Signal Processing

(The median citation count of Signal Processing is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Flexible construction of compressed sensing matrices with low storage space and low coherence162
Minimization of theq-ratio sparsity with141
Spline nonlinear adaptive filters considering cross terms125
Nonlinear extended blind end-member and abundance extraction for hyperspectral images106
Bayesian low-rank matrix completion with dual-graph embedding: Prior analysis and tuning-free inference86
Cascaded transformer U-net for image restoration81
Editorial Board80
Ambiguity attack against text-to-image diffusion model watermarking74
Single target tracking for noncooperative bistatic radar with unknown signal illumination71
A systematic review on recent developments in nonlocal and variational methods for SAR image despeckling67
Structured subspace learning-induced symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization63
Polarization-space-time domain adaptive detection for the heterogeneous array62
A polynomial multiple variance method for impulse response measurement59
Semidefinite relaxation method for unified near-Field and far-Field localization by AOA58
Subspace prototype learning for few-Shot remote sensing scene classification52
An improved two-phase robust distributed Kalman filter52
Model-driven self-aware self-training framework for label noise-tolerant medical image segmentation52
Commutative quaternion algebra and DSP fundamental properties: Quaternion convolution and Fourier transform51
Multistatic Radar Target Detection Based on the Time Reversal in Clutter Environments49
Robust Affine Projection Tanh Algorithm and Its Performance Analysis49
Sea clutter suppression algorithm in low SCR based on improved fractional Fourier transform48
Single image super-resolution using feature adaptive learning and global structure sparsity47
Sparsity-based direction-of-arrival and polarization estimation for mirrored linear vector sensor arrays46
Computationally attractive and statistically efficient estimator for noise resilient TOA localization46
Continuous track-before-detect method for rotating radars46
Hypercomplex Low Rank Reconstruction for NMR Spectroscopy45
A coding layer robust reversible watermarking algorithm for digital image in multi-antenna system44
MIMO transmission diversity and spatial smoothing: A joint decorrelation effect study44
Variable step-size convex regularized PRLS algorithms42
Analysis of the least mean squares algorithm with reusing coefficient vector42
Fusion detection in distributed MIMO radar under hybrid-order Gaussian model42
Joint optimization methods for Gaussian random measurement matrix based on column coherence in compressed sensing40
Adaptive detection of subspace signals from two independent sets of samples drawn from a matrix-variate Student distribution40
Iterative multi-target detection for PA-FDA dual-mode radar37
A Kullback-Leibler Divergence Variant of the Bayesian Cramér-Rao Bound37
Markov chain-based frequency correlation processing algorithm for wideband DOA estimation35
Network clustering via kernel-ARMA modeling and the Grassmannian: The brain-network case35
Hyperspectral image classification via nonlocal joint kernel sparse representation based on local covariance34
Backward optimal FIR filtering and recursive forms for discrete LTV processes34
Optimal signal design for coherent detection of binary signals in Gaussian noise under power and secrecy constraints33
Double-event-triggered cooperative maximum correntropy estimation over wireless sensor networks32
Analyzing cross-validation in compressed sensing with Poisson noise32
Performance evaluation of infinite impulse response filter synthesis using parallel-Direct-Ladder form under finiteword-Length effects32
Editorial Board32
Editorial Board31
Integrated radar and communication waveform design based on a shared array31
A discrepant information selection mechanism for cooperative sensors30
Joint DOA tracking and spectral signature estimation of wideband sources using a multi-spectral TBD-CPHD filter30
MGDMD: Multi-variate generalized dispersive mode decomposition30
Adaptive Radar Detection in the Clutter and Noise Cover Pulse Jamming Environment29
The trajectory CPHD filter for spawning targets29
A novel robust minimum error entropy Kalman filter in the presence of measurement packet dropping29
A novel time-frequency model, analysis and parameter estimation approach: Towards multiple close and crossed chirp modes28
Super-resolving compressed images via parallel and series integration of artefacts removal and resolution enhancement28
Separable compressed coded aperture imaging via singular value decomposition28
Green’s function estimation by seismic interferometry from limited frequency samples28
Nonlinear autoregressive spline neural filter and its application27
A method to improve full-resolution remote sensing pansharpening image quality assessment via feature combination27
Estimating the target DOA, range and velocity using subspace methods in a MIMO OFDM DFRC system27
Passive direction finding with a pair of acoustic vector sensors using fourth-order cumulants27
Synthesis of sparse planar arrays with multiple patterns: An automatic coordinate pairing approach26
Adaptive distributed multiple-model filter with uncertainty of process model26
Adaptive total variation based image segmentation with semi-proximal alternating minimization26
Offered load estimation in random access multipacket perception systems using the expectation-maximization algorithm26
Off-the-grid recovery of time and frequency shifts with multiple measurement vectors25
Reversible data hiding based on adaptive IPVO and two-segment pairwise PEE25
From multilinear SVD to multilinear UTV decomposition25
Heuristic method of adaptive filtering for noisy GARCH processes24
Subspace estimation along a frequency band through projection matrix approximation24
On refinements to QMFD based chirp parameter estimation24
Space–time-range clutter suppression via tensor-based STAP for airborne FDA-MIMO radar24
Recursive least-squares algorithm based on a third-order tensor decomposition for low-rank system identification24
On the distributions of some statistics related to adaptive filters trained with t-distributed sa23
Editorial Board23
Range ambiguity suppression under high-resolution estimation using the MUSIC-AP algorithm for pulse-Doppler radar23
Editorial Board23
Robust noise-power estimation via primal–dual algorithms with measurements from a subset of network nodes23
TDoA positioning with data-driven LoS inference in mmWave MIMO communications22
Adaptive weighted robust data recovery with total variation for hyperspectral image22
Adaptive Cluster Structured Sparse Bayesian Learning with Application to Compressive Reconstruction for Chirp Signals22
Model order estimation based on the correntropy of observation eigenvalues22
DCKN: Multi-focus image fusion via dynamic convolutional kernel network22
Secure halftone image steganography based on density preserving and distortion fusion22
Nested Gaussian filters for recursive Bayesian inference and nonlinear tracking in state space models21
Local Mixup: Interpolation of closest input signals to prevent manifold intrusion21
A joint estimation algorithm for single-input multiple-output underwater acoustic communications21
Node copying: A random graph model for effective graph sampling21
Phase retrieval from integrated intensity of auto-convolution21
Subset based error recovery21
A full second-order statistical analysis of strictly linear and widely linear estimators with MSE and Gaussian entropy criteria21
Robust secret image sharing scheme with improved anti-noise capability20
Maximum mixture correntropy based outlier-robust nonlinear filter and smoother20
Practical distributed maneuvering target tracking using delayed information of heterogeneous unregistered sensors20
A variable regularization parameter widely linear complex-valued NLMS algorithm: Performance analysis and wind prediction20
Reversible data hiding in JPEG images based on coefficient-first selection20
Resolving power of MUSIC-like algorithms for circular or rectilinear correlated sources in CES data models20
FDA-MIMO radar for DOD, DOA, and range estimation: SA-MCFO framework and RDMD algorithm20
Decision-making algorithms for learning and adaptation with application to COVID-19 data20
An adaptive outlier-robust Kalman filter based on sliding window and Pearson type VII distribution modeling19
A ReLU-based hard-thresholding algorithm for non-negative sparse signal recovery19
Support recovery with Projected Stochastic Gates: Theory and application for linear models19
Estimation of user activity prior for active user detection in massive machine type communications19
A novel co-prime MIMO radar model for DOA estimation19
Multiple-hypothesis testing rules for high-dimensional model selection and sparse-parameter estimation19
Pattern search and compressed sensing based phase noise and channel estimation for mmWave massive MIMO-OFDM systems19
The effect of source sparsity on independent vector analysis for blind source separation19
Robust multi-sensor generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli filter19
An off-grid direction-of-arrival estimator based on sparse Bayesian learning with three-stage hierarchical Laplace priors19
Algorithms for audio inpainting based on probabilistic nonnegative matrix factorization19
Auto-weighted multi-view clustering with the use of an augmented view18
A generalized adaptive robust distance metric driven smooth regularization learning framework for pattern recognition18
A new class of composite objective multistep estimating sequence techniques18
Target polarization scattering matrix estimation with conformal MIMO radar18
A novel adaptive nonlinear Kalman filter scheme for DVL-aided SINS alignment in underwater vehicles18
Beampattern synthesis for active RIS-assisted radar with sidelobe level minimization18
Enhancing image steganography via adversarial optimization of the stego distribution18
Editorial Board18
Irregular microphone array design for broadband beamforming17
Comb-partitioned frequency-domain constraint adaptive algorithm for active noise control17
Two-direction self-learning super-resolution propagation based on neighbor embedding17
A robust fixed-interval smoother for nonlinear systems with non-stationary heavy-tailed state and measurement noises17
Wide-sense Markov signals on the tessarine domain. A study under properness conditions17
An energy-concentrated wavelet transform for time-frequency analysis of transient signal17
A double-pass fundus reflection model for efficient single retinal image enhancement17
Selective partial-update augmented complex-valued LMS algorithm and its performance analysis17
Improving robust adaptive steganography via minimizing channel errors17
Multi-stage stochastic gradient method with momentum acceleration17
A new variational method for selective segmentation of medical images17
General fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm using Minkowski metric17
Joint allocation of transmit-receive resource for MIMO-STAP17
An outlier-robust smoothness-based graph learning approach16
Best fit of mixture for multi-sensor poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filtering16
Collaborative trajectory planning and transmit resource scheduling for multiple target tracking in distributed radar network system with GTAR16
A review of robust distributed estimation strategies over wireless sensor networks16
Dual-Mode deadbeat H2 FIR filtering for discrete-Time system16
Robust adaptive learning framework for semi-supervised pattern classification16
Infimal post-composition approach for composite convex optimization applied to image restoration16
Joint angle and range estimation for bistatic FDA-MIMO radar via real-valued subspace decomposition16
A novel method for fast detection of high-speed targets16
EM-based extended object tracking without a priori extension evolution model16
Ghosting-free multi-exposure image fusion for static and dynamic scenes16
Polarimetric inverse scattering using LSTM-aided association-learning sparse reconstruction framework16
Dictionary learning for signals in additive noise with generalized Gaussian distribution16
Joint diagonalization for a pair of Hermitian quaternion matrices and applications to color face recognition16
Robust adaptive beamforming under data dependent constraints16
Model-Free design of control systems over wireless fading channels16
Deep learning based data-adaptive descriptor for non-rigid multi-modal medical image registration16
Scale-Invariant and consistent Bayesian information criterion for order selection in linear regression models16
Robust Kalman filters based on the sub-Gaussian α-stable distribut16
Successive multivariate variational mode decomposition based on instantaneous linear mixing model15
Graph filter design by ring-decomposition for 2-connected graphs15
Graph signal interpolation and extrapolation over manifold of Gaussian mixture15
Dictionary optimization for greedy recovery in Modulated Wideband Converter based sub-Nyquist sensing15
Multiple Choice Hard Thresholding Pursuit (MCHTP) for simultaneous sparse recovery and sparsity order estimation15
Exponential linear units-guided Depthwise separable convolution network with cross attention mechanism for hyperspectral image classification15
Multiscale dynamic graph signal analysis15
Resource allocation for target tracking in multiple radar architectures over lossy networks15
Graph signal recovery using variational Bayes in Fourier pairs with Cramér–Rao bounds15
A Gaussian approximation filter for nonlinear systems with compound noises15
Joint DOD and DOA estimation using tensor reconstruction based sparse representation approach for bistatic MIMO radar with unknown noise effect15
Joint random stepped frequency ISAR imaging and autofocusing based on 2D alternating direction method of multipliers15
Network architecture optimization for netted MIMO radar systems with surveillance performance15
Sedenion polar harmonic Fourier moments and their application in multi-view color image watermarking15
Joint spectrum sensing and DOA estimation with sub-Nyquist sampling15
Information-theoretic waveform design for MIMO radar detection in range-spread clutter14
Dual-functional radar-communication based on frequency modulated continuous wave exploiting constraint frequency hopping14
Parallelization scheme for canonical polyadic decomposition of large-scale high-order tensors14
Nonconvex regularization for convex image smoothing14
Robust multi-focus image fusion using lazy random walks with multiscale focus measures14
Robust Bayesian cluster enumeration based on the t distribution14
Tensor decomposition meets blind source separation14
PSWF-based decoupled atomic norm minimization for DOD and DOA estimation in MIMO radar with arbitrary linear arrays14
Reversible data hiding based on prediction-error value ordering and multiple-embedding14
Towards a median signal detector through the total Bregman divergence and its robustness analysis14
Target-attentional CNN for Radar Automatic Target Recognition with HRRP14
Contrast enhancement based on reflectance-oriented probabilistic equalization14
Communication efficient privacy-preserving distributed optimization using adaptive differential quantization14
Adaptive multiple targets detection for FDA-MIMO radar with Gaussian clutter14
A fractional taylor series-Based least mean square algorithm, and its application to power signal estimation14
Adaptive sign algorithm for graph signal processing14
Sparsity-aware complex-valued least mean kurtosis algorithms14
Consensus-based distributed algorithm for GEP14
Nonlocal B-spline representation of tensor decomposition for hyperspectral image inpainting14
An incipient fault diagnosis methodology using local Mahalanobis distance: Detection process based on empirical probability density estimation14
Reversible data hiding for JPEG images based on block difference model and Laplacian distribution estimation14
LG-Net: Local and global complementary priors induced multi-stage progressive network for compressed sensing14
Learning to sound imaging by a model-based interpretable network14
3-D temporal-spatial-based near-field source localization considering amplitude attenuation14
Maximum total generalized correntropy adaptive filtering for parameter estimation14
Power adaptation for vector parameter estimation according to Fisher information based optimality criteria14
Outlier-robust tri-percentile parameter estimation of K-distributions14
Multi-shelf graphic equalizer14
Single image super-resolution with multi-scale information cross-fusion network14
A multiple-model generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli filter based on blocked Gibbs sampling for tracking maneuvering targets14
RMANet: Refined-mixed attention network for progressive low-light image enhancement13
Multi-objective network resource allocation method based on fractional PID control13
PV-LaP: Multi-sensor fusion for 3D Scene Understanding in intelligent transportation systems13
Acoustic source localization with deep generalized cross correlations13
Low-Rank tensor completion based on nonconvex regularization13
Analyses of the tail-213
Steady-state mean-square performance analysis of the block-sparse maximum Versoria criterion13
A micro-Doppler spectrogram denoising algorithm for radar human activity recognition13
Guaranteed matrix recovery using weighted nuclear norm plus weighted total variation minimization13
Sparse recovery using expanders via hard thresholding algorithm13
Protecting copyright of stable diffusion models from ambiguity attacks13
Adaptive detection based on gradient test and Durbin test in spectrally symmetric interference13
Solving inverse problems with autoencoders on learnt graphs13
Real-time robust and precise kernel learning for indoor localization under the internet of things13
A multi-sensor fusion framework with tight coupling for precise positioning and optimization13
On learning sparse linear models from cross samples13
On the characterization of reflective surfaces using dual-polarization GNSS-R13
Video reversible data hiding: An evolution to local distortion-tolerance framework13
An index of effective number of variables for uncertainty and reliability analysis in model selection problems13
Super-resolution Direction of Arrival Estimation Using a Minimum Mean-Square Error Framework13
Discriminative subspace learning using generalized mean13
An adaptive unscented particle filter for a nonlinear fractional-order system with unknown fractional-order and unknown parameters13
Adaptive weighted curvature-based active contour for ultrasonic and 3T/5T MR image segmentation12
Secret image sharing scheme with lossless recovery and high efficiency12
Fast and efficient acoustic feedback cancellation based on low rank approximation12
A saliency-based multiscale approach for infrared and visible image fusion12
Joint majorization-Minimization for nonnegative matrix factorization with the β-divergence12
Impulsive noise removal via a blind CNN enhanced by an iterative post-processing12
Research on remote sensing image carbon emission monitoring based on deep learning12
Fractional Fourier Transform based Riesz fractional derivative approach for edge detection and its application in image enhancement12
A novel subspace pursuit of residual correlation step algorithm for distributed compressed sensing12
An off-grid wideband DOA estimation method with the variational Bayes expectation-maximization framework12
Joint image restoration and edge detection in cooperative game formulation12
A robust active noise control system based on an exponential hyperbolic cosine norm12
Robust image steganography against JPEG compression based on DCT residual modulation12
A penalized inequality-constrained approach for robust beamforming with DoF limitation12
Improved Image Compressive Sensing Recovery with Low-Rank Prior and Deep Image Prior12
PSNA: A pathwise semismooth Newton algorithm for sparse recovery with optimal local convergence and oracle properties12
PIANO: A fast parallel iterative algorithm for multinomial and sparse multinomial logistic regression12
Joint sensor registration and multi-object tracking with PHD filter in distributed multi-sensor networks12
Optimized Sparse Nested Arrays for DoA Estimation of Non-circular Signals12
Probabilistic quaternion collaborative representation and its application to robust color face identification12
Class factorized complex variational auto-encoder for HRR radar target recognition12
Reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on pixel prediction and multi-MSB planes rearrangement12
A review on early wildfire detection from unmanned aerial vehicles using deep learning-based computer vision algorithms12
Dictionary learning with cone atoms and application to anomaly detection12
Statistical analysis of multichannel FxLMS algorithm for narrowband active noise control12
Harmonic retrieval using weighted lifted-structure low-rank matrix completion12
A class of multi-modulus blind deconvolution algorithms using hyperbolic and Givens rotations for MIMO systems12
Localization and tracking of multiple fast moving targets in bistatic MIMO radar12
Corrigendum to ‘Regularized derivative interpolation for two dimensional band-limited functions’ [Signal Processing 184 (2021) 107943]11
M-estimate based diffusion active noise control algorithm over distributed networks and its performance analysis11
DeConFCluster: Deep Convolutional Transform Learning based multiview clustering fusion framework11
Group sparsity residual constraint model with weighted log-sum penalty for image restoration11
A hybrid NEQR image encryption cryptosystem using two-dimensional quantum walks and quantum coding11
Graph-based minimum error entropy Kalman filtering11