Optics and Lasers in Engineering

(The median citation count of Optics and Lasers in Engineering is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Frequency-scanning interferometry for dynamic measurement using adaptive Sage-Husa Kalman filter196
Design of a resonator-bus-resonator anti-parity-time-symmetric integrated optical gyroscope187
Multi-sensor spatial augmented reality for visualizing the invisible thermal information of 3D objects98
Broadband absorber coupled with anti-reflection inverted pyramid type all-dielectric microstructure91
Optimization strategy for measurability assessment in viewpoint planning of highly reflective parts82
When Deep Learning Meets Digital Image Correlation81
DIC-Net: Upgrade the performance of traditional DIC with Hermite dataset and convolution neural network78
A multi-code 3D measurement technique based on deep learning77
Two-dimensional phase unwrapping method using a refined D-LinkNet-based unscented Kalman filter76
A method for spatio-temporal characterization of pulse beams with an all-optical image sensor75
High-speed 3D shape measurement using efficient moiré-assisted three-frequency heterodyne phase unwrapping algorithm66
High-speed road sign detection scheme based on ultrafast single-pixel scanning LiDAR60
Hyperspectral vision beyond 3D: A review59
Quantitative phase imaging of opaque specimens with flexible endoscopic microscopy59
Research on rapid and high-sensitivity ellipsometry employing multi-harmonic terms of dual cascade photoelastic modulators58
Self-assembling of PDMS microlens arrays through pyro-EHD for real-time 3D microscopy55
Hybrid periodic microstructures fabricated on chromium films by SLM-assisted nanosecond laser processing53
Bioinspired photonic crystal structures from Papilio Ulysses butterfly wings for versatile laser applications53
Accurate phase aberration compensation with convolutional neural network PACUnet3+ in digital holographic microscopy52
A novel laser-based duffing oscillator system to identify weak ultrasonic guided wave signals related to rail defects50
A four-aperture super-resolution camera based on adaptive regularization parameter tuning50
Rapid misalignment correction method in reflective fourier ptychographic microscopy for full field of view reconstruction49
End-to-end infrared radiation sensing technique based on holography-guided visual attention network47
A novel GM-APD array-based heterodyne imaging detection system supports large array multi-pixel parallel target motion state image detection45
Improved mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation for accuracy-enhanced dual-surface profile and deformation measurement43
FringeNet: A cyclic U-Net model with continuity imposed hybrid cyclic loss for demodulation of isochromatics in digital photoelasticity42
Application and development of optical-based viscosity measurement technology42
Two-pack frequency-selective incoherent holography by using a dual-beam setup41
High-efficiency nano-integrated input/output based on shallow-etched lithium niobate gratings41
Design of a three-channel pixelated phase mask and single-frame phase extraction technique39
Factors influencing the applications of active heterodyne detection39
Scalable non-invasive imaging through dynamic scattering media at low photon flux38
TruingDet: Towards high-quality visual automatic defect inspection for mental surface37
High precision and sensitivity detection of gas measurement by laser wavelength modulation spectroscopy implementing an optical fringe noise suppression method37
A 3D shape measurement method for high-reflective surface based on accurate adaptive fringe projection37
Fast single-layer reconstruction for three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy36
Double-sided femtosecond 3D printing technology based on a specific mask35
Normalized and orthogonal phase retrieval algorithm based on Lissajous ellipse fitting35
Investigation of far-field super-resolution imaging by microsphere-based optical microscopy35
CF3DNet: A learning-based approach for single-shot 3D reconstruction from circular fringes34
Untrained deep learning-based phase retrieval for fringe projection profilometry34
Digital streak imaging of compressible flows34
High-resolution light-field particle imaging velocimetry with color-and-depth encoded illumination33
A novel temperature-strain synchronous measurement method32
New color image encryption scheme based on multi-parameter fractional discrete Tchebyshev moments and nonlinear fractal permutation method32
Printing regime for single metal microdroplet deposition in laser-induced forward transfer31
Polynomial color compensation model with neural network solver for color-coded fringe patterns in phase-measuring deflectometry31
Deep learning-based binocular composite color fringe projection profilometry for fast 3D measurements31
An optical sensor combining surface plasmon resonance, light extinction, and near-critical angle reflection, for thin liquid film biochemical sensing31
Influential factors for noncontact measurement method of vibration stress using multiple laser displacement sensors31
Multi-planar low-coherence diffraction imaging30
A 2D/3D convertible integral imaging display with enhanced depth of field30
Flexible and universal autofocus based on amplitude difference of fractional Fourier transform30
Multi-Indicator reconstruction for underwater polarized image dehazing method30
Dual-mode optical see-through integral imaging 3D display with large depth of field30
Lensfree auto-focusing imaging with coarse-to-fine tuning method30
FusionIPCS: Infrared and visible light image fusion through an intelligent parallel control system29
Real-time hierarchical parallel rendering and display of light field images29
Adaptive vignetting elimination microscope29
Photonic integrated interrogators for wearable fiber-optic sensing28
A novel projector ray-model for 3D measurement in fringe projection profilometry28
A demosaicking method based on an inter-channel correlation model for DoFP polarimeter28
Numerical study of all-optical switching of ferromagnetic thin film using temporally controlled optothermal and optomagnetic pulses28
A piston and tilt wavefront sensor dedicated to the cophasing of segmented optics in low light level conditions28
Improvement of a Doppler simulator in optical performance28
Optical characterization method for birefringent fluids using a polarization camera27
High sensitivity and dual parameters micro-tapered-LPG sensor27
Intrinsic stress determination based on the combination of photoelasticity and digital gradient sensing27
Risley-prism-based multi-beam scanning LiDAR for high-resolution three-dimensional imaging27
Combined wide-field Mueller matrix polarimetry and PS-OCT for rapid polarization imaging of biological samples27
Full-aperture surface reconstruction method for shift-rotation absolute measurement with tilt error suppression26
Wavefront control through multi-layer scattering media using single-pixel detector for high-PSNR optical transmission26
Efficient and secure opto-cryptosystem for color images using 2D logistic-based fractional Fourier transform26
Editorial Board26
Laser fabrication of fully printed graphene oxide microsensor25
Terahertz-elasticity for single crystal silicon25
Two-channel 3D range geometry compression with primitive depth modification25
Sculpting axial characteristics of incoherent imagers by hybridization methods25
Improved structured light system based on generative adversarial networks for highly-reflective surface measurement25
A probability density function model describing height estimation uncertainty due to image pixel intensity noise in digital fringe projection measurements25
Optical interference system for simultaneously measuring refractive index and thickness of slim transparent plate25
Design and fabrication of two-dimensional holographic grating waveguide with large field of view and high uniformity24
Multiple-beam grating interferometry and its general Airy formulae24
Novel optical-markers-assisted point clouds registration for panoramic 3D shape measurement24
Interferometric method for simultaneous characterization of retardance and fast axis of a retarder24
Linear mathematical model for the underlying mechanism of extended ptychographic iterative engine24
Combining band-frequency separation and deep neural networks for optoacoustic imaging24
Fiber spectrum analyzer based on planar waveguide array aligned to a camera without lens24
Two-dimensional differential null interferometry of transmission wavefront of axicon lens24
Separate the primary aberration for the deformation error of optical flat in 300-mm-aperture vertical Fizeau interferometer24
High-speed compressive wide-field fluorescence microscopy with an alternant deep denoisers-based image reconstruction algorithm23
Polarized light vision pose measurement method by fusing the constraints provided between control points for hand-eye calibration23
Iteration of B-spline surface based deflectometric method for discontinuous specular surface23
Specular highlight removal based on dichromatic reflection model and priority-based adaptive direction with light field camera23
Motion correction of laser speckle imaging of blood flow by simultaneous imaging of tissue structure and non-rigid registration23
Single-exposure modulation-based structured illumination microscopy using spatial area phase-shift23
Single-shot absolute 3D measurement based on speckle-embedded fringe projection22
Four-channel orthogonally polarized interferometer for optical phase detection in turbulence22
Phase-domain modulated hybrid phase-shifting structured light based efficient 3D measurement22
OCT-based dynamic mechanical analysis of vitreous humour22
Lenslet-array-based snapshot hyperspectral imaging polarimeter using opposite spectral modulation22
Curved LCD based deflectometry method for specular surface measurement22
Deep learning for accelerating Radon inversion in single-cells tomographic phase imaging flow cytometry22
Highly coherent illumination for imaging through opacity21
Influence of light intensity and magnification on the precision of nanoscale positioning in micro-vision-based dark-field imaging21
Sub-GHz optical resolution mid-infrared hyperspectral imaging with dual-comb21
Acoustic emission sensing in fiber Bragg grating based on phase demodulation for material health detection21
Development of raspberry Pi single-board computer architecture based ultra-compact optical coherence tomography21
Efficient phase-shift error compensation algorithm based on probability density function21
High-precision phase shift method for heavy-load reference mirrors based on nano-precision grating sensor monitoring21
Non-line-of-sight imaging and location determination using deep learning20
Ophthalmic fundus camera design based on freeform surface for reducing refractive error sensitivity20
Polarization Raman microscope based on channeled spectropolarimetry20
Super-coding resolution single-pixel imaging based on unpaired data-driven deep learning20
Polarization sensitive full-field optical coherence tomography with two incident polarization states20
Three‐dimensional phase measurement of transparent gas by high‐speed digital holographic tomography system20
Detection and tracking of laser damage sites on fused silica components by digital image correlation20
Optical steganography with RVNCA-based keys for 3D object20
Design method of dual-band synchronous zoom optical system based on co-path zoom groups20
Enhancing the bend angle and mechanical properties of mild steel using fiber laser bending technique under the influence of electromagnetic force20
Accurate fringe order recognition with adaptive morphological operations for 3D measurement20
Transverse dynamical response of laser frequency-shifted feedback with mode mismatch20
Evolution and dynamics of spatial self-phase modulation in pyrromethene 567 for all-optical photonic diode applications20
Editorial Board20
Two-photon polymerization nanofabrication of ultracompact light scattering spectroscopic probe for detection of pre-cancer in pancreatic cyst20
Stitching interferometry using Computer-Generated Hologram (CGH) based on sub-aperture adjustment aberration of 2-D Chebyshev polynomial20
Single microwire based smart color-switchable light-emitting diode19
In-fiber wavelength-selective reflector based on Y-junction coupled whispering gallery mode resonator19
Flexible and fast calibration method for uni-directional multi-line structured light system19
An optimized fringe generator of 3D pavement profilometry based on laser interference fringe19
Editorial Board19
Design and theoretical analysis of the image-side telecentric zoom system using focus tunable lenses based on Gaussian brackets and lens modules19
Defocus compensation scheme for femtosecond laser direct writing of large-area non-periodic micro-structures19
Multiplane noniterative color holographic projection19
Maxwellian-view display based on pinhole glasses of timing-polarizing characteristics19
Temperature imaging of mobile BaMgAl10O17:Eu phosphor aggregates under high radiation flux18
Editorial Board18
Focal spot optimization through scattering media in multiphoton lithography18
Alternating projection-based phase optimization for arbitrary glare suppression through multimode fiber18
Direct generation of 2D arrays of random numbers for high-fidelity optical ghost diffraction and information transmission through scattering media18
Flexible terahertz phase modulation profile via all-silicon metasurfaces18
Online monitoring and active control of alignment errors in a tiled grating assembly using single wedge plate18
A novel calibration method for the zoom micro-vision system containing electrically tunable lens18
A novel method to calibrate the rotation axis of a line-structured light 3-dimensional measurement system18
Editorial Board18
Optoacoustic and optical coherence tomography guided lipid-selective ablation for atherosclerotic plaque18
Measurement of stress-optic coefficients for metals in the visible to near-infrared spectrum with spectroscopic ellipsometry18
Raman spectroscopy by a detector-noise-limited birefringent wedge-based Fourier transform spectrometer17
Influence of the platform random vibration on the beacon in a long-distance laser link17
Polarization image fusion method based on polarization saliency with generator adversarial network17
High speed fringe projection for dynamic shape measurement using binary phase mask. Part 1: theory and simulation17
Super-resolution based number-theoretical phase unwrapping method applicable to 2D spiral fringe patterns17
Editorial Board17
Multi-wavelength pinhole point diffraction interferometry for optics metrology with interferometric intensity based phase retrieval method17
Editorial Board17
Phase sensitivity in single-shot speckle interferometry using a custom integrating glass-sphere for the measurement of femtometric wavelength change17
Zero-power optical convolutional neural network using incoherent light17
Double field of view digital sideband holography as an optimized method to measure velocity fields in a large fluid volume17
Fast hologram reconstruction algorithm in digital in-line holography using Toeplitz matrix based deconvolution16
Binocular near-eye augmented reality enabled by full utilization of functional computer generated hologram16
A see-through combiner based on pixelated intertwined flat lens for full-color glasses-free augmented reality16
Three-dimensional tracking of dynamic nanoparticles based on direct correlation method in fluorescence self-interference microscopy16
Parameter mismatch phase extraction method for spatial phase-shifting interferograms16
Hilbert transformation deep learning network for single-shot moiré profilometry16
Calibration refinement for a fringe projection profilometry system based on plane homography16
Correction of full-field rigid body rotation and strain using a hybrid peridynamics and digital image correlation approach16
Hyperuniform illumination subsampling method for Fourier ptychographic microscopy16
Multi-pitch nano-accuracy surface profiler for strongly curved X-ray mirror metrology16
3D reconstruction method based on polarization suppression of inter-reflection16
Dual-camera endoscopic imaging probe combining simultaneous illumination of white-light and laser sources for near real-time monitoring of tissue features16
Camera motion-induced systematic errors in stereo-DIC and speckle-based compensation method16
Light-sheet light-field fluorescence microscopy16
The YOLO-based Multi-Pulse Lidar (YMPL) for target detection in hazy weather16
Fast point-based hologram generation method using high-frequency information extraction16
Robustness defect detection: Improving the performance of surface defect detection in interference environment16
Novel contactless torque sensor based on optical coherence16
Performance analysis of high-spectral-resolution lidar with/without laser seeding technique for measuring aerosol optical properties16
Demodulation method for composite modulation caused by dynamic optical path in FSI optical frequency tuning16
Advanced-prediction compensation of distorted vortex beams in dynamic turbulence using a Pre-correction network16
Surface roughness measurement based on singular value decomposition of objective speckle pattern15
Digital holographic imaging of thermal signatures and its use in inhomogeneity identification15
Multiple sub-holograms optimization for holographic near-eye display based on holographic viewing-window15
Improved imaging through flame and smoke using blue LED and quadrature lock-in discrimination algorithm15
Simulation of Talbot effect from a binary phase grating using Fresnel integral approach15
On the application of an optimized Frequency-Phase Modulated waveform for enhanced infrared thermal wave radar imaging of composites15
Error analysis and compensation method of displacement measurements based on reflection projection imaging15
Infrared and visible image fusion based on iterative differential thermal information filter15
Ultrafast single-pixel imaging with high axial resolution by comprehensive utilization of the time-frequency-phase information of a mode-locked laser15
Flame soot absorption coefficient and temperature reconstruction through line-of-sight attenuation and light field imaging15
High-resolution terahertz ptychography using divergent illumination and extrapolation algorithm15
Secure selective recovery protocol for multiple optically encrypted data15
An S-CNN-based phase conjugation method in imaging through random media15
Electron beam lithography inscribed varied-line-spacing and uniform integrated reflective plane grating fabricated through line-by-line method15
Extended depth of focus for high-end machine vision lenses by annular achromatic add-on diffractive elements15
Scan path strategy for laser processing of fragmented geometries15
Imaging of color targets through scattering media based on mixed speckle pattern separation15
Measurement of refractive index spectrum of optical material by phase detection with optical coherence tomography15
Double phase computer generated on-axis multiplane holograms15
Development and analysis of surface plasmon resonance based refractive index sensor for pregnancy testing15
A novel method to correct the bias of curvilinear light stripe center15
Multi-layer hollow-core PMMA grating tube waveguides for THz sensing applications15
Indirect optical geometry measurements with a stream of particles as micro probes14
PhotoSolver: A bidirectional photonic solver for systems of linear equations14
Experimental and numerical investigation on residual stress of 316L SS treated by different laser shock peening parameters14
Terahertz compressed sensing imaging based on line array detection14
Terahertz slow light device based on strong destructive interference of the VO2 metasurface14
High-performance digital shearography integrating spatial light modulator with micro-polarizer camera14
Effects of aperture shapes on imaging spatial quality from end-to-end perspective14
Calibration method based on virtual phase-to-coordinate mapping with linear correction function for structured light system14
Direct laser writing of copper-graphene composites for flexible electronics14
Telecom-band high contrast narrowband metalens for 3D imaging14
Photoelastic verification of certain recommendations for numerical modelling of fracture using the phase field method14
A saturation-light enhancement method for low-light image via atmospheric scattering model14
Untrained single scanning phase retrieval neural network for surface deformation measurement of large-aperture antennas14
Automated phase-visibility modulating interferometry14
Decoding wavelengths from compressed speckle patterns with deep learning14
New validation metric for solid mechanics models14
Optical cryptography with C-point vector beams14
On the relation between Abbe's theory and Rayleigh diffraction in coherent imaging through the use of Collins’ Integral13
Noncontact temperature measurement of human hand skin using volume phase holographic optical element based digital holographic interferometer13
Phase correction based SNR enhancement for distributed acoustic sensing with strong environmental background interference13
Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography for renal tumor detection in ex vivo human kidneys13
A learning-based method of attack on optical asymmetric cryptosystems13
A sensitive dynamic mutual encryption system based on a new 1D chaotic map13
A novel phase-shifting segmented phase coding method for absolute phase retrieval13
Analysis of the D-shaped PCF-based SPR sensor using Resonance Electron Relaxation and Fourier domain method13
Improved complementary gray code fourfold-N step phase-shifting method based on eliminating periodic spurious tones phase error13
Nonlinear RANSAC with crossline correction: An algorithm for vision-based curved cable detection system13
A novel coaxial focus position detection technique based on differential modulation evaluation for laser direct photolithography13
Polarization-independent two-dimensional dielectric grating for 3 × 3 beam splitter13
A Practical Extrinsic calibration method for joint depth and color sensors13
Three-dimensional reconstruction of moving HDR object based on PSP13
Large step size fly-scan ptychography using local sample separation reconstruction13
High-speed speckle averaging for phase-only beam shaping in laser materials processing13
High-resolution measurement of contact stresses and friction in indentation and machining by full-field photoelasticity13
Quality assessment of digital speckle patterns for the single-shot speckle projection profilometry based on a visualised simulation platform13
Sensitive detection of orthogonal polarization intensity ratio via metal-cladding waveguide13
Single-pixel detecting of rotating object using Zernike illumination13
Data-driven parameter optimization for laser-induced coloration on stainless steel13
Ultra high power laser cutting of 1-m reinforced concrete with gravity13
Self-assembled microlens array with controllable curvatures for integral imaging 3D display13
High-speed and high-accuracy fringe projection profilometry without phase unwrapping13
Automated line scan profilometer based on the surface recognition method13
Phase unwrapping of digital holographic microscopy using adaptive region segmentation and phase derivative calibration with respect to fringe density12
Dual-frequency phase unwrapping based on deep learning driven by simulation dataset12
Laser stripe center extraction method base on Hessian matrix improved by stripe width precise calculation12
Novel strategy for automated quality enhancement of up-facing inclined surfaces by incremental dual laser powder bed fusion12
Fs-laser based hybrid micromachining for polymer micro-opto electrical systems12
Longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect in subwavelength thick ferromagnetic films investigated by Mueller matrix ellipsometry12
Multi-pass absorption enhanced photoacoustic spectrometer based on combined light sources for dissolved gas analysis in oil12