Applied Psychological Measurement

(The TQCC of Applied Psychological Measurement is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Detecting Differential Item Functioning Using Multiple-Group Cognitive Diagnosis Models15
Estimating Cognitive Diagnosis Models in Small Samples: Bayes Modal Estimation and Monotonic Constraints15
Factor Retention Using Machine Learning With Ordinal Data13
Improving Accuracy and Usage by Correctly Selecting: The Effects of Model Selection in Cognitive Diagnosis Computerized Adaptive Testing12
Investigating the Impact of Noneffortful Responses on Individual-Level Scores: Can the Effort-Moderated IRT Model Serve as a Solution?12
glca: An R Package for Multiple-Group Latent Class Analysis11
PROsetta: An R Package for Linking Patient-Reported Outcome Measures10
autoFC: An R Package for Automatic Item Pairing in Forced-Choice Test Construction9
SPSS Syntax for Combining Results of Principal Component Analysis of Multiply Imputed Data Sets using Generalized Procrustes Analysis8
Partial Measurement Invariance: Extending and Evaluating the Cluster Approach for Identifying Anchor Items8
Is Measurement Noninvariance a Threat to Inferences Drawn from Randomized Control Trials? Evidence From Empirical and Simulation Studies7
A Signal Detection Model for Multiple-Choice Exams7
Graph Theory Approach to Detect Examinees Involved in Test Collusion6
The Optimal Design of Bifactor Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing with Mixed-format Items5
Bayesian Item Response Theory Models With Flexible Generalized Logit Links5
Optimal Hierarchical Learning Path Design With Reinforcement Learning5
Two New Models for Item Preknowledge5
bmggum: An R Package for Bayesian Estimation of the Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding Model With Covariates5
Attenuation-Corrected Estimators of Reliability5
Anchor Point Selection: Scale Alignment Based on an Inequality Criterion5
On the Speed Sensitivity Parameter in the Lognormal Model for Response Times and Implications for High-Stakes Measurement Practice5
Assessment of Differential Statement Functioning in Ipsative Tests With Multidimensional Forced-Choice Items5
Bridging Models of Biometric and Psychometric Assessment: A Three-Way Joint Modeling Approach of Item Responses, Response Times, and Gaze Fixation Counts5
The Explanatory Generalized Graded Unfolding Model: Incorporating Collateral Information to Improve the Latent Trait Estimation Accuracy4
Item Selection With Collaborative Filtering in On-The-Fly Multistage Adaptive Testing4
Measurement of Ability in Adaptive Learning and Assessment Systems when Learners Use On-Demand Hints4
Answer Similarity Analysis at the Group Level4
Modeling Rapid Guessing Behaviors in Computer-Based Testlet Items3
Bayesian Modal Estimation for the One-Parameter Logistic Ability-Based Guessing (1PL-AG) Model3
Quantifying the Distorting Effect of Rapid Guessing on Estimates of Coefficient Αlpha3
On Guessing: An Alternative Adjusted Positive Learning Estimator and Comparing Probability Misspecification With Monte Carlo Simulations3
An Iterative Parametric Bootstrap Approach to Evaluating Rater Fit3
IRTGUI: An R Package for Unidimensional Item Response Theory Analysis With a Graphical User Interface3
How Important is the Choice of Bandwidth in Kernel Equating?3
A Comparison of Robust Likelihood Estimators to Mitigate Bias From Rapid Guessing3
Predictive Fit Metrics for Item Response Models3
Flexible Computerized Adaptive Tests to Detect Misconceptions and Estimate Ability Simultaneously3
Comparing Person-Fit and Traditional Indices Across Careless Response Patterns in Surveys3
Targeted Double Scoring of Performance Tasks Using a Decision-Theoretic Approach3
A New Approach to Desirable Responding: Multidimensional Item Response Model of Overclaiming Data3