Social Science History

(The TQCC of Social Science History is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Religion and Child Death in Ireland’s Industrial Capital: Belfast 19115
Vision and method in global historical sociology4
Gender, intimate partner homicide, and rurality in early-twentieth-century New South Wales4
SSH volume 46 issue 4 Cover and Back matter3
SSH volume 48 issue 1 Cover and Back matter2
Situating Politics: Spatial Heterogeneity and the Study of Political History2
Interpersonal Violence in Chile, c. 1880s–2010s: A Tale of Delayed but Successful Convergence2
The Southern Farmers’ Alliance, Populists, and lynching2
The Spatial Configuration of Segregation, Elite Fears of Disease, and Housing Reform in Washington, D.C.’s Inhabited Alleys2
“Power to the People!”: The Catalytic Role of the Black Power Movement in Trinidad and Tobago’s Industrialization2
Immigration, Poverty, and Infant and Child Mortality in the City of Madrid, 1916–19262
The Role of Organizational Institutionalization in Electoral Sustainability. A Comparative Analysis of the Spanish Far Right: Fuerza Nueva and VOX2
Strategic Realism, not Optimism: Bayesian and Indigenous Perspectives on the Democratizing Petition2
Protestant Missionary Education and the Diffusion of Women’s Education in Ottoman Turkey: A Historical GIS Analysis – CORRIGENDUM2
1751 and Thereabout: A Quantitative and Comparative Approach to Notarial Records2
“You’re Not from around Here”: Regional Naming and Life Outcomes1
Counting the carnivores: Who ate meat in Republican-Era China?1
The Wrong Poster Child for Legislative Paralysis: Salvador Allende and Legislative Output in Chile, 1932–19731
Pride, prejudice, and working-class furniture – A history of Gelsenkirchener Barock1
Colonial Sociology and the Historical Sociology of the Social Sciences1
The Interstitial Emergence of Labor NGO Activism in China and Its Contradicting Institutionalization, 1996–20201
The Politics of Time: The Political Origins of Working-Time Regulation1
Democracy, Petitions, and Legitimation1
SSH volume 48 issue 2 Cover and Front matter1
The Diffusion of Knowledge during the British Industrial Revolution1
SSH volume 47 issue 3 Cover and Front matter1
Theorizing Subdisciplinary Exchange: Historical Sociology, Ethnography, and the Case of SSHA1
Response to My Readers1
Political Centralization, Federalism, and Urbanization: Evidence from Australia1
Taming Violence: The Shanghai Green Gang and its Self-Legitimation Claims in the Early Twentieth Century1
Visions of deliverance: Social scientization, functionalism, and the expansive purposiveness of state schooling in nineteenth-century British parliamentary politics1
A Prehistory of Democracy1
Pitting the Working Class against Itself: Solidarity, Strikebreaking, and Strike Outcomes in the Early US Labor Movement1
Vocational Rehabilitation and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from World War I Veterans1
“Ministering at the Altar of Slavery”: Religious slavery conflict and social movement repression1
The Great War and the Warfare–Welfare Nexus in British and French West African Colonies1
Polygamy, the Commodification of Women, and Underdevelopment1
Ugly ambition: “Sportsgirls” and the German press in the 1920s1
U.S. Animal Disease Policies and Human Health Debates1
Power and Organization in the Making of the Long Twentieth Century: A Response to J. Bradford DeLong’s Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century1
Tale of a Missed Opportunity: Japan’s Delay in Implementing a Value-Added Tax1
Tax Expenditures and the Tax Reform Act of 1969 in the United States1