Political Psychology

(The median citation count of Political Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Harnessing Shared Identities to Mobilize Resilient Responses to the COVID‐19 Pandemic65
How Emotional Are Populists Really? Factors Explaining Emotional Appeals in the Communication of Political Parties62
Conspiracy Theories and Institutional Trust: Examining the Role of Uncertainty Avoidance and Active Social Media Use52
Investigating the Links Between Cultural Values and Belief in Conspiracy Theories: The Key Roles of Collectivism and Masculinity48
Psychological Correlates of Populist Attitudes46
Reducing Affective Polarization: Warm Group Relations or Policy Compromise?44
Examining the Left‐Right Divide Through the Lens of a Global Crisis: Ideological Differences and Their Implications for Responses to the COVID‐19 Pandemic44
The Language of Pandemic Leaderships: Mapping Political Rhetoric During the COVID‐19 Outbreak38
Consequences of Economic Inequality for the Social and Political Vitality of Society: A Social Identity Analysis38
Populist Gullibility: Conspiracy Theories, News Credibility, Bullshit Receptivity, and Paranormal Belief37
Nationalism, Patriotism, and Support for the European Union28
Abortion Attitudes: An Overview of Demographic and Ideological Differences27
MOBILISE: A Higher‐Order Integration of Collective Action Research to Address Global Challenges26
Power to the People: The Hidden Link Between Support for Direct Democracy and Belief in Conspiracy Theories26
Personal and Political: Post‐Traumatic Stress Through the Lens of Social Identity, Power, and Politics26
The Return of Ethnocentrism24
“Everybody Needs to Do Their Part, So We Can Get This Under Control.” Reactions to the Norwegian Government Meta‐Narratives on COVID‐19 Measures24
The Behavioral Immune System Shapes Partisan Preferences in Modern Democracies: Disgust Sensitivity Predicts Voting for Socially Conservative Parties23
Targeting Ontological Security: Information Warfare in the Modern Age23
Predictors of Political Violence Outcomes among Young People: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis23
Antiwomen But Proquota: Disaggregating Sexism and Support for Gender Quota Policies21
Fear, Hope, and COVID‐19: Emotional Elite Rhetoric and Its Impact on the Public During the First Wave of the COVID‐19 Pandemic21
The Political Psychology of COVID‐1921
Australasian Public Awareness and Belief in Conspiracy Theories: Motivational Correlates20
On the Relation Between Religiosity and the Endorsement of Conspiracy Theories: The Role of Political Orientation20
United We Stand, Divided We Fall: Sociopolitical Predictors of Physical Distancing and Hand Hygiene During the COVID‐19 Pandemic19
War Against COVID‐19: How Is National Identification Linked With the Adoption of Disease‐Preventive Behaviors in China and the United States?18
Moralizing the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Self‐Interest Predicts Moral Condemnation of Other's Compliance, Distancing, and Vaccination18
Facing a Common Human Fate: Relating Global Identity and Climate Change Mitigation17
Social and Cognitive Aspects of the Vulnerability to Political Misinformation16
Exposure and Aversion to Human Transmissible Diseases Predict Conservative Ideological and Partisan Preferences15
Economic Distress and Populism: Examining the Role of Identity Threat and Feelings of Social Exclusion15
Down But Not Yet Out: Depression, Political Efficacy, and Voting15
Morbid Polarization: Exposure to COVID‐19 and Partisan Disagreement about Pandemic Response15
Common Sense as a Political Weapon: Populism, Science Skepticism, and Global Crisis‐Solving Motivations15
When Left Is Right and Right Is Left: The Psychological Correlates of Political Ideology in China15
The Impact of Including Advantaged Groups in Collective Action Against Social Inequality on Politicized Identification of Observers From Disadvantaged and Advantaged Groups14
Moral Polarization Predicts Support for Authoritarian and Progressive Strong Leaders via the Perceived Breakdown of Society14
The Ideological Predictors of Moral Appeals by European Political Elites; An Exploration of the Use of Moral Rhetoric in Multiparty Systems14
The Relation Between Social Identities and Outgroup Hostility Among German Immigrant‐Origin Citizens13
Personal Contact with Refugees is Key to Welcoming Them: An Analysis of Politicians' and Citizens' Attitudes Towards Refugee Integration13
Female Politicians as Climate Fools: Intertextual and Multimodal Constructions of Misogyny Disguised as Humor in Political Communication13
Growing Up as a European? Parental Socialization and the Educational Divide in Euroskepticism13
Taking Care of Each Other: How Can We Increase Compliance with Personal Protective Measures During the COVID‐19 Pandemic in Chile?13
Populist Attitudes and Threat Perceptions of Global Transformations and Governance: Experimental Evidence from India and the United Kingdom12
Does Analytic Thinking Insulate Against Pro‐Kremlin Disinformation? Evidence From Ukraine12
Objective and Subjective Socioeconomic Status as Sources of Status‐Legitimacy Effect and Legitimation of Income Inequality11
Community Violence and Support for Violent Extremism: Evidence From the Sahel11
My Country, Right or Wrong: Education, Accumulated Democratic Experience, and Political Socialization of Blind Patriotism11
Hot Populism? Affective Responses to Antiestablishment Rhetoric11
Authoritarians Go with the Flow: Social Norms Moderate the Link between Right‐Wing Authoritarianism and Outgroup‐Directed Attitudes11
Do Threats Galvanize Authoritarians or Mobilize Nonauthoritarians? Experimental Tests from 19 European Societies10
Disavowing White Identity: How Social Disgust can Change Social Identities10
Collective Narcissism as a Basis for Nationalism10
Parochial Altruism and Political Ideology10
Make It Great Again: The Relationship Between Populist Attitudes and Nostalgia10
Hearing From Both Sides: Differences Between Liberal and Conservative Attitudes Toward Scientific and Experiential Evidence9
Screw Those Guys: Polarization, Empathy, and Attitudes About Out‐Partisans9
Political Ideology in Early Childhood: Making the Case for Studying Young Children in Political Psychology9
The Power of Political Déjà Vu: When Collective Action Becomes an Effort to Change the Future by Preventing the Return of the Past8
Projection in Politicians' Perceptions of Public Opinion8
Positive and Negative Peace as Predictors of Pandemic Preparedness: Evidence from a Micro‐ and Macro‐Level Investigation During the Onset of the COVID‐19 Pandemic8
A Radical Vision of Radicalism: Political Cynicism, not Incrementally Stronger Partisan Positions, Explains Political Radicalization8
Distrustful Complacency and the COVID‐19 Vaccine: How Concern and Political Trust Interact to Affect Vaccine Hesitancy8
The Role of Humanitarianism in Shaping Public Attitudes Toward Refugees8
“Not Racist, But…”: Beliefs About Immigration Restrictions, Collective Narcissism, and Justification of Ethnic Extremism8
Generalized Dispositional Distrust as the Common Core of Populism and Conspiracy Mentality7
“The More You Know”: Critical Historical Knowledge About Indian Residential Schools Increases Non‐Indigenous Canadians' Empathy for Indigenous Peoples7
The Personalities of Presidents as Independent Variables7
Reducing Political Dehumanization by Pairing Facts With Personal Experiences7
What It Means to (Mis)Trust: Forced Migration, Ontological (In)Security, and the Unrecognized Political Psychology of the Israeli‐Lebanese Conflict7
Where and Why Immigrants Intend to Naturalize: The Interplay Between Acculturation Strategies and Integration Policies7
Gender Gap in Parental Leave Intentions: Evidence from 37 Countries7
Coping with Cross‐Pressures: The Seamless Garment in Catholic Political Behavior7
Psychological responses to jihadist terrorism: Exploring a small but significant opinion shift towards minority inclusion among French citizens in response to the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks7
The Politics in White Identity: Testing a Racialized Partisan Hypothesis7
Religion and Democratic Commitment: A Unifying Motivational Framework7
Toward an Integrative Perspective on Distinct Positive Emotions for Political Action: Analyzing, Comparing, Evaluating, and Synthesizing Three Theoretical Perspectives6
From the People, Like the People, or For the People? Candidate Appraisal Among the French Yellow Vests6
Are Newsjunkies More Likely to Vote? Intrinsic Need for Orientation and Voter Registration, Intention to Vote, and Voter Conscientiousness6
Populism and Layers of Social Belonging: Support of Populist Parties in Europe6
Socialized to Safety? The Origins of Gender Difference in Personal Security Dispositions6
Youth Political Mobilization: Violence, Intimidation, and Patronage in Zimbabwe6
The Psychology of Leadership Destabilization: An Analysis of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Debates6
Work Is Political: Distributive Injustice as a Mediating Mechanism in the Relationship Between Job Insecurity and Political Cynicism6
The Religious Communication Approach and Political Behavior6
Understanding Change in Social‐Movement Participation: The Roles of Social Norms and Group Efficacy6
Ethnicity or Policy? The Conditioning of Intergroup Trust in the Context of Ethnic Conflict6
Reversing the Causal Arrow: Politics' Influence on Religious Choices6
Personal Values Priorities and Support for Populism in Europe—An Analysis of Personal Motivations Underpinning Support for Populist Parties in Europe6
Pandemic Politics in the United States: COVID‐19 as a New Type of Political Emergency5
A Social Identity Approach to How Elite Outgroups Are Invoked by Politicians and the Media in Nativist Populism5
How Social‐Class Background Influences Perceptions of Political Leaders5
The Racialization of International Trade5
The FARC in Colombia: Collective Reintegration and Social Identity Transformation5
The COVID‐19–Social Identity–Digital Media Nexus in India: Polarization and Blame5
Threats, Emotions, and Affective Polarization5
Candidate Aggression and Gendered Voter Evaluations5
Moral Identity Predicts Adherence to COVID‐19 Mitigation Procedures Depending on Political Ideology: A Comparison Between the USA and New Zealand5
Fear and Loathing of Wall Street: Political Liberalism, Uncertainty, and Threat Management in a Dangerous Economic World5
Past and Present Intergroup Contact and Conflict Among Inhabitants of Former Mixed Villages of Cyprus: The Role of Individual and Collective Experiences in Predicting Attitudes and Trust5
Introducing the Collective Action Recursive Empowerment (CARE) Model: How Small‐Scale Protests Led to Large‐Scale Collective Action in Armenia's Velvet Revolution5
On the Misrecognition of Identity: Muslims' Everyday Experiences in Scotland5
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Understanding How British and Indonesian Extremists Disengage and Why They Don't5
Googling Politics: How Offloading Affects Voting and Political Knowledge5
Are there Local Differences in Support for Violent Radicalization? A Study on College Students in the Province of Quebec, Canada5
Candidate Evaluations Through the Lens of Adaptive Followership Psychology: How and Why Voters Prefer Leaders Based on Character Traits5
Learning Facts About Migration: Politically Motivated Learning of Polarizing Information About Refugees5
Does System Justification Promote Establishment Voting? Mainstream Politics in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom5
Exploring the Context‐Sensitivity of Collective Action Motivations and the Mobilizing Role of Social Media: A Comparative Interview Study With Activists in Germany and Turkey4
How Riots Spread Between Cities: Introducing the Police Pathway4
The Dynamics of Social Identity: Evidence from Deliberating Groups4
Stability of National‐Identity Content: Level, Predictors, and Implications4
Scaling the Security Staircase4
Motives Don't Matter? Motive Attribution and Counterterrorism Policy4
When Victimhood Goes to War? Israel and Victim Claims4
Do Populist Leaders Mimic the Language of Ordinary Citizens? Evidence From India4
Australia Day or Invasion Day? Perspectives on the Continuing Impact of Colonialism Underlies Public Contestations Around Australia's National Day4
Self‐Worth and Politics: The Distinctive Roles of Self‐Esteem and Narcissism4
Academic Freedom Under Attack in Turkey: 2019 Presidential Address, International Society of Political Psychology4
The Interplay Between Explicit and Implicit Right‐Wing Populism in Germany and Switzerland4
Forged Examples as Disinformation: The Biasing Effects of Political Astroturfing Comments on Public Opinion Perceptions and How to Prevent Them4
From Gaming to Hating: Extreme‐Right Ideological Indoctrination and Mobilization for Violence of Children on Online Gaming Platforms4
Early Life Adversity Is Associated With Diminished Social Trust in Adults4
The Many Guises of Populism and Crisis: Introduction to the Special Issue on Populism and Global Crises4
Trust and Involvement as Higher‐Order Factors of General Attitudes Towards Politics. Testing a Structural Model Across 26 Democracies4
The Making of Radical‐Right Voters: Persuasion and Contrast Effects in a Dynamic Political Context4
How to study democratic backsliding4
Political Extremism and a Generalized Propensity to Discriminate Among Values3
A Leader Who Sees the World as I Do: Voters Prefer Candidates Whose Statements Reveal Matching Social‐Psychological Attitudes3
Redefining the Meaning of Negative History in Times of Sociopolitical Change: A Social Creativity Approach3
Between Open‐minded Critical Thinking and Closed‐minded Allegiance: Educational Tensions in Societies Involved in Intractable Conflict3
“Put a Little Love in Your Heart”: Acceptance of Paternalistic and Ally Political Discourses Both Predict Pro‐Roma Solidarity Intentions Through Moral Inclusion3
Distinguishing Active and Passive Outgroup Tolerance: Understanding Its Prevalence and the Role of Moral Concern3
Who Should Get a Say? Race, Law Enforcement Guidelines, and Systems of Representation3
Conflict Transformation: Relinquishing or Maintaining Social Identity Among Former Loyalist Combatants in Northern Ireland3
From Social Dominance Orientation to Political Engagement: The Role of Group Status and Shared Beliefs in Politics Across Multiple Contexts3
Explaining Autocratic Support: The Varying Effects of Threat on Personality3
We love, they hate: Emotions in affective polarization and how partisans may use them3
What Are You Afraid of? Authoritarianism, Terrorism, and Threat3
Overestimating Reported Prejudice Causes Democrats to Believe Disadvantaged Groups Are Less Electable3
Don't Tell Me What I Don't Want to Hear! Politicization and Ideological Conflict Explain Why Citizens Have Lower Trust in Climate Scientists and Economists Than in Other Natural Scientists3
Partisan schadenfreude and candidate cruelty3
The Intergenerational Transmission of Party Preferences in Multiparty Contexts: Examining Parental Socialization Processes in the Netherlands2
Are rules made to be broken? Conspiracy exposure promotes aggressive behavior2
The Heaviest Drop of Blood: Black Exceptionalism Among Multiracials2
The Quest for Uncontested Power: Presidents' Personalities and Democratic Erosion in Latin America, 1945–20122
Identifying different ‘types’ of participants in the Chilean student movement: A latent transition analysis of collective action intentions, social class and movement identification2
Ideological Contestation on Twitter Over Diversity: Constructions of Diversity as Clashing Projects2
The Role of Personal Centrality of Ingroup Victimhood in Intergroup Relations and Political Agenda in Northern Ireland2
Intellectual Humility and Political Polarization: An Exploration of Social Networks, Attitudes, and Affect2
Narratives, Ontological Security, and Unconscious Phantasy: Germany and the European Myth During the so‐called Migration Crisis2
The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime: Focalism and Political Participation2
Stressed Out: The Missing Influence of Stress Arousal in Emotion's Role in Political Decision‐Making2
Talking to a (Segregation) Wall: Intergroup Contact and Attitudes Toward Normalization Among Palestinians From the Occupied Territories2
Selecting Talented Migrants: Majority and Minority Perspectives2
Filling in the Gaps: False Memories and Partisan Bias2
Gender and Attitudes Towards a Peace Agreement in Situations of Intractable Conflict: The Case of the Jewish‐Israeli Society2
Politicization of a Pathogen: A Prospective Longitudinal Study of COVID‐19 Responses in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample2
Electing to Take Control: Political Identification and Personal Control2
Why Chile “Woke Up.” Antecedents of the Formation of Prochange Group Consciousness Promoting Collective Action2
Institutional Prospects: Exploring Perceptions of Past Benefits and Future Risks From Supreme Court Decisions and Support for Institutional Change2
Responsibility, Recognition, and Representation: The Ethical Bases of Truth Evaluation in Political Narrative Analysis2
The Rights of Man: Libertarian Concern for Men's, But Not Women's, Reproductive Autonomy2
Explaining the paradox of conspiracy theories and system‐justifying beliefs from an intergroup perspective2
Prejudice, Political Ideology, and Interest: Understanding Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action in Brazil2
Understanding non‐normative civil resistance under repression: Evidence from Hong Kong and Chile2
Who Is in the Middle: Social Class, Core Values, and Identities in India2
Human, All Too Human: Drones, Ethics, and the Psychology of Military Technologies1
Determinants of belief in conspiracy theories about the war in Ukraine among youth1
Narrative premiums in policy persuasion1
Exploring Different Psychological Processes in a Media Intervention That Reduces Dehumanization Towards Muslims1
The Dependency–Counterdependency Dynamic: Interactive Effects of System Justification and Power‐Distance Orientation on Radicalization against the Political System1
Ingroup Bias, Partisanship, and Gendered Voting1
Appeals to Consensus and Partisan Politics in Parliamentary Discourse on the Pandemic1
Political Ideology Outdoes Personal Experience in Predicting Support for Gender Equality1
The Relative Importance of Self‐Focused and Society‐Focused Values in Explaining Political Attitudes in Europe1
Motivated to Forgive? Partisan Scandals and Party Supporters1
Rationality and Risk: Experimental Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire1
Politics makes bastards of us all: Why moral judgment is politically situational1
Ontological Security in Times of Global Transformations? Bureaucrats' Perceptions on Organizational Work Life and Migration1
An Exploration of How Millennial Australian Conservative Voters Conceptualize Privilege1
Evaluating the Legacy and Place of Fallible, Brilliant Men1
Personality and the Policy Positions of Politicians1
On nation, homeland, and democracy: Toward a novel three‐factor measurement model for nationalism and patriotism. Evidence from two representative studies1
Who's to blame for failed integration of immigrants? Blame attributions as an affectively polarizing force in lay discussions of immigration in Finland1
It's All Under Control: Threat, Perceived Control, and Political Engagement1
The relationship between political procedural justice and attitudes toward the political system: A meta‐analysis1
Feeling Politics at High School: Antecedents and Effects of Emotions in Civic Education1
Yikes! The Effect of Incidental Disgust and Information on Public Attitudes During the COVID‐19 Pandemic1
What's the Value of Partisan Loyalty? Partisan Ambivalence, Motivated Reasoning, and Correct Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections1
Religiosity Inside and Outside the Muslim World1
Online Hate and Zeitgeist of Fear: A Five‐Country Longitudinal Analysis of Hate Exposure and Fear of Terrorism After the Paris Terrorist Attacks in 20151
Who, how, and when do children help? A systematic review of children's outgroup prosocial behavior1
Proximate Exposure to Conflict and the Spatiotemporal Correlates of Social Trust1
Characteristics and Consequences of Having a Political Reputation in Class1
A cultural theory of the culture wars1
In the shadow of September 11: The roots and ramifications of anti‐Muslim attitudes in the United States1
Moral Leadership in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election1