Educational Psychology

(The H4-Index of Educational Psychology is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The functions of non-ability attributes in learning and performance90
Are good teachers born or made? Teachers who hold a growth mindset about their teaching ability have better well-being35
Authoritarian parenting, perfectionism, and academic procrastination28
Why do students change their learning approaches? A mixed-methods study24
Literacy and self-studies24
Self-compassion among university students as a personal resource in the job demand-resources model22
Relating teachers’ coping styles to student noise and perceived stress22
Engagement in learning mathematics: the role of need for cognition and achievement goals22
Reciprocal relationships between depressive symptoms and academic amotivation in college students21
Exploring in-service teachers’ attitudes, teacher self-efficacy, and influential factors for implementing inclusive practices in Hong Kong classroom20
Social-emotional need satisfaction and students’ academic engagement and social-emotional skills18
Maths, German, and English teachers’ student specific self-efficacy – is it a matter of students’ characteristics?18
Morphological knowledge in second language reading comprehension: examining mediation through vocabulary knowledge and lexical inference17
Physical activity differences between two European countries: does motivation matter?17
Individual and contextual determinants of students’ learning and performance16
Perceived competence and coping strategies16