Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

(The median citation count of Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
In crisis, we pray: Religiosity and the COVID-19 pandemic169
Poverty and economic dislocation reduce compliance with COVID-19 shelter-in-place protocols157
Online cheating amid COVID-19131
Feverish sentiment and global equity markets during the COVID-19 pandemic113
Government spending and intergenerational income mobility: Evidence from China112
Labor costs and the adoption of robots in China104
Political beliefs affect compliance with government mandates91
Culture and contagion: Individualism and compliance with COVID-19 policy67
The impact of corruption, economic freedom, regulation and transparency on bank profitability and bank stability: Evidence from the Eurozone area65
Determinants of the community mobility during the COVID-19 epidemic: The role of government regulations and information61
How the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic impacted pro-social behaviour and individual preferences: Experimental evidence from China60
How economic crises affect inflation beliefs: Evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic57
Human capital investment and firms’ industrial emissions: Evidence and mechanism56
Artificial intelligence and firm-level productivity53
Coronavirus infections and deaths by poverty status: The effects of social distancing53
Experimental methods: Eliciting beliefs53
Can environmental monitoring power transition curb corporate greenwashing behavior?53
Deviant or wrong? The effects of norm information on the efficacy of punishment49
Consumption responses to COVID-19 payments: Evidence from a natural experiment and bank account data49
Nudging at scale: Experimental evidence from FAFSA completion campaigns48
Gender differences in financial literacy: The role of stereotype threat45
Machine learning in the service of policy targeting: The case of public credit guarantees44
Does haze cloud decision making? A natural laboratory experiment43
Socially optimal mistakes? debiasing COVID-19 mortality risk perceptions and prosocial behavior42
Global Behaviors, Perceptions, and the Emergence of Social Norms at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic41
The impact of public health messaging and personal experience on the acceptance of mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic40
Big-city life (dis)satisfaction? The effect of urban living on subjective well-being40
Minimum wage and entrepreneurship: Evidence from China40
Solidarity and fairness in times of crisis39
Intelligent technologies and productivity spillovers: Evidence from the Fourth Industrial Revolution38
When nudges aren’t enough: Norms, incentives and habit formation in public transport usage38
Unemployment and intimate partner violence: A Cultural approach37
Risk preferences and poverty traps in the uptake of credit and insurance amongst small-scale farmers in South Africa36
Industrial clusters, networks and resilience to the Covid-19 shock in China36
Extreme temperatures and time use in China35
Education and mental health: Evidence and mechanisms35
Determinants of individual sustainable investment behavior - A framed field experiment34
Facing yourself – A note on self-image34
When do we observe a gender gap in competition entry? A meta-analysis of the experimental literature33
The relationship between climate risk, climate policy uncertainty, and CO2 emissions: Empirical evidence from the US33
The impact of emerging market competition on innovation and business strategy: Evidence from Canada33
Risk preferences of children and adolescents in relation to gender, cognitive skills, soft skills, and executive functions32
Sentiment and firm behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic32
Education and migrant entrepreneurship in urban China32
The Predictive Power of Self-Control for Life Outcomes31
Audits, audit effectiveness, and post-audit tax compliance31
Individualism and financial inclusion31
More attention and better volatility forecast accuracy: How does war attention affect stock volatility predictability?30
The effects of public sentiments and feelings on stock market behavior: Evidence from Australia30
Social insurance law and corporate financing decisions in China30
How political conflicts distort bilateral trade: Firm-level evidence from China30
Collateral menus and corporate employment: Evidence from China's Property Law29
Does higher unemployment lead to greater criminality? Revisiting the debate over the business cycle29
Behavioral motivations for self-insurance under different disaster risk insurance schemes28
Inequality and finance in a rent economy28
Job quality and workplace gender diversity in Europe28
Cheating and incentives in a performance context: Evidence from a field experiment on children27
Predicting bankruptcy of local government: A machine learning approach27
Family matters: The effects of parental unemployment in early childhood and adolescence on subjective well-being later in life27
Born in the family: Preferences for boys and the gender gap in math27
Assessing linkages between alternative energy markets and cryptocurrencies27
Mama loves you: The gender wage gap and expenditure on children's education in China26
Knowing who you actually are: The effect of feedback on short- and longer-term outcomes26
Bad bankers no more? Truth-telling and (dis)honesty in the finance industry26
Observability and social image: On the robustness and fragility of reciprocity26
Can ICTs increase tax compliance? Evidence on taxpayer responses to technological innovation in Ethiopia26
Reversing the gender gap in happiness25
Perceived social norm and behavior quickly adjusted to legal changes during the COVID-19 pandemic25
Do collective emotions drive bitcoin volatility? A triple regime-switching vector approach25
Do volatility indices diminish gold's appeal as a safe haven to investors before and during the COVID-19 pandemic?25
Kids eat free: School feeding and family spending on education25
Digital vs. in-person financial education: What works best for Generation Z?25
Gender differences under test pressure and their impact on academic performance: A quasi-experimental design25
Save lives or save livelihoods? A cross-country analysis of COVID-19 pandemic and economic growth24
How did rising labor costs erode China’s global advantage?24
Evading by any means? VAT enforcement and payroll tax evasion in China24
Flattening of government hierarchies and misuse of public funds: Evidence from audit programs in China23
Are reference points merely lagged beliefs over probabilities?23
Do you trust your insurer? Ambiguity about contract nonperformance and optimal insurance demand23
Wages, hires, and labor market concentration23
Chasing or cheating? Theory and evidence on China's GDP manipulation23
Covid-19 contagion, economic activity and business reopening protocols23
Loss aversion and the demand for index insurance23
The economic impacts of direct natural disaster exposure22
Does bundling crop insurance with certified seeds crowd-in investments? Experimental evidence from Kenya22
Throwing good money after bad: Zombie lending and the supply chain contagion of firm exit22
Automation and the future of work: How rhetoric shapes the response in policy preferences22
Corruption and mental health: Evidence from Vietnam22
Individualistic culture and entrepreneurial opportunities22
The influence of empirical and normative expectations on cooperation22
Demand for annuities: Price sensitivity, risk perceptions, and knowledge22
The age profile of life satisfaction after age 65 in the U.S.21
Observability and lying21
Human capital investment and perceived automation risks: Evidence from 16 countries21
Evaluating the sunk cost effect21
Intergenerational transmission in regulated professions and the role of familism21
Does property rights protection affect export quality? Evidence from a property law enactment21
Gender and other moderators of giving in the dictator game: A meta-analysis21
Exploring the causal links between investor sentiment and financial instability: A dynamic macro-financial analysis20
Anti-corruption, safety compliance and coal mine deaths: Evidence from China20
Institutional investor sentiment and the mean-variance relationship: Global evidence20
Why do firms pay bribes? Evidence on the demand and supply sides of corruption in developing countries20
Volatility impacts on global banks: Insights from the GFC, COVID-19, and the Russia-Ukraine war20
Early-Life exposure to rainfall shocks and gender gaps in employment: Findings from Vietnam20
European depositors’ behavior and crisis sentiment20
Borrower discouragement prevalence for Eurozone SMEs: Investigating the impact of economic sentiment20
Introduction to special issue “Understanding Cognition and Decision Making by Children.” Studying decision-making in children: Challenges and opportunities20
Unconditional cash transfers, child labour and education: theory and evidence19
Risk and ambiguity aversion behavior in index-based insurance uptake decisions: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia19
Measuring resilience to major life events19
Strength of words: Donald Trump's tweets, sanctions and Russia's ruble19
The impact of gender role norms on mothers’ labor supply19
The price of populism: Financial market outcomes of populist electoral success19
Trade liberalization and gender gaps in local labor market outcomes: Dimensions of adjustment in the United States19
Can educational interventions reduce susceptibility to financial fraud?19
Predicting mid-life capital formation with pre-school delay of gratification and life-course measures of self-regulation19
Corporate culture and banking19
Gender differences in social interactions19
To sin in secret is no sin at all: On the linkage of policy, society, culture, and firm characteristics with corporate scandals18
Labor cost and corporate tax avoidance18
R&D, patents, and financing constraints of the top global innovative firms18
Investment, firm-specific uncertainty, and financial flexibility17
The effect of financial education on students’ consumer choices: Evidence from a randomized experiment17
Informing students about college: Increasing enrollment using a behavioral intervention?17
Gender differences in motivated reasoning17
Do children cooperate conditionally? Adapting the strategy method for first-graders17
Testing methods to enhance longevity awareness17
Cream skimming by health care providers and inequality in health care access: Evidence from a randomized field experiment17
Dishonesty and risk-taking: Compliance decisions of individuals and groups16
Compromising to share the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues16
Children weigh equity and efficiency in making allocation decisions: Evidence from the US, Israel, and China16
Positive information shocks, investor behavior and stock price crash risk16
Regulatory mood-congruence and herding: Evidence from cannabis stocks16
Immigration policy and immigrants’ sleep. Evidence from DACA16
Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected public trust? Evidence for the US and the Netherlands16
Uncovering the heterogeneity behind cross-cultural variation in antisocial punishment16
Social norms and behavior change: The interdisciplinary research frontier16
The impact of employment quotas on the economic lives of disadvantaged minorities in India16
Do economists replicate?16
2D:4D does not predict economic preferences: Evidence from a large, representative sample15
Inequality and giving15
The long-lasting effects of family and childhood on adult wellbeing: Evidence from British cohort data15
Consumption externalities and growth: Theory and evidence for the United States15
Automation, Job Polarisation, and Structural Change15
Injunctive vs. descriptive social norms and reference group dependence15
Insurance contracts when individuals “greatly value” certainty: Results from a field experiment in Burkina Faso15
Individualism and women's economic rights15
Nepotism, human capital and economic development15
Individualism, economic freedom, and charitable giving15
Learning by (virtually) doing: Experimentation and belief updating in smallholder agriculture15
Institutions, attitudes and LGBT: Evidence from the gold rush15
The effects of risk and ambiguity aversion on technology adoption: Evidence from aquaculture in Ghana15
Christianization without economic development: Evidence from missions in Ghana15
Pricing heterogeneity and transaction mode: Evidence from the French fish market15
Pandemic economics15
Motivating low-achievers—Relative performance feedback in primary schools14
Experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and support for safety-net expansion14
Economic impact of targeted government responses to COVID-19: Evidence from the large-scale clusters in Seoul14
Face mask use and physical distancing before and after mandatory masking: No evidence on risk compensation in public waiting lines14
Does reliable electrification reduce gender differences? Evidence from India14
Managerial Overconfidence and Bank Bailouts14
Anti-corruption and poverty alleviation: Evidence from China14
Causes of fragile stock market stability14
The effects of neighbourhood and workplace income comparisons on subjective wellbeing14
Should central banks communicate uncertainty in their projections?14
U.S. banks’ lending, financial stability, and text-based sentiment analysis14
Employment structure in China from 1990 to 201514
Differences in tax evasion attitudes between students and entrepreneurs under the slippery slope framework14
Narrowing the gender gap in mobile banking14
Who profits from windfalls in oil tax revenue? Inequality, protests, and the role of corruption14
Risk preferences and personality traits in children and adolescents14
Innovation and communication media in virtual teams – An experimental study14
Property rights and prosocial behavior: Evidence from a land tenure reform implemented as randomized control-trial13
Are “left-behind” children really left behind? A lab-in-field experiment concerning the impact of rural/urban status and parental migration on children's other-regarding preferences13
Global pandemic crisis and risk contagion in GCC stock markets13
Parental labour supply responses to the abolition of day care fees13
Anti-tax evasion, anti-corruption and public good provision: An experimental analysis of policy spillovers13
Personalized fundraising: A field experiment on threshold matching of donations13
Optimal insurance design under narrow framing13
Naivety about hidden information: An experimental investigation13
Forecast heuristics, consumer expectations, and New-Keynesian macroeconomics: A Horse race13
The asymmetric role of crime in women's and men's labour force participation: Evidence from India13
Status-seeking culture and development of capitalism13
Do bystanders react to bribery?13
Why Do Retail Investors Pick Green Investments? A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment with Crowdfunders13
Concentration, stagnation and inequality: An agent-based approach13
An investigation of time preferences, life expectancy, and annuity versus lump sum choices: Can smoking harm long-term saving decisions?13
F.A. Hayek on the political economy of endogenous preferences: An historical overview and contemporary assessment13
Managerial ability and corporate greenhouse gas emissions13
Automation and population growth: Theory and cross-country evidence13
Political dynasties, term limits and female political representation: Evidence from the Philippines13
The influence of cultural tightness-looseness on cross-border acquisition performance13
Exchange rate expectation, abnormal returns, and the COVID-19 pandemic13
Things versus People: Gender Differences in Vocational Interests and in Occupational Preferences13
War, traumatic health shocks, and religiosity12
A dialectical reading of Adam Smith on wealth and happiness12
Investigating the real effect of China’s patent surge: New evidence from firm-level patent quality data12
Celebrity endorsement in promoting pro-environmental behavior12
Expected subjective value theory (ESVT): A representation of decision under risk and certainty12
Investors’ attention and information losses under market stress12
Lying in a foreign language?12
Corruption: A cross-country comparison of contagion and conformism12
Nursing home aversion post-pandemic: Implications for savings and long-term care policy12
Default options and insurance demand12
Country of Women? Repercussions of the Triple Alliance War in Paraguay12
Social norms offer explanation for inconsistent effects of incentives on prosocial behavior12
The shape of warm glow: Field experimental evidence from a fundraiser12
Generalist CEO and carbon emissions12
Can autocracy promote literacy? Evidence from a cultural alignment success story12
Culture, institutions and the industrialization process12
Early-life correlates of later-life well-being: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study12
Labor market outcomes, cognitive skills, and noncognitive skills in rural China12
How do protests affect electoral choices? Evidence from Egypt12
The impact of an un(der)funded inclusive education policy: Evidence from the 2013 China education panel survey12
Optimal insurance in the presence of multiple policyholders12
How the demand for insurance became behavioral12
Managing expectations: How selective information affects cooperation and punishment in social dilemma games11
Can pre-commitment increase savings deposits? Evidence from a tax-time field experiment11
The effect of extreme rainfall on corporate financing policies11
Women on board and firm export attitudes: Evidence from Italy11
Artificial intelligence, ethics, and intergenerational responsibility11
Social interactions and asset pricing bubbles11
Does education improve financial behaviors? Quasi-experimental evidence from Britain11
Altruism born of suffering? The impact of an adverse health shock on pro-social behaviour11
Gender differences in preferences of adolescents: Evidence from a large-scale classroom experiment11
Elinor's Ostrom's ‘realist orientation’: An investigation of the ontological commitments of her analysis of the possibility of self-governance11
Nudging debtors to pay their debt: Two randomized controlled trials11
Retirement and voluntary work provision: Evidence from the Australian Age Pension reform11
The impact of ETFs in secondary asset markets: Experimental evidence11
Evaluating wildfire exposure: Using wellbeing data to estimate and value the impacts of wildfire11
Self-help groups, savings and social capital: Evidence from a field experiment in Cambodia11
In the heat of the moment: Economic and non-economic drivers of the weather-crime relationship11
Employment contracts and stress: Experimental evidence11
Robust Ranking of Happiness Outcomes: A Median Regression Perspective11
Pro-social behavior after a disaster: Evidence from a storm hitting an open-air festival11
Impact of transboundary air pollution on service quality and consumer satisfaction11
LGBT policy, investor trading behavior, and return comovement11
Sentiment: The bridge between financial markets and macroeconomy11
Peer effects, self-selection and dishonesty11
European colonization and the corruption of local elites: The case of chiefs in Africa11
When leading by example leads to less corrupt collaboration11
Trend followers, contrarians and fundamentalists: Explaining the dynamics of financial markets11
Does unilateral divorce impact women’s labor supply? Evidence from Mexico11
Heterogeneous expectations, housing bubbles and tax policy11
Gender differences in private and public goal setting11
Pricing ethics in the foreign exchange market: Environmental, Social and Governance ratings and currency premia11
Uncovering gender bias in attitudes towards financial advisors11
Impacts of disability on poverty: Quasi-experimental evidence from landmine amputees in Cambodia11
The impact of quantitative easing on UK bank lending: Why banks do not lend to businesses?11
Seeing what can(not) be seen: Confirmation bias, employment dynamics and climate change11