European Review of Agricultural Economics

(The H4-Index of European Review of Agricultural Economics is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Farmer preferences for adopting precision farming technologies: a case study from Italy70
Farm income in European agriculture: new perspectives on measurement and implications for policy evaluation38
Digital innovations for sustainable and resilient agricultural systems36
Insuring crops from space: the potential of satellite-retrieved soil moisture to reduce farmers’ drought risk exposure36
Trade, price and quality upgrading effects of agri-food standards29
Quantifying the resilience of European farms using FADN27
Warming Temperatures, Yield Risk and Crop Insurance Participation23
Sustainable food systems: do agricultural economists have a role?19
The AfCFTA impact on agricultural and food trade: a value added perspective18
Regression discontinuity designs in agricultural and environmental economics17
Use and non-use values to explain farmers’ motivation for the provision of animal welfare16
Using Machine Learning to Identify Heterogeneous Impacts of Agri-Environment Schemes in the EU: A Case Study16
Tax or green nudge? An experimental analysis of pesticide policies in Germany15
Social networks, adoption of improved variety and household welfare: evidence from Ghana15
Can nudging only get you so far? Testing for nudge combination effects14
Environmental identity economics: an application to farmers’ pro-environmental investment behaviour14
Red, yellow, or green? Do consumers’ choices of food products depend on the label design?14
Three hurdles towards commercialisation: integrating subsistence chickpea producers in the market economy14