Ageing & Society

(The TQCC of Ageing & Society is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
ASO volume 41 issue 10 Cover and Front matter45
ASO volume 43 issue 5 Cover and Back matter34
ASO volume 44 issue 2 Cover and Back matter32
Experiences of social frailty among rural community-dwelling and assisted-living older adults: a qualitative study29
Hospital social work and discharge planning for older people: challenges of working in a clinical setting24
The Environments of Ageing: Space, Place and Materiality Sheila Peace, Policy Press, Bristol, UK, 2022, 410 pp., hbk £80, ISBN 13: 978-144731055622
The role of social communication technologies in cognition and affect in older adults21
ASO volume 43 issue 6 Cover and Back matter21
The neoliberal university, social work and personalised care for older adults20
ASO volume 42 issue 7 Cover and Front matter20
ASO volume 41 issue 9 Cover and Back matter19
The impact of living arrangements and intergenerational support on the health status of older people in China: are rural residents disadvantaged compared to urban residents?17
Managing the retention or divestment of material possessions in the transition to retirement: implications for sustainable consumption and for later-life wellbeing16
‘Keeping silent to keep the peace’: changes in grandmother's access to their grandchildren following the loss of the son/father16
Ageing Identities and Women's Everyday Talk in a Hair Salon Rachel Heinrichsmeier, Routledge, New York, NY, 2020, 262 pp., hbk £96.00, ISBN 13: 978-0-367-24551-116
Reablement in need of theories of ageing: would theories of successful ageing do?16
What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: a scoping review of the evidence15
The effects of adult children's gender composition on the care type and care network of ageing parents15
A narrative review of literature on the use of health and social care by older trans adults: what can United Kingdom services learn?15
The deadly couch: physical (in)activity in middle-aged women in Australia13
Ageing and the Media: International Perspectives Virpi Ylänne (ed.), Policy Press, Bristol, UK, 2022, 232 pp., hbk £85, ISBN 13: 978-1-4473-6203-613
ASO volume 43 issue 9 Cover and Back matter13
Re-imagining care transitions for people with dementia and complex support needs in residential aged care: using co-designed sensory objects and a focused ethnography to recognise micro transitions11
ASO volume 43 issue 7 Cover and Front matter11
Referees for volume 43, 202311
ASO volume 43 issue 7 Cover and Back matter11
Trends in long-term care use among Dutch older men and women between 1995 and 2016: is the gender gap changing?10
Everyday influence – democracy when health and social care are part of everyday life10
A History of the Personal Social Services: Feast, Famine and the Future Ray Jones, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2020, 494 pp., ebook €21.39, ISBN 13: 978-3-030-46123-210
Fractured: Why Our Societies Are Coming Apart and How We Can Put Them Back Together Again John Yates, HarperCollins, Manchester, UK, 2021, 352 pp., hbk £20.00, ISBN 13: 978000846396010
ASO volume 41 issue 4 Cover and Back matter10
ASO volume 41 issue 3 Cover and Front matter10
Older and still voting? A mixed-methods study of voting amongst the older old in Europe and in the North-West of England10
ASO volume 41 issue 6 Cover and Back matter10
The effect of roles prescribed by active ageing on quality of life across European regions9
ASO volume 41 issue 11 Cover and Front matter9
Reassessing the CASP-19 adapted for Brazilian Portuguese: insights from a population-based study9
ASO volume 42 issue 9 Cover and Back matter9
What drives older adults to continue working after official retirement age?9
Effect of older adults in the family on the sandwich generation's pursuit of entrepreneurship: evidence from China9
Navigating the choppy waters to Nirvana: A critical reflective account of caring for ageing parents in the fourth age9
Generations: Does When You Are Born Shape Who You Are? Bobby Duffy, Atlantic Books, London, 2021, 336 pp., hbk £20, ISBN 13: 97817864997219
Understanding unmet aged care need and care inequalities among older Australians9
Influence of socio-economic profile of neighbourhoods on the selection of home care strategies for older dependants9
The experience of dependence on homecare among people ageing at home8
‘Listen closer’: home-delivered meal volunteers’ understanding of their role in suicide intervention8
The associations of physical incapacity and wealth with remaining in paid employment after age 60 in five middle-income and high-income countries8
Cognitive decline among European retirees: impact of early retirement, nation-related and personal characteristics8
A qualitative investigation of the psychosocial services utilised by care-givers of patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in southwestern Uganda8
Adult children's education and trajectories of episodic memory among older parents in the United States of America8
Social Aspects of Aging in Indigenous Communities Jordan P. Lewis and Tuula Heinonen (eds), Oxford University Press, New York, 2023, 468 pp., hbk £48.99, ISBN 13: 97801976772168
The effect of retirement on the health of elderly people: evidence from China8
Socio-economic and technological aspects of mental health of older persons: the role of strong and weak ties in Ghana8
Learning to deliver LGBT+ aged care: exploring and documenting best practices in professional and vocational education through the World Café method – CORRIGENDUM8
Theatre production: a positive metaphor for dementia care-giving8
Size matters: locality of residence and media use in later life8
Examining the role of driven-game shooting as a psycho-social resource for older adults in rural areas: a mixed-methods study7
ASO volume 44 issue 1 Cover and Back matter7
Critical Gerontology for Social Workers Sandra Torres and Sarah Donnelly (eds), Policy Press, Bristol, UK, 2022, 212 pp., hbk £80, ISBN 13: 978-1-4473-6044-57
Ageing and Effecting Long-term Care in China Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk, Hui Zhang and Peter Pok-Man Yuen, Routledge, London and New York, 2022, 194 pp., pbk £31.19, ISBN 13: 97810321853857
Developing a multisensory methodology to explore older people's landscape experience in Australian aged-care facilities7
Risk factors for loneliness among older people in a Nordic regional context – a longitudinal study7
Longitudinal patterns and sociodemographic profiles of health-related behaviour clustering among middle-aged and older adults in China and Japan7
Making the mundane remarkable: an ethnography of the ‘dignity encounter’ in community district nursing7
Living with dementia under COVID-19 restrictions: coping and support needs among people with dementia and carers from the IDEAL cohort7
Social support and health among older adults – the Singapore Chinese Health Study7
A narrative inquiry into how oldest-old care-givers of people with dementia manage age-related care-giving challenges7
ASO volume 44 issue 5 Cover and Front matter6
Working in old age in Mexico: implications for cognitive functioning6
Why older rural women in Ireland want to work: it's not all about the money6
Friendships, loneliness and psychological wellbeing in older adults: a limit to the benefit of the number of friends6
Care Homes in a Turbulent Era: Do They Have a Future? Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, 184 pp., hbk £76.50, ISBN: 978 180392 581 36
Embodying ageing: middle-aged and older women's bodily fitness and aesthetics in urban China6
The experiences of grandparents looking after their grandchildren: examining feelings of burden and obligation among non-custodial grandparents6
‘In a hospital bed or … out doing Indiana Jones’: older Irish men's negotiations of cultural representations of ageing6
Old-age diversity is underrepresented in digital health research: findings from the evaluation of a mobile phone system for post-operative progress monitoring in Sweden6
Configuring possibilities: day programmes for people living with dementia as technologies in practice6
Co-research with older people: a systematic literature review6
The nature of paid work in the retirement years6
Understanding older adults’ use of social technology and the factors influencing use6
Sexual satisfaction of older adults: testing the Interpersonal Exchange Model of Sexual Satisfaction in the ageing population6
Experiences of COVID-19 lockdown among older people in Aotearoa: idyllic or dystopian?6
Aging in a Changing World: Older New Zealanders and Contemporary Multiculturalism, Molly George, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, 2022, 192 pp., pbk $32.95, ISBN 13: 97819788094066
Community-dwelling older adults' experiences and perceptions of needs for home modification in Shanghai5
Who receives most? Gendered consequences of divorce on public pension income in West Germany and Sweden5
Ageing with spinal cord injury: a longitudinal study5
Ageing consumers and e-commerce activities5
Couples with intellectual disability where one partner has dementia – a scoping review exploring relationships in the context of dementia and intellectual disability5
Worry about debt is related to social loneliness in older adults in the Netherlands5
The University of the Third Age and Active Ageing: European and Asian-Pacific Perspectives Marvin Formosa (ed.), Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019, 352 pp., hbk £89.99, ISBN 13: 978 3 03021 5145
ASO volume 42 issue 10 Cover and Front matter5
Older adults' adaptations to life events: a mobility perspective5
Good practice in needs-based post-diagnostic support for people with young onset dementia: findings from the Angela Project5
Existential well-being for the oldest old in nursing homes: a meta-ethnography5
Age-related differences in valence and arousal of emotion concepts5
Art, authenticity and citizenship for people living with dementia in a care home5
Survival and community care use by care home residents in England: does mental health matter?5
Ageing of the Australian LGBQ population: estimates and projections to mid-century5
Accounting for diversity in older adults’ digital inclusion and literacy: the impact of a national intervention5
Intersections between the culture of Xiao (孝) and caring for older relatives in China: perspectives of United Kingdom-based Chinese students on future care for their parents5
Older people's experiences of dignity and support with eating during hospital stays: analytical framework, policies and outcomes5
ASO volume 42 issue 2 Cover and Front matter5
From an existential-humanistic perspective: examining factors contributing to purpose in life among artistically inclined individuals from middle to later life5
ASO volume 41 issue 8 Cover and Back matter5
Labours of Love: The Crisis of Care Madeleine Bunting, Granta Publications, London, 2020, 336 pp., hbk £20.00, ISBN 13: 97817837837935
Older parents and filial support obligations: a comparison of family solidarity norms between native and immigrant populations in Italy5
The Aging of Aquarius: The Hippies of the 60s in their 60s and Beyond Galit Nimrod, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2023, 277 pp., hbk US $80, ISBN 13: 97810093040785
Coping strategies for increased wellbeing and mental health among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic – a Swedish qualitative study4
Labour force transitions and changes in quality of life at age 50–55 years: evidence from a birth cohort study4
Older people's lived experience and the World Health Organization age-friendly policy framework: a critical examination of an age-friendly county programme in Ireland4
Understanding volunteering intensity in older volunteers4
Thinking about caring for older relatives in the future: a qualitative exploration4
ASO volume 44 issue 2 Cover and Front matter4
Loneliness and social isolation of ethnic minority/immigrant older adults: a scoping review4
Social Divisions & Later Life Chris Gilleard and Paul Higgs, Policy Press, Cheltenham, UK, 2020, 000 pp., pbk £00, ISBN 13: 978 1 4473 3860 44
The role of uncertainty in planning for self-funded social care for older people with a diagnosis of dementia4
Access to health care among racialised immigrants to Canada in later life: a theoretical and empirical synthesis4
Methodological challenges in harmonisation of the variables used as indicators of social capital in epidemiological studies of ageing – results of the ATHLOS project4
ASO volume 42 issue 6 Cover and Front matter4
Foregrounding the ageing self: a duoethnographic account of growing older as a gerontologist and educator4
ASO volume 41 issue 7 Cover and Back matter4
ASO volume 43 issue 1 Cover and Back matter4
‘Swallow medicine, eat rice, pray about health’: health, health care and health-seeking experiences of South-East Asian older refugees4
ASO volume 42 issue 4 Cover and Front matter4
Intrinsic post-retirement work motivation in formal Chilean workers at retirement age: a qualitative study4
ASO volume 43 issue 3 Cover and Back matter4
Revisiting Cowgill's modernisation theory: perceived social status of older adults across 58 countries4
‘They've probably had those animals for years – they are like family’: accommodating pets in care homes and their contribution to creating a sense of ‘home’4
Negative ageism and compassionate ageism in news coverage of older people under COVID-19: how did the pandemic progression and public health responses associate with different news themes?4
ASO volume 42 issue 8 Cover and Back matter4
Do the living arrangements of older people matter for the family transfers they receive? Evidence from Senegal4
Later Life, Sex and Intimacy in the Majority World Krystal Nandini Ghisyawan, Debra A. Harley, Shanon Shah and Paul Simpson, Policy Press, Bristol, UK, 2024, 244 pp., hbk £80.00, ISBN: 978-14473684104
Activity limitations and participation restrictions among people with non-communicable diseases in Ghana4
Effects of a digital reminiscing intervention on people with dementia and their care-givers and relatives4
ASO volume 42 issue 1 Cover and Front matter4
ASO volume 42 issue 11 Cover and Back matter4
How latent patterns of interprofessional working may lead to delays in discharge from hospital of older people living with frailty – ‘Patient more confused than usual?’3
Substance use and misuse of older adults living in residential care facilities: a scoping review from a person-centred care approach3
ASO volume 44 issue 6 Cover and Back matter3
Older people's family relationships in disequilibrium during the COVID-19 pandemic. What really matters?3
Care-giver wellbeing: exploring gender, relationship-to-care-recipient and care-giving demands in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging3
A gradual separation from the world: a qualitative exploration of existential loneliness in old age3
The (im)mobilities of COVID-19 in later life: burning and building generational bridges3
Adult children's gender, number and proximity and older parents’ moves to institutions: evidence from Sweden3
Transportation usage and perceptions among older adults in Mexico City: a qualitative study3
ASO volume 43 issue 2 Cover and Front matter3
Does grandparental child-care provision affect number, satisfaction and with whom leisure activities are done?3
‘The boots will be on the coffin!’: multiple meanings of ageing for older people playing walking football3
Gender differences in the mechanism of involuntary retirement affecting loneliness through vulnerability and coping resources3
Care precarity among older British migrants in Spain3
Age-related differences regarding ageing and care service concerns and information preferences among LGBT, Sistergirl and Brotherboy people in Australia: a cross-sectional study3
Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long and Well You Live Becca Levy, Vermillion, London, 2022, 294 pp., pbk £16.99, ISBN 13: 97800630531993
Effects of a digital reminiscing intervention on people with dementia and their care-givers and relatives – CORRIGENDUM3
Understanding older adults' travel behaviour and mobility needs during the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of the hierarchy of travel needs: a systematic review3
Life-course generational placements and health and wellbeing in later life3
From volunteer work to informal care by stealth: a ‘new voluntarism’ in social democratic health and welfare services for older adults3
Widowhood and functional impairment: gender-specific trajectories of sensory and masticatory functions3
ASO volume 42 issue 12 Cover and Back matter3
Psychological distress in sons as resident carers of older mothers in Japan3
Dementia: Current Perspectives in Research and Treatment Gary Christopher, Routledge, London, 2023, 245 pp., hbk £96.00, ISBN: 97811389041183
ASO volume 41 issue 11 Cover and Back matter3
Family Carers and Caring: What It’s All About Alisoun Milne and Mary Larkin, Emerald, 2023, 239 pp., pbk £17.99, ISBN 978-1-80043-349-63
Small cash transfers to older people: do they reduce poverty?3
Effects of a resistance training community programme in older adults3
ASO volume 44 issue 6 Cover and Front matter3
Care Work, Migrant Peasant Families and Discourse of Filial Piety in China Longtao He, Springer Nature (Palgrave Macmillan), Singapore, 2021, 275 pp., hbk £97.50, ISBN 13: 978-981-16-1879-63
ASO volume 43 issue 10 Cover and Front matter3
‘Why would I want sex now?’ A qualitative study on older women's affirmative narratives on sexual inactivity in later life3
Stigma and its implications for dementia in South Africa: a multi-stakeholder exploratory study3
ASO volume 43 issue 8 Cover and Front matter3
Increasing autonomy through improved care: effects of a professional care-giver training programme on the functional status of older adults3
ASO volume 42 issue 12 Cover and Front matter3
Barriers to an effective voucher programme for community-based aged care: a professional perspective3
Older adults’ mental health information preferences: a call for more balanced information to empower older adults’ mental health help-seeking3
Productive engagement and ageing in productivist welfare regimes: questing for an age-friendly city in Hong Kong3
Referees for volume 42, 20223
Living on the Edge: An American Generation's Journey Through the Twentieth Century Richard A. Settersten Jr, Glen H. Elder Jr and Lisa D. Pearce, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 2021, 393
Inequalities in health and health-care accessibility among older people in China3
Death, dying and disparity: an ethnography of differently priced residential care homes for older people3
Happy to chat? Understanding older people’s attitudes and experiences of talking to strangers3
Views and experiences of adult children concerning intergenerational relationships with their older kin: a qualitative study from South India3
Person-centred Australian residential aged care services: how well do actions match the claims?3
Disjunctures in practice: ethnographic observations of orthopaedic ward practices in the care of older adults with hip fracture and presumed cognitive impairment3
ASO volume 43 issue 10 Cover and Back matter3
Ageing in place with non-medical home support services need not translate into dependence3