Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Ap

(The TQCC of Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Ap is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
PP-GraspNet: 6-DoF grasp generation in clutter using a new grasp representation method113
Design and experimental research of the hybrid-driven soft robot56
Calibration strategies for enhancing accuracy in serial industrial robots for orbital milling applications52
The Pransky interview: Dr Nabil Simaan, Vanderbilt University Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Otolaryngology, Thought Leader in Medical Robotics33
Optimization of mechanical performance of a Bernoulli gripper based on the force characteristic curve synthesis method32
A review of indoor-orbital electrical inspection robots in substations27
Intelligent obstacle avoidance path planning method for picking manipulator combined with artificial potential field method22
A resistance torque compensation algorithm based on Luenberger observer for minimally invasive surgical robot18
Adaptive decentralized fuzzy compensation control for large optical mirror processing systems18
Prescribed performance sliding mode control for the PAMs elbow exoskeleton in the tracking trajectory task17
Research on active disturbance rejection control technique for underwater welding robot based on model compensation16
Real-time pixel-wise grasp affordance prediction based on multi-scale context information fusion14
Design and experiment of transmission tower climbing robot inspired by inchworm14
Cone–hole docking mechanism for a modular reconfigurable mobile robot and its characteristic analysis14
Research on dual robot collaboration method based on improved double ant colony algorithm13
Autonomous path planning and stabilizing force interaction control for robotic massage in unknown environment13
Robots poised to transform agriculture12
Model-based detection and isolation of the wheel slippage and actuator faults of a holonomic mobile robot12
The role of robots in the electronics industry12
An intelligent control system for robot massaging with uncertain skin characteristics12
Sensors and tribological systems: applications for industry 4.011
Human-robot force cooperation analysis by deep reinforcement learning10
Guest editorial: Dexterous manipulation10
A fully actuated aerial manipulator system for industrial contact inspection applications10
New technologies for robotic tactile sensing and navigation10
Design, modeling and kinematic analysis of a multi-configuration dexterous hand with integrated high-dimensional sensors9
Path planning for robotic fish based on improved RRT* algorithm and dynamic window approach9
A progressive online external parameter calibration and initialization method for stereo-IMU system9
The Pransky interview: Charlie Duncheon, robotics serial entrepreneur, CEO and cofounder of Celltrio9
Coordinated torque control for enhanced steering and stability of independently driven mobile robots9
CPG-MPC controller for wheel-fin-flipper integrated amphibious robot9
The role of neuromorphic and biomimetic sensors9
Policy improvement of the dynamical movement primitives and stiffness primitives framework for robot learning variable stiffness manipulation9
Intelligent control of quad-rotor aircrafts with a STM32 microcontroller using deep neural networks8
The role of robots in firefighting8
Piston-like particle jamming for enhanced stiffness adjustment of soft robotic arm8
A robust human target following system in corridor environment based on wall detection8
DARLOS: a lightweight dual-arm robotic live-line operation system for autonomous high-voltage distribution grid maintenance8
Nonlinear observer-based impedance control of a fully-actuated hexarotor for accurate aerial physical interaction8
Estimation of gravity parameters for multi-DOF serial manipulator arms using model learning with sparsity inducing norms8
A point cloud registration-based calibration algorithm for robot offline programming automatic loading in aero-grinding applications8
Design and analysis of magnetorheological damper based ankle-foot prosthesis prototype7
A novel dual-stage shape memory alloy actuated gripper7
Reconfigurable wheel-crawler-integrated walking mechanism design and kinetic analysis7
Development of a novel robotic hand with soft materials and rigid structures7
A robot motion skills method with explicit environmental constraints7
A labelling system and automation comparison index for industry 4.0 system7
The role of machine learning in robotics7
Design and development of a cable-driven elephant trunk robot with variable cross-sections7
A calibration method of redundant actuated parallel mechanism for posture adjustment7
A global, continuous calibration curvature strategy for bending sensors of soft fingers7
HDPL: a hybrid descriptor for points and lines based on graph neural networks7
Obtaining the effective gripper dimensions for a kiwifruit harvesting robot using kinematic calibration procedures7
Recent trends and role of large area flexible electronics in shape sensing application – a review7
Topological drone navigation in uncertain environment6
Adaptive fractional-order admittance control for force tracking in highly dynamic unknown environments6
The first half century of industrial robot: 50 years of robotic developments6
Impedance-based null-space control of redundant torque-controlled robot6
A dynamic parameter identification method for the 5-DOF hybrid robot based on sensitivity analysis6
A human augmentation device design review: supernumerary robotic limbs6
Obstacle avoidance and path planning of humanoid robot using fuzzy logic controller aided owl search algorithm in complicated workspaces6
Robotic friction stir welding – seam-tracking control, force control and process supervision6
Stable jump control for the wheel-legged robot based on TMS-DIP model6
Pose detection and docking control for autonomous dynamic docking mechanism with non-cooperative targets6
Improved A* algorithm and model predictive control- based path planning and tracking framework for hexapod robots6
Guest editorial: Industry 4.0 special issue6
Challenges and opportunities in human robot collaboration context of Industry 4.0 - a state of the art review6
A balanced walking-clamp mechanism for inspection robot of transmission line6
An obstacle avoidance method for robotic arm based on reinforcement learning6
Motion optimization of an omnidirectional mobile robot with MY wheel based on contact mechanics6
Calibration of a dual-robot collaborative system for drilling tasks on spacecraft core cabins6
A new approach for hybrid (PID + MRAC) adaptive controller applied to two-axes McKibben muscle manipulator: a mechanism for human-robot collaboration6
A robotic polishing trajectory planning method for TBCs of aero-engine turbine blade using measured point cloud6
Exploring contributions of drones towards Industry 4.06
Pose estimation of metal workpieces based on RPM-Net for robot grasping from point cloud5
Optimize data association of point cloud to improve the quality of mapping and positioning5
Obstacle detection based on depth fusion of lidar and radar in challenging conditions5
Hybrid-disturbance-observer-based interaction control for a fully actuated UAV with tether-based positioning system5
The Pransky interview: Jack Morrison, CEO and Co-Founder, Scythe Robotics5
A systematic strategy of pallet identification and picking based on deep learning techniques5
A distributed algorithm for the multi-robot minimum time task allocation problem5
EMSA-IK: a real-time evolutionary multi-objective semi-analytical inverse kinematics algorithm for redundant manipulators5
FESM-based approach for stiffness modeling, identification and updating of collaborative robots5
Accurate grasp detection learning using oriented regression loss5
Structural design and coupling analysis of multimode variable coupling parallel mobile robots5
ODLC_SAM: a novel LiDAR SLAM system towards open-air environments with loop closure5
A novel deep learning method for motion assessment in upper limb rehabilitation grasping test5
High climbing and obstacle-crossing performance intelligent tracked inspection robot for cable trenches5
Tightly coupled IMU-Laser-RTK odometry algorithm for underground multi-layer and large-scale environment4
Impedance control for force tracking of a dual-arm cooperative robot based on particle swarm optimization4
Dr Homayoon Kazerooni: Professor at UC-Berkeley, pioneer of exoskeletons, founder and CEO of U.S. Bionics (DBA suitX), founder Ekso Bionics4
Design of a force-controlled end-effector based on the pneumatic artificial muscle for robotic polishing4
Political tensions and technological innovation driving the military robot business4
Enhanced disturbance observer-based robust yaw servo control for ROVs with multi-vector propulsion4
Design and preliminary evaluation of a lower limb exoskeleton based on hydraulic actuator4
Design of a multi-manipulator robot for relieving welding residual stress4
A humanoid robotic hand capable of internal assembly and measurement in spacesuit gloves4
Robotized interior finishing operations with visual feedback4
Design and slip prevention control of a multi-sensory anthropomorphic prosthetic hand4
Archive access robot for smart archive repositories4
The changing face of the automotive robotics industry4
3D printing towards implementing Industry 4.0: sustainability aspects, barriers and challenges4
Exploring relationships between Lean 4.0 and manufacturing industry4
Development of an industry 4.0 transformability index for manufacturing systems4
Design and locomotion analysis of a close-chain leg-wheel mobile platform4
Serial robotic plasma additive manufacturing on complex NURBS surface4
Identification of particular hydrodynamic parameters for a modular type 4 DOF underwater vehicle by means of CFD method4
Research on workpiece location algorithm based on improved SSD4
Multi-continuum manipulators shape reconstruction using inertial navigation sensors and cameras4
Laser vision seam tracking system based on proximal policy optimization4
A hierarchical visual model for robot automatic arc welding guidance4
Multiple peg-in-hole compliant assembly based on a learning-accelerated deep deterministic policy gradient strategy4
Vehicle direct yaw moment control system based on the improved linear quadratic regulator4
Design and analysis of a continuum manipulator for use in narrow spaces4
Towards an obstacle detection system for robot obstacle negotiation4
An inchworm-inspired soft robot with combined functions of omni-directional steering and obstacle surmounting4
Research on fuzzy impedance control of upper-limb rehabilitation robot based on membership functions online optimization learning strategy4
Follow-the-leader motion strategy for multi-section continuum robots based on differential evolution algorithm4
Novel design method for multi-configuration dexterous hand based on a gesture primitives analysis4
The Pransky interview: Harry Kloor, PhD, PhD – CEO and Co-Founder, Beyond Imagination Inc.; scientist; entrepreneur; inventor; filmmaker4
Toward precise dense 3D reconstruction of indoor hallway: a confidence-based panoramic LiDAR point cloud fusion approach4
An overview of pruning and harvesting manipulators4