Leisure Sciences

(The median citation count of Leisure Sciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
COVID-19 and its Impact on Volunteering: Moving Towards Virtual Volunteering57
Adventure in the Age of COVID-19: Embracing Microadventures and Locavism in a Post-Pandemic World52
Gender Differences in Connection to Nature, Outdoor Preferences, and Nature-Based Recreation Among College Students in Brazil and the United States34
Placemaking as Unmaking: Settler Colonialism, Gentrification, and the Myth of “Revitalized” Urban Spaces18
Digging Deeper: Engaging in Reflexivity in Interpretivist-Constructivist and Critical Leisure Research16
Sexuality, Sports-Related Mistreatment, and U.S. Adults’ Sports Involvement15
Social Media as a Pathway to Leisure: Digital Leisure Culture among New Mothers with Young Children in Taiwan12
Happiness from Nature? Adolescents’ Conceptions of the Relation between Happiness and Nature in Finland12
Visibility and Vulnerability on Instagram: Negotiating Safety in Women’s Online-Offline Fitness Spaces12
Work-Leisure Conflict and Well-Being: The Role of Leisure Nostalgia12
Motivations and Constraints for the Ghost Tourism: A Case Study in Spain12
Evaluating the Temporal Dynamics of a Structured Experience: Real-Time Skin Conductance and Experience Reconstruction Measures11
Chinese Perceptions of Overseas Cultural Heritage: Emotive Existential Authenticity, Exoticism and Experiential Tourism11
Personality and Subjective Well-Being among Elder Adults: Examining the Mediating Role of Cycling Specialization10
Not Enough Time? Leisure and Multiple Dimensions of Time Wealth10
Promotores for Parks? The Potential of a Public Health Model to Improve Outreach and Community Engagement in Park Planning10
The Impacts of Leisure Nostalgia on Well-Being and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Roles of Leisure Satisfaction and Work Commitment10
From Displaced to Misplaced: Exploring the Experience of Visitors Who Were ‘Crowded Out’ of Their Recreation Destination9
Crowding, Emotions, Visitor Satisfaction and Loyalty in a Managed Visitor Attraction9
The Role of Facilitators in the Constraint Negotiation of Leisure-Time Physical Activity8
The Influence of Flow Experience and Serious Leisure on Attachment in Board Game8
Sport Participation and the Development of Grit8
Grit, Leisure Involvement, and Life Satisfaction: A Case of Amateur Triathletes in Japan8
Why Don’t They Travel? The Role of Constraints and Motivation for Non-Participation in Tourism7
Examining Relationships among Festival Satisfaction, Place Attachment, Emotional Experience, and Destination Loyalty7
Designing Conviviality? How Music Festival Organizers Produce Spaces of Encounter in an Urban Context7
COVID-19’s Impacts on Community-Based Sport and Recreation Programs: The Voices of Socially-Vulnerable Youth and Practitioners7
Storytelling for Mythmaking in Tourist Destinations7
“Try Not to Make Waves”: Managing Gender Discrimination in Outdoor Recreation7
Going the Extra Mile: Building Trust and Collaborative Relationships with Study Participants6
“Are You Trying to Make Them Gay?”: Culture Wars, Anxieties about Genderplay, and the Subsequent Impacts on Youth6
Facilitating Disability Sport and Physical Recreation during the Initial Months of COVID-19: Examining Organizational Innovation in Third Sector Organizations6
Authentic Experiences and Support for Sustainable Development: Applications at Two Cultural Tourism Destinations in Taiwan6
Unraveling the Research Process: Humanizing Leisure Scholars6
Developing and Validating a Scale to Measure Tourists’ Personality Change after Transformative Travel Experiences6
Relationship between Leisure Involvement, Voluntary Simplicity, Leisure Satisfaction, and Experiential Consumption6
The Effects of Risk and Uncertainty Perceptions on Tourists’ Intention to Visit Former Epicenters of COVID-19 Post-Pandemic: Evidence from China6
Leisure’s Relationships with Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Approach6
Dynamic Linkage between Tourism, Corruption and CO2 Emission on Economic Growth in BRI Countries6
Social Play? The Critical Role of Social Interaction in Geeky Games6
Exclusionary Mechanisms of Community Leisure for Low-Income Families: Programs, Policies and Procedures6
Gardens with Kerb Appeal - A Framework to Understand the Relationship between Britain in Bloom Gardeners and Their Front Gardens6
A Broaden-and-Build Theoretical Perspective on Dark Tourism Visitors’ Transformative Emotional Journeys5
Norm Stability: Visitors’ Perceptions of Crowding at Cumberland Island National Seashore5
Does Nostalgia Promote Personal Growth and Happiness? The Case of Field Hockey in Singapore5
Leisure Behaviors among Mothers and Fathers in Korean Transnational Split Families5
Leisure Trips to the Natural Environment: Examining the Tradeoff between Economic and Environmental Impact5
New Materialisms, Material Methods, and the Research Process: A Creative Experiment in Cutting Together-Apart5
“More Helpful than Hurtful”? Information, Technology, and Uncertainty in Outdoor Recreation5
Resistance and Mothers’ Experiences in Postnatal Team Sport: “Didn’t You Just Have a Kid?”5
Profiling the South African Recreational Domestic Tourist in the Era of COVID-195
Which Attributes Are the Most Important in the Context of the Slow Food Festival?5
Mental Illness as a Valued Identity: How a Leisure Initiative Promoting Connection and Understanding Sets the Stage for Inclusion5
Access to Urban Leisure: Investigating Mobility Justice for Transgender and Gender Diverse People on Public Transport4
The Cortex in Context: Investigating the Influence of Activity and Space on Psychological Well-Being4
Hsiao Yao : A Chinese Analog of the Classical Western Idea of Leisure4
Rural Sport Spectacles: Ice Hockey, Mythologies, and Meaning-Making in Rural Canada4
The Recreation Rationing Spectrum: A Planning Principle for the Fair Distribution of Scarce Recreation Resources4
Hypercasual and Hybrid-Casual Video Gaming: A Digital Leisure Perspective4
Parting Thoughts XV: When Nostalgic Heritage Sites Become a Leisure Getaway Haven4
Polluted Leisure Enskilment: Skateboarding as Ecosophy4
“I Actually Have to Decide What I’m Doing:” How Youth Maintain Active Lifestyles in the Transition to Young Adulthood4
The Determinants of Continuance Intention toward Activity-Based Events Using a Virtual Experience Platform (VEP)4
Residential Mobility, Social Leisure Activity, and Depressive Symptoms among Chinese Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis4
Dancing in Public Squares – Toward a Socially Synchronous Sense of Place4
“It’s like Lifting the Power”: Powerlifting, Digital Gendered Subjectivities, and the Politics of Multiplicity4
How Do College Students Use Their Free Time? A Latent Profile Analysis of Leisure Activities and Substance Use4
Roles of Culture on Casino Gambling among Laotian Immigrants in the U.S.4
Social Activities Mediate the Relation between Fandom Identification and Psychological Well-Being4
Green Leisure: Resistance and Revitalization of Urban Neighborhoods4
The Impact of Avalanche Education on Risk Perception, Confidence, and Decision-Making among Backcountry Skiers4
Multiple Motives for Adventure Sport Revisited: A Multi-Activity Investigation4
Effects of Video-Assisted Leisure Education on Leisure, Loneliness, and Affect of Older Adults3
Culture, Leisure Interpretation, and Ideal Affect during Leisure: A Situation Sampling Approach3
Men’s Polluted Leisure in the Anthropocene: Place Attachment and Well-Being in an Industrial Coastal Setting3
Leisure Innovation for Older Adults in Urban China: Application and Reexamination of Leisure Innovation Theory3
Relationships of Social Support and Activity Attachment with Purpose in Life among Older Forest Bathers: A Mediated Model3
Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Leisure and Academics of Chinese International Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic3
The Role of Neighborhood Social Cohesion in the Association between Seeing People Walk and Leisure-Time Walking among Latino adults3
Perceived Quality and Organizational Support for Enhancing Volunteers’ Leisure Satisfaction and Civic Engagement: A Case of the 2020 Super Bowl3
“It’s Absolutely Intense, and I Love It!” A Qualitative Investigation of “Pegging” as Leisure3
Queer Politics, the Gay Bar, and Hapless Victimhood during COVID-19: A Brief Response to Burns (2021) Queerness as/and Political Attunement3
Becoming a Researcher: Navigating Messy Researcher Subjectivities3
I Have to do it, but I like it: The Sense of Enjoyment and Obligation in Adolescents’ Organized Leisure-Time Activities3
Sex as Leisure as a Coping Mechanism with the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sex Life3
Relationships of Leisure Social Support and Flow with Loneliness in International Students in Taiwan: Implications during the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Creating the Extraordinary: The Social Practices of a Fantasy Event3
Exploring the Efficiency of Digital Running Devices on Habitual Running: A Mixed Methods Study3
The Development of Social and Cultural Capitals for Immigrant Hosts of VFR Travellers3
Spring Celebration, Hıdrellez: Myth and Play3
No such Thing as Bad Birding Weather, but Depends on Personal Experience3
“When All the Wheels Fall off”: Leisure’s Potential Role in Living with Suicide Loss3
Pro-Environmental Attitudes, E-Bike Adoption Motivations, and Tourist Green Behavior3
Square Dancing as a Leisure Pursuit Connecting to Meaning in Life among Taiwanese Middle-Aged Adults3
The Artistic Work of Street Musicians in Barcelona and Rio De Janeiro: Interstices of Work and Leisure3
“Me” vs. “We”: Value-Oriented Fee Increase Justification Messaging in the Context of Resource-Intensive Public Recreation Facilities3
Exploring Peace within the Cognitive-Affective Structure of the Destination Image of Glacier National Park3
Carving Lines through Melting Lands: A Diffractive Engagement with Troubled and Troubling Relations of Alpine Skiing in the Anthropocene3
Neoliberalism and Its (Leisure) Discontents3
Parental Influence on Urban Adolescents’ Physical Activity Experience3
Splendour XR: Place, Experience and Liveness at a Virtual Music Festival3
Can Recreation Specialization Negatively Impact Pro-Environmental Behavior in Hiking Activity? A Self-Interest Motivational View3
Cooking Classes as Destination Image Contribution: A Serious Leisure Perspective2
Queerness as/and Political Attunement2
Leisure among Second-Generation Mexican-American Youth Residing in Underprivileged Communities in Southern California2
Fanship as a Form of Liminoid Leisure2
The Fatal Coupling of Race, State and Research on Disparities2
Youth Perspectives on Genderplay Recreation Programming: Insights and Critiques on Identity Development Theories2
The Crossroads: Selling Your Soul for Rock n' Roll2
Zumba Instructor Strategies: Constraining or Liberating for Women Participants?2
Exploring the Relationships Across Recreation Specialization, Leisure Satisfaction, and Happiness: The Case of Korean Hikers2
Significance of Place in the Lives of Recreation Practitioners2
“Some People Smoke and Drink, I Run”: Addiction to Running through an Ethnographic Lens2
Associations between Depression Symptoms and Leisure Behavior during the COVID-19 State of Emergency2
A Qualitative Study Examining How Passion Impacts Sport Board Functioning2
The Myth of Skating History: Building Elitism into a Sport2
Why Would You Run around Chasing a Ball? Embodied and Temporal Emotions during Leisure Time Physical Activity2
Tourists as Experience Collectors: A New Travelling Mind-Set2
Modeling Residents’ WOM Behavior Toward Tourism Through Altruism and the Theory of Reasoned Action2
A Phenomenological Analysis of Tourist Identity: Three Theses and Propositions2
Surveillance, Capitalism, Leisure, and Data: Being Watched, Giving, Becoming2
Destination Meanings Shaped by Home Environment: A Schema-Based Intra-Cultural Comparison of Chinese and Macau Outbound Tourists in Europe2
The Moral Status of Leisure in a World with Ongoing Moral Catastrophe2
Re-Imagining Sport Pedagogy through Youth Engagement: An Exploration of the Youth Engagement Continuum2
Latent Profiles and Transitions of Daily Routine Disruptions Are Associated with Severity of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression2
The Myth of the Repack Group: Some Problems and Provocations from an Actor-Network Perspective2
Family Vacation and Child’s Life Satisfaction: An Analysis of 2009-2010 U.S. Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Survey2
Leisure and the Legacy of bell hooks: A Personal Reflection from Beccy Watson1
A Self-Determination Approach to Understanding Leisure Identity Salience among Lapsed Hunters1
Visitors’ Perceived Crowding, Visual Attention, and COVID Infection Risks in National Parks: A Social Density Optimization Approach1
Can Residents Access Leisure Spaces in Our City: Investigating the Leisure Space Distribution in Seoul, South Korea1
Glocalizing Action in the Anthropocene: Understanding the Potential Roles of Sport for Development and Peace1
Couple Vacations: Linking Joint Vacation Experiences of Romantic Couples to Satisfaction with Relationship Life1
Statement of Removal1
Leisure and Family Quality of Life in Korean Transnational Split Families1
Not of This World – Death and Loss in Himalayan Mountaineering1
Aiming “High” in College: Phenomenological Meanings of Drug Consumption in/as Leisure through the Lens of Existential Authenticity1
Spatial Pattern Identification of Urban Leisure Spaces Based on Geo-Big Data and GIS Technology—A Case of Qingdao, China1
Parting Thoughts XVIII1
The Relationship between Measured Visitor Density and Perceived Crowding Revisited: Predicting Perceived Crowding in Outdoor Recreation1
Leisure, Loss, and Death: Probing Intersections in Research Narratives1
Social Infrastructure: Directions for Leisure Studies1
Commodified Death as the Ultimate Outcome of Social Inequalities: An Analysis of the Squid Game Discourse1
Conformity and Delinquency: Surveillance, Sport, and Youth in the Charm City1
What Gets Counted Counts: Equity as a Lens to Rethink the Categorization of Cycling Trips1
An Integrated Approach to Understanding Visitors' Behavioral Intentions: A Case Study of the Naghsh-e Jahan Square, Esfahan1
Implicit Attitudes and the Challenge of Becoming a Reflexive Leisure Scholar1
Ephemerality in Personal Memory Travel: Encountering the Changing Environment1
Parting Thoughts XX: Cynicism and Leisure1
Exploring the Role of Quality Tourism Experiences as a Driver of Quality of Life through Personal Lifestyle1
Leisure Myths and Mythmaking: Introduction to the Special Issue1
Recreational Fishers' Motivations at Wetland Destinations: The Push and Pull Theory Approach1
The Development of New Social Worlds through Obstacle Course Racing1
The Role of Leisure Engagement in Older Adults Adapting to New Residences and Experiencing Other Transitions during a Pandemic1
Blossoming: Finding a New Identity after the Loss of a Spouse1
Parting Thoughts XXI: Sense of Place and the Search for Leisure1
A Beautiful Game: Interpreting Football Videogame Experiences1
New Horizons in Loss and Death Research in Leisure Studies1
Tourism Discourse and Surveillance: Situational Analysis of Post-Katrina New Orleans1
Leisure and Human Rights … or Social Justice?1
Identifying Restorative Environments for Employees’ Recovery: An Interdisciplinary Mixed Methods Approach1
The Consequences of Self-Identification: examples from – Two Recreation Experience Settings1
Parting Thoughts XXVII: “What is so special about ‘whiteness’?” The perennial desire to be white in tourism1
Women with Acquired Physical (Dis)Abilities: Reclaiming a Sense of Community Belonging through Physically Active Leisure1
Young Adults’ Acceptance of Later-Life Sexuality Is Predicted by Their General Sexual Attitudes and Viewing Sex as Leisure1
Setting Our Sights on Vision: A Rationale and Research Agenda for Integrating Eye-Tracking into Leisure Research1
“I’ve Seen What Evil Men Do”: Military Mothering and Children’s Outdoor Risky Play1
Fuzing Play and Politics: On Individualized Collective Action in Leisure1
Leisure Constraints and Negotiation among Canadian and South Korean Mountain Hikers: An Extension of Motivations with the Constraints-Effect-Mitigation Model1
Examining Self-Other Constructions to Advance the Social Justice Goals of Leisure Research1
Global Citizenship & Parrhesia in Small Values-Based Tourism Firms1
Parting Thoughts V1
On Methods: “The Situation’s in Control”1
Flirting with Death: Finitude, Tradition, and Leisure during the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Volunteers’ Sense of (Dis)Connection at a Sport Event1
Campfire Smoke and the Anthropocene1
Phenomenology of Leisure Travel following Death of a Loved One1
Pleasant Anticipation of an After-Work Free-Time Activity and Work Engagement: Findings from Two Studies1
Fear City, Cop City and Other Tales, a Call for Police Research1