Computers in Industry

(The TQCC of Computers in Industry is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Vertical data continuity with lean edge analytics for industry 4.0 production459
Using text mining to retrieve information about circular economy208
Waste management: A comprehensive state of the art about the rise of blockchain technology199
Industrial safety management in the digital era: Constructing a knowledge graph from near misses157
A survey on anomaly detection for technical systems using LSTM networks146
Improved faster R-CNN for fabric defect detection based on Gabor filter with Genetic Algorithm optimization145
A feature identification method to explain anomalies in condition monitoring131
Cost-efficient digital twins for design space exploration: A modular platform approach127
Semantic enrichment approach for low-level CAD models managed in PLM context: Literature review and research prospect124
Enhancing Industry 4.0 standards interoperability via knowledge graphs with natural language processing122
Emergence of collective intelligence in industrial cyber-physical-social systems for collaborative task allocation and defect detection115
Editorial Board109
MiniCrack: A simple but efficient convolutional neural network for pixel-level narrow crack detection98
Optimization of shoe sole design according to individual feet pressure maps98
A method for supporting the transformation of an existing production system with its integrated Enterprise Information Systems (EISs) into a Cyber Physical Production System (CPPS)96
Hybrid intelligence in procurement: Disillusionment with AI’s superiority?94
Methods for improving the availability of spot instances: A survey92
Selection framework of visualization methods in designing AR industrial task-support systems89
Reactive synthesis of software robots in RPA from user interface logs88
Predicting tensile-shear strength of nugget using M5P model tree and random forest: An analysis88
A deep reinforcement learning based multi-criteria decision support system for optimizing textile chemical process85
A general optimization-based approach to the detection of real-time Ethernet traffic events85
An analytic hierarchy process augmented with expert rules for product driven control in cyber-physical manufacturing systems83
Predictability of mechanical behavior of additively manufactured particulate composites using machine learning and data-driven approaches80
An effective intrusion-resilient mechanism for programmable logic controllers against data tampering attacks80
Technology enablers for the implementation of Industry 4.0 to traditional manufacturing sectors: A review79
A fair and scalable watermarking scheme for the digital content trading industry76
Cybersecurity in the food and beverage industry: A reference framework74
Digital interoperability in logistics and supply chain management: state-of-the-art and research avenues towards Physical Internet72
Development and implementation of a roadmapping methodology to foster twin transition at manufacturing plant level70
Pixel-level tunnel crack segmentation using a weakly supervised annotation approach70
Designing production planning and control in smart manufacturing69
A systemic comparison between using augmented data and synthetic data as means of enhancing wafermap defect classification63
Business Process Management: The evolution of a discipline62
Multiple perspectives on analyzing risk factors in FMEA61
Editorial Board59
Editorial Board58
Editorial Board58
Throughput analysis of conveyor systems involving multiple materials based on capability decomposition57
Editorial Board57
Deep learning based hierarchical classifier for weapon stock aesthetic quality control assessment55
Forecasting for lead-time period by temporal aggregation: Whether to combine and how54
Editorial Board54
A similarity-assisted multi-fidelity approach to conceptual design space exploration53
Editorial Board51
Agile digital machine development50
Semi-automated dataset creation for semantic and instance segmentation of industrial point clouds.50
MaMiNet: Memory-attended multi-inference network for surface-defect detection49
A reliability and performance GSPN-Based model for anti-collision RFID algorithms under noisy channels in industrial internet of things47
Synthesized fault-tolerant supervisory controllers, with an application to a rotating bridge47
Anomaly based novel multi-source unsupervised transfer learning approach for carbon emission centric GDP prediction47
A simple yet effective approach for log based critical errors prediction47
Portuguese word embeddings for the oil and gas industry: Development and evaluation46
Managing the use of simulation in systems engineering: An industrial state of practice and a prioritization method45
Multi-step attack detection in industrial control systems using causal analysis45
Asynchronous industrial collaboration: How virtual reality and virtual tools aid the process of maintenance method development and documentation creation45
Edge intelligence-based proposal for onboard catenary stagger amplitude diagnosis44
Quality prediction for magnetic pulse crimping cable joints based on 3D vision and ensemble learning43
i-Dataquest: A heterogeneous information retrieval tool using data graph for the manufacturing industry43
An image is worth 10,000 points: Neural network architectures and alternative log representations for lumber production prediction42
Extraction of dimension requirements from engineering drawings for supporting quality control in production processes40
Preventive maintenance for heterogeneous industrial vehicles with incomplete usage data40
Conceptualizing customer value in data-driven services and smart PSS39
Mapping the hot stamping process through developing distinctive digital characteristics38
Customization of incentive mechanisms based on product life-cycle phases for an efficient product-service supply chain coordination37
Optimization of fused deposition modeling process using a virus-evolutionary genetic algorithm37
Digital interoperability and transformation in logistics and supply chain management: Editorial37
Detecting visual anomalies in an industrial environment: Unsupervised methods put to the test on the AutoVI dataset37
Learning human-process interaction in manual manufacturing job shops through indoor positioning systems37
Hybrid physics-informed neural networks for main bearing fatigue prognosis with visual grease inspection36
Digitalization of maintenance activities in small and medium-sized enterprises: A conceptual framework36
Deep learning-based digitalization of a part catalog book to generate part specification by a neutral reference data dictionary36
Ensemble of convolutional neural networks based on an evolutionary algorithm applied to an industrial welding process36
SMEs and Industry 4.0: Two case studies of digitalization for a smoother integration36
BIM-CAREM: Assessing the BIM capabilities of design, construction and facilities management processes in the construction industry35
An ontology for reasoning over engineering textual data stored in FMEA spreadsheet tables35
Real-time optimization for a Digital Twin of a robotic cell with human operators35
Designing complex manufacturing systems by virtual reality: A novel approach and its application to the virtual commissioning of a production line35
Deep learning-based visual control assistant for assembly in Industry 4.034
Data-driven strategies for predictive maintenance: Lesson learned from an automotive use case34
Hybridizing humans and robots: An RPA horizon envisaged from the trenches34
Towards adaptive digital twins architecture33
Deep learning characterization of surface defects in the selective laser melting process33
Analyzing the potential of virtual reality-supported training for industrial assembly tasks33
Interpretable deep learning approach for tool wear monitoring in high-speed milling32
Big data analytics: Implementation challenges in Indian manufacturing supply chains32
A blockchain-based deployment framework for protecting building design intellectual property rights in collaborative digital environments32
Forecasting of iron ore sintering quality index: A latent variable method with deep inner structure32
A novel application of deep transfer learning with audio pre-trained models in pump audio fault detection32
TDAD: Self-supervised industrial anomaly detection with a two-stage diffusion model31
Process parameter effects estimation and surface quality prediction for selective laser melting empowered by Bayes optimized soft attention mechanism-enhanced transfer learning31
Retraction notice to “Knowledge-based deep belief network for machining roughness prediction and knowledge” [COMIND. Vol. 121 (2020) 103262]31
Causal knowledge extraction from long text maintenance documents31
Retraction Notice to: “Evaluation of the green supply chain management practices: A novel neutrosophic approach” [Computers in Industry. Vol. 108 C (2019) pp 210–220]31
A technical patent map construction method and system based on multi-dimensional technical feature extraction30
A novel anomaly detection method for magnetic flux leakage signals via a feature-based unsupervised detection network30
FedCPG: A class prototype guided personalized lightweight federated learning framework for cross-factory fault detection30
Product digital twins: An umbrella review and research agenda for understanding their value29
Apple varieties and growth prediction with time series classification based on deep learning to impact the harvesting decisions29
Multi-granularity spatiotemporal object modelling of waterborne traffic elements28
Discovering data spaces: A classification of design options27
A Comparative Study of Handheld Augmented Reality Interaction Techniques for Developing AR Instructions using AR Authoring Tools27
Remaining useful life prediction model of cross-domain rolling bearing via dynamic hybrid domain adaptation and attention contrastive learning27
Improving device access efficiency using a device protocol matching model27
Advancing zero defect manufacturing: A state-of-the-art perspective and future research directions27
AYOLOv3-Tiny: An improved convolutional neural network architecture for real-time defect detection of PAD light guide plates26
Pretrained domain-specific language model for natural language processing tasks in the AEC domain25
Challenges for data-driven design in early physical product design: A scientific and industrial perspective25
Corrigendum to “Orchestrating product provenance story: When IOTA ecosystem meets electronics supply chain space” [Comput. Ind. 123 (December) (2020) 103334]25
BIM-supported drone path planning for building exterior surface inspection25
Deep CNN-based visual defect detection: Survey of current literature25
A structure-function knowledge extraction method for bio-inspired design24
Context-awareness for the design of Smart-product service systems: Literature review24
An interpretable machine learning approach for engineering change management decision support in automotive industry24
Different networks for different purposes: A network science perspective on collaboration and communication in an engineering design project24
Improving aircraft conceptual design through parametric CAD modellers – A case study for thermal analysis of aircraft systems24
An ontology-based knowledge management approach supporting simulation-aided design for car crash simulation in the development phase24
Editorial Board24
Collaborative robotics in wire harnesses spot taping process24
A framework for merging ontologies in the context of smart factories24
Digital servitization of symbiotic service composition in product-service systems24
STEWART: STacking Ensemble for White-Box AdversaRial Attacks Towards more resilient data-driven predictive maintenance24
Knowledge-based digital twin system: Using a knowlege-driven approach for manufacturing process modeling24
Wearable and interactive mixed reality solutions for fault diagnosis and assistance in manufacturing systems: Implementation and testing in an aseptic bottling line24
Editorial Board24
OpenTwins: An open-source framework for the development of next-gen compositional digital twins24
A text mining approach to identifying sustainability in the private sector23
A novel graph-based missing values imputation method for industrial lubricant data23
Machine learning and multiresolution decomposition for embedded applications to detect short-circuit in induction motors23
Correlation-based feature extraction from computer-aided design, case study on curtain airbags design23
Editorial Board23
Integrating complex asset health modelling techniques with continuous time simulation modelling: A practical tool for maintenance and capital investments analysis23
Editorial Board23
Transformation from human-readable documents and archives in arc welding domain to machine-interpretable data22
Editorial Board22
Towards live decision-making for service-based production: Integrated process planning and scheduling with Digital Twins and Deep-Q-Learning22
A BIM-based framework for automated generation of fabrication drawings for façade panels22
Editorial Board22
A complex network-based approach for resilient and flexible design resource allocation in industry 5.022
A high-precision detection method for coated fuel particles based on improved faster region-based convolutional neural network22
Empowering employees in industrial organizations with IoT in their daily operations22
An approach to implement STEP-NC in the footwear industry22
When business processes meet complex events in logistics: A systematic mapping study22
Learning industrial vehicles’ duty patterns: A real case22
Risk knowledge modeling for offer definition in customer-supplier relationships in Engineer-To-Order situations22
In-situ workpiece perception: A key to zero-defect manufacturing in Industry 4.0 compliant job shops22
Retrospective quality by design r(QbD) for lactose production using historical process data and design of experiments22
Regional innovation capability from a technology-oriented perspective: An analysis at industry level21
Model-based engineering for designing cyber-physical systems from product specifications21
Design of a reference architecture for developing smart warehouses in industry 4.021
A lightweight and accurate recognition framework for signs of X-ray weld images21
Dealing with missing usage data in defect prediction: A case study of a welding supplier20
A novel dimensional variational prototypical network for industrial few-shot fault diagnosis with unseen faults20
Low-contrast X-ray image defect segmentation via a novel core-profile decomposition network20
A flexible communication stack design for improved software development on industrial testbeds and simulators20
Resilience analysis of infrastructure systems in incremental design change20
Impact of generative artificial intelligence models on the performance of citizen data scientists in retail firms20
A novel agile ontology engineering methodology for supporting organizations in collaborative ontology development20
SMFM-based analogy retrieval tool for the conceptual design of innovative products20