Fuzzy Sets and Systems

(The median citation count of Fuzzy Sets and Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Non-instantaneous impulses interval-valued fractional differential equations with Caputo-Katugampola fractional derivative concept68
Betweenness relations and gated sets in fuzzy metric spaces65
Best approximation of OWA Olympic weights under predefined level of orness59
Event-triggered adaptive fuzzy control for stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems58
Multiple kernel learning-based rule reduction method for fuzzy modeling57
FuBiNFS – fuzzy biclustering neuro-fuzzy system53
Representation of non-commutative, idempotent, associative functions by pair-orders52
Order from non-associative operations48
Fuzzy complex numbers: Representations, operations, and their analysis47
The distributivity of extended uninorms over extended overlap functions on the membership functions of type-2 fuzzy sets45
Rational Pavelka logic: The best among three worlds?43
A first polynomial non-clausal class in many-valued logic43
Consequence operators, interior operators and fuzzy relations42
Editorial Board40
Degree of totalness: How to choose the best admissible permutation for vector fuzzy integration37
Directional derivatives and subdifferential of convex fuzzy mapping on n-dimensional time scales and applications to fuzzy programming34
Generalized upper Sugeno integrals: The transformation theorem and related results33
Editorial Board32
State feedback control for fractional differential equation system in the space of linearly correlated fuzzy numbers30
Counting semicopulas on finite structures30
Partially ordered fuzzy power set monads on the category of L-sets and their associated categories of topological space objects30
The completeness and separability of function spaces in nonadditive measure theory30
Fractional calculus of linear correlated fuzzy-valued functions related to Fréchet differentiability28
A strengthening of Jensen's inequality for asymmetric Choquet integral28
On the handling of inconsistent systems of max-min fuzzy relational equations28
Editorial Board28
Fuzzy structures induced by fuzzy betweenness relations28
Characterizing idempotent nullnorms on a special class of bounded lattices27
Affine construction methodology of aggregation functions26
Characterizing autodistributive aggregation operations defined on finite linearly ordered scales26
Linear optimization over the approximate solutions of a system of max-min equations26
New results on discrete copulas and quasi-copulas26
n-roots on MV-algebras26
On fuzzy linearization approaches for solving multi-objective linear fractional programming problems25
Necessary and sufficient conditions for crisp state-feedback design for fuzzy linear systems25
Subalgebras of the truth value algebra of type-2 fuzzy sets25
Editorial Board23
Granular computing: An augmented scheme of degranulation through a modified partition matrix23
New extensions of quasi-overlap functions and their generalized forms on bounded posets via ⋄-operators23
Some properties of double shuffles of bivariate copulas and (extreme) copulas invariant with respect to Lüroth double shuffles22
The topological structure of the space of fuzzy compacta22
Many valued topologies on L-sets22
The powerset monad on quantale-valued sets22
Utility with fuzzy numbers22
Editorial Board22
Editorial Board21
Convex hull of a fuzzy set and triangular norms21
Fuzzy and rough approach to the problem of missing data in fall detection system21
Literal shuffle product of fuzzy musical languages21
Sums of fuzzy sets of summands21
Minimax decomposition integrals20
Super-Łukasiewicz logics expanded by Δ20
F-transform utility in the operational-matrix approach to the Volterra integral equation20
Editorial Board20
Solving minimal-optimal solutions for the generalized min-max programming problem with addition-min composition20
Book review20
Multi-adjoint concept lattices via quantaloid-enriched categories19
Randomized semantic games for fuzzy logics19
A class of fuzzy numbers induced by probability density functions and their arithmetic operations19
On the (M)-property of monotone measures and integrals on atoms19
Operator residuation in orthomodular posets of finite height19
On the monotonicity of functions constructed via ordinal sum construction19
Significance measures for rules in probabilistic-fuzzy inference systems based on fuzzy transforms19
The construction of multidimensional membership functions and its application to feasibility problems19
Editorial Board18
Modelling socio-political competition18
Distributivity and conditional distributivity of semi-t-operators over S-uninorms18
Orbital fuzzy iterated function systems18
Convergence in distribution of fuzzy random variables in L-type metrics18
Eventual periodicity of a system of max-type fuzzy difference equations of higher order17
New results on ordinal sum implications based on ordinal sum of overlap functions17
Editorial Board17
On decidability of concept satisfiability in Description Logic with product semantics17
Möbius product-based constructions of aggregation functions17
Bipolar equations on complete distributive symmetric residuated lattices: The case of a join-irreducible right-hand side17
Characterization and computation of approximate bisimulations for fuzzy automata16
Editorial Board16
Continuous [0,1]-lattices and injective [0,1]-approach spaces16
Editorial Board16
T-complete KM-fuzzy metric spaces via domain theory16
Weighted polygonal approximation of fuzzy numbers preserving their main characteristics16
A note on a note to the finite T-sum of L-R fuzzy numbers and further considerations16
On the structural stability for two-point boundary value problems of undamped fuzzy differential equations16
Modus Ponens property of T-power based implications16
Abstract aggregation functions and social choice15
Pre-(quasi-)overlap functions on bounded posets15
Editorial Board15
Disturbance rejections of polynomial fuzzy systems under equivalent-input-disturbance estimator approach15
Fuzzy Autoregressive Distributed Lag model-based forecasting15
On the measure induced by copulas that are invariant under univariate truncation15
Trade-off principle for standard shadowed sets and its generalization to five-regions15
Reasoning with fuzzy and uncertain evidence using epistemic random fuzzy sets: General framework and practical models14
Extremal values-based aggregation functions14
Solutions of higher order linear fuzzy differential equations with interactive fuzzy values14
On the general fractal dimensions of hyperspace of compact sets14
Classical approximation for fuzzy Fredholm integral equation14
Editorial Board14
On a strong negation-based representation of modalities14
A survey on non-instantaneous impulsive fuzzy differential equations involving the generalized Caputo fractional derivative in the short memory case14
Idempotent uninorms on a complete chain13
Robust fuzzy rough approximations with kNN granules for semi-supervised feature selection13
Hierarchical admissibility criteria for T-S fuzzy singular systems with time-varying delay13
Polynomial verification for safe codiagnosability of decentralized fuzzy discrete-event systems13
General fractal dimensions of typical sets and measures13
Fixed-time synchronization of Markovian jump fuzzy cellular neural networks with stochastic disturbance and time-varying delays13
A novel deep belief network architecture with interval type-2 fuzzy set based uncertain parameters towards enhanced learning13
Idempotent uninorms on a bounded chain13
Double-hyperplane fuzzy classifier design for tendency prediction of silicon content in molten iron13
On compositions of (L-fuzzy) automata: A categorical approach13
Distance functions from fuzzy logic connectives: A state-of-the-art survey13
Measures of inclusion and entropy based on the φ-index of inclusion12
(Max,⊕)-transforms and genetic algorithms for fuzzy measure identification12
OWA operators with functional weights12
Fuzzy fractional differential equations with the generalized Atangana-Baleanu fractional derivative12
Fuzzy adaptive event-triggered finite-time constraint control for output-feedback uncertain nonlinear systems12
Fault detection in finite frequency domain for T-S fuzzy systems with partly unmeasurable premise variables12
First-order linear fuzzy differential equations on the space of linearly correlated fuzzy numbers12
Type-3 fuzzy dynamic adaptation of Bee colony optimization applied to mathematical functions11
Distributivity between extended t-norms and t-conorms on fuzzy truth values11
Simplicial depths for fuzzy random variables11
Real-valued hemimetric-based fuzzy rough sets and an application to contour extraction of digital surfaces11
A generalized belief dissimilarity measure based on weighted conflict belief and distance metric and its application in multi-source data fusion11
The interval eigenvalue problem using constraint interval analysis with an application to linear differential equations11
A fitting model for attribute reduction with fuzzy β-covering11
The generalized Hukuhara differentiability of interval-valued function is not fully equivalent to the one-sided differentiability of its endpoint functions11
Onion lattices and an answer to an open problem on convolution lattices11
Two dimensional fuzzy regular languages11
Proportional Observer design based onD-stability and Finsler's Lemma for Taka11
A special fuzzy star-shaped number space with the sendograph metric11
An insight into the conditional distributivity of nullnorms over uninorms11
Tri-composed fuzzy relation inequality with weighted-max-min composition and the relevant min-max optimization problem11
Characterization of idempotent n-uninorms11
A short note on the migrativity properties of overlap functions over uninorms10
Structure of uninorms not locally internal on the boundary10
Uncertain random variables and laws of large numbers under U-C chance space10
Uninorms on bounded lattices constructed by t-norms and t-subconorms10
A relation algebraic approach to universal integrals10
The aggregation of transitive fuzzy relations revisited10
General expression of knowledge granularity based on a fuzzy relation matrix10
Two new methods to construct fuzzy metrics from metrics10
Multi-valued cognitive maps: Calculations with linguistic variables without using numbers10
Ensemble fuzzy radial basis function neural networks architecture driven with the aid of multi-optimization through clustering techniques and polynomial-based learning10
The f-index of inclusion as optimal adjoint pair for fuzzy modus ponens10
Robust aggregation of compositional and interval-valued data: The mode on the unit simplex10
A new approach to the fractional Abel k−integral equations and linear fractional differential equations in a fuzzy environment10
Fuzzy Halpern and Shoham's interval temporal logics10
A new fuzzy graph parameter for the comparison of human trafficking chains10
Fixed-time control and estimation of discontinuous fuzzy leakage-delayed networks: Indefinite and economical conditions of Filippov systems10
Numerical solution of fuzzy stochastic Volterra integral equations with constant delay10
Fuzzy edge connectivity and fuzzy local edge connectivity with applications to communication networks10
L-fuzzy concept analysis using fuzzy categories10
Localization relations10
Coupled fuzzy-interval model and method for structural response analysis with non-probabilistic hybrid uncertainties10
Some new results on the migrativity of uninorms over overlap and grouping functions10
Decentralized direct adaptive fuzzy control scheme for state-constrained interconnected systems9
Almost periodic synchronization of quaternion-valued fuzzy cellular neural networks with leakage delays9
Some multivariate imprecise shock model copulas9
Discrete fractional calculus for interval–valued systems9
3WDNFS – Three-way decision neuro-fuzzy system for classification9
L-valued general fuzzy automata9
Further characterizations of possibility-theoretical indices in fuzzy optimization9
Unsupervised fuzzy multivariate symmetric uncertainty feature selection based on constructing virtual cluster representative9
Complete and finite-time synchronization of fractional-order fuzzy neural networks via nonlinear feedback control9
Adaptive synchronization for fuzzy inertial complex-valued neural networks with state-dependent coefficients and mixed delays9
Fuzzy double-ordered c-regression models based on fuzzy S-estimators9
An axiomatic approach to measure the ‘Leave no one behind’ principle9
A modified NEFCLASS classifier with enhanced accuracy-interpretability trade-off for datasets with skewed feature values9
Characterization of a class of fuzzy implication solutions to the law of importation9
The effectiveness of aggregation functions used in fuzzy local contrast constructions9
On a factorized L-fuzzy automaton and its L-fuzzy topological characterization8
Incommensurate non-homogeneous system of fuzzy linear fractional differential equations using the fuzzy bunch of real functions8
Subresiduated lattice ordered commutative monoids8
Bhatia-Davis inequalities for lower and upper previsions and covariances8
A new decision analysis framework for multi-attribute decision-making under interval uncertainty8
A variance-based importance index for systems with dependent components8
Best-possible bounds on the sets of copulas and quasi-copulas with given curvilinear sections8
The core of a double sequence of fuzzy numbers8
The Choquet-like operator with respect to an admissible order as a tool for aggregating multivalued data8
Fault detection for T-S nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties via zonotopic H∞ filter8
New types of domination to characterize the preservation of T-subgroups under aggregation8
Possibilistic fuzzy c-means with partial supervision8
On differentiability and mass distributions of typical bivariate copulas8
A novel fuzzy-rough attribute reduction approach via local information entropy8
Minimax programming problems subject to addition-Łukasiewicz fuzzy relational inequalities and their optimal solutions8
Corrigendum to “Algebraic semantics for the minimum many-valued modal logic over 8
Novel classes of fuzzy β-covering-based rough set over two distinct universes8
Methodology for integrated multicriteria decision-making with uncertainty: Extending the compromise ranking method for uncertain evaluation of alternatives8
Solutions to two open problems in topological residuated lattices8
Statistical depth for fuzzy sets8
Low-rank based Multi-Input Multi-Output Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modeling for prediction of molten iron quality in blast furnace8
Reachable set estimation for switched T-S fuzzy systems with a switching dynamic memory event-triggered mechanism8
Anti-disturbance observer-based finite-time reliable control design for fuzzy switched systems8
The fuzzy degree of nondensifiability and applications8
Editorial Board8
Generalized level measure based on a family of conditional aggregation operators8
Remarks on minimal solutions of fuzzy relation inequalities with addition-min composition8
H∞ control for interval type-2 fuzzy singularly perturbed systems with multi-node round-robin protocol and packet dropouts8
On t-normed integrals with respect to possibility capacities on compacta8
Solving a fuzzy fractional diffusion model for cancer tumor by using fuzzy transforms8
A fuzzy universal generating function-based method for the reliability evaluation of series systems with performance sharing between adjacent units under parametric uncertainty8
Relationships between T-transitivity indicators in (T,S,n)-fuzzy preference structures with rotation invariant t-norms8
Summarising multiple clustering-centric estimates with OWA operators for improved KNN imputation on microarray data8
Nonfragile anti-transitional-asynchrony fault tolerant control for IT2 fuzzy semi-Markov jump systems with actuator failures8
Geometric properties of ternary fuzzy relations8
Characterization of homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous binary aggregation functions7
L-R geometric consistency definition of triangular multiplicative preference relation in group decision making7
A new approach to lattice-valued convergence groups via ⊤-filters7
d-Choquet integrals: Choquet integrals based on dissimilarities7
Ordinal sums: From triangular norms to bi- and multivariate copulas7
Some new construction methods of t-norms and t-conorms on bounded lattices7
Synchronization analysis of nabla fractional-order fuzzy neural networks with time delays via nonlinear feedback control7
Learning positive-negative rule-based fuzzy associative classifiers with a good trade-off between complexity and accuracy7
Multiple adaptive fuzzy Nussbaum-type functions design for stochastic nonlinear systems with fixed-time performance7
The space of continuous compact fuzzy sets with the sendograph metric7
Editorial Board7
Property A and coarse embeddability for fuzzy metric spaces7
Relational, closure and partition powerset theories7
Dual type-2 fuzzy cones and their application in multicriteria choice7
Semiorthomodular BZ⁎–lattices7
Weakly maxitive set functions and their possibility distributions7
On linear combinations of binomial OWA functions7
PN-OWL: A two-stage algorithm to learn fuzzy concept inclusions from OWL 2 ontologies7
Fuzzy wavelet neural control with improved prescribed performance for MEMS gyroscope subject to input quantization7
Generation of continuous T-norms through latticial operations7
Editorial Board7
Asymptotic dimension of fuzzy metric spaces7
Random generation of k-interactive capacities7
Extension operators for type-2 fuzzy sets derived from overlap functions7
Monadic convergence structures revisited7
The interactive fuzzy semigroup (R7
Dissipativity and synchronization control of quaternion-valued fuzzy memristive neural networks: Lexicographical order method7
Finite determinization of fuzzy automata using a parametric product-based t-norm7
Event-based adaptive fuzzy fixed-time control for nonlinear interconnected systems with non-affine nonlinear faults7
Improved robust reduced-order sliding mode fault-tolerant control for T-S fuzzy systems with disturbances7
On the cross-migrativity between uninorms and overlap (grouping) functions7
Reducing fuzzy relation equations via concept lattices7
Editorial Board6
Multi-level adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-based reconstruction of 1D ISOMAP representations6
Inferring from an imprecise Plackett–Luce model: Application to label ranking6
On the lattice and the algebra of fuzzy subsets of a universal algebra6
A variety containing EMV-algebras and Pierce sheaves of EMV-algebras6
Commutative, associative and monotone functions on horizontal sum of chains6
Analysis of smooth and enhanced smooth quadrature-inspired generalized Choquet integral6
A logical characterization of multi-adjoint algebras6
Existence of solutions to a class of interval-valued differential equation with impulses relative to length constraints6
Resilient fixed-time synchronization of delayed fuzzy memristive reaction-diffusion neural networks under DoS attacks6
An auxiliary system discretization approach to Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models6
The impact on the properties of the EFGM copulas when extending this family6
A specific minimax programming with the max-plus inequalities constraints6
On closure properties ofL-valued linear languages6