Studies in Continuing Education

(The TQCC of Studies in Continuing Education is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A practice theory perspective on learning: beyond a ‘standard’ view35
Challenges to learning and leading the digital workplace24
Why are low-educated adults underrepresented in adult education? Studying the role of educational background in expressing learning needs and barriers20
Obstacles, facilitators, and needs in doctoral writing: A systematic review12
Seamful learning and professional education11
Academic, interrupted: exploring learning, labour and identity at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic10
The school is not a learning environment: how language matters for the practical study of educational practices9
Affective practice architectures of professional learning in international schools8
The potential of social networking sites for continuing professional learning: investigating the experiences of teachers with limited resources7
Spatial troubles with teaching under COVID-197
Students’ learning outcomes from engineering internship: a provisional framework7
The same starting line? The effect of a master’s degree on PhD students’ career trajectories7
Understanding vocational teachers’ professional development in work placement: learning goals, activities, and outcomes6
The case of socially constructed knowledge through online collaborative reflection6
Unplanned managerial work: an ambidextrous learning potential5
A three-dimensional multi-world framework for examining cross-cultural experiences of international doctoral students5
Professional development of Syrian refugee women: proceeding with a career within education5
Becoming a member of the police. Workplace expectations of police students during in-field training5
The experience of mothers as university students and pre-service teachers during Covid-19: recommendations for ongoing support5
Exploring attitudes towards adult learning and education: group patterns among participants and non-participants4
Professional learning in healthcare settings in resource-limited environments: what are the tensions for professionals’ knowing and learning about antimicrobial resistance?4
Becoming an emotional worker and student: exploring skin and spa therapy education and training4
Creating spaces of learning in academia: fostering niches for professional learning practice4
Exploring doctoral students’ emotions in feedback on academic writing: a critical incident perspective4
Towards praxis: A practice architecture analysis of the work-integrated learning placement experiences of three Australian engineering students4
Getting social: postgraduate students use of social media4
A systematic literature review on technology in online doctoral education4