Economics Letters

(The H4-Index of Economics Letters is 32. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The impact of the Ukraine–Russia war on world stock market returns291
Interest rate swaps and the transmission mechanism of monetary policy: A quantile connectedness approach201
Tail dependence between bitcoin and green financial assets180
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the demand for density: Evidence from the U.S. housing market125
Causal effects of an absent crowd on performances and refereeing decisions during Covid-19108
Corporate social responsibility and green innovation: Evidence from mandatory CSR disclosure laws86
Hedging climate risks with green assets74
Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: It is not who you teach, but how you teach74
Do green policies catalyze green investment? Evidence from ESG investing developments in China72
The importance of Social Norms against Strategic Effects: The case of Covid-19 vaccine uptake63
Efficacy or delivery? An online Discrete Choice Experiment to explore preferences for COVID-19 vaccines in the UK62
Digital and financial literacy as determinants of digital payments and personal finance58
Home-bias in referee decisions: Evidence from “Ghost Matches” during the Covid19-Pandemic57
Inflation and cryptocurrencies revisited: A time-scale analysis57
Democracy and COVID-19 outcomes56
Do investor sentiments drive cryptocurrency prices?54
P2P lending Fintechs and SMEs’ access to finance53
Board internationalization and green innovation52
When face-to-face interactions become an occupational hazard: Jobs in the time of COVID-1946
Are cryptocurrencies becoming more interconnected?45
IT adoption and bank performance during the Covid-19 pandemic44
Dynamic spillover transmission in agricultural commodity markets: What has changed after the COVID-19 threat?43
The effect of the Colonial Pipeline shutdown on gasoline prices41
Using precious metals to hedge cryptocurrency policy and price uncertainty41
Safe flight to which haven when Russia invades Ukraine? A 48-hour story41
Kindness is rewarded! The impact of corporate social responsibility on Chinese market reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic40
Economic complexity and growth: Can value-added exports better explain the link?39
Inflation and Bitcoin: A descriptive time-series analysis39
Information disclosure source, investors’ searching and stock price crash risk38
The Russia–Ukraine war and global trade reallocations37
Covid-19 fiscal support and its effectiveness37
The ‘Great Lockdown’ and its determinants35