Journal of Rheology

(The median citation count of Journal of Rheology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Understanding the reactive interfacial flow dynamics with production of viscoelastic material through large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) measurements of the viscoelastic interface58
Z-shaped dejamming phase diagram of colloidal gels36
Extensional rheometry of mobile fluids. Part I: OUBER, an optimized uniaxial and biaxial extensional rheometer32
Two-point microrheology and diffusing wave spectroscopy32
Extensional rheology and flow-induced crystal alignment in polypropylene ionomers31
Data-driven rheological characterization of stress buildup and relaxation in thermal greases29
Buoyancy induced motion of a Newtonian drop in elastoviscoplastic materials26
Machine-learning-based measurement of relaxation time via particle ordering25
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics modeling of the rheological response of cement pastes23
A nonlinear constitutive model for entangled symmetric dendrimers23
Tactile friction and rheological studies to objectify sensory properties of topical formulations21
Exploiting the lower disorder-to-order temperature in polystyrene-b-poly(n-butyl acrylate)-b-polystyrene triblock copolymers to increase their flow resistance at high temperature20
Parisi et al.: Rheological investigation on the associative properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) solutions20
Coutouly et al.: Exploiting the lower disorder-to-order temperature in polystyrene-b-poly(n-butyl acrylate)-b-polystyrene triblock copolymers to increase their flow resista19
Attractive carbon black dispersions: Structural and mechanical responses to shear18
Superposed shear and compression of strong colloidal gels17
Flow-induced crystallization of polylactides16
Definite example of negative entropy production in the Rolie Poly model16
Kramers–Kronig relations for nonlinear rheology. Part II: Validation of medium amplitude oscillatory shear (MAOS) measurements16
Confined Brownian suspensions: Equilibrium diffusion, thermodynamics, and rheology16
Tavsanli et al.: Butyl rubber as a macro-cross-linker in the preparation of a shape-memory and self-healing polymer15
Hyperstretching in elongational flow of densely grafted comb and branch-on-branch model polystyrenes15
Rheological signatures of a glass-glass transition in an aging colloidal clay15
Probing nonmonotonic variation of terminal relaxation in star-linear blends with a fast slip link model15
Modeling linear and nonlinear rheology of industrial incompatible polymer blends15
Viscous effects in sheared unsaturated wet granular materials14
Rheological and thermal properties of the KF-KCl-K2SiF6 electrolyte for electrolytic production of silicon14
Rheology of nanocrystalline cellulose (CNC) gels: Thixotropy, yielding, wall slip, and shear banding14
Rheology and aging of amine functionalized polyolefins14
A thermodynamically consistent constitutive equation describing polymer disentanglement under flow13
Dynamic mechanical analysis with torsional rectangular geometry: A critical assessment of constrained warping models13
Effect of the addition of cellulose filaments on the relaxation behavior of thermoplastics13
Revisiting the basis of transient rheological material functions: Insights from recoverable strain measurements13
Dynamics of meniscus-bound particle clusters in extensional flow12
Cohesion and aggregates in unsaturated wet granular flows down a rough incline12
Role of micellar entanglements on kinetics of shear banding flow formation12
Understanding the complex rheology of human blood plasma12
Rheology and structure of suspensions of spherocylinders via Brownian dynamics simulations12
Interfacial shear rheology of glassy polymers at liquid interfaces12
Enhancing magnetorheology with precession magnetic fields11
Microscopic activated dynamics theory of the shear rheology and stress overshoot in ultradense glass-forming fluids and colloidal suspensions11
Using good vibrations: Melting and controlled shear jamming of dense granular suspensions11
Influence of the thermal shrinkage-induced volume contraction on the yielding behavior of waxy oil11
A new numerical method for linear rheology of living polymers11
Nonlinear rheological behavior of glass-forming colloidal suspensions under oscillatory shear: Experiment and relation to mode coupling theory predictions11
The Mnemosyne number and the rheology of remembrance11
Influence of pH, salt ions, and binary mixtures of different molecular weights on the extensional rheology of polyethylene oxide11
Pair interactions between viscous drops in a viscoelastic matrix in free shear: Transition from passing to tumbling trajectories11
On the inverse quenching technique applied to gelatin solutions11
Polymer threadings and rigidity dictate the viscoelasticity of entangled ring-linear blends and their composites with rigid rod microtubules10
Robust networks of interfacial localized graphene in cocontinuous polymer blends10
Fiber spinning from polymer solutions10
Constitutive models for well-entangled living polymers beyond the fast-breaking limit10
A theory for the flow of chemically responsive polymer solutions: Equilibrium and shear-induced phase separation10
Blistering instability during capillary thinning of solutions of homo- and associative polymers10
Large amplitude oscillatory shear behavior of thermoresponsive hydrogels: Single versus double network10
Rheology of polydisperse nonspherical graphite particles suspended in mineral oil9
Nondestructive rheological measurements of biomaterials with a magnetic microwire rheometer9
Newtonian coalescence in colloidal and noncolloidal suspensions9
REVIEW: Nonlinear shear rheometry: Brief history, recent progress, and challenges9
Determination of the molecular weight distribution of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene from solution rheology9
Data-driven physics-informed constitutive metamodeling of complex fluids: A multifidelity neural network (MFNN) framework9
Granulation and suspension rheology: A unified treatment9
Understanding the rheology of kaolinite clay suspensions using Bayesian inference9
Shear jamming onset in dense granular suspensions9
Erratum: “Characterizing the yielding processes in pluronic-hyaluronic acid thermoreversible gelling systems using oscillatory rheology” [J. Rheol. 63(2), 215–228 (2019)]9
Brownian dynamics simulation on orthogonal superposition rheology: Time–shear rate superposition of colloidal gel9
Viscous dissipation in large amplitude oscillatory shear of unsaturated wet granular matter8
Cohesive granular columns collapsing: Numerics questioning failure, cohesion, and friction8
Flow-induced crystallization of a multiblock copolymer under large amplitude oscillatory shear: Experiments and modeling8
Stress versus strain controlled shear: Yielding and relaxation of concentrated colloidal suspensions8
Strain shift measured from stress-controlled oscillatory shear: Evidence for a continuous yielding transition and new techniques to determine recovery rheology measures8
Rheo-electric measurements of carbon black suspensions containing polyvinylidene difluoride in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone8
Experimental evidence of the effect of aging on the yielding and pre-yielding behavior of bentonite and laponite suspensions8
Thixotropic spectra and Ashby-style charts for thixotropy8
Shear-induced crystallization of polypropylene/low-density polyethylene blend7
Nonlinear rheological behavior of telechelic ionomers with the distribution of ionic stickers at the ends7
Dynamics and rheology of ring-linear blend semidilute solutions in extensional flow: Single molecule experiments7
Shear rheology of a dilute emulsion of ferrofluid droplets dispersed in a nonmagnetizable carrier fluid under the influence of a uniform magnetic field7
Micronewton shear rheometer performing SAOS using 2 mg of sample7
Probing the nonequilibrium dynamics of stress, orientation, and entanglements in polymer melts with orthogonal interrupted shear simulations7
Rheology of wormlike micellar gels formed by long-chained zwitterionic surfactants7
Fractal structures of PA6/POE blend nanocomposites and their dynamic properties7
Asymptotic fiber orientation states of the quadratically closed Folgar–Tucker equation and a subsequent closure improvement7
Contactless interfacial rheology: Probing shear at liquid–liquid interfaces without an interfacial geometry via fluorescence microscopy7
Universal scaling of shear thickening transitions7
Effect of specific surface area on the rheological properties of graphene nanoplatelet/poly(ethylene oxide) composites7
Molecular rheology of nanoconfined oligomer melts7
Wall effect on the rheology of short-fiber suspensions under shear7
Linear viscoelastic properties of adhesive soft particle glasses7
Jet instability of suspensions of different shaped particles exhibiting discontinuous shear thickening7
Droplet relaxation of molten metals in polypropylene matrix: Measurement of the interfacial tension7
A homogenization model for the rheology and local field statistics of suspensions of particles in yield stress fluids7
Rouse model with fluctuating internal friction7
Particle migration of suspensions in a pressure-driven flow over and through a porous structure7
Super enhancement of rheological properties of amorphous PLA through generation of a fiberlike oriented crystal network7
Shear-banding fluid(s) under time-dependent shear flows. Part I: Spatiotemporal dynamics7
Rheo-PIV analysis of the steady torsional parallel-plate flow of a viscoplastic microgel with wall slip7
Portable rheometer to overcome the challenge of measuring low viscosity solution of acrylamide-based polymers at high temperature with an affordable cost for O&G applications7
Pyromali et al.: Nonlinear shear rheology of single and double dynamics metal-ligand networks7
Strain softening of natural rubber composites filled with carbon black and aramid fiber7
RheoTack—An approach to investigate retraction rate dependent detaching behavior of pressure sensitive adhesives7
Zhao et al.: Fracture of dual crosslink gels with permanent and transient crosslinks: Effect of the relaxation time of the transient cross-links6
Transient dynamics of soft particle glasses in startup shear flow. Part II: Memory and aging6
Boundary conditions alter density and stress fluctuations in shear-thickening suspensions6
Li et al.: Dynamics of entangled metallosupramolecular polymer networks combining stickers with different lifetimes6
FSVPy: A python-based package for fluorescent streak velocimetry (FSV)6
Equilibration dynamics of a dynamic covalent network diluted in a metallosupramolecular polymer matrix6
A tube model for predicting the stress and dielectric relaxations of polydisperse linear polymers6
Tailoring the linear viscoelastic response of industrial double dynamics networks through the interplay of associations6
Preface: Special Issue on Double Dynamics Networks6
Strain softening of concentrated cohesive particulate suspensions prior to yield6
Shear thickening and hysteresis in dense suspensions: The effect of particle shape6
Atomistic simulation of shear flow of linear alkane and polyethylene liquids: A 50-year retrospective6
Rheology and microstructure of discontinuous shear thickening suspensions6
Traversing with quantitative fidelity through the glass transition of amorphous polymers: Modeling the thermodynamic dilatational flow of polycarbonate6
Modeling orthogonal superposition rheometry to probe nonequilibrium dynamics of entangled polymers6
Polymer concentration regimes from fractional microrheology5
Simple methods for obtaining flow reversal conditions in Couette–Poiseuille flows5
Composite entanglement topology and extensional rheology of symmetric ring-linear polymer blends5
Wall slip in primitive chain network simulations of shear startup of entangled polymers and its effect on the shear stress undershoot5
Shear-induced breakdown and agglomeration in nanoparticles filled polymer: The shift of phase boundary and kinetics5
Conformations of ring polymers with excluded volume interactions5
Rheology of stiff-chain polymer solutions5
Linear viscoelasticity of PP/PS/MWCNT composites with co-continuous morphology5
Ordered domains in sheared dense suspensions: The link to viscosity and the disruptive effect of friction5
In situ experimental investigation of fiber orientation kinetics during uniaxial extensional flow of polymer composites5
The yielding of defect-entangled dispersions in a nematic solvent5
Universality of dilute solutions of ring polymers in the thermal crossover region between θ and athermal solvents5
Mechanical switching of a comblike dual dynamic polymer network5
Nanoparticle dynamics in semidilute polymer solutions: Rings versus linear chains5
Entrance flow of unfoamed and foamed Herschel–Bulkley fluids5
Active particle tracking microrheology using artificial thermal noise5
Droplet deformation and breakup in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid under simple shear flow5
Creep and recovery in dense suspensions of smooth and rough colloids5
New insights on carbon black suspension rheology—Anisotropic thixotropy and antithixotropy5
3D manipulation and dynamics of soft materials in 3D flows5
Miniature magnetic rod interfacial stress rheometer for general-purpose microscopes5
Reflections and appreciations from the Journal’s Departing Editor5
Rigid rod particle like viscoelastic responses of poly(vinylidene fluoride) in N-methylpyrrolidone solution4
Rheo-PIV study of slip effects on oscillatory shear measurements of a yield-stress fluid4
Evolution of flow reversal and flow heterogeneities in high elasticity wormlike micelles (WLMs) with a yield stress4
Coupling a torque rheometer with an ultrasonic velocity profiler for evaluating multiphase fluids in oscillatory shear flows4
Shear viscosity for finitely extensible chains with fluctuating internal friction and hydrodynamic interactions4
Scaling of the linear viscoelasticity of entangled poly(ethylene oxide) aqueous solutions4
Linear viscoelasticity of nanocolloidal suspensions from probe rheology molecular simulations4
Mechanical pretreatment of polymer melts: Critical aspects and new rheological investigations on a linear and a long-chain branched polypropylene4
Gaborheometry: Applications of the discrete Gabor transform for time resolved oscillatory rheometry4
Electrostatics, conformation, and rheology of unentangled semidilute polyelectrolyte solutions4
Dynamics and rheology of ring-linear blend semidilute solutions in extensional flow. Part I: Modeling and molecular simulations4
Kramers–Kronig relations for nonlinear rheology. Part I: General expression and implications4
Implementation of active probe rheology simulation technique for determining the viscoelastic moduli of soft matter4
Distinguishing thixotropy from viscoelasticity4
Forced microrheology of active colloids4
On the selection of rheological tests for the prediction of 3D printability4
Shear rheology of a dilute suspension of thin rings4
A new perspective on monomeric friction reduction in fast elongational flows of polystyrene melts and solutions4
Electrorheological behaviors of waxy crude oil gel4
PERSPECTIVE: Interfacial stresses in thin film drainage: Subtle yet significant3
Molecular dynamics simulation of mechanical relaxation of poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers3
Rheology of non-Brownian particle suspensions in viscoelastic solutions. Part II: Effect of a shear thinning suspending fluid3
Shear-banding fluid(s) under time-dependent shear flows. Part II: A test of the Moorcroft–Fielding criteria3
Imaging of the microstructure of Carbopol dispersions and correlation with their macroelasticity: A micro- and macrorheological study3
Characterization of the temperature and frequency dependency of the complex Poisson’s ratio using a novel combined torsional-axial rheometer3
Thixotropy, nonmonotonic stress relaxation, and the second law of thermodynamics3
Relaxation dynamics of supramolecular polymer networks with mixed cross-linkers3
A basic model for the nonlinear rheology of bijels3
PERSPECTIVE: Analysis of thixotropic timescale3
Effect of block length on the network connectivity and temperature resistance of model, soft thermoplastic elastomers3
Experimental and statistical methods for microrheological characterization of heterogeneity in human respiratory mucus mimics of health and disease progression3
Yield stress behavior of colloidal gels with embedded active particles3
Extensional rheometry of mobile fluids. Part II: Comparison between the uniaxial, planar, and biaxial extensional rheology of dilute polymer solutions using numerically optimized stagnation point micr3
Wall slip and bulk yielding in soft particle suspensions3
Transient dynamics of soft particle glasses in startup shear flow. Part I: Microstructure and time scales3
Particle contact dynamics as the origin for noninteger power expansion rheology in attractive suspension networks3
Dynamic light scattering studies on ethylene-propylene copolymers in a hydrocarbon based oil3
A new pressure sensor array for normal stress measurement in complex fluids3
A single-chain model for the linear viscoelasticity of unentangled melts of associating polymers3
Apparent slip in colloidal suspensions3
Nicolella et al.: Mechanical switching of a comblike dual dynamic polymer network3
Extensional hardening of multimodal, linear PE with high amounts of UHMWPE3
Erratum: “The effect of instrument inertia on the initiation of oscillatory flow in stress controlled rheometry” [J. Rheol. 67, 1175 (2023)]3
Rheo-PIV of yield-stress fluids in a 3D-printed fractal vane-in-cup geometry3
High frequency viscoelasticity of soft particle glasses3
Viscoelasticity and rheological hysteresis3
DNA topology dictates emergent bulk elasticity and hindered macromolecular diffusion in DNA-dextran composites3
Fracture of dual crosslink gels with permanent and transient crosslinks: Effect of the relaxation time of the transient crosslinks3
Joncryl chain extender reactivity with polylactide: Effect of d-lactide content, Joncryl type, and processing temperature3
Song et al.: Dynamics of dual-junction-functionality associative polymer networks with ion and nanoparticle metal-coordinate cross-link junctions3
Shear-induced migration of rigid spheres in a Couette flow3