Journal of the American Statistical Association

(The TQCC of Journal of the American Statistical Association is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Classified Mixed Model Projections163
Multivariate Sparse Clustering for Extremes158
A Kernel Log-Rank Test of Independence for Right-Censored Data84
Rerandomization in Stratified Randomized Experiments72
Greedy Segmentation for a Functional Data Sequence65
Collaborative Multilabel Classification64
Model-Assisted Estimation Through Random Forests in Finite Population Sampling55
A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach to Functional Calibration of Computer Models55
A Particle Method for Solving Fredholm Equations of the First Kind50
Nonparametric Causal Effects Based on Longitudinal Modified Treatment Policies41
Communication-Efficient Accurate Statistical Estimation38
Handbook of Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist Inference.38
Multivariate Rank-Based Distribution-Free Nonparametric Testing Using Measure Transportation36
Factor Augmented Inverse Regression and its Application to Microbiome Data Analysis33
Multiple Change Point Detection in Reduced Rank High Dimensional Vector Autoregressive Models31
Structure–Adaptive Sequential Testing for Online False Discovery Rate Control31
High-Dimensional Spatial Quantile Function-on-Scalar Regression28
Dynamic Treatment Regimes: Statistical Methods for Precision Medicine26
Partially Observed Dynamic Tensor Response Regression25
Introduction to the Special Section on Synthetic Control Methods25
An Introduction to Acceptance Sampling and SPC with R25
A Multimodal Multilevel Neuroimaging Model for Investigating Brain Connectome Development23
Back to Our Future: Text Analytics Insights23
Heterogeneity Analysis on Multi-State Brain Functional Connectivity and Adolescent Neurocognition22
Mediation Analysis with the Mediator and Outcome Missing Not at Random21
Supervised Dynamic PCA: Linear Dynamic Forecasting with Many Predictors21
Ranking Inferences Based on the Top Choice of Multiway Comparisons21
Exact Decoding of a Sequentially Markov Coalescent Model in Genetics19
Contextual Dynamic Pricing with Strategic Buyers19
Assessing COVID-19 Prevalence in Austria with Infection Surveys and Case Count Data as Auxiliary Information19
Kernel Estimation of Bivariate Time-Varying Coefficient Model for Longitudinal Data with Terminal Event19
Ideal Bayesian Spatial Adaptation18
Unveiling the Unobservable: Causal Inference on Multiple Derived Outcomes17
Synthetic Likelihood in Misspecified Models17
Unified Unconditional Regression for Multivariate Quantiles, M-Quantiles, and Expectiles17
A Semiparametric Inverse Reinforcement Learning Approach to Characterize Decision Making for Mental Disorders17
Introduction to Environmental Data Science17
Hidden Markov Pólya Trees for High-Dimensional Distributions16
On Robustness of Individualized Decision Rules16
Projection Test for Mean Vector in High Dimensions16
A Zero-Inflated Logistic Normal Multinomial Model for Extracting Microbial Compositions16
Anomaly Detection for a Large Number of Streams: A Permutation-Based Higher Criticism Approach16
Online Bootstrap Inference For Policy Evaluation In Reinforcement Learning16
Transformation-Invariant Learning of Optimal Individualized Decision Rules with Time-to-Event Outcomes15
A History of Data Visualization and Graphic Communication,15
Bootstrapping Extreme Value Estimators15
Exact Bayesian Inference for Diffusion-Driven Cox Processes14
Self-supervised Metric Learning in Multi-View Data: A Downstream Task Perspective14
Proximal Learning for Individualized Treatment Regimes Under Unmeasured Confounding14
Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing, 2nd ed.Simo Särkkä and Lennart Svensson, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2023, xxx + 406 pp., $44.99(P), ISBN 978-1-108-92664-5.14
Sparse Reduced Rank Huber Regression in High Dimensions14
Statistical Inferences for Complex Dependence of Multimodal Imaging Data13
Discussion of “A Tale of Two Datasets: Representativeness and Generalisability of Inference for Samples of Networks” by Pavel N. Krivitsky, Pietro Coletti, and Niel Hens13
Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Prediction13
Bayesian Conditional Transformation Models13
Coverage Properties of Empirical Bayes Intervals: A Discussion of “Confidence Intervals for Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Analysis” by Ignatiadis and Wager13
Improved Small Domain Estimation via Compromise Regression Weights13
Subspace Estimation with Automatic Dimension and Variable Selection in Sufficient Dimension Reduction13
On Learning and Testing of Counterfactual Fairness through Data Preprocessing13
Analysis of Variance of Tensor Product Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces on Metric Spaces12
Modeling Preferences: A Bayesian Mixture of Finite Mixtures for Rankings and Ratings12
Ordinal Data Analysis: Statistical Perspective with Applications12
Sensitivity Analysis for Quantiles of Hidden Biases in Matched Observational Studies12
What is a Randomization Test?12
Analyzing Big EHR Data—Optimal Cox Regression Subsampling Procedure with Rare Events11
Partially Linear Additive Regression with a General Hilbertian Response11
Censored Interquantile Regression Model with Time-Dependent Covariates11
Robust Matrix Completion with Heavy-Tailed Noise11
Combining Matching and Synthetic Control to Tradeoff Biases From Extrapolation and Interpolation11
Variable Selection Via Thompson Sampling11
Confidently Comparing Estimates with the c-value11
Simultaneous Decorrelation of Matrix Time Series11
DDAC-SpAM: A Distributed Algorithm for Fitting High-dimensional Sparse Additive Models with Feature Division and Decorrelation11
Robust Inference and Modeling of Mean and Dispersion for Generalized Linear Models11
Estimation of Copulas via Maximum Mean Discrepancy11
Scalable Bayesian Transport Maps for High-Dimensional Non-Gaussian Spatial Fields11
Multifile Partitioning for Record Linkage and Duplicate Detection11
High-Dimensional MANOVA Via Bootstrapping and Its Application to Functional and Sparse Count Data10
A Wavelet-Based Independence Test for Functional Data With an Application to MEG Functional Connectivity10
Optimal Estimation of the Number of Network Communities10
Sparse Convoluted Rank Regression in High Dimensions10
When Frictions Are Fractional: Rough Noise in High-Frequency Data10
Conditional Functional Graphical Models10
High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis for Selecting DNA Methylation Loci Mediating Childhood Trauma and Cortisol Stress Reactivity10
Capture-Recapture Models with Heterogeneous Temporary Emigration10
Earthquake Risk Embedded in Property Prices: Evidence From Five Japanese Cities10
Statistical Inference with Local Optima10
Random Forests for Spatially Dependent Data10
Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models9
Federated Offline Reinforcement Learning9
Higher-Order Expansions and Inference for Panel Data Models9
A Novel Approach of High Dimensional Linear Hypothesis Testing Problem9
Identifiability and Consistent Estimation for Gaussian Chain Graph Models9
Semiparametric Proximal Causal Inference9
Recommender Systems: A Review9
Dimension Reduction for Fréchet Regression9
Design of experiments for generalized linear models9
Quantification of Vaccine Waning as a Challenge Effect9
Model-Assisted Uniformly Honest Inference for Optimal Treatment Regimes in High Dimension9
Off-Policy Confidence Interval Estimation with Confounded Markov Decision Process9
Spatio-Temporal Cross-Covariance Functions under the Lagrangian Framework with Multiple Advections9
Differential Privacy for Government Agencies—Are We There Yet?9
1 -based Bayesian Ideal Point Model for Multidimensional Politics9
Correction to “Modeling Time-Varying Random Objects and Dynamic Networks”9
A General Framework for Circular Local Likelihood Regression9
Uniform Projection Designs and Strong Orthogonal Arrays9
Clustering High-Dimensional Noisy Categorical Data8
Split Knockoffs for Multiple Comparisons: Controlling the Directional False Discovery Rate8
Statistical Foundations Driving 21st Century Innovation8
U-Statistic Reduction: Higher-Order Accurate Risk Control and Statistical-Computational Trade-Off8
Structural Equation Modeling Using R/SAS: A Step-by-Step Approach with Real Data Analysis8
Permutation Tests at Nonparametric Rates8
Fast, Optimal, and Targeted Predictions Using Parameterized Decision Analysis8
Sparse Independent Component Analysis with an Application to Cortical Surface fMRI Data in Autism8
A Composite Likelihood-Based Approach for Change-Point Detection in Spatio-Temporal Processes8
Factor Augmented Sparse Throughput Deep ReLU Neural Networks for High Dimensional Regression8
Functional Integrative Bayesian Analysis of High-Dimensional Multiplatform Clinicogenomic Data8
Variable Selection in the Presence of Factors: A Model Selection Perspective8
Discussion of “Confidence Intervals for Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Analysis”8
Semi-Supervised Linear Regression8
Inference of Breakpoints in High-dimensional Time Series8
Testing a Large Number of Composite Null Hypotheses Using Conditionally Symmetric Multidimensional Gaussian Mixtures in Genome-Wide Studies8
Optimal Subsampling via Predictive Inference8
In Nonparametric and High-Dimensional Models, Bayesian Ignorability is an Informative Prior8
On Characterizations and Tests of Benford’s Law8
Rejoinder: Confidence Intervals for Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Analysis8
Sparse Identification and Estimation of Large-Scale Vector AutoRegressive Moving Averages8
Inference in Experiments With Matched Pairs8
Testing Independence Under Biased Sampling8
Policy Learning with Asymmetric Counterfactual Utilities7
High-Order Joint Embedding for Multi-Level Link Prediction7
Covariate-Informed Latent Interaction Models: Addressing Geographic & Taxonomic Bias in Predicting Bird–Plant Interactions7
Rejoinder: LESA: Longitudinal Elastic Shape Analysis of Brain Subcortical Structures7
Modern Applied Regressions: Bayesian and Frequentist Analysis of Categorical and Limited Response variables with R and StanModern Applied Regressions: Bayesian and Frequentist Analysis of Categorical 7
On Optimality of Mallows Model Averaging7
Estimation of the Number of Spiked Eigenvalues in a Covariance Matrix by Bulk Eigenvalue Matching Analysis7
Enveloped Huber Regression7
Benign Overfitting and Noisy Features7
Comment on “A Gibbs Sampler for a Class of Random Convex Polytopes” by P.E. Jacob, R. Gong, P.T. Edlefsen and A.P. Dempster7
Editorial: What Makes for a Great Applications and Case Studies Paper?7
Dynamic Causal Effects Evaluation in A/B Testing with a Reinforcement Learning Framework7
Rejoinder: A Scale-free Approach for False Discovery Rate Control in Generalized Linear Models7
Semiparametric Multinomial Logistic Regression for Multivariate Point Pattern Data7
Deconvolution density estimation with penalized MLE7
Stick-Breaking Processes With Exchangeable Length Variables7
Comment on “Factor Models for High-Dimensional Tensor Time Series” by Rong Chen, Dan Yang, and Cun-Hui Zhang7
Coordinatewise Gaussianization: Theories and Applications7
Discussion of “A Gibbs Sampler for a Class of Random Convex Polytopes”7
Handbook of Measurement Error Models7
Matching on Generalized Propensity Scores with Continuous Exposures7
Robust Estimation for Number of Factors in High Dimensional Factor Modeling via Spearman Correlation Matrix7
Advanced Survival Models7
An adaptive adjustment to the R2 statistic in high-dimensional elliptical models6
Modeling Pregnancy Outcomes Through Sequentially Nested Regression Models6
Network Functional Varying Coefficient Model6
Modeling and Learning From Variation and Covariation6
Robust Estimation of Large Panels with Factor Structures6
Inference in Heavy-Tailed Nonstationary Multivariate Time Series6
Statistically Efficient Advantage Learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning in Infinite Horizons6
Factor Modeling for Clustering High-Dimensional Time Series6
Sharp Nonparametric Bounds for Decomposition Effects with Two Binary Mediators6
Bayesian Modeling with Spatial Curvature Processes6
A Doubly Enhanced EM Algorithm for Model-Based Tensor Clustering6
Covariance Estimation for Matrix-valued Data6
Single-index Thresholding in Quantile Regression6
Fairness-Oriented Learning for Optimal Individualized Treatment Rules6
Objective Bayesian Inference.6
Robust High-Dimensional Regression with Coefficient Thresholding and Its Application to Imaging Data Analysis6
A Generalized Integration Approach to Association Analysis with Multi-category Outcome: An Application to a Tumor Sequencing Study of Colorectal Cancer and Smoking6
A Random Projection Approach to Hypothesis Tests in High-Dimensional Single-Index Models6
Federated Adaptive Causal Estimation (FACE) of Target Treatment Effects6
Two-Way Truncated Linear Regression Models with Extremely Thresholding Penalization6
Semiparametric Regression with R6
Martingale Methods in Statistics Martingale Methods in Statistics , Yoichi Nishiyama, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2022, xiii + 245 pp., $120.00(H), ISB6
Soccer Analytics: An Introduction Using R6
Statistical Modeling for Spatio-Temporal Data From Stochastic Convection-Diffusion Processes6
An Algebraic Estimator for Large Spectral Density Matrices6
Balancing Covariates in Randomized Experiments with the Gram–Schmidt Walk Design6
Inference on Multi-level Partial Correlations Based on Multi-subject Time Series Data6
Optimal Design of Experiments on Riemannian Manifolds6
Spectral Density Estimation for Nonstationary Data With Nonzero Mean Function5
Robust Regression with Covariate Filtering: Heavy Tails and Adversarial Contamination5
RaSE: A Variable Screening Framework via Random Subspace Ensembles5
Compositional Graphical Lasso Resolves the Impact of Parasitic Infection on Gut Microbial Interaction Networks in a Zebrafish Model5
Rejoinder—A Gibbs Sampler for a Class of Random Convex Polytopes5
Doubly-Valid/Doubly-Sharp Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Inference with Unmeasured Confounding5
Tyranny-of-the-Minority Regression Adjustment in Randomized Experiments5
Hierarchical Neyman-Pearson Classification for Prioritizing Severe Disease Categories in COVID-19 Patient Data5
Covariate Information Number for Feature Screening in Ultrahigh-Dimensional Supervised Problems5
Policy Optimization Using Semiparametric Models for Dynamic Pricing5
An Automated Approach to Causal Inference in Discrete Settings5
Modeling Point Referenced Spatial Count Data: A Poisson Process Approach5
Bias-Correction and Test for Mark-Point Dependence with Replicated Marked Point Processes5
Sensitivity Analysis via the Proportion of Unmeasured Confounding5
Model-Free Statistical Inference on High-Dimensional Data5
Data Fission: Splitting a Single Data Point5
Distribution-Free Prediction Intervals Under Covariate Shift, With an Application to Causal Inference5
Assumption-Lean Cox Regression5
A Semiparametric Kernel Independence Test With Application to Mutational Signatures5
Large-Scale Hypothesis Testing for Causal Mediation Effects with Applications in Genome-wide Epigenetic Studies5
Modeling High-Dimensional Time Series: A Factor Model With Dynamically Dependent Factors and Diverging Eigenvalues5
Factor Models for High-Dimensional Tensor Time Series5
Crop Yield Prediction Using Bayesian Spatially Varying Coefficient Models with Functional Predictors5
A Bayesian Hierarchical CACE Model Accounting for Incomplete Noncompliance With Application to a Meta-analysis of Epidural Analgesia on Cesarean Section5
Sampling Algorithms for Discrete Markov Random Fields and Related Graphical Models5
Estimation of Linear Functionals in High-Dimensional Linear Models: From Sparsity to Nonsparsity5
Modeling Recurrent Failures on Large Directed Networks5
Modeling and Learning on High-Dimensional Matrix-Variate Sequences5
Test of Weak Separability for Spatially Stationary Functional Field5
Node-Level Community Detection within Edge Exchangeable Models for Interaction Processes5
Hypothesis Tests for Structured Rank Correlation Matrices5