Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools

(The TQCC of Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Service Delivery Schedule Effects on Speech Sound Production Outcomes30
Parent/Caregiver Views of the Effectiveness of Speech-Language Pathology for Children Born With Cleft Palate Delivered via Telemedicine During COVID-1926
Implementation Science in School-Based, Universal-Level Intervention Research: A Scoping Review23
Promising Strategies for Teaching Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Inclusive Educational Settings: A Systematic Review22
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for Stuttering in the Public Schools: Children Solve Their Own Stuttering Problems in This Case Study20
Pediatric Feeding Disorder and the School-Based Speech-Language Pathologist: An Evidence-Based Update for Clinical Practice19
Developmental Language Disorder Terminology: A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists' Use and Knowledge19
Workload Versus Caseload: An Exploratory Comparison Study of Individualized Education Program Progress and Other Outcomes19
Empowering Speech-Language Pathologists: Strategies for Effective Individualized Education Program Navigation and Inclusive Practice in Schools19
Differentiating Language for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A Practice-Informed Framework for Auditory and Visual Supports19
Coupling Articulatory Placement Strategies With Phonemic Awareness Instruction to Support Emergent Literacy Skills in Preschool Children: A Collaborative Approach18
Clinical Considerations From Researcher-Created Morphological Awareness Assessments18
Go Beyond Compliance: Use Individualized Education Programs to Answer Strategic Questions and Improve Programs17
African American Preschoolers' Performance on Norm-Referenced Language Assessments: Examining the Effect of Dialect Density and the Use of Scoring Modifications16
A Meta-Analysis of Phonemic Awareness Instruction Provided to Children Suspected of Having a Reading Disability16
A New Method for Documenting Sign Language Productions in Schools16
Orthographic Support for Word Learning in Clinical Populations: A Systematic Review15
An Exploration of Early Spelling in Kindergarten Children With Hearing Loss15
Remote First-Language Assessment: Feasibility Study With Vietnamese Bilingual Children and Their Caregivers15
Identification of Gaps in Training, Research, and School-Based Practice: A Survey of School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists15
Language Intervention Isn't Just Spoken: Assessment and Treatment of a Deaf Signing Child With Specific Language Impairment14
Augmentative and Alternative Communication in the Classroom: Teacher Practices and Experiences14
Improving Facilitation of Student Communication Through Observational Feedback Within a Partner Instruction Model14
Is There a Cognate Effect in Bilingual Children With Developmental Language Disorder?14
The Cultural and Diagnostic Appropriateness of Standardized Assessments for Dual Language Learners: A Focus on Jamaican Preschoolers13
Online Training Modules for Teaching Assessment Skills to Graduate Student Clinicians13
Ableism, Code-Switching, and Camouflaging: A Letter to the Editor on Gerlach-Houck and DeThorne (2023)13
A Systematic Review of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interventions for Children Aged From 0 to 6 Years13
Minding the Gap: Using Implementation Science to Improve Clinical Practice in Schools12
Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Skills for Identifying Developmental Language Disorder in Monolingual and Bilingual French-Speaking Children12
Concurrent Predictors of Supplementary Sign Use in School-Aged Children With Childhood Apraxia of Speech12
Tailoring Effective Behavior Management Strategies for Speech-Language Pathologists12
Reframing Bilingual Acquisition and Theory: An Insider Perspective Through a Translanguaging Lens12
Speech-in-Noise and Dichotic Auditory Training Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder12
We Have to Talk About Something: Why NOT Talk About the Curriculum? A Guide to Embedding Language Interventions in Curricular Content12
What Plays a Role in Perceived Confidence for Managing Pediatric Feeding Disorders in the Public School11
Curriculum Vocabulary Learning of Fourth Graders Using the Vocabulary Scenario Technique11
Reading Skills in Children With Suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Children With Reading Disorders: Same or Different?11
Student-Led Individualized Education Programs: A Gateway to Self-Determination11
Clinicians' Perspectives of Treatment for Lateralization Errors: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study11
A Systematic Review of Research on Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interventions for Children Aged 6–10 in the Last Decade11
Evaluating Different Scoring Systems for a Picture Description Task Among Preschool Children Who Speak African American English11
The Effects of a Multitiered System of Language Support on Kindergarten Oral and Written Language: A Large-Scale Randomized Controlled Trial11
Clinical Considerations for Speech Perception in School-Age Children With Speech Sound Disorders: A Review of the Current Literature11
Exploring the Effects of Literacy Instruction for Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review10
“Two Friends Spending Time Together”: The Impact of Video Visual Scene Displays on Peer Social Interaction for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder10
Constraints to Child Language Development in Peri-Urban and Rural Areas: A Mixed-Methods Analysis From Southwestern China10
An Investigation of Developmental Coordination Disorder Characteristics in Children With Childhood Apraxia of Speech10
Readability of Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Part B Procedural Safeguards Notices Written in Spanish10
An Interactive and Neurodiversity-Affirming Approach to Communication Supports for Autistic Students Through Videogaming10
School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists' Engagement With Evidence-Based Practice: An Update With Implications for Implementation Research9
Speech-Language Pathologist Reading Survey: Scope of Practice, Training, Caseloads, and Confidence9
Examining the Associations Between Parent Concerns and School-Age Children's Language and Reading Abilities: A Comparison of Samples Recruited for In-School Versus Online Participation9
Emergent Literacy Assessment in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Have Limited Verbal Communication Skills: A Tutorial9
Speech-Language Pathologist Perspectives of the Implementation of Telepractice-Delivered Stuttering Treatment for School-Age Children9
Telepractice Treatment of Residual Rhotic Errors Using App-Based Biofeedback: A Pilot Study9
Does Assessor Masking Affect Kindergartners' Performance on Oral Language Measures? A COVID-19 Era Experiment With Children From Diverse Home Language Backgrounds9
Impact of Auditory–Oral Education on Device Use in Children With Hearing Loss8
Describing the Spoken Language Skills of Typically Developing Afrikaans-Speaking Children Using Language Sample Analysis: A Pilot Study8
Prologue to the Forum: Care of the Whole Child: Key Considerations When Working With Children With Childhood Apraxia of Speech8
LanguageScreen: The Development, Validation, and Standardization of an Automated Language Assessment App8
Teacher Questioning to Promote Extended Language Use for Preschool Emergent Bilinguals8
Toward a Model of Reciprocal Carryover: Learning From Communication Systems of Families of Nonspeaking Bilingual Children8
Functional Communication Abilities in Youth With Cerebral Palsy: Association With Impairment Profiles and School-Based Therapy Goals8
Native American Caregiver–Child Shared Book Reading Interactions: A Descriptive Study and Integrative Review8
Spanish Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten Uniquely Supports Second-Grade English Morphological Awareness in Spanish–English Dual Language Learners8
Word-Final Disfluencies in a School-Age Child: Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg8
Views of Parents on Supporting Language and Literacy for Their Children With Complex Communication Needs8
Prioritizing Connectedness and Equity in Speech-Language Services for American Indian and Alaska Native Children8
School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists' Attitudes and Knowledge About Trauma-Informed Care7
Tutorial: Data Collection and Documentation Strategies for Speech-Language Pathologist/Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Teams7
Change in School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists' Job Satisfaction During COVID-19 School Closures: Applying the Conservation of Resources Theory7
A Tool for Differential Diagnosis of Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Dysarthria in Children: A Tutorial7
Coaching Childcare Providers to Support Toddlers' Gesture Use With Children Experiencing Early Childhood Poverty7
Speech Perception Variability in Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Implications for Assessment and Intervention7
Turn the Page, Speech-Language Pathologists: Adequate, Authentic, and Accurate Representation as a Consideration in the Selection of Picture Books for Use in Treatment7
Preparedness, Training, and Support for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Telepractice During the COVID-19 Pandemic7
Go Team Go! Interprofessional Practice for Pediatric Feeding in the Schools7
Comparing Spoken Versus iPad-Administered Versions of a Narrative Retell Assessment Tool in a Practice-Based Research Partnership7
Subtract Before You Add: Toward the Development of a De-Implementation Approach in School-Based Speech Sound Therapy7
Teaching Parents Read, Ask, Answer, Prompt Strategies via Telepractice: Effects on Parent Strategy Use and Child Communication7
Rare Vocabulary Production in School-Age Narrators From Low-Income Communities7
An Interprofessional Approach to Dialect-Shifting Instruction for Early Elementary School Students7
Using the Experience Sampling Method to Examine the Details of Dosage in School-Based Speech Sound Therapy7
What Works in Collaboration? Identifying Key Ingredients to Improve Service Delivery in Schools6
Identifying Implementation Strategies to Increase Augmentative and Alternative Communication Adoption in Early Childhood Classrooms: A Qualitative Study6
Outcomes Following Participation in a Support-Based Summer Camp for Children Who Stutter6
Special Education Assessment: Practices That Support Eligibility and Intervention6
Recognizing and Resisting Ableist Language in Schools: Suggestions for School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists and Related Professionals6
Measuring English Narrative Microstructure in Preschool Dual Language Learners6
The Not-So-Slight Perceptual Consequences of Slight Hearing Loss in School-Age Children: A Scoping Review6
Learning to Implement Dialogic Reading Through Video-Based Online Training: A Preliminary Study6
Autobiographical Memory in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Hearing Loss, and Childhood Trauma: Implications for Social Communication Intervention6
The Challenge of Rich Vocabulary Instruction for Children With Developmental Language Disorder6
Updates on Clinical Language Sampling Practices: A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists Practicing in the United States6
School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists: Confidence in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assessment6
Written Language Practice, Self-Efficacy, and Beliefs: A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists Working With School-Aged Clients6
The Impact of Morphological Intervention on Literacy Knowledge and Reading Motivation: A Cluster-Randomized Comparison Trial in Diverse Socioeconomic Status Kindergartens6
Classroom Acoustics for Enhancing Students' Understanding When a Teacher Suffers From a Dysphonic Voice6
The Effect of Sampling Context on Preschoolers' Finite Verb Morphology Composite Scores6
The Efficacy of Story Champs for Improving Oral Language in Third-Grade Spanish–English Bilingual Students With Developmental Language Disorder6