Journal of Time Series Analysis

(The TQCC of Journal of Time Series Analysis is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Wasserstein distance bounds on the normal approximation of empirical autocovariances and cross‐covariances under non‐stationarity and stationarity23
Issue Information18
Issue Information8
Count network autoregression7
Stationarity and ergodicity of Markov switching positive conditional mean models6
Review of the book Stochastic Models for Time Series by Paul Doukhan6
High‐Frequency‐Based Volatility Model with Network Structure5
Editorial announcement5
Statistical inference for GQARCH‐Itô‐jumps model based on the realized range volatility5
New associate editors5
Asymptotic Normality of Bias Reduction Estimation for Jump Intensity Function in Financial Markets5
Issue Information4
Conditional quantile analysis for realized GARCH models4
Issue Information4
A new non‐parametric cross‐spectrum estimator4
Simultaneous inference of a partially linear model in time series3
Higher‐order asymptotics of minimax estimators for time series3
Autoregressive mixture models for clustering time series3
Some recent trends in embeddings of time series and dynamic networks3
Editorial announcement3
Simultaneous inference for autocovariances based on autoregressive sieve bootstrap3
On highly skewed fractional log‐stable noise sequences and their application3
S&P 500 microstructure noise components: empirical inferences from futures and ETF prices3
A prediction perspective on the Wiener–Hopf equations for time series2
Ridge regularized estimation of VAR models for inference2
Testing Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Models with Heterogeneous Spatial and Regression Coefficients2
Oracle Efficient Estimation of Structural Breaks in Cointegrating Regressions2
TIME SERIES: A FIRST COURSE WITH BOOTSTRAP STARTER, by Tucker S.McElroy and Dimitris N.Politis. Published by CRC Press, 2020. 586 pp. ISBN: 97814398765102
Non‐causal and non‐invertible ARMA models: Identification, estimation and application in equity portfolios2
Risk parity portfolio optimization under heavy‐tailed returns and dynamic correlations2
Non‐crossing quantile double‐autoregression for the analysis of streaming time series data2
Granger causality tests based on reduced variable information2
A residual‐based nonparametric variance ratio no‐cointegration test2
Dependence properties of stochastic volatility models2
Smooth transition moving average models: Estimation, testing, and computation2
Regime switching models for circular and linear time series2
On the Relationship between Uhlig Extended and beta‐Bartlett Processes2
Inference in Coarsened Time Series via Generalized Method of Moments2
Corrigendum to the article “Regular multidimensional stationary time series”1
Periodic autoregressive conditional duration1
On the asymptotic behavior of bubble date estimators1
Panel Threshold Mixed Data Sampling Models With a Covariate‐Dependent Threshold1
Existence of a Periodic and Seasonal INAR Process1
Mean square consistency and improved rate of convergence of generalized subsampling estimator for non‐stationary time series1
Bubbles and crashes: A tale of quantiles1
Issue Information1
Stochastic local and moderate departures from a unit root and its application to unit root testing1
Regular multidimensional stationary time series1
Bootstrapping non‐stationary and irregular time series using singular spectral analysis1
Johansen‐type cointegration tests with a Fourier function1
Weighted discrete ARMA models for categorical time series1
A new volatility model: GQARCH‐ItÔ model1
CAViaR Model Selection via Adaptive Lasso1
Directed graphs and variable selection in large vector autoregressive models1
Trend locally stationary wavelet processes1
On distributional autoregression and iterated transportation1
High‐Frequency Instruments and Identification‐Robust Inference for Stochastic Volatility Models1
Monitoring panels of sparse functional data1
Simultaneous Estimation of Stable Parameters for Multiple Autoregressive Processes From Datasets of Nonuniform Sizes1
The Granger–Johansen representation theorem for integrated time series on Banach space1
Margin‐closed vector autoregressive time series models1
Quantile Regression Estimation for Poisson Autoregressive Models1
A Mixture Transition Distribution Modeling for Higher‐Order Circular Markov Processes1
Issue Information1
Issue Information1
Issue Information1
A multiplicative thinning‐based integer‐valued GARCH model1
Test of change point versus long‐range dependence in functional time series1
Poisson count time series1