Washington Quarterly

(The TQCC of Washington Quarterly is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
So, Is Russia Fascist Now? Labels and Policy Implications14
Pushing on an Open Door: Japan’s Evolutionary Security Posture13
Befuddled: How America Can Get Its Voice Back12
A Finely Fractured Consensus: American Motivations for Rules-Based Order10
Governing the Final Frontier: Risk Reduction in Outer Space9
The Rocky Future of the US-Israeli Special Relationship8
Still Getting Asia Wrong: No “Contain China” Coalition Exists6
Anticipating Europe’s Nuclear Futures6
China’s Economic Statecraft: Lessons Learned from Ukraine6
Eyes Wide Open: Strategic Elite Views of South Korea’s Nuclear Options5
On Targeted Killing and Warfare5
Orienting the 2021 Nuclear Posture Review4
Embedded Nationalism in a Fragmented World: Lula’s Brazil4
Curbing China’s Resilience to US Coercive Economic Statecraft4
Backstopping Ukraine’s Long-Term Security: An Alternative to NATO Membership4
Cyber Offense and a Changing Strategic Paradigm4
How to Defend Taiwan: Leading with Economic Warfare4
Changing the Kremlin’s Election Interference Calculus4
A Fragile Equilibrium: Incentivizing Pakistan’s Regional Recalibration3
Why the United States Is Losing—And Russia and Iran Are Winning3
Between Guilt and Responsibility: The Legacy of Spheres in Germany3
The Real Challenge of China’s Nuclear Modernization3
The Roots and Resilience of Pro-Americanism in the Baltics3
The Ideology Barriers to Anti-China Coalitions3
Kishida the Accelerator: Japan's Defense Evolution After Abe3
Remote Sanctions-Busting: A Post-COVID New Normal?3
Great-Power Competition Isn’t a Foreign Policy3
How Autocrats Manipulate Online Information: Putin’s and Xi’s Playbooks3
A Model Alliance? The Strategic Logic of US-Australia Cooperation2
US-China Rivalry and Japan’s Strategic Role2
India’s Radical Reimagination: No More Bandwagoning, for Real2
How to End a Military Intervention2
The Geopolitics of the Rare-Metals Race2
A New Concert for Europe: Security and Order After the War2
Mind the Gaps: Reading South Korea’s Emergent Proliferation Strategy2
Is the Chinese Communist Party Ready for the Future?2
Updating Dollar Diplomacy: Leading on Digital Currency Standards2
America's Role in a Post-American Middle East2
Russia’s Failed Nuclear Coercion Against Ukraine2
The Return of Crisis Diplomacy: Ukraine, Taiwan and Beyond2
Lessons Learned from Afghanistan: The First Political Order2
Japan’s New Economic Statecraft2
Have We Passed the Peak of Sino-Russian Rapprochement?2
Lessons in Sanctions-Proofing from Russia2