Science Technology & Human Values

(The median citation count of Science Technology & Human Values is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Talking AI into Being: The Narratives and Imaginaries of National AI Strategies and Their Performative Politics126
Fixing Technology with Society: The Coproduction of Democratic Deficits and Responsible Innovation at the OECD and the European Commission26
Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the Construction of the “Deficient User” in Cybersecurity Discourses24
A Science of Hope? Tracing Emergent Entanglements between the Biology of Early Life Adversity, Trauma-informed Care, and Restorative Justice20
Seeing Like a State, Enacting Like an Algorithm: (Re)assembling Contact Tracing and Risk Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic20
Listening Like a Computer: Attentional Tensions and Mechanized Care in Psychiatric Digital Phenotyping20
The Reproductive Bodies of Postgenomics18
The Racializing Womb: Surrogacy and Epigenetic Kinship18
Between Infrastructural Experimentation and Collective Imagination: The Digital Transformation of the EU Border Regime18
Introduction: Beyond the Production of Ignorance: The Pervasiveness of Industry Influence through the Tools of Chemical Regulation17
From Affect to Action: Choices in Attending to Disconcertment in Interdisciplinary Collaborations16
Global Fertility Chains: An Integrative Political Economy Approach to Understanding the Reproductive Bioeconomy15
Between the Lab and the Field: Plants and the Affective Atmospheres of Southern Science15
Editorial Work and the Peer Review Economy of STS Journals14
“A Heat Pump Needs a Bit of Care”: On Maintainability and Repairing Gender–Technology Relations14
Egg Freezing at the End of Romance: A Technology of Hope, Despair, and Repair13
Freedom of Expression Challenged: Scientists’ Perspectives on Hidden Forms of Suppression and Self-censorship13
The Double Darkness of Digitalization: Shaping Digital-ready Legislation to Reshape the Conditions for Public-sector Digitalization13
Tracing Long-term Value Change in (Energy) Technologies: Opportunities of Probabilistic Topic Models Using Large Data Sets13
On Theory–Methods Packages in Science and Technology Studies13
Seeking Public Values of Digital Energy Platforms13
Welcome to Whenever: Exploring Suspended Life in Cryopreservation Practices12
Competing Transport Futures: Tensions between Imaginaries of Electrification and Biogas Fuel in Sweden12
Public Trust and Political Legitimacy in the Smart City: A Reckoning for Technocracy12
Ethics as Discursive Work: The Role of Ethical Framing in the Promissory Future of Data-driven Healthcare Technologies11
Platform NHS: Reconfiguring a Public Service in the Age of Digital Capitalism11
Value Change in Energy Systems11
“Let’s Not Have the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good”: Social Impact Bonds, Randomized Controlled Trials, and the Valuation of Social Programs10
Rethinking Science as a Vocation: One Hundred Years of Bureaucratization of Academic Science9
Artificial Intelligence from Colonial India: Race, Statistics, and Facial Recognition in the Global South9
Quantitative Storytelling: Science, Narratives, and Uncertainty in Nexus Innovations9
Eliciting Values for Technology Design with Moral Philosophy: An Empirical Exploration of Effects and Shortcomings9
To Test or Not to Test: Tools, Rules, and Corporate Data in US Chemicals Regulation8
Predicting Success in the Embryology Lab: The Use of Algorithmic Technologies in Knowledge Production8
Meditation Apps and the Promise of Attention by Design8
Audible Crime Scenes: ShotSpotter as Diagnostic, Policing, and Space-making Infrastructure8
Disagreement and Agonistic Chance in Peer Review8
Public Perceptions of Risks and Benefits of Gene-edited Food Crops: An International Comparative Study between the US, Japan, and Germany7
Opening Up Containment7
Age-discriminated IVF Access and Evidence-based Ageism: Is There a Better Way?7
Identity in Postgenomic Times: Epigenetic Knowledge and the Pursuit of Biological Origins7
On Staging Work: How Research Funding Bodies Create Adaptive Coherence in Times of Projectification7
Searching for a Public in Controversies over Carbon Dioxide Removal: An Issue Mapping Study on BECCS and Afforestation6
Legal Pluralism and Science and Technology Studies: Exploring Sources of the Legal Pluriverse6
Diversifying the Deliberative Turn: Toward an Agonistic RRI6
Technology, Sexual Violence, and Power-Evasive Politics: Mapping the Anti-violence Sociotechnical Imaginary6
Cryovalues beyond High Expectations: Endurance and the Construction of Value in Cord Blood Banking6
Microbial Extractions: Sequence-based Bioprospecting, Augmented Promises, and Elusive Politics6
Extracting Users: Regimes of Engagement in Norwegian Smart Electricity Transition6
Rationality in Context: Regulatory Science and the Best Scientific Method6
The Economization of Early Life: Human Capital Theory, Biology, and Social Policy5
Patents as Vehicles of Social and Moral Concerns: The Case of Johnson & Johnson Disposable Feminine Hygiene Products (1925–2012)5
Privacy Worlds: Exploring Values and Design in the Development of the Tor Anonymity Network5
Citizen-Person: The “Me” in the “We” in Danish Precision Medicine5
Troubled Orbits and Earthly Concerns: Space Debris as a Boundary Infrastructure5
An Interpretation of Value Change: A Philosophical Disquisition of Climate Change and Energy Transition Debate5
Science Communication as a Boundary Space: An Interactive Installation about the Social Responsibility of Science5
The Media’s Taste for Gene-Edited Food: Comparing Media Portrayals within US and European Regulatory Environments5
The Reproduction of Shame: Pregnancy, Nutrition and Body Weight in the Translation of Developmental Origins of Adult Disease5
Governance of Gene-edited Plants: Insights from the History of Biotechnology Oversight and Policy Process Theory5
Transfer or Translation? Rethinking Traveling Technologies from the Global South5
Situated Ethics in Development: STS Insights for a Pragmatic Approach to Development Policy and Practice4
Governing Occupational Exposure Using Thresholds: A Policy Biased Toward Industry4
Reducing the Burden of Decision in Digital Democracy Applications: A Comparative Analysis of Six Decision-making Software4
The Role of Vitrification in Spanish Reproductive Labs: A Cryo-revolution Led by Strategic Freezing4
What Is an STS Contribution Now?4
Green Design Tools: Building Values and Politics into Material Choices4
Participation, Empowerment, and Evidence in the Current Discourse on Personalized Medicine: A Critique of “Democratizing Healthcare”4
Creating Regulatory Harmony: The Participatory Politics of OECD Chemical Testing Standards in the Making4
From Poacher to Protector of Attention: The Therapeutic Turn of Persuasive Technology and Ethics of a Smartphone Habit-breaking Application4
Does “Precision” Matter? A Q Study of Public Interpretations of Gene Editing in Agriculture4
Fixing Subjects, Fixing Outcomes: Civic Epistemologies and Epistemic Agency in Participatory Governance of Climate Risk4
Socializing Scientists into Interdisciplinarity by Placemaking in a Multi-sited Research Center4
Divisible Governance: Making Gas-fired Futures during Climate Collapse in Northern Australia4
Scholarly Publishing, Boundary Processes, and the Problem of Fake Peer Reviews4
Keep Calm and Carry On: Climate-ready Crops and the Genetic Codification of Climate Myopia4
Commodifying a “Good” Weather Data: Commercial Meteorology, Low-cost Stations, and the Global Scientific Infrastructure4
Innovation in Technology Instead of Thinking? Assetization and Its Epistemic Consequences in Academia4
Publications about Women, Science, and Engineering: Use of Sex and Gender in Titles over a Forty-six-year Period4
Formal and Informal Infrastructures of Collaboration in the Human Brain Project4
The Cryopolitics of Human Milk: Thermal Assemblages of Breast Milk in Donation, Banking, and Bioindustrial Research4
Epigenomic Stories: Evidence of Harm and the Social Justice Promises and Perils of Environmental Epigenetics3
The Algorithms of Mindfulness3
Divided Attention, Divided Self: Race and Dual-mind Theories in the History of Experimental Psychology3
Maternal–Fetal Microchimerism and Genetic Origins: Some Socio-legal Implications3
Global Trials, Local Bodies: Negotiating Difference and Sameness in Indian For-profit Clinical Trials3
Transitions, Expansions, Engagements: Science, Technology, & Human Values between 2002 and 20073
Markets, Cultures, and the Politics of Value: The Case of Assisted Reproductive Technology3
Beyond the Egg and the Sperm?: How Science Has Revised a Romance through Reproductomics3
Becoming a (Neuro)Migrant: Attachment, Early Stimulation, and the Government of the Future of Chile3
Drawing Data Together: Inscriptions, Asylum, and Scripts of Security3
Un-silencing an Experimental Technique: Listening to the Electrical Penetration Graph3
The Internet of Futures Past: Values Trajectories of Networking Protocol Projects3
Contesting Infrastructural Futures: 5G Opposition as a Technological Drama3
African Experiments in Health and Healing: Science from the Home and Homestead3
“Ready for What?”: Timing and Speculation in Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development3
Troubleshooting: The Automation of Synthetic Biology and the Labor of Technological Futures3
Legal Pluralism in Infrastructural Designs: Alternative Supply Chains in the Moroccan Argan Oil Export3
Eliminating Human Agency: Why Does Japan Abandon Predictive Simulations?3
Co-producing Human and Animal Experimental Subjects: Exploring the Views of UK COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participants on Animal Testing3
Urban Imaginaries as Tacit Governing Devices: The Case of Smart City Vienna3
(Re)Assembling Marine Space: Lobster Fishing Areas under Conditions of Technological and Legal Change in Atlantic Canada3
Wild, Native, or Pure: Trout as Genetic Bodies3
Linked Descendants: Genetic-genealogical Practices and the Refusal of Ignorance around Slavery3
The Deadlock in European Decision-Making on GMOs as a Wicked Problem by Design: A Need for Repoliticization3
Six Days in Plastic: Potentiality, Normalization, and In Vitro Embryos in the Postgenomic Age3
Industrializing Bacterial Work: Microbiopolitics, Biogas Alchemy, and the French Waste Management Sector3
How to Turn Politics Around: Things, the Earth, Ecology3
“A Patchwork of Data Systems”: Quilting as an Analytic Lens and Stabilizing Practice for Knowledge Infrastructures3
“This Is Not What I Signed up for”: Sociotechnical Imaginaries, Expectations, and Disillusionment in a Dutch Military Innovation Hub3
Clothing Inventions as Acts of Citizenship? The Politics of Material Participation, Wearable Technologies, and Women Patentees in Late Victorian Britain2
The Politics of Postgenomic Reproduction: Exploring Pregnant Narratives from within a Clinical Trial2
Working at the Seams of Colonial Structures: Alternative Sociotechnical Infrastructures Revealed by Hurricane Maria2
Approximations: On Some Ways to Listen to a Building “in the Making”2
Bootstrapping the Boundary between Research and Environmental Management: The TMDL as a Point of Engagement between Science and Governance2
Unscripted Practices for Uncertain Events: Organizational Problems in Cybersecurity Incident Management2
Making Measuring Bodies2
Going with the Flow: Moving Cells and Changing Values in Biomedical Practice2
Transformation: Science, Technology, & Human Values, 1977-19872
Robot Drama: Investigating Frictions between Vision and Demonstration in Care Robotics2
Digitized Patients: Elaborative Tinkering and Knowledge Practices in the Open-source Type 1 Diabetes “Looper Community”2
Introduction: Shifting Attention2
Working with Olga Kuchinskaya and Katie Vann2
Editing as a Vocation2
Defects in Doubt Manufacturing: The Trajectory of a Pro-industrial Argument in the Struggle for the Definition of Carcinogenic Substances2
Crowdfunding Conservation Science: Tracing the Participatory Dynamics of Native Parrot Genome Sequencing2
Science, Technology, & Human Values at Fifty: A Deserter Reports2
Observations and Confessions: Honoring the Fiftieth Anniversary of Science, Technology, & Human Values Publications2
Governing Agricultural Biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany: A Trans-decadal Study of Regulatory Cultures2
Human and Person When Life Is Fragile: New Relationships and Inherent Ambivalences in the Care of Dying Patients2
A Contested Script: Conjuring Security through Registration in Italy2
Science or Ignorance of Animal Welfare? A Case Study: Scientific Reports Published in Preparation for the First European Directive on Animal Welfare (1979-1980)2
Reproducibility and Instruction Following in the Shop Floor Laboratory Work: The Case of a TMS Experiment2
Life as Aftermath: Social Theory for an Age of Anthropogenic Biology2
Toward an Upgrade of Gaia-politics: A View from the East Asian Critical Zone2
Engineering for Human Rights: The Theory and Practice of a Human Rights–based Approach to Engineering2
Learning Right from Wrong: A Cross-national Analysis of Education, National Scientific Investment, and the Morality of Science2
The Performativity of AI-powered Event Detection: How AI Creates a Racialized Protest and Why Looking for Bias Is Not a Solution2
Transitions: Science, Technology, & Human Values in 1986 and Onward2
Engaging Critically with Algorithms: Conceptual and Performative Interventions2