International Journal of Operations & Production Management

(The median citation count of International Journal of Operations & Production Management is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Supply chain sustainability: learning from the COVID-19 pandemic412
Strategic supplier relationships and supply chain resilience: Is digital transformation that precludes trust beneficial?107
On the road to digital servitization – The (dis)continuous interplay between business model and digital technology106
Pandemic-induced knowledge gaps in operations and supply chain management: COVID-19’s impacts on retailing85
Managing information asymmetry in public–private relationships undergoing a digital transformation: the role of contractual and relational governance81
Digital orientation, digital maturity, and digital intensity: determinants of financial success in digital transformation settings76
The role of digital transformation to empower supply chain finance: current research status and future research directions (Guest editorial)75
Designing blockchain systems to prevent counterfeiting in wine supply chains: a multiple-case study72
Big data analytics in digital platforms: how do financial service providers customise supply chain finance?72
The application of theory in literature reviews – illustrated with examples from supply chain management71
Preparing supply chain for the next disruption beyond COVID-19: managerial antecedents of supply chain resilience69
Explaining the servitization paradox: a configurational theory and a performance measurement framework66
The mitigating role of blockchain-enabled supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic66
The hidden side of sustainable operations and supply chain management: unanticipated outcomes, trade-offs and tensions64
The impact of digitalization and inter-organizational technological activities on supplier opportunism: the moderating role of relational ties63
Capabilities for enhancing supply chain resilience and responsiveness in the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring the role of improvisation, anticipation, and data analytics capabilities55
The dark side of supply chain digitalisation: supplier-perceived digital capability asymmetry, buyer opportunism and governance54
Exploring the application of blockchain to humanitarian supply chains: insights from Humanitarian Supply Blockchain pilot project54
Supply chain resilience in mindful humanitarian aid organizations: the role of big data analytics52
Exploring digital servitization trajectories within product–service–software space52
Redesigning global supply chains during compounding geopolitical disruptions: the role of supply chain logics52
Leveraging the circular economy with a closed-loop supply chain and a reverse omnichannel using blockchain technology and incentives51
Catastrophic supply chain disruptions and supply network changes: a study of the 2011 Japanese earthquake50
The metaverse as a breakthrough for operations and supply chain management: implications and call for action49
Modern slavery in supply chains: insights through strategic ambiguity49
Additive manufacturing in the apparel supply chain — impact on supply chain governance and social sustainability46
Digitalization opportunities for the procurement function: pathways to maturity46
Geopolitical disruptions and the manufacturing location decision in multinational company supply chains: a Delphi study on Brexit46
Socially responsible operations in the Industry 4.0 era: post-COVID-19 technology adoption and perspectives on future research44
Is lean a theory? Viewpoints and outlook44
“Managing the “new normal”: the future of operations and supply chain management in unprecedented times”43
Toward a multilevel perspective on digital servitization42
Thinking differently about supply chain resilience: what we can learn from social-ecological systems thinking41
Practitioners' learning about healthcare supply chain management in the COVID-19 pandemic: a public procurement perspective41
Developing a learning-to-learn capability: insights on conditions for Industry 4.0 adoption40
The interplay between digital transformation and governance mechanisms in supply chains: evidence from the Italian automotive industry39
A complexity management approach to servitization: the role of digital platforms37
Understanding the influence of servitization on global value chains: a conceptual framework36
The mediating role of knowledge management processes in the effective use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing firms35
Blockchain announcements and stock value: a technology management perspective33
Environmental collaboration with suppliers and cost performance: exploring the contingency role of digital orientation from a circular economy perspective33
Structuring the phenomenon of procurement digitalisation: contexts, interventions and mechanisms31
The role of strategic collaborations and relational capital in enhancing product performance – a moderated-mediated model30
Paradoxical tensions in sustainable supply chain management: insights from the electronics multi-tier supply chain context30
Big data and big disaster: a mechanism of supply chain risk management in global logistics industry30
Unlocking supply chain agility and supply chain performance through the development of intangible supply chain analytical capabilities30
An empirical analysis of suppliers' trade-off behaviour in adopting digital supply chain financing solutions29
Data analytics capability and servitization: the moderated mediation role of bricolage and innovation orientation28
The institutional logic of the sustainable organisation: the case of a chocolate supply network27
How does reverse factoring affect operating performance? An event study of Chinese manufacturing firms27
Theory development in servitization through the application of fsQCA and experiments26
Reconciling and reconceptualising servitization research: drawing on modularity, platforms, ecosystems, risk and governance to develop mid-range theory26
Servitization for consumer products: an empirical exploration of challenges and benefits for supply chain partners26
Supply chains' sustainability trajectories and resilience: a learning perspective in turbulent environments26
The role of absorptive capacity in the adoption of Smart Manufacturing25
The impacts of supply chain finance initiatives on firm risk: evidence from service providers listed in the US24
Direct and mediation effect of supply chain complexity drivers on supply chain performance: an empirical evidence of organizational complexity theory24
Switchover to industrial additive manufacturing: dynamic decision-making for problematic spare parts24
Exploring the root causes of servitization challenges: an organisational boundary perspective24
Fostering firms' ability to cascade sustainability through multi-tier supply chains: an investigation of power sources24
Supply chain transparency for sustainability – an intervention-based research approach24
Informal governance in the digital transformation24
Embracing supply base complexity: the contingency role of strategic purchasing23
Why, where and how are organizations using blockchain in their supply chains? Motivations, application areas and contingency factors23
Addressing modern slavery in supply chains: an awareness-motivation-capability perspective23
Theorising circular economy and sustainable operations and supply chain management: a sustainability-dominant logic23
A history-based framework of servitization and deservitization23
Performance effects of entrepreneurial orientation, strategic intent and absorptive capacity within coopetitive relationships22
Mitigating personal protective equipment (PPE) supply chain disruptions in pandemics – a system dynamics approach22
Improving high lean team performance through aligned behaviour-value patterns and coactive vicarious learning-by-doing22
The role of the hub-firm in developing innovation capabilities: considering the French wine industry cluster from a resource orchestration lens21
Omni-channel integration: the matter of information and digital technology21
The boundary-spanning role of first-tier suppliers in sustainability-oriented supplier development initiatives21
Embracing change in tandem: resilience and sustainability together transforming supply chains21
Rebuilding disrupted supply chains: How can a self-organised social group facilitate supply chain resilience?21
The role of employees' participation and managers' authority on continuous improvement and performance21
Guest editorialEmerging research and future pathways in digital supply chain governance20
Beyond COVID-19 supply chain heroism, no dust settling yet – lessons learned at Rolls Royce about advancing risk management thinking20
Leveraging digital and relational governance mechanisms in developing trusting supply chain relationships: the interplay between blockchain and norm of solidarity19
Making agency theory work for supply chain relationships: a systematic review across four disciplines19
Editorial How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected, and will affect, operations and supply chain management research and practice19
Tuning value chains for better signals in the post-COVID era: vaccine supply chain concerns19
Comparing regions globally: impacts of COVID-19 on supply chains – a Delphi study19
Is there a theory of supply chain resilience? A bibliometric analysis of the literature19
Beyond efficiency: the role of lean practices and cultures in developing dynamic capabilities microfoundations18
Toward sustainable supply chains: impact of buyer's legitimacy, power and aligned focus on supplier sustainability performance18
How to improve firm performance? – The role of production capabilities and routines18
Effects of supply chain quality event announcements on stock market reaction: an empirical study from China18
Social enablers of Industry 4.0 technology adoption: transformational leadership and emotional intelligence18
Breaking the mould: achieving high-volume production output with additive manufacturing18
Coordinating multi-level collective action: how intermediaries and digital governance can help supply chains tackle grand challenges17
The effect of production system characteristics on resilience capabilities: a multiple case study17
From supply chain risk to system-wide disruptions: research opportunities in forecasting, risk management and product design17
The role of supply chain diversification in mitigating the negative effects of supply chain disruptions in COVID-1917
Guest editorial17
Interplay between servitization and platforms: a longitudinal case study17
Financial performance of firms with supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of dynamic capability and supply chain resilience16
Leveraging interorganizational governance for bridging responses to supply chain disruptions: a polynomial regression analysis16
Linking entrepreneurial orientation and supply chain resilience to strengthen business performance: an empirical analysis16
Mechanisms for developing operational capabilities in digital servitization16
Blockchain-enabled supply chain operations and financing: the perspective of expectancy theory16
Do network capabilities improve corporate financial performance? Evidence from financial supply chains16
The circularity of product-service systems: the role of macro-, meso- and micro-level contextual factors15
A meta-analysis of sustainable supply chain practices and performance: the moderating roles of type of economy and innovation15
Digital capabilities to manage agri-food supply chain uncertainties and build supply chain resilience during compounding geopolitical disruptions15
The role of management in lean implementation: evidence from the pharmaceutical industry15
Enhancing sustainable supply chain management performance through alliance portfolio diversity: the mediating effect of sustainability collaboration15
Short of drugs? Call upon operations and supply chain management15
Should hospitals invest in customised on-demand 3D printing for surgeries?15
Kaizen event process quality: towards a phase-based understanding of high-quality group problem-solving15
The roles of performance measurement and management in the development and implementation of business ecosystem strategies14
Managing emergency situations with lean and advanced manufacturing technologies: an empirical study on the Rumbia typhoon disaster14
Guest editorialEmerging technologies in emergency situations14
Learning lean: rhythm of production and the pace of lean implementation14
Surfing with the tides: how digitalization creates firm performance through supply chain entrainment14
Purchasing realized absorptive capacity as the gateway to sustainable supply chain management14
Institutionalization of a collaborative governance model to deliver large, inter-organizational projects14
An attention-based view of supply disruption risk management: balancing biased attentional processing for improved resilience in the COVID-19 context14
Social network governance and social sustainability-related knowledge acquisition: the contingent role of network structure14
Navigating the “performing-organizing” paradox: tensions between supply chain transparency, coordination, and scope 3 GHG emissions performance14
Public procurement capabilities as engines for collaboration and enhanced performance in complex projects14
Do more concentrated supplier portfolios benefit firm innovation? The moderating roles of financial slack and growth opportunities14
Quality functions' use of customer feedback as activation triggers for absorptive capacity and value co-creation13
Recovery from plant-level supply chain disruptions: supply chain complexity and business continuity management13
The impact of corporate support programs on environmental and social innovation: empirical insights from the food and beverage industry13
Supply chains and the success of M&As: investigating the effect of structural equivalence of merging firms' supplier and customer bases13
Becoming a learning organization while enhancing performance: the case of LEGO13
Inside the multi-tier supply firm: exploring responses to institutional pressures and challenges for sustainable supply management13
Towards social network metrics for supply network circularity13
Supply chain agility and performance: evidence from a meta-analysis13
Is supplier involvement always beneficial for financial performance? The roles of ambidextrous innovations and product smartness13
How to empower analytics capability to tackle emergency situations?12
Leadership styles in supply chain disruptions: a multimethod evaluation based on practitioner insights12
Let the buyer beware: how network structure can enable (and prevent) supply chain fraud12
Role of personal anxiety in individual kaizen behaviour and performance: evidence from Japan12
Effects of supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 on shareholder value12
Boundary negotiations: a paradox theoretical approach for efficient and flexible modular systems12
How does digitalization alter the paradox of supply base concentration? The effects of digitalization intensity and breadth12
Resilient supply management systems in times of crisis12
The effects of performance measurement system uses on organizational ambidexterity and firm performance11
The roles of national culture in affecting quality management practices and quality performance - multilevel and multi-country analysis11
How boundary spanners'guanximatters: managing supply chain dependence in China11
Impact pathways: just transition in fashion operations and supply chain management10
Sustainability and Quality Management: has EFQM fostered a Sustainability Orientation that delivers to stakeholders?10
Social sustainability and human rights in global supply chains10
Exploring the process of management system implementation: a case of Six Sigma10
Linking competitive priorities, smart manufacturing advancement and organizational microfoundations10
The effect of cultural value orientations on responses to supply-side disruption10
Knowledge sharing in project-based supply networks10
Lean and action learning: towards an integrated theory?10
Major customer network structure and supplier trade credit10
Service supply chain resilience: a social-ecological perspective on last-mile delivery operations10
Building synergies between operations culture, operational routines, and supplier monitoring: implications for buyer performance10
Rethinking organizational performance management: a complexity theory perspective10
The “dark side” of Industry 4.0: How can technology be made more sustainable?10
The effect of SMEs' ambidextrous innovations on supply chain financing performance: balancing effect and moderating effect9
Addressing supplier sustainability misconducts: response strategies to nonmarket stakeholder contentions9
Supply networks for extreme uncertainty: a resource orchestration perspective9
Supply chain design for industrial additive manufacturing9
Does organizational readiness matter in lean thinking practices? An agency perspective9
Actions speak louder than words? The impact of subjective norms in the supply chain on green innovation9
The purposes of performance management systems and processes: a cross-functional typology9
The interplay of integration, flexibility and coordination: a dynamic capability view to responding environmental uncertainty9
When should global manufacturers invest in production network upgrades? An empirical investigation9
Dynamic openness for network-enabled product and process innovation: a panel-data analysis9
Dependence structure, relational mechanisms and performance: teasing out the differences between upstream and downstream supply chain partners9
Complex supply chain structures and multi-scope GHG emissions: the moderation effect of reducing equivocality8
Chrysalis of crisis: Covid-19 as a catalyst for awakening power and justice in a luxury fashion supply chain8
From corporate governance to sustainability outcomes: the key role of operations management8
The impact of asymmetric perceptions of buyer-supplier governance mechanisms on relational rents8
Examining the link between integrated management systems and firm performance: do the integration strategies matter?8
Impact of buyer-supplier TMT misalignment on environmental performance8
Bridging sustainability knowledge management and supply chain learning: evidence through buyer selection8
Supplier absorptive capacity: learning via boundary objects in sustainability-oriented supplier development initiatives8
The impact of abandoning social responsibility certifications: evidence from the decertification of SA8000 standard8
How can suppliers increase their buyers’ CSR engagement: the role of internal and relational factors8
Swimming against the tide: supplier bridging roles in diffusing sustainability upstream and downstream in supply networks8
Operations in the upper echelons: leading sustainability through stewardship7
When servitized manufacturers globalise: becoming a provider of global services7
Matching goal-based incentive systems with cross-functional integration to improve operation and innovation performance7
Productivity improvement and multiple management controls: evidence from a manufacturing firm7
Improving emergency response operations in maritime accidents using social media with big data analytics: a case study of the MV Wakashio disaster7
Impact pathways: unhooking supply chains from conflict zones—reconfiguration and fragmentation lessons from the Ukraine–Russia war7
The impact of servitization on trade credit in manufacturing firms: a signaling theory perspective7
Collaboration as a structural aspect of proactive social sustainability: the differential moderating role of distributive and procedural justice7
Firm-specific political risk: a systematic investigation of its antecedents and implications for vertical integration and diversification strategies7
Relational resources for innovation ambidexterity within coopetitive relationships: the contingent role of managerial ambidexterity7
Explicating the microfoundation of SME pro-environmental operations: the role of top managers7
The impact of corporate social responsibility decoupling on financial performance: the role of customer structure and operational slack7
From supply chain learning to the learning supply chain: drivers, processes, complexity, trade-offs and challenges7
Investigating contingent adoption of additive manufacturing in supply chains7
Does supply chain concentration improve sustainability performance: the role of operational slack and information transparency7
Lean supply chain management: a contextual contingent reconceptualization and Delphi method study7
Linking organization design to supply chain responsiveness: the role of dynamic managerial capabilities7
Supply chain learning and performance: a meta-analysis6
Procurement's role in resolving demand–supply imbalances: an information processing theory perspective6
Linking government interventions to firm performance: the influence of stringency and support during the COVID-19 pandemic6
How supplier concentration impacts a buyer firm's R&D intensity: testing a mediation and moderation model6
Public procurement as an attractive customer: a supplier perspective6
Substitution and complementarity dynamics in configurations of sustainable management practices6
(Un)Learning sustainability practices in a multi-tiered supply chain: an interpretive study6
The role of managerial perceptions and behaviors across hierarchical levels during lean implementation6
Organizing for supply chain resilience: a high reliability network perspective6
Organisational capabilities and small and medium sized firms’ attainment of innovation outcomes: the moderating roles of exports and formal business networks6
The impact of information integration on purchase order finance and new product launch: a case study6
Impact of workforce flexibility on quality of care: moderating effects of workload and severity of illness6
Partners' knowledge utilization and exploratory innovation: the moderating effect of competitive and collaborative relationships6
The impact of monetary incentives and regulatory focus on worker productivity and learning in order picking6
Establishing the interplay between lean operating and continuous improvement routines: a process view6
Improving blood safety and availability: a collective mindfulness perspective in the supply chain6
Process ambidexterity driven by environmental uncertainty: balancing flexibility and routine6
Effect of lean implementation on team psychological safety and learning6
The interaction between supply networks and internal networks: performance implications6
Sustainability of transport and logistics companies: an empirical evidence from a developing country6
Panarchy-based transformative supply chain resilience: the role of supply chain capital6