Educational Psychology

(The TQCC of Educational Psychology is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The functions of non-ability attributes in learning and performance90
Are good teachers born or made? Teachers who hold a growth mindset about their teaching ability have better well-being35
Authoritarian parenting, perfectionism, and academic procrastination28
Why do students change their learning approaches? A mixed-methods study24
Literacy and self-studies24
Engagement in learning mathematics: the role of need for cognition and achievement goals22
Self-compassion among university students as a personal resource in the job demand-resources model22
Relating teachers’ coping styles to student noise and perceived stress22
Reciprocal relationships between depressive symptoms and academic amotivation in college students21
Exploring in-service teachers’ attitudes, teacher self-efficacy, and influential factors for implementing inclusive practices in Hong Kong classroom20
Maths, German, and English teachers’ student specific self-efficacy – is it a matter of students’ characteristics?18
Social-emotional need satisfaction and students’ academic engagement and social-emotional skills18
Morphological knowledge in second language reading comprehension: examining mediation through vocabulary knowledge and lexical inference17
Physical activity differences between two European countries: does motivation matter?17
Perceived competence and coping strategies16
Individual and contextual determinants of students’ learning and performance16
Internal/external frame of reference model and dimensional comparison theory: a novel exploration of their applicability among Arab high school students15
Changes in students’ achievement goals in advanced learning environment: a multivariate multilevel model14
The effects of school climate on high school teacher stress and self-efficacy in Ho Chi Minh City14
Linking student, home, and school factors to reading achievement: the mediating role of reading self-efficacy13
Does an instructor’s positive emotion facilitate learning from video lectures across different levels of content difficulty?13
Adaptability and buoyancy: investigating their unique associations with students’ wellbeing and academic achievement12
Exploring relationship between teacher humor and online learning burnout12
Learners’ characteristics, test anxiety, learning efforts, and performance: validating their structural relationships11
The student engagement scale: evidence of psychometric validity in Chinese and English language subjects from grade 4 to grade 6 in China10
A hack for learning math: starting and ending on high notes to create a more pleasurable learning experience10
Mental toughness in higher education: exploring the roles of flow and feedback10
Teacher support promotes the classroom engagement of mathematically poor students: a moderated mediation model9
Individual and collective moral disengagement as predictors of bullying perpetration: a short-term longitudinal multilevel study9
The effects of a PROSPER-based intervention on well-being among pre-service preschool teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized control trial9
The link between childhood environment and learning flow through future orientation and self-control: adolescents with adverse childhood perform worse, but survive in unsatisfactory current environmen9
Navigating time and space: examining the impact of contextual factors and self-regulation strategies on university students’ momentary engagement9
Negative effects of teacher burnout on student executive function and social-emotional outcomes9
School and career future time perspective and academic-related outcomes in early adolescence: are mastery goals mediators?9
Autonomy support from support staff in higher education and students' academic engagement and psychological well-being9
Student well-being and mathematical literacy performance in PISA 2018: a machine-learning approach9
Attributions for failure and success at primary school: a person-centered approach to causal dimensions9
List of consulting editors and reviewers8
Teachers’ competence promote close relationships to children with externalising problems and conflictual relationships8
The positive feedback loop between academic self-efficacy, academic initiative, and Grade Point Average: a parallel process latent growth curve model8
The ability of psychological flexibility to predict study success and its relations to cognitive attributional strategies and academic emotions8
How are achievement goals associated with self-, co-, and socially shared regulation in collaborative learning?8
Facilitating STEM learning by concept maps and worked examples8
Facilitating optimal learning from primary school to higher education: instructional quality, learning approaches, personality, parenting style, and educational hope8
Achievement and motivation8
Can manipulatives help students in the third and fifth grades understand the structure of word problems?7
Effects of a computer-based enrichment programme on the development of analytical and creative abilities in gifted students7
‘Good’ or ‘well calculated’? Effects of feedback on performance and self-concept of 5- to 7-year-old children in math7
Learning and well-being in the knowledge society7
Perceptual simulation in language comprehension and Chinese character reading among third-grade Hong Kong children7
Association between children’s temperament and learning behaviors: contribution of relationships with parents and teachers7
Students’ time management and procrastination in the wake of the pandemic7
Feedback and year level effects on university students’ self-efficacy and emotions during self-assessment: positive impact of rubrics vs. instructor feedback6
The development of computational estimation strategies: a longitudinal study with 6- to 7-year-olds6
Load reduction instruction: multilevel effects for motivation, engagement, and achievement in mathematics6
Effects of student noise on student teachers’ stress experiences, concentration and error–correction performance6
Motivational and disciplinary differences in academic risk taking in higher education6
Job demands and resources, teachers’ subjective vitality, and turnover intentions: an examination during COVID-196
How perceived mindful parenting prevents maladaptive academic behaviours: the mediating roles of insecure attachment and children mindfulness6