model31
On the existing test dataset of isotropic cylindrical metal shells under axial compression and the design of modern metal civil engineering shells31
A unifying review of NDE models towards optimal decision support31
A reliability based measure of structural robustness for coherent systems29
Editorial Board29
On the combination of nonlinear load effects of structures28
Variance of the fatigue damage in non-Gaussian stochastic processes with narrow-band power spectrum27
A novel deterministic sampling approach for the reliability analysis of high-dimensional structures26
Surrogate modeling for structural response prediction of a building class26
Reliability analysis for data-driven noisy models using active learning25
Improved Bayesian model updating of geomaterial parameters for slope reliability assessment considering spatial variability25
Editorial Board23
Parameterized deep reinforcement learning-enabled maintenance decision-support and life-cycle risk assessment for highway bridge portfolios22
Tropical cyclone damage assessment of distributed infrastructure systems under spatially correlated wind speeds20
Factor mapping method for grouped input variables and its application to seismic damage analysis20
Engineering analysis with probability boxes: A review on computational methods20
Post-disaster restoration planning of interdependent infrastructure Systems: A framework to balance social and economic impacts20
An augmented weighted simulation method for high-dimensional reliability analysis19
Calibration of the design wind load and snow load considering the historical climate statistics and climate change effects19
First-passage probability estimation by Poisson branching process model18
Global sensitivity evolution equation of the Fréchet-derivative-based global sensitivity analysis18
Investigation on the propagation of uncertainties of a timber floor under human excitation18
Life cycle resilience quantification and enhancement of power distribution systems: A risk-based approach18
Effect of the interaction of corrosion pits among multiple tensile rebars on the reliability of RC structures: Experimental and numerical investigation18
Spatiotemporal interpolation of surface chloride content for marine RC structures based on non-uniform spatiotemporal Kriging interpolation method18
Modeling and material uncertainty quantification of RC structural components17
Improvements to the probability density evolution method integrated with the change of probability measure on quantifying hybrid uncertainties17
Efficient procedure for failure probability function estimation in augmented space17
Structural reliability analysis by line sampling: A Bayesian active learning treatment16
Measurement plan targeting the accuracy of calibrated chloride ingress model for concrete structures in marine environment16
Seismic reliability research of continuous girder bridge considering fault-tolerant semi-active control16
Multi-fidelity Monte Carlo for seismic risk assessment applications15
Bayesian parameter and joint probability distribution estimation for a hysteretic constitutive model of reinforcing steel15
Consistent seismic hazard and fragility analysis considering combined capacity-demand uncertainties via probability density evolution method15
Fragility and comfortability curves development and seismic risk assessment of a masonry building under earthquakes induced by geothermal power plants operation15
Target reliability index optimization framework for multiple building classes based on community-level objectives14
Optimal design of experiments for computing the fatigue life of an offshore wind turbine based on stepwise uncertainty reduction14
A deep learning approach for the solution of probability density evolution of stochastic systems14
Nonlinear stochastic dynamic analysis by evolutionary tail-equivalent linearization method14
Accelerated system-reliability-based disaster resilience analysis for structural systems14
Aggregation of data from multiple recording stations for extreme wind analysis and prediction13
Editorial Board13
LRFD methodology for river embankments against non-stationary flooding under climate change13
Bayesian updating of model parameters using adaptive Gaussian process regression and particle filter13
Support vectors machines for the estimation of probability of failure: Multifidelity classifiers built from a posteriori discretization error estimators13
Localized health monitoring for seismic resilience quantification and safety evaluation of smart structures13
Seismic damage assessment of unanchored nonstructural components taking into account the building response13
Homogenizing spatially variable Young modulus using pseudo incremental energy method13
Optimum calibration of a corrosion rate instrument using information gain criterion within a Bayesian framework12
Gaussian Copula-based Bayesian network approach for characterizing spatial variability in aging steel bridges12
In Memoriam – Christian G. Bucher12
Probabilistic study of snow loads on flat roofs considering the effects of wind at representative sites in China12
Book Review12
Failure probability estimation and detection of failure surfaces via adaptive sequential decomposition of the design domain12
Scalable risk assessment of large infrastructure systems with spatially correlated components11
Time-dependent reliability-based redundancy assessment of deteriorated RC structures against progressive collapse considering corrosion effect11
Efficient sampling of the irregular probability distributions of geotechnical parameters for reliability analysis11
Error analysis for approximate structural life-cycle reliability and risk using machine learning methods11
Efficient method for updating the failure probability of a deteriorating structure without repeated reliability analyses11
Bayesian improved cross entropy method for network reliability assessment11
Probabilistic models of dynamic increase factor (DIF) for reinforced concrete structures: A Bayesian approach11
Relaxation-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis11
Probabilistic analysis of operational ice damage for Polar class vessels using full-scale data10
Non-parametric construction of site-specific non-Gaussian multivariate joint probability distribution from sparse measurements10
The value of monitoring a structural health monitoring system10
Spatial variability assessment of structures from adaptive NDT measurements10
Efficient Bayesian metamodeling for fine-grained and robust fragility analysis of buildings at a regional scale10
Examination of occurrence probability of vortex-induced vibration of long-span bridge decks by Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation10
Deep reinforcement learning-based decision support system for transportation infrastructure management under hurricane events10
An equivalent expectation evaluation method for approximating the probability distribution of performance functions10