Applied Psychological Measurement

(The median citation count of Applied Psychological Measurement is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Online Parameter Estimation for Student Evaluation of Teaching19
Sequential Bayesian Ability Estimation Applied to Mixed-Format Item Tests18
Efficiency Analysis of Item Response Theory Kernel Equating for Mixed-Format Tests15
Evaluating the Douglas-Cohen IRT Goodness of Fit Measure With BIB Sampling of Items13
Attenuation-Corrected Estimators of Reliability12
A Mixed Sequential IRT Model for Mixed-Format Items9
A Comparison of Robust Likelihood Estimators to Mitigate Bias From Rapid Guessing8
Bayesian Approaches for Detecting Differential Item Functioning Using the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model8
Item Response Modeling of Clinical Instruments With Filter Questions: Disentangling Symptom Presence and Severity8
Considerations for Fitting Dynamic Bayesian Networks With Latent Variables: A Monte Carlo Study8
Using a Generalized Logistic Regression Method to Detect Differential Item Functioning With Multiple Groups in Cognitive Diagnostic Tests7
Computerized Adaptive Testing for Ipsative Tests with Multidimensional Pairwise-Comparison Items: Algorithm Development and Applications6
PROsetta: An R Package for Linking Patient-Reported Outcome Measures6
Consequences of Ignoring Guessing Effects on Measurement Invariance Analysis6
Benefits of the Curious Behavior of Bayesian Hierarchical Item Response Theory Models—An in-Depth Investigation and Bias Correction6
A New Approach to Desirable Responding: Multidimensional Item Response Model of Overclaiming Data6
Enhancing Computerized Adaptive Testing with Batteries of Unidimensional Tests6
glca: An R Package for Multiple-Group Latent Class Analysis5
Bridging Models of Biometric and Psychometric Assessment: A Three-Way Joint Modeling Approach of Item Responses, Response Times, and Gaze Fixation Counts5
Dual-Objective Item Selection Methods in Computerized Adaptive Test Using the Higher-Order Cognitive Diagnostic Models5
Estimating Test-Retest Reliability in the Presence of Self-Selection Bias and Learning/Practice Effects4
Using a Response Time–Based Expected A Posteriori Estimator to Control for Differential Speededness in Computerized Adaptive Test4
Accommodating and Extending Various Models for Special Effects Within the Generalized Partially Confirmatory Factor Analysis Framework4
A Signal Detection Model for Multiple-Choice Exams4
Global Information for Multidimensional Tests4
The Effects of Aberrant Responding on Model-Fit Assuming Different Underlying Response Processes4
The Improved EMS Algorithm for Latent Variable Selection in M3PL Model4
On the Folly of Introducing A (Time-Based UMV), While Designing for B (Time-Based CMV)4
Detecting uniform differential item functioning for continuous response computerized adaptive testing4
Multistage Testing in Heterogeneous Populations: Some Design and Implementation Considerations4
Evaluating Equating Transformations in IRT Observed-Score and Kernel Equating Methods3
Book Review: Generalized Kernel Equating with Applications in R3
A Two-Step Q-Matrix Estimation Method3
aberrance: An R Package for Detecting Aberrant Behavior in Test Data3
Effect of Differential Item Functioning on Computer Adaptive Testing Under Different Conditions3
Modified Item-Fit Indices for Dichotomous IRT Models with Missing Data3
Graph Theory Approach to Detect Examinees Involved in Test Collusion3
Efficient Metropolis-Hastings Robbins-Monro Algorithm for High-Dimensional Diagnostic Classification Models3
Modeling Asymmetry in the Time–Distance Relation of Ordinal Personality Items3
Evaluation of the Linear Composite Conjecture for Unidimensional IRT Scale for Multidimensional Responses3
Compound Optimal Design for Online Item Calibration Under the Two-Parameter Logistic Model3
Outlier Detection Using t-test in Rasch IRT Equating under NEAT Design3
Termination Criteria for Grid Multiclassification Adaptive Testing With Multidimensional Polytomous Items3
First-Order Learning Models With the GDINA: Estimation With the EM Algorithm and Applications3
Factor Retention Using Machine Learning With Ordinal Data3
A Likelihood Approach to Item Response Theory Equating of Multiple Forms3
A Generalized Multi-Detector Combination Approach for Differential Item Functioning Detection3
Item-Fit Statistic Based on Posterior Probabilities of Membership in Ability Groups2
Assessing Dimensionality in Dichotomous Items When Many Subjects Have All-Zero Responses: An Example From Psychiatry and a Solution Using Mixture Models2
Two Statistics for Measuring the Score Comparability of Computerized Adaptive Tests2
The Standardized S-X2 Statistic for Assessing Item Fit2
A Mark-Recapture Approach to Estimating Item Pool Compromise2
Cut-Score Operating Function Extensions: Penalty-Based Errors and Uncertainty in Standard Settings2
Measurement of Ability in Adaptive Learning and Assessment Systems when Learners Use On-Demand Hints2
Using Interpretable Machine Learning for Differential Item Functioning Detection in Psychometric Tests2
Comparing Test-Taking Effort Between Paper-Based and Computer-Based Tests2
Test Security and the Pandemic: Comparison of Test Center and Online Proctor Delivery Modalities2
Bayesian Item Response Theory Models With Flexible Generalized Logit Links2
Empirical Priors in Polytomous Computerized Adaptive Tests: Risks and Rewards in Clinical Settings2
Flexible Item Response Models for Count Data: The Count Thresholds Model2
The Lack of Robustness of a Statistic Based on the Neyman–Pearson Lemma to Violations of Its Underlying Assumptions2
An Empirical Identification Issue of the Bifactor Item Response Theory Model2
Scale Linking for the Testlet Item Response Theory Model2
Item Response Theory True Score Equating for the Bifactor Model Under the Common-Item Nonequivalent Groups Design2
Detecting Differential Item Functioning in Multidimensional Graded Response Models With Recursive Partitioning1
On Guessing: An Alternative Adjusted Positive Learning Estimator and Comparing Probability Misspecification With Monte Carlo Simulations1
Targeted Double Scoring of Performance Tasks Using a Decision-Theoretic Approach1
A Bayesian Random Weights Linear Logistic Test Model for Within-Test Practice Effects1
SEMsens: An R Package for Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Equation Models With the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm1
Adaptive Measurement of Change in the Context of Item Parameter Drift1
A Comparison of Modern and Popular Approaches to Calculating Reliability for Dichotomously Scored Items1
Investigating Directional Invariance in an Item Response Tree Model for Extreme Response Style and Trait-Based Unfolding Responses1
The Explanatory Generalized Graded Unfolding Model: Incorporating Collateral Information to Improve the Latent Trait Estimation Accuracy1
Answer Similarity Analysis at the Group Level1
An Information Manifold Perspective for Analyzing Test Data1
bmggum: An R Package for Bayesian Estimation of the Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding Model With Covariates1
An Experimental Design to Investigate Item Parameter Drift1
Using Auxiliary Item Information in the Item Parameter Estimation of a Graded Response Model for a Small to Medium Sample Size: Empirical Versus Hierarchical Bayes Estimation1
Examining Nonnormal Latent Variable Distributions for Non-Ignorable Missing Data1
Is Measurement Noninvariance a Threat to Inferences Drawn from Randomized Control Trials? Evidence From Empirical and Simulation Studies1
Are Large-Scale Test Scores Comparable for At-Home Versus Test Center Testing?1
Uncovering the Complexity of Item Position Effects in a Low-Stakes Testing Context1
How Scoring Approaches Impact Estimates of Growth in the Presence of Survey Item Ceiling Effects1
A New Method to Balance Measurement Accuracy and Attribute Coverage in Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing1
Partial Measurement Invariance: Extending and Evaluating the Cluster Approach for Identifying Anchor Items1
maat: An R Package for Multiple Administrations Adaptive Testing1
Quantifying the Distorting Effect of Rapid Guessing on Estimates of Coefficient Αlpha1
Confidence Screening Detector: A New Method for Detecting Test Collusion1
How Important is the Choice of Bandwidth in Kernel Equating?1
The Potential for Interpretational Confounding in Cognitive Diagnosis Models1
Multi-Battery Factor Analysis in R1