Annals of Tourism Research

(The H4-Index of Annals of Tourism Research is 50. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Social costs of tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic372
The good, the bad and the ugly on COVID-19 tourism recovery278
Understanding the COVID-19 tourist psyche: The Evolutionary Tourism Paradigm264
Forecasting tourism recovery amid COVID-19250
Does a cute artificial intelligence assistant soften the blow? The impact of cuteness on customer tolerance of assistant service failure166
Coronavirus impacts on post-pandemic planned travel behaviours153
Designing creative places: The role of creative tourism146
Conceptualising overtourism: A sustainability approach129
How pandemics affect tourism: International evidence128
A review of early COVID-19 research in tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research's Curated Collection on coronavirus and tourism123
COVID-19 impacts of inbound tourism on Australian economy118
Threat of infectious disease during an outbreak: Influence on tourists' emotional responses to disadvantaged price inequality110
Proximal and distal post-COVID travel behavior108
Mental health rescue effects of women's outdoor tourism: A role in COVID-19 recovery102
Designing for more environmentally friendly tourism101
National tourism strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic100
Impacts of COVID-19 on tourists' destination preferences: Evidence from China98
Hotels' COVID-19 innovation and performance94
The seven lives of Airbnb. The role of accommodation types93
Spatial structures of tourism destinations: A trajectory data mining approach leveraging mobile big data93
Friendly or competent? The effects of perception of robot appearance and service context on usage intention90
COVID-19 and a justice framework to guide tourism recovery85
Towards a post-conflict tourism recovery framework82
The experience of emotion: Directions for tourism design81
A review of research into tourism and climate change - Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on tourism and climate change78
Air pollution and tourism development: An interplay75
Outlook of tourism recovery amid an epidemic: Importance of outbreak control by the government75
Eudaimonic and hedonic well-being pattern changes: Intensity and activity74
A socio-psychological conceptualisation of overtourism74
Visitor arrivals forecasts amid COVID-19: A perspective from the Asia and Pacific team72
Visitor arrivals forecasts amid COVID-19: A perspective from the Europe team70
A review of authenticity research in tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on authenticity70
Tourism, smart specialisation, growth, and resilience68
A review of research into air transport and tourism68
To buy or not to buy? The effect of time scarcity and travel experience on tourists' impulse buying67
Color and engagement in touristic Instagram pictures: A machine learning approach67
A review of research into animal ethics in tourism: Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on animal ethics in tourism66
Gender, tourism & entrepreneurship: A critical review65
Tourism demand forecasting with time series imaging: A deep learning model62
Feeling dark, seeing dark: Mind–body in dark tourism61
Indigenous tourism and the sustainable development goals59
Domestic tourism spending and economic vulnerability59
Habit drives sustainable tourist behaviour55
Smart Tourism Design: Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on designing tourism places55
Monitoring the global COVID-19 impact on tourism: The COVID19tourism index54
Visitor arrivals forecasts amid COVID-19: A perspective from the Africa team53
A new approach to understanding tourism practices52
Affective forecasting and travel decision-making: An investigation in times of a pandemic52
Destination image analytics for tourism design: An approach through Airbnb reviews52
Tourism demand forecasting with online news data mining50