Journal of Comparative Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Comparative Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Washington consensus works: Causal effects of reform, 1970-201566
Which sanctions matter? analysis of the EU/russian sanctions of 201448
The effects of trade, aid, and investment on China's image in Latin America44
The great Chinese inequality turnaround42
Corruption and growth: Historical evidence, 1790–201032
Does foreign technology transfer spur domestic innovation? Evidence from the high-speed rail sector in China29
Gender discrimination in China: Experimental evidence from the job market for college graduates28
Non-commercial goals and financial performance of state-owned enterprises – some evidence from the electricity sector in the EU countries27
Political hierarchy and urban primacy: Evidence from China27
Capitalist systems and income inequality26
The impact of foreign direct investment on innovation: Evidence from patent filings and citations in China24
The joint effects of financial development and the business environment on firm growth: Evidence from Vietnam23
Political elites and hometown favoritism in famine-stricken China22
Is international tax competition only about taxes? A market-based perspective21
Convergence, divergence, or multiple steady states? New evidence on the institutional development within the European Union21
Authoritarian transparency: China's missing cases in court disclosure20
The varying shadow of China's banking system20
The economic effects of international sanctions: An event study20
How local leaders matter: Inter-provincial leadership transfers and land transactions in China19
Culture, diversity, and the welfare state19
Roman roads to prosperity: Persistence and non-persistence of public infrastructure19
Post-materialism and economic growth: Cultural backlash, 1981–201918
The role of firms in the gender wage gap18
Does violence against civilians depress voter turnout? Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina18
Can bribery buy health? Evidence from post-communist countries18
Fertility and maternal labor supply: Evidence from the new two-child policies in urban China17
Domestic segment of global value chains in China under state capitalism17
Coups, regime transitions, and institutional consequences17
Government ideology and economic freedom16
Corporate governance and investment-cash flow sensitivity: Evidence from Russian unlisted firms16
School entry age and educational attainment in developing countries: Evidence from China's compulsory education law15
Democratic transitions can attract foreign direct investment: Effect, trajectories, and the role of political risk14
Firms and wage inequality in Central and Eastern Europe13
Picking winners? Government subsidies and firm productivity in China13
The legacy of state socialism on attitudes toward immigration13
The political agenda effect and state centralization13
Access to local citizenship and internal migration in a developing country: Evidence from a Hukou reform in China12
The moderating role of culture on the benefits of economic freedom: Cross-country analysis12
The gender gap in competitive chess across countries: Commanding queens in command economies12
The competence-loyalty tradeoff in China's political selection12
The origins of political institutions and property rights12
Geopolitical fragmentation and trade11
Does competition cause government decentralization? The case of state-owned enterprises11
The effect of regulating political connections: Evidence from China's board of directors ban11
Road to productivity: Effects of roads on total factor productivity in Indian manufacturing10
Informal institution meets child development: Clan culture and child labor in China10
Enfranchising non-citizens: What drives natives’ willingness to share power?10
The long-term effects of Protestant activities in China10
The intergenerational transmission of historical conflicts: An application to China’s trade9
Exchange rate disconnect and financial constraints —evidence from Chinese firms9
Θ The cultural transmission of trust norms: Evide9
Violence exposure and poverty: Evidence from the Burundi civil war9
The politics of experimentation: Political competition and randomized controlled trials9
Reducing tariff evasion: The role of trade facilitation9
The effect of non-employment-based health insurance program on firm's offering of health insurance: Evidence from the social health insurance system in China9
The effects of labor regulation on firms and exports: Evidence from Indian apparel manufacturing9
The effects of elections on macroprudential policy9
A rising tide that lifts all boats: An analysis of economic freedom and inequality using matching methods9
More federal legislators lead to more resources for their constituencies: Evidence from exogenous differences in seat allocations8
Media’s role in the making of a democrat: Evidence from East Germany8
Sexual exploitation of trafficked children: Survey evidence from child sex workers in Bangladesh8
Historical roots of political extremism: The effects of Nazi occupation of Italy8
Learning from processing trade: Firm evidence from China7
Labor market dynamics in urban China and the role of the state sector7
The welfare effects of FDI: A quantitative analysis7
Foreign direct investment and industrial agglomeration: Evidence from China7
Your misfortune is also mine: Land expropriation, property rights insecurity, and household behaviors in rural China7
Riding out of a financial crisis: The joint effect of trust and corporate ownership7
Shutdown policies and conflict worldwide7
Distressed acquisitions: Evidence from European emerging markets7
Past exposure to macroeconomic shocks and populist attitudes in Europe7
Political survival, local accountability, and long-term development: Evidence from an authoritarian country7
Bribes vs. taxes: Market structure and incentives7
Human capital accumulation: Evidence from immigrants in low-income countries6
Unveiling the effects of a headscarf ban: Evidence from municipal jobs in Turkey6
Foreign investment regulation and firm productivity: Granular evidence from Indonesia6
The origins of agricultural inheritance traditions6
The causal effects of parents’ schooling on children's schooling in urban China6
The effects of EU-funded enterprise grants on firms and workers6
How does stock liquidity affect corporate tax noncompliance? Evidence from China✰6
The gender education gap in developing countries: Roles of income shocks and culture6
Touch thee not: Group conflict, caste power and untouchability in rural India6
Near-real time analysis of war and economic activity during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine6
The trade-off between risk and incentives in fiscal federalism: Evidence from China6
Decentralization of firms in a country with weak institutions: Evidence from Russia5
Minimum wage spike and income underreporting: A back-of-the-envelope-wage analysis5
The East-West German gap in revenue productivity:Just a tale of output prices?5
Decentralization and trust in government: Quasi-experimental evidence from Ukraine5
Defective democracy and the political budget cycle5
Markups and income inequality: Causal links, 1975-20115
Divesting under Pressure: U.S. firms’ exit in response to Russia’s war against Ukraine5
Wage and unemployment: Evidence from online job vacancy data5
The puzzling politics of R&D: Signaling competence through risky projects5
Effects of corruption on foreign direct investment: Evidence from Swedish multinational enterprises5
Trust in government in times of crisis: A quasi-experiment during the two world wars✰5
The motherhood penalty in China: Magnitudes, trends, and the role of grandparenting5
Ancestry and international trade5
Measuring human capital in middle income countries5
Has globalization shrunk manufacturing labor share in transition economies?5
Political salaries, electoral selection and the incumbency advantage: Evidence from a wage reform4
Rules versus norms: How formal and informal institutions shape judicial sentencing cycles4
Going postal: State capacity and violent dispute resolution4
Do wages grow with experience? Deciphering the Russian puzzle4
Dark side of environmental regulation: Wage inequality cost4
The influence of colonialism on Africa's welfare: An anthropometric study4
Labor markets during war time: Evidence from online job advertisements4
The wise, the politician, and the strongman: Types of national leaders and quality of governance4
Current expenditure upswings in good times and public investment downswings in bad times? New evidence from developing countries4
The effects of discriminatory protections on cross-border mergers and acquisitions4
Firms’ access to finance in resource-based countries and the financial resource curse4
Political economy of real exchange rate levels3
Outsiders, insiders and interventions in the housing market3
The unintended harms of infrastructure: Opium and road construction in Afghanistan3
Staying on top: Political cycles in private bank lending3
Contractual frictions and margins of trade3
The impact of health insurance on job location choice: Evidence from rural China3
Wage and Employment Impact of Minimum Wage: Evidence from Lithuania3
Educational opportunity and children's migration: Evidence from China's Gaokao reform for children of migrant families3
Stuck outside the single market; Evidence from firms in central and eastern Europe3
The timing of first marriage and subsequent life outcomes: Evidence from a natural experiment3
IMF conditionality, export structure and economic complexity:The ineffectiveness of structural adjustment programs3
The short- and long-run effects of medical malpractice lawsuits on medical spending and hospital operations in China3
Design and implementation of the price cap on Russian oil exports3
The long-term effects of the slave trade on political violence in Sub-Saharan Africa3
Transition from plan to market: Imperfect regulations in the electricity sector of China3
Pandemic knowledge and regulation effectiveness: Evidence from COVID-193
Growth, mobility and social progress2
Trust we lost: The impact of the Treuhand experience on political alienation in East Germany2
The political transfer problem: How cross-border financial windfalls affect democracy and civil war2
Perception of political instability in election periods: Evidence from African firms2
Beyond climate and conflict relationships: New evidence from a Copula-based analysis on an historical perspective2
When the message hurts: The unintended impacts of nudges on saving2
Institutions, abilities, and the allocation of talent: Evidence from Russian regions2
Topography, borders, and trade across Europe2
The changing composition of academic majors and wage dynamics: Beyond mean returns2
Trade shocks, industrial growth, and electrification in early 20th-century China2
Institutional-cultural coherence and economic development: The case of the Spanish regions2
Immigrants from more tolerant cultures integrate deeper into destination countries2
The roots of female emancipation: Initializing role of Cool Water2
Mass protests, security-elite defection, and revolution2
Melting pot or salad bowl: Cultural effects on industrial similarity during trade liberalization2
Maternity support and child health: Unintended gendered effects2
Does the early bird catch the worm? The effect of school starting age on educational attainment and labor market outcomes: Evidence from Chinese urban twins data2
Rebundling Institutions: How property rights and contracting institutions combine for growth2
Crony capitalism, the party-state, and the political boundaries of corruption2
Import competition, fast-track authority and U.S. policy toward China2
Hedging desperation: How kinship networks reduced cannibalism in historical China2
Catholics, Protestants and Muslims: Similar work ethics, different social and political ethics2
Did raising doing business scores boost GDP?2
Preventing Islamic radicalization: Experimental evidence on anti-social behavior2
The effects of South Korean Protestantism on human capital and female empowerment, 1930–20102
Does the introduction of stock exchange markets boost economic growth in African countries?2