Journal of Behavioral Medicine

(The TQCC of Journal of Behavioral Medicine is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Changes in family involvement occasioned by FAMS mobile health intervention mediate changes in glycemic control over 12 months75
Anxiety moderates the association between severity of food insecurity and sleep duration among young adults in food-insecure households44
Developing skin cancer education materials for darker skin populations: crowdsourced design, message targeting, and acral lentiginous melanoma43
Temporal and social comparative self-assessments of physical health in young, middle-aged, and young-old adults in the MIDUS study39
Pediatric recurring pain in the community: the role of children’s sleep and internalizing symptoms29
Do monthly coaching calls influence proximal participant adherence in a behavioral weight loss program?25
Factors associated with prior completion of colorectal cancer and hepatitis C virus screenings among community health center patients: a cross-sectional study to inform a multi-behavioral educational 24
Investigating psychological mechanisms of self-controlled decisions for food and leisure activity23
Sleep and neighborhood socioeconomic status: a micro longitudinal study of chronic low-back pain and pain-free individuals23
Results of an African American-targeted norm-based colorectal cancer screening intervention: a pilot study23
Social isolation, coping efficacy, and social well-being over time in patients with lung cancer20
Psychosocial and behavioral correlates of weight loss 12 to 15 years after bariatric surgery19
Exploring pain experience and anxiety sensitivity among Latinx adults in a federally qualified health center18
Loneliness and multiple health domains: associations among emerging adults18
Beyond political affiliation: an examination of the relationships between social factors and perceptions of and responses to COVID-1916
Anxiety sensitivity, pain severity and co-use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes among adults with chronic pain16
Adolescent girls’ cardiovascular responses to peer rejection: exploring the impact of early life stress16
Rumination mediates associations between microaggressions and sleep quality in Black Americans: the toll of racial microstressors16
The relationship between mindfulness and enduring somatic threat severity in long-term cardiac arrest survivors15
Evaluating Objective Metrics of habit strength for taking medications15
Comparing youth with and without type 1 diabetes on perceived parenting and peer functioning: a propensity weighting approach15
Socio-cognitive facilitators of ART-adherence among predominantly black sexual and gender minoritized persons living with HIV in Atlanta, Georgia: a latent profile analysis15
Effects of social support in an academic context on low-grade inflammation in high school students15
Perceived social support and ambulatory blood pressure during daily life: a meta-analysis14
Psychosocial interventions to reduce eating pathology in bariatric surgery patients: a systematic review14
Associations of somatic depressive symptoms with body mass index, systemic inflammation, and insulin resistance in primary care patients with depression14
Correlates of HIV Testing across the lifespan – adolescence through later adulthood – among sexual minority men in the US who are not on PrEP13
Forgoing antiretroviral therapy to evade stigma among people living with HIV, Cape Town, South Africa13
Predicting college students’ COVID-19 vaccination behavior: an application of the extended parallel process model13
Co-occurring mental health and drug use experiences among Black and Hispanic/Latino sexual and gender diverse individuals13
Dyad and group-based interventions in physical activity, diet, and weight loss: a systematic review of the evidence13
Binge size and loss of control as correlates of eating behavior and psychopathology among individuals with binge eating disorder and higher weight12
Injunctive social norms and perceived message tailoring are associated with health information seeking12
Depression mediates the relationship between exposure to stigma and medication adherence among people living with HIV in low-resource setting: a structural equation modeling approach12
Gender differences in the relationship between social support and strain and mortality among a national sample of adults12
Compounding effects of stress on diet, physical activity, and wellbeing among African American parents: a qualitative study to inform the LEADS health promotion trial11
Doubt in store: vaccine hesitancy among grocery workers during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Social support and telomere length: a meta-analysis11
Arriba por la Vida Estudio: a randomized controlled trial promoting standing behavior to reduce sitting time among postmenopausal Latinas11
Structural equation modeling of microaggressions, religious and racism-related coping, medication adherence, and viral load among Black women living with HIV11
The role of parental support for youth physical activity transportation and community-level poverty in the healthy communities study10
Persistent, High Levels of Social Jetlag Predict Poor Weight Outcomes in a Weight Gain Prevention Study for Young adults10
Wearable device adherence among insufficiently-active young adults is independent of identity and motivation for physical activity10
The Effect of Science-Related Populism on Vaccination Attitudes and Decisions10
Which measures of perceived vulnerability predict protective intentions—and when?10
A novel psychometric approach to assessing intersectional hiv stigma: the geometric intersectional stigma scales10
HPV vaccine delay and refusal among unvaccinated Mexican American young adult women: a qualitative investigation of Mexican-born and US-born HPV vaccine decision narratives9
Mobile apps for diabetes self-management: An updated review of app features and effectiveness9
Differences in anxiety, depression and pain experience among adults with chronic low back pain as a function of nicotine product use9
Mindfulness is inversely associated with psychological symptoms in long-term cardiac arrest survivors9
Individual and joint associations of daily sleep and stress with daily well-being in hospital nurses: an ecological momentary assessment and actigraphy study8
Adapting a pain coping skills training intervention for people with chronic pain receiving maintenance hemodialysis for end stage Kidney disease8
Understanding medical mistrust and HPV vaccine hesitancy among multiethnic parents in Los Angeles8
Discrimination and adherence in a cross-sectional study of Latino sexual minority men with HIV: Coping with discrimination as a mediator and coping self-efficacy as a moderator8
The role of self-evaluated pain sensitivity as a mediator of objectively measured pain tolerance in Native Americans: findings from the Oklahoma Study of Native American Pain Risk (OK-SNAP)8
Scaling up the discovery of hesitancy profiles by identifying the framing of beliefs towards vaccine confidence in Twitter discourse8
Relations between social comparisons and physical activity among women in midlife with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease: an ecological momentary assessment study8
A feasibility trial of a digital mindfulness-based intervention to improve asthma-related quality of life for primary care patients with asthma8
Day-to-day associations between sleep and physical activity: a set of person-specific analyses in adults with overweight and obesity8
Is a cigarette brand with fewer chemicals safer? Public perceptions in two national US experiments8
Using network analysis to elucidate the relationships among support systems, trauma and depressive symptoms, self-silencing, and risk of HIV viral non-suppression among black women living with HIV8
Understanding the Factors Influencing Health Care Provider Recommendations about Adolescent Vaccines: A Proposed Framework8
Novel behavioral interventions to improve long-term weight loss: A randomized trial of acceptance and commitment therapy or self-regulation for weight loss maintenance8
Momentary predictors of dietary lapse from a mobile health weight loss intervention8
Impacts of two behavior change interventions on determinants of medication adherence: process evaluation applying the health action process approach and habit theory alongside a randomized controlled 8
The relationship between sleep and opioids in chronic pain patients8
Familism, family cohesion, and health-related quality of life in Hispanic prostate cancer survivors7
Physical activity interventions: an update on advancing sedentary time, technology, and dissemination and implementation research7
Cultural and neighborhood characteristics associated with activity-specific parenting practices in Hispanic/Latino youth: a secondary analysis of the Hispanic Community Children’s health study/study o7
Intersectionality does not equal intersectional stigma: reply to Lett (2022)7
Rural health in behavioral medicine: introduction to the special series7
Anticipatory racism stress, smoking and disease activity: the Black women’s experiences living with lupus (BeWELL) study7
A remote examination of acute stress responses: examining the influence of psychological resilience7
Division of Type 1 Diabetes Responsibility in Latinx and Non-Latinx White Mother-Adolescent Dyads7
Exploring the impact of genetic beliefs about specific eating behaviors on dietary self-efficacy6
Effects of reduced nicotine content cigarette advertising with warning labels and social media features on product perceptions among young adults6
Fostering physical activity-related health competence after bariatric surgery with a multimodal exercise programme: A randomised controlled trial6
Intolerance of uncertainty, experiential avoidance, and trust in physician: a moderated mediation analysis of emotional distress in advanced cancer6
The three-item patient-reported instrument for retrospective adherence in resource constrained settings: reliability, validity and potential utility6
Using behavioral theory to understand partisan differences in COVID-19 vaccination and booster intentions6
When belongingness backfires: experienced discrimination predicts increased cardiometabolic risk among college students high in social belonging6
Eliminating children’s tobacco smoke exposure: a pathway to bioverified abstinence among low-income maternal smokers in the Babies Living Safe and Smokefree (BLiSS) trial6
Moderation of associations between weight discrimination and diabetes status by psychosocial factors6
Association between having a regular healthcare provider and pre-exposure prophylaxis use among men who have sex with men: a cross-sectional survey6
Psychological and behavioral responses to daily weight gain during behavioral weight loss treatment5
Momentary intentions and perceived behavioral control are within-person predictors of sedentary leisure time: preliminary findings from an ecological momentary assessment study in adolescents5
Evaluating the impact of individuals’ morningness-eveningness on the effectiveness of a habit-formation intervention for a simple and a complex behavior5
Diabetes-specific friend support in emerging adults with type 1 diabetes: Does satisfaction with support matter?5
Behavioral and social drivers of COVID-19 vaccination initiation in the US: a longitudinal study March─ October 20215
Alcohol use severity in relation to pain severity and interference among latinx adults with current pain who smoke cigarettes5
Socio-behavioral factors related to PrEP non-adherence among gay male PrEP users living in California and New York: A behavioral theory informed approach5
Comparing the effectiveness of acceptance-based emotion regulation therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on hemoglobin glycosylated and self-care in patients with type II diabetes: A randomize5
Longitudinal predictors of post-exposure prophylaxis awareness among latino sexual minority men in South Florida5
Factors associated with meningitis vaccine awareness and engagement among Latino men who have sex with men in South Florida5
Cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of insomnia in patients with cardiovascular diseases: a meta-analysis with GRADE analysis5