Computers & Security

(The TQCC of Computers & Security is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Cyber security in the age of COVID-19: A timeline and analysis of cyber-crime and cyber-attacks during the pandemic333
Cybersecurity for autonomous vehicles: Review of attacks and defense217
An effective intrusion detection approach using SVM with naïve Bayes feature embedding184
Privacy preservation in federated learning: An insightful survey from the GDPR perspective137
A systematic literature review of methods and datasets for anomaly-based network intrusion detection130
The internet of things security: A survey encompassing unexplored areas and new insights112
Resource allocation and trust computing for blockchain-enabled edge computing system108
Deep learning for insider threat detection: Review, challenges and opportunities107
A fast network intrusion detection system using adaptive synthetic oversampling and LightGBM106
Integration of blockchain and federated learning for Internet of Things: Recent advances and future challenges103
Never trust, always verify: A multivocal literature review on current knowledge and research gaps of zero-trust100
A blockchain-based scheme for privacy-preserving and secure sharing of medical data100
GDroid: Android malware detection and classification with graph convolutional network99
A zero-knowledge-proof-based digital identity management scheme in blockchain92
Ransomware: Recent advances, analysis, challenges and future research directions91
A survey on wireless body area networks: architecture, security challenges and research opportunities86
Enhancing employees information security awareness in private and public organisations: A systematic literature review86
A novel combinatorial optimization based feature selection method for network intrusion detection84
A survey on security attacks and defense techniques for connected and autonomous vehicles83
EfficientNet convolutional neural networks-based Android malware detection83
An effective genetic algorithm-based feature selection method for intrusion detection systems80
STL-HDL: A new hybrid network intrusion detection system for imbalanced dataset on big data environment79
A survey of empirical performance evaluation of permissioned blockchain platforms: Challenges and opportunities76
Developing cybersecurity culture to influence employee behavior: A practice perspective75
CSE-IDS: Using cost-sensitive deep learning and ensemble algorithms to handle class imbalance in network-based intrusion detection systems75
Intrusion detection methods based on integrated deep learning model74
Catch them alive: A malware detection approach through memory forensics, manifold learning and computer vision73
Integration of federated machine learning and blockchain for the provision of secure big data analytics for Internet of Things73
JOWMDroid: Android malware detection based on feature weighting with joint optimization of weight-mapping and classifier parameters70
A comprehensive study of DDoS attacks over IoT network and their countermeasures69
Applying machine learning and natural language processing to detect phishing email66
How can organizations develop situation awareness for incident response: A case study of management practice66
Towards an interpretable deep learning model for mobile malware detection and family identification64
A novel architecture for web-based attack detection using convolutional neural network63
Developing a cyber security culture: Current practices and future needs61
A systematic threat analysis and defense strategies for the metaverse and extended reality systems60
Recurrent neural network for detecting malware60
Authentication and Identity Management of IoHT Devices: Achievements, Challenges, and Future Directions59
Machine learning for encrypted malicious traffic detection: Approaches, datasets and comparative study59
Optimized extreme learning machine for detecting DDoS attacks in cloud computing59
Hardening machine learning denial of service (DoS) defences against adversarial attacks in IoT smart home networks57
A survey of machine learning techniques in adversarial image forensics57
Cloud computing security: A survey of service-based models56
Latest trends of security and privacy in recommender systems: A comprehensive review and future perspectives56
A new DDoS attacks intrusion detection model based on deep learning for cybersecurity55
KronoDroid: Time-based Hybrid-featured Dataset for Effective Android Malware Detection and Characterization51
Characterizing cryptocurrency exchange scams51
RNNIDS: Enhancing network intrusion detection systems through deep learning50
Cybercrime threat intelligence: A systematic multi-vocal literature review50
Information security governance challenges and critical success factors: Systematic review49
Assessing IoT enabled cyber-physical attack paths against critical systems49
Survey on smart homes: Vulnerabilities, risks, and countermeasures49
A novel deep framework for dynamic malware detection based on API sequence intrinsic features48
Malware detection employed by visualization and deep neural network47
Misinformation warnings: Twitter’s soft moderation effects on COVID-19 vaccine belief echoes47
A principlist framework for cybersecurity ethics47
A novel framework for image-based malware detection with a deep neural network47
Comparative research on network intrusion detection methods based on machine learning46
Three decades of deception techniques in active cyber defense - Retrospect and outlook45
A trusted feature aggregator federated learning for distributed malicious attack detection45
Deep learning based cross architecture internet of things malware detection and classification44
A novel malware classification and augmentation model based on convolutional neural network44
Cyber security risk assessment for seaports: A case study of a container port44
Automating post-exploitation with deep reinforcement learning43
Power jacking your station: In-depth security analysis of electric vehicle charging station management systems43
Review of cybersecurity assessment methods: Applicability perspective43
A survey of remote attestation in Internet of Things: Attacks, countermeasures, and prospects43
A novel model for anomaly detection in network traffic based on kernel support vector machine43
CNN based method for the development of cyber-attacks detection algorithms in industrial control systems43
Adversarial attacks against Windows PE malware detection: A survey of the state-of-the-art43
SCADA vulnerabilities and attacks: A review of the state‐of‐the‐art and open issues42
A long short-term memory (LSTM)-based distributed denial of service (DDoS) detection and defense system design in public cloud network environment41
Phishing websites detection via CNN and multi-head self-attention on imbalanced datasets40
An efficient network behavior anomaly detection using a hybrid DBN-LSTM network40
A few-shot meta-learning based siamese neural network using entropy features for ransomware classification40
Securing smart healthcare system with edge computing40
The cybersecurity workforce and skills40
A comprehensive deep learning benchmark for IoT IDS39
Unsupervised feature selection and cluster center initialization based arbitrary shaped clusters for intrusion detection39
Threat detection and investigation with system-level provenance graphs: A survey39
VDSimilar: Vulnerability detection based on code similarity of vulnerabilities and patches39
2DF-IDS: Decentralized and differentially private federated learning-based intrusion detection system for industrial IoT39
Dynamic multi-scale topological representation for enhancing network intrusion detection39
Obfuscated Malware Detection Using Deep Generative Model based on Global/Local Features38
The role of national cybersecurity strategies on the improvement of cybersecurity education38
Cybersecurity knowledge and skills taught in capture the flag challenges38
Improving Source location privacy in social Internet of Things using a hybrid phantom routing technique38
Datasets are not enough: Challenges in labeling network traffic37
AttriChain: Decentralized traceable anonymous identities in privacy-preserving permissioned blockchain37
Neural network laundering: Removing black-box backdoor watermarks from deep neural networks37
Security defense decision method based on potential differential game for complex networks36
A Multi-Perspective malware detection approach through behavioral fusion of API call sequence36
Indicators for maturity and readiness for digital forensic investigation in era of industrial revolution 4.036
Intrusion detection systems for RPL security: A comparative analysis36
Privacy-preserving and communication-efficient federated learning in Internet of Things36
Towards asynchronous federated learning based threat detection: A DC-Adam approach35
The good, the bad and the missing: A Narrative review of cyber-security implications for australian small businesses35
An in-depth review of machine learning based Android malware detection35
Digestive neural networks: A novel defense strategy against inference attacks in federated learning35
Information security risk assessments following cybersecurity breaches: The mediating role of top management attention to cybersecurity35
Attributes impacting cybersecurity policy development: An evidence from seven nations35
Physical fault injection and side-channel attacks on mobile devices: A comprehensive analysis34
Low-rate DDoS attacks detection method using data compression and behavior divergence measurement34
Cyber-resilience of Critical Cyber Infrastructures: Integrating digital twins in the electric power ecosystem34
Deep face fuzzy vault: Implementation and performance33
Security in microservice-based systems: A Multivocal literature review33
Cyber-threat perception and risk management in the Swedish financial sector33
CPS-GUARD: Intrusion detection for cyber-physical systems and IoT devices using outlier-aware deep autoencoders32
A lightweight privacy-preserving and sharing scheme with dual-blockchain for intelligent pricing system of smart grid32
Adopting automated whitelist approach for detecting phishing attacks32
Robust deep learning early alarm prediction model based on the behavioural smell for android malware32
A blockchain-based certificate revocation management and status verification system32
A Survey Of differential privacy-based techniques and their applicability to location-Based services32
Generalizing intrusion detection for heterogeneous networks: A stacked-unsupervised federated learning approach32
A systematic literature review on online assessment security: Current challenges and integrity strategies32
Certificateless multi-replica public integrity auditing scheme for dynamic shared data in cloud storage32
GRU-Based Interpretable Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control System32
A Comprehensive Survey of Recent Internet Measurement Techniques for Cyber Security32
JSContana: Malicious JavaScript detection using adaptable context analysis and key feature extraction31
Synthetic attack data generation model applying generative adversarial network for intrusion detection31
A system call-based android malware detection approach with homogeneous & heterogeneous ensemble machine learning31
Identifying malicious nodes in wireless sensor networks based on correlation detection31
Empirical analysis of transaction malleability within blockchain-based e-Voting30
Modeling effective cybersecurity training frameworks: A delphi method-based study30
Lightweight Sybil Attack Detection in IoT based on Bloom Filter and Physical Unclonable Function30
Network anomaly detection methods in IoT environments via deep learning: A Fair comparison of performance and robustness30
Intelligent cyber-phishing detection for online30
Cyber security challenges in aviation communication, navigation, and surveillance30
A survey on adversarial attacks in computer vision: Taxonomy, visualization and future directions30
Efficient and Robust Malware Detection Based on Control Flow Traces Using Deep Neural Networks30
S3Feature: A static sensitive subgraph-based feature for android malware detection29
A Systematical and longitudinal study of evasive behaviors in windows malware29
DIGFuPAS: Deceive IDS with GAN and function-preserving on adversarial samples in SDN-enabled networks29
A Secure Mutual authentication approach to fog computing environment29
Android malware detection via an app similarity graph29
Are public intrusion datasets fit for purpose characterising the state of the art in intrusion event datasets29
Representation learning-based network intrusion detection system by capturing explicit and implicit feature interactions29
DarknetSec: A novel self-attentive deep learning method for darknet traffic classification and application identification28
Chameleon: Optimized feature selection using particle swarm optimization and ensemble methods for network anomaly detection28
A framework for effective corporate communication after cyber security incidents28
Machine learning-based early detection of IoT botnets using network-edge traffic28
DMalNet: Dynamic malware analysis based on API feature engineering and graph learning28
Which algorithm can detect unknown attacks? Comparison of supervised, unsupervised and meta-learning algorithms for intrusion detection28
AutoVAS: An automated vulnerability analysis system with a deep learning approach28
Deepdom: Malicious domain detection with scalable and heterogeneous graph convolutional networks28
Detecting DDoS attacks using adversarial neural network28
SQL injection attack detection in network flow data28
On Detecting and Classifying DGA Botnets and their Families28
Deep autoencoders as anomaly detectors: Method and case study in a distributed water treatment plant27
Continuous auditing and threat detection in multi-cloud infrastructure27
Privacy-preserving Naive Bayes classification in semi-fully distributed data model27
DroidRL: Feature selection for android malware detection with reinforcement learning27
Redefining threat appraisals of organizational insiders and exploring the moderating role of fear in cyberattack protection motivation27
Efficient handover protocol for 5G and beyond networks27
A hybrid method of entropy and SSAE-SVM based DDoS detection and mitigation mechanism in SDN27
Governing cybersecurity from the boardroom: Challenges, drivers, and ways ahead27
Random CapsNet forest model for imbalanced malware type classification task27
A novel few-shot malware classification approach for unknown family recognition with multi-prototype modeling27
FogHA: An efficient handover authentication for mobile devices in fog computing26
Survivable zero trust for cloud computing environments26
LCDA: Lightweight Continuous Device-to-Device Authentication for a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)26
DNS covert channel detection method using the LSTM model26
Serious games as a tool to model attack and defense scenarios for cyber-security exercises26
Quantitative cyber-physical security analysis methodology for industrial control systems based on incomplete information Bayesian game25
Darknet traffic classification and adversarial attacks using machine learning25
FineFool: A novel DNN object contour attack on image recognition based on the attention perturbation adversarial technique25
Modeling and executing cyber security exercise scenarios in cyber ranges25
Traceability in supply chains: A Cyber security analysis25
A Tokenless Cancellable Scheme for Multimodal Biometric Systems25
k-Anonymity in practice: How generalisation and suppression affect machine learning classifiers25
A systematic survey on security concerns in cryptocurrencies: State-of-the-art and perspectives25
Network traffic analysis through node behaviour classification: a graph-based approach with temporal dissection and data-level preprocessing24
Vulcan: Automatic extraction and analysis of cyber threat intelligence from unstructured text24
KRYSTAL: Knowledge graph-based framework for tactical attack discovery in audit data24
Privacy-preserving image search (PPIS): Secure classification and searching using convolutional neural network over large-scale encrypted medical images24
Machine learning based deep job exploration and secure transactions in virtual private cloud systems24
M-MultiSVM: An efficient feature selection assisted network intrusion detection system using machine learning24
A comprehensive survey of DDoS defense solutions in SDN: Taxonomy, research challenges, and future directions23
A tfidfvectorizer and singular value decomposition based host intrusion detection system framework for detecting anomalous system processes23
A systematic synthesis of critical success factors for cybersecurity23
FUZZOLIC: Mixing fuzzing and concolic execution23
An efficient multistage phishing website detection model based on the CASE feature framework: Aiming at the real web environment23
A comprehensive survey of covert communication techniques, limitations and future challenges23
Orchestration of APT malware evasive manoeuvers employed for eluding anti-virus and sandbox defense23
A multidisciplinary approach to Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity and risk management23
Exsense: Extract sensitive information from unstructured data23
A novel cryptosystem based on DNA cryptography and randomly generated mealy machine23
Towards DDoS attack detection using deep learning approach22
An IoT Inventory Before Deployment: A Survey on IoT Protocols, Communication Technologies, Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Future Research Directions22
Shoulder surfing experiments: A systematic literature review22
Image-based malware classification using section distribution information22
Security of Building Automation and Control Systems: Survey and future research directions22
FCSCNN: Feature centralized Siamese CNN-based android malware identification22
Don’t get stung, cover your ICS in honey: How do honeypots fit within industrial control system security22
HAGDetector: Heterogeneous DGA domain name detection model21
Fuzzing vulnerability discovery techniques: Survey, challenges and future directions21
Compliance with bring your own device security policies in organizations: A systematic literature review21
A tree structure-based improved blockchain framework for a secure online bidding system21
A robust privacy preserving approach for electronic health records using multiple dataset with multiple sensitive attributes21
Differential area analysis for ransomware attack detection within mixed file datasets21
“Get a red-hot poker and open up my eyes, it's so boring”1: Employee perceptions of cybersecurity training21
Situational Crime Prevention (SCP) techniques to prevent and control cybercrimes: A focused systematic review21
Discovering reflected cross-site scripting vulnerabilities using a multiobjective reinforcement learning environment21
Differential evolution-based convolutional neural networks: An automatic architecture design method for intrusion detection in industrial control systems21
Investigating ChatGPT and cybersecurity: A perspective on topic modeling and sentiment analysis21
An ensemble of pre-trained transformer models for imbalanced multiclass malware classification21
Comprehensive analysis of MQTT 5.0 susceptibility to network covert channels21
Comments on biometric-based non-transferable credentials and their application in blockchain-based identity management21
Virtually secure: A taxonomic assessment of cybersecurity challenges in virtual reality environments21
FS-IDS: A framework for intrusion detection based on few-shot learning20
NLP-based digital forensic investigation platform for online communications20
Adversarial training for deep learning-based cyberattack detection in IoT-based smart city applications20
Machine Learning Modeling of GPS Features with Applications to UAV Location Spoofing Detection and Classification20
IoT security certifications: Challenges and potential approaches20
Reducing Ransomware Crime: Analysis of Victims’ Payment Decisions20
Integrating elaboration likelihood model and herd theory in information security message persuasiveness20
When a RF beats a CNN and GRU, together—A comparison of deep learning and classical machine learning approaches for encrypted malware traffic classification20
Industrial espionage – A systematic literature review (SLR)20
Challenges and pitfalls in malware research20
Demystifying the role of public intrusion datasets: A replication study of DoS network traffic data20
Jadeite: A novel image-behavior-based approach for Java malware detection using deep learning20
MalSPM: Metamorphic malware behavior analysis and classification using sequential pattern mining20
A systematic review of PIN-entry methods resistant to shoulder-surfing attacks20
Rise of the Metaverse’s Immersive Virtual Reality Malware and the Man-in-the-Room Attack & Defenses20
Hardware-based solutions for trusted cloud computing19
Feature mining for encrypted malicious traffic detection with deep learning and other machine learning algorithms19
Evaluating protection motivation based cybersecurity awareness training on Kirkpatrick's Model19
A cascaded federated deep learning based framework for detecting wormhole attacks in IoT networks19
CAE: Contextual auto-encoder for multivariate time-series anomaly detection in air transportation19
Optimal temporospatial strategy selection approach to moving target defense: A FlipIt differential game model19
Android security assessment: A review, taxonomy and research gap study19
ADS-B anomaly data detection model based on VAE-SVDD19
The effects of different personal data categories on information privacy concern and disclosure19
Between a rock and a hard(ening) place: Cyber insurance in the ransomware era19
Enhanced MANET security using artificial immune system based danger theory to detect selfish nodes19
Insights into security and privacy towards fog computing evolution19
Clustered federated learning architecture for network anomaly detection in large scale heterogeneous IoT networks19
Real-world smartphone-based gait recognition19
GraphXSS: An efficient XSS payload detection approach based on graph convolutional network19
n-HTLC: Neo hashed time-Lock commitment to defend against wormhole attack in payment channel netwo18
A Novel Data Poisoning Attack in Federated Learning based on Inverted Loss Function18
A linear convolution-based cancelable fingerprint biometric authentication system18
Invoice #31415 attached: Automated analysis of malicious Microsoft Office documents18
You Shall not Repackage! Demystifying Anti-Repackaging on Android18
False data injection attacks detection with modified temporal multi-graph convolutional network in smart grids18
Security and privacy of the Internet of Things18
A hierarchical intrusion detection system based on extreme learning machine and nature-inspired optimization18
Black-box adversarial attacks on XSS attack detection model18
Assessing frameworks for eliciting privacy & security requirements from laws and regulations18
Malware‐SMELL: A zero‐shot learning strategy for detecting zero‐day vulnerabilities18