Discrete Applied Mathematics

(The TQCC of Discrete Applied Mathematics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
FPT algorithms for packing k-safe spanning rooted sub(di)graphs49
Minimum length word-representants of word-representable graphs42
On the Nash number and the diminishing Grundy number of a graph37
Planar median graphs and cubesquare-graphs35
Mutual-visibility in strong products of graphs via total mutual-visibility31
On the rainbow planar Turán number of double stars24
On the total version of the covering Italian domination problem22
An improved algorithm for finding maximum outerplanar subgraphs21
Algebraic degree of spectra of Cayley hypergraphs21
Hamiltonicity of covering graphs of trees19
On a class of m-to-1 functions19
Minimum Wiener index of triangulations and quadrangulations19
The Turán number of the square of a path18
Algorithmic enumeration of surrounding polygons18
Editorial Board18
Some results on vulnerability parameters and Wiener-type indices17
Independence number and spectral radius of cactus graphs17
Screw discrete dynamical systems and their applications to exact slow NIM17
A theoretical investigation on the distinguishers of Salsa and ChaCha17
A note on generalized semitotal point graphs16
Sylvester power and weighted sums on the Frobenius set in arithmetic progression15
Quadratic rotation symmetric Boolean functions15
Preface: 18th Cologne–Twente Workshop on graphs and combinatorial optimization (CTW 2020)14
Assessing the effect of multiple cost changes using reverse set tolerances14
Graphr-hued colorings—A survey14
Avoidable vertices and edges in graphs: Existence, characterization, and applications13
New constructions of balanced Boolean functions with the maximum possible Walsh supports13
On b-greedy colourings and z-colourings12
The weighted Mostar index of cacti12
Independence number and minimum degree for path-factor critical uniform graphs11
On some classes of quasi-triangulated graphs11
Finding k-community structures in special graph classes10
The gap between the rank of a complex unit gain graph and its underlying graph10
A note on Seymour’s second neighborhood conjecture10
A note on the packing chromatic number of lexicographic products10
Computational complexity of covering disconnected multigraphs10
On monophonic position sets in graphs10
Integer k-matchings of graphs: 10
Counting independent sets in tricyclic graphs10
A note on Hamilton -cycle decomposition of complete 10
Super graphs on groups, II10
On the average hitting times ofCay10
Rainbow domination regular graphs that are not vertex transitive10
Parameterized complexity for iterated type partitions and modular-width9
PTASs for secure dominating set in planar graphs and growth-bounded graphs9
Word-representability of split graphs generated by morphisms9
Some properties on eccentricity matrices of uniform hypertrees9
Secure total domination number in maximal outerplanar graphs9
Some new results concerning power graphs and enhanced power graphs of groups9
Algorithmic results on locating-total domination in graphs9
Cubic vertices of minimal bicritical graphs9
A stability result for Berge-K9
Distributions of statistics on separable permutations9
Coloring {P29
Revising Johnson’s table for the 21st century8
The read once formula of a series–parallel network8
Generalised outerplanar Turán numbers and maximum number of k-vertex8
Optimal realizations and the block decomposition of a finite metric space8
The limiting behaviours for the Gutman index, Schultz index, multiplicative degree-Kirchhoff index and additive degree-Kirchhoff index of a random polyphenylene chain8
Wiener, edge-Wiener, and vertex-edge-Wiener index of Basilica graphs8
Practical complexities of probabilistic algorithms for solving Boolean polynomial systems8
Uniqueness and reconstruction of finite lattice sets from their line sums8
Injective chromatic index of sparse graphs8
On coloring a class of claw-free and hole-twin-free graphs8
Charging station optimization for balanced electric car sharing8
Parameterized and exact algorithms for class domination coloring8
A simplified algorithm computing all s-7
Algorithms for Radon partitions with tolerance7
On the Δ-interval and the 7
Reliability evaluation of DQcube based on g-good neighbor and g-component fault pattern7
On star edge colorings of bipartite and subcubic graphs7
Editorial Board7
Location problems with continuous demand and unreliable facilities: Applications of families of incremental Voronoi diagrams7
Are all pairs of hypomorphic digraphs S-isomorphic?7
Axiomatizing the Public Good Index via merging and new arrival properties7
On leaky forcing and resilience7
Bounded-degree light approximate shortest-path trees in doubling metrics7
On a conjecture of Schweser and Stiebitz7
Gallai–Ramsey numbers for multiple triangles7
Collision-free routing problem with restricted L-path7
Hardness results of global total k-domination problem in graphs7
Four-searchable biconnected outerplanar graphs7
Minimum values of the second largest Q-eigenvalue7
Measurement and algorithm for conditional local diagnosis of regular networks under the MM* model7
Parameterized algorithms for the Happy Set problem7
On extendability of co-edge-regular graphs7
Rainbow independent sets on dense graph classes7
On the Kirchhoff index of a unicyclic graph and the matchings of the subdivision7
Exact capacitated domination: On the computational complexity of uniqueness6
On broadcasting time in the model of travelling agents6
On zero-sum free sequences contained in random subsets of finite cyclic groups6
Nordhaus–Gaddum type inequality for the integer k-matching number of a graph6
Rich words in the block reversal of a word6
Constructing bounded degree graphs with prescribed degree and neighbor degree sequences6
On chordal and perfect plane near-triangulations6
On exponential type sequences6
Editorial Board6
A geometric lower bound on the extension complexity of polytopes based on the f6
A unified construction of weightwise perfectly balanced Boolean functions6
Non-overlapping descents and ascents in stack-sortable permutations6
The 5-puzzle doubly covers the soccer ball6
A note on equitable Hamiltonian cycles6
The advantage of truncated permutations6
Emerging applications, models and algorithms in combinatorial optimization6
Coupled task scheduling with convex resource consumption functions6
The difference between several metric dimension graph invariants6
On three blocks paths P(k6
Metric dimension and metric independence number of incidence graphs of symmetric designs6
Pushable chromatic number of graphs with maximum average degree at most 6
The sum necessary to ensure that a degree sequence pair has an A-conn6
Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge choosability of 1-planar graphs with maximum degree at least 236
Factorization and pseudofactorization of weighted graphs6
A unified framework for bivariate clustering and regression problems via mixed-integer linear programming6
Competition graphs of degree bounded digraphs6
On (2,k)<6
Group distance magic labeling of tetravalent circulant graphs6
Inexact tree pattern matching with 1-degree edit distance using finite automata6
Rooted NNI moves and distance-1 tail moves on tree-based phylogenetic networks6
Graphs with many edge-colorings such that complete graphs are rainbow6
Proper vertex-pancyclicity of edge-colored complete graphs without joint monochromatic triangles6
On the tractability of (k,i6
Exact and approximate results on the least size of a graph with a given degree set6
The characteristic polynomial of a graph containing loops6
Counting maximal independent sets in some n-gonal cacti6
On sum of powers of normalized Laplacian eigenvalues and resistance distances of graphs6
Envy-freeness and relaxed stability for lower-quotas: A parameterized perspective6
Disproofs of two conjectures on no hole anti-n-labeling of graphs6
Are hitting formulas hard for resolution?6
Local Irregularity Conjecture vs. cacti6
Eternal dominating sets on digraphs and orientations of graphs6
Flip paths between lattice triangulations6
The vertex Turán density in 3-ary n-cubes5
Minimum 2-dominating sets in regular graphs5
Non-trivial t-intersecting separated families5
Fractional matching preclusion number of graphs5
Super domination: Graph classes, products and enumeration5
Antimagic labeling of biregular bipartite graphs5
On the diameter and zero forcing number of some graph classes in the Johnson, Grassmann and Hamming association scheme5
On CD-chromatic number and its lower bound in some classes of graphs5
Facet-generating procedures for the maximum-impact coloring polytope5
Diclique digraphs5
Forbidden triples generating a finite set of graphs with minimum degree three5
Some further results on the maximal hitting times of trees with some given parameters5
Anti-Ramsey number of matchings in outerplanar graphs5
Cycle selections5
Weighted microscopic image reconstruction5
Editorial Board5
A single representative min–max–min robust selection problem with alternatives and budgeted uncertainty5
On linear layout of bicube and construction of optimal incomplete bicube5
The general position achievement game played on graphs5
Positive matching decompositions of graphs5
Approximation algorithms for some Minimum Postmen Cover Problems5
A generalization of the independence number5
Editorial Board5
The multi-returning secretary problem5
On the average hitting times of the squares of cycles5
The co-secure domination in proper interval graphs5
A characterization of well-indumatchable graphs having girth greater than seven5
Weighted exchange distance of basis pairs5
Tree with maximum non-self-centrality number among all trees of fixed order and maximum degree5
Some results about the inset edge and average distance of trees5
Listing the bonds of a graph in O<5
Edge metric dimension and mixed metric dimension of planar graph Q5
A survey on rainbow (vertex-)index of graphs5
Antimagic orientation of subdivided caterpillars5
Going Wide with the 1-2-3 Conjecture5
Solution to a problem of Katona on counting cliques of weighted graphs5
Fair integral submodular flows5
A systematic method of constructing weightwise almost perfectly balanced Boolean functions on an arbitrary number of variables4
On the chromatic number of powers of subdivisions of graphs4
Stability factor for robust balancing of simple assembly lines under uncertainty4
Finding densest k-connected subgraphs4
An improved upper bound for neighbor sum distinguishing edge colorings of graphs4
Role coloring bipartite graphs4
Graph curvature via resistance distance4
On the conjecture of the r-uniform supertrees with the eight largest4
Vectorial bent functions weakly/strongly outside the completed Maiorana–McFarland class4
Feedback game on 3-chromatic Eulerian triangulations of surfaces4
Disproof of a conjecture on the rainbow triangles in arc-colored digraphs4
Graphic lattices made by graph felicitous-type labelings and colorings of topological coding4
The linear arboricity of K54
The oriented chromatic number of the hexagonal grid is 64
Security in Sierpiński graphs4
Characterization of the Jaccard dissimilarity metric and a generalization4
Editorial Board4
On nonrepetitive colorings of paths and cycles4
On the chromatic number of graphs of odd girth without longer odd holes4
Every 2-connected {claw, Z24
Algorithmic aspects of broadcast independence4
On the generating functions and special functions associated with superoscillations4
On sufficient spectral radius conditions for hamiltonicity4
Mixed metric dimension of graphs with edge disjoint cycles4
The digrundy number of digraphs4
Dichotomizing k-vertex-critical 4
Solution to a conjecture on resistance diameter of lexicographic product of paths4
Sum index and difference index of graphs4
Greedy versus recursive greedy: Uncorrelated heuristics for the binary paint shop problem4
Finding kings in tournaments4
Exploring symmetries in cographs: Obtaining spectra and energies4
Wiener index and graphs, almost half of whose vertices satisfy Šoltés property4
Factors, spectral radius and toughness in bipartite graphs4
Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension and density on Johnson and Hamming graphs4
Polyhedra associated with locating-dominating, open locating-dominating and locating total-dominating sets in graphs4
Approximation ratio of the min-degree greedy algorithm for Maximum Independent Set on interval and chordal graphs4
Flow resistance to resistance ratios in cubic graphs4
A note on the minimum inverse sum indeg index of cacti4
Editorial Board4
Characterization of component diagnosability of regular networks4
Rainbow independent sets in graphs with maximum degree two4
Editorial Board4
Polynomial delay hybrid algorithms to enumerate candidate keys for a relation4
A note on the minimum size of matching-saturated graphs4
Constructions of (vectorial) bent functions outside the completed Maiorana–McFarland class4
A short note on the sum of k largest distance eigenvalues of bipartit4
Enumerating connected induced subgraphs: Improved delay and experimental comparison4
Relating dissociation, independence, and matchings4
Exact algorithms for counting 3-colorings of graphs4
How far is my network from being edge-based? Proximity measures for edge-basedness of unrooted phylogenetic networks4
Locally definable vertex set properties are efficiently enumerable4
The minimum ABC index of chemical trees4
Some local–global phenomena in locally finite graphs4
On the foundations and extremal structure of the holographic entropy cone4
Covering automorphisms and some eigenvalues of a graph4
On extremal values of some degree-based topological indices with a forbidden or a prescribed subgraph4
Vertex-disjoint stars in K13
Upper bounds for stabbing simplices by a line3
Characterizations of graph classes via convex geometries: A survey3
Rainbow short linear forests in edge-colored complete graph3
From modular decomposition trees to level-1 networks: Pseudo-cographs, polar-cats and prime polar-cats3
Extensions of results on phylogeny graphs of degree bounded digraphs3
Exploring the rigidity of planar configurations of points and rods3
Re-1-embeddings of optimal 1-embedded graphs on the projective plane3
Feedback edge sets in temporal graphs3
Detecting and enumerating small induced subgraphs in c-closed graph3
Minimum maximal acyclic matching in proper interval graphs3
Unraveling the enigmatic irregular coloring of Honeycomb Networks3
Reliability assessment for modified bubble-sort networks3
Matrix representation of stability definitions in the graph model for conflict resolution with grey-based preferences3
Fair multi-cake cutting3
Assistance and interdiction problems on interval graphs3
Study on geometric–arithmetic, arithmetic–geometric and Randić indices of graphs3
Sequence saturation3
On vertices of outdegree k in minimally 3
A note on the metric and edge metric dimensions of 2-connected graphs3
Extremal spectral radius of degree-based weighted adjacency matrices of graphs with given order and size3
On large regular (1,13
On the cryptographic properties of weightwise affine and weightwise quadratic functions3
Comparing Wiener complexity with eccentric complexity3
WITHDRAWN: On the unit interval number of certain graphs3
Fast enumeration of all cost-bounded solutions for combinatorial problems using ZDDs3