Marine Geodesy

(The TQCC of Marine Geodesy is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Remote Sensing Method for Extracting Topographic Information on Tidal Flats Using Spatial Distribution Features22
Framework for Automatic Coral Reef Extraction Using Sentinel-2 Image Time Series20
Automatic Collision Avoidance Route Planning Method in Complex Navigation Environments19
Wave spectral partitioning for the SWIM spectrometer based on the wave age and parameter optimization method12
Spline retracker: a geometrical retracking algorithm for coastal and open ocean altimetry11
Wet Tropospheric Correction for the HY-2C Altimeter over the Coastal Ocean Based on GNSS and ERA5 Data10
Hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Surge with Modified Wind Fields along the East Coast of India9
Automatic Detection and Analysis of the Shoreline Change Rate at Maravanthe Coast, India9
Multispectral Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Based on Sparse Prior Measured Data8
A Nonlinear Gauss-Helmert Model and Its Robust Solution for Seafloor Control Point Positioning8
Estimating the Wind Dependency of Aerosol Optical Depth at Remote Oceanic Regions8
Precise Point Positioning with GNSS Raw Measurements from an Android Smartphone in Marine Environment Monitoring7
Providing a Levelling Datum to a Tide Gauge Sea Level Record7
Probabilities of acquiring cloud-free and low-tide Landsat observations for mapping saltmarsh over south-eastern Bangladesh from 1980 to 20197
Special issue of Marine Geodesy on Remote Sensing of Islands, Reefs, and Coastal Zones6
A Compensation Algorithm with Motion Constraint in DVL/SINS Tightly Coupled Positioning6
Comparison of Six Empirical Methods for Multispectral Satellite-derived Bathymetry6
Calibration of the Instrumental Errors on Marine Gravity Recovery from SWOT Altimeter6
An Integrated Approach for Determining the Anthropogenic Stress Responsible for Degradation of a Ramsar Site – Wular Lake in Kashmir, India5
Assessment of PRISMA Level-2 Hyperspectral Imagery for Large Scale Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Retrieval5
An Analytical Method to Estimate Seabed Topography Only from Vertical Gravitational Gradient5
Compilation of the new detailed geoid model HKGEOID-2022 for the Hong Kong territories5
DistinguishingUlva proliferaandSargassum horneriby using multi-feature-based ResUnet algorithm4
Morphological Evolution of Sand Spits in Thailand4
A Partial Gaussian Smoothing to Reduce GRACE(-FO) Leakage Errors Between the Oceanic and Terrestrial Mass Variation Signals Along the Coastlines4
Multi-spectral remote sensing bathymetry based on the variation of substrate spectra and empirical linear relationship4
An Empirical Evaluation of the Localised Accuracy of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry and SDB Depth Change4
Rapid Initial Heading Alignment Using Single-Antenna GNSS and a Low-Grade IMU4
Accurate Underwater Acoustic Positioning Considering Geometric Configuration4
Sub-Surface Ocean Structure from Satellite Surface Observations in the North Indian Ocean3
Estimation of the Sea State Bias Using the Interpolation Method and Applications to Inter-Mission Calibration3
Coastal vulnerability assessment along the coast of Kerala, India, based on physical, geological, and socio-economic parameters3
Position Computation of Underwater Target Using Geodesic Curvature for Sub-Aquatic Internet of Underwater Things3
Analytical Method for High-Precision Seabed Surface Modelling Combining B-Spline Functions and Fourier Series3
A Backscatter Model Combing Wind and Rain Effect at Low Incidence Angles3
GIS-Based Study on the Environmental Sensitivity to Pollution and Susceptibility to Eutrophication in Burullus Lake, Egypt3