Environmental Ethics

(The median citation count of Environmental Ethics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Unpacking the Linkages Between Structural Violence and the Climate Crisis6
Karen Warren, Social Dominance, and Connection to Nature6
Setting a Permissible Target for Carbon Dioxide Removal6
News and Notes5
Index to Volume 444
Christian Diehm. Connection to Nature, Deep Ecology, and Conservation Social Science: Human-Nature Bonding and Protecting the Natural World3
Reciprocity as an Environmental Virtue3
An Ecological Conception of Personhood3
Ndu-Mmili-Ndu-Azu ("Live-and-Let-Live")2
Anna Wienhues. Ecological Justice and the Extinction Crisis: Giving Living Beings Their Due2
Poverty, Growth, and the Environment2
Simon James. How Nature Matters: Culture, Identity, and Environmental Value2
Partha Dasgupta: Time and the Generations: Population Ethics for a Diminishing Planet2
Grounding Responsibility to Future Generations from a Kantian Standpoint2
Thomistic Environmental Ethics2
The Trouble of Rocks and Waters2
Alda Balthrop-Lewis. Thoreau’s Religion: Walden Woods, Social Justice, and the Politics of Asceticism2
Matthew Gandy, Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space1
Desert-Adjusted Utilitarianism, People, and Animals1
Comments on Moellendorf’s Mobilizing Hope1
Holly Jean Buck. After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair, and Restoration1
Otherness-based Reasons for the Protection of (Bio)Diversity1
The Ecological Ethics of Nordic Children’s Tales1
Moellendorf on Hope, Poverty, and Climate Change1
Why Environmental Philosophers Should Be "Buck-Passers" about Value1
Radical Virtue and Climate Action1
Procreation vs. Consumption1
Empathy for Plants0
Hope, Wish, and Pessimism in Moellendorf's Mobilizing Hope0
Weak Anthropocentrism’s Future0
John Lauritz Larson. Laid Waste! The Culture of Exploitation in Early America0
Ben Almassi, Reparative Environmental Justice in a World of Wounds0
Africapitalism, Ubuntu, and Sustainability0
Back to the Future0
Martha Nussbaum. Justice For Animals: Our Collective Responsibility0
A Response to Three Discussions of My Professional Work and Thought0
Éric Pommier. La démocratie environnementale: Préserver notre part de nature0
The Anthropocene as the End of Nature?0
John Cage, Henry David Thoreau, Wild Nature, Humility, and Music0
Plato’s Anthropocentrism Reconsidered0
Astroethics and the Non-Fungibility Thesis0
Six Trees0
Identification and Alienation in the Anthropocene0
Kelly Struthers Montford and Chloë Taylor, eds. Colonialism and Animality: Anti-Colonial Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies0
Jennie C. Stephens. Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership On Climate and Energy0
Lori Gruen, ed. Critical Terms for Animal Studies0
The Nature of Property0
Integrity and Agency: Negotiating New Forms of Human-Nature Relations in Biotechnology0
J. Michael Scott, John A. Wiens, Beatrice Van Horne, and Dale D. Goble. Shepherding Nature: The Challenge of Conservation Reliance0
Referees 20210
Genetic Engineering, Nature Conservation, and Animal Ethics in advance0
Éric Pommier. La démocratie environnementale: Préserver notre part de nature0
Steve Vanderheiden. Environmental Political Theory0
Population Ethics and Animal Farming0
Climate Legacy0
Comments on Darrel Moellendorf, Mobilizing Hope0
Notes from the Editor0
A Possibility for Environmentalists to Deny Intrinsic Value in Nature0
Strong Sustainability Ethics0
Procreation and Consumption in the Real World0
Are People Part of Nature? Yes and No0
A Basis for Biocentric Equality?0
Index to Volume 430
The Personal Responsibility to Reduce Greenhouse Gases0
Covert Animal Rescue0
Hargrove’s Ontological Argument for the Aesthetic Foundation of Wilderness Preservation0
Justice and Ecocide0
We’ve Found Something Good Here in advance0
Property and “le Propre”0
NDN Collective Climate Justice Campaign, editor. Required Reading: Climate Justice, Adaptation and Investing in Indigenous Power0
Contributory Reasons For and Against Procreation0
Index to Volume 450
Of Mammoths and Megalomaniacs0
Guest Editors' Introduction0
Emma Marris, Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World0
Replying to Comments on Mobilizing Hope0
Guest Editors' Introduction to the 2021 ISEE Special Issue0
The Cost of Denying Intrinsic Value in Nature0
Akeel Bilgrami, ed. Nature and Value0
Towards A Multispecies Population Ethics0
Jonathan A. Newman, Gary Varner, and Stefan Linquist. Defending Biodiversity: Environmental Science and Ethics0
Peter Dauvergne. AI in the Wild: Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence0
Should We Blow Up a Pipeline?0
Religion and the Possibility of a Materialist Environmental Ethic0
Biodiversity and the Digital Transformation0
Paul Wapner. Is Wildness Over?0
Matto Mildenberger. Carbon Captured: How Business and Labor Control Climate Politics0
John Töns. John Rawls and Environmental Justice: Implementing a Sustainable and Socially Just Future0
Editors' Introduction to the 2020 ISEE Special Issue0
Colonialism, Environmental Policy, and Epistemic Injustice0
Harm, Responsibility, and the Far-off Impacts of Climate Change0
The Idea of Equality in Environmental Ethics0
Nature's Intrinsic Value0
Guest Editors' Introduction to the 2022 ISEE Special Issue0
Referees 20220
Authenticity Beyond the Anthropocene0
Jeff Sebo. Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animal Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and Other Catastrophes0
Conservation Philosophy After the End of 'Nature'? in advance0
Referees 20230
Alex Schafran, Mathew Noah Smith, and Stephen Hall. The Spatial Contract: A New Politics of Provision for an Urbanized Planet0
Note from the Editor0
Infringing upon Environmental Autonomy with the Aim of Enabling It0
Emmanuel Kreike. Scorched Earth: Environmental Warfare as a Crime against Humanity and Nature0
Statement of Ownership0
The Aristotelian Strain in Modern Environmental Virtue Ethics0
A Response to Rut Vinterkvist0
Evolution Is Not Good0
Thomas Nail. Theory of the Earth0
News and Notes0
Kelly A. Parker and Heather E. Keith. Pragmatism and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience0
Notes from the Editor0
News and Notes0
Notes from the Editor0
Note from the Editor0
Environmental Ethics Down on the Farm0
Jason Kawall, ed. The Virtues of Sustainability0
Climate Change Injustice0
Nourishing Bonds0
Flying from History, Too Close to the Sun0
Whose Fault Is It?0
Virtue Ethics and the Trilemma Facing Sentiocentrism0
Stan Cox. The Green New Deal and Beyond: Ending the Climate Emergency while We Still Can0
Scientific Knowledge and Art in the Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature0
Stephanie Wakefield. Anthropocene Back Loop: Experimentation in Unsafe Operating Space0
What We Owe to Animals0
The Problematic Rationality of Private Property Rights0
Wild Animal Protectorates0
From the Utopia of Sustainable Development to Sustainable Topoi0
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò: Reconsidering Reparations0
David Kaplan. Food Philosophy: An Introduction0
Tragic Moral Conflict in Endangered Species Recovery0
Trevor Hedberg. The Environmental Impact of Overpopulation: The Ethics of Procreation0