Optics and Lasers in Engineering

(The H4-Index of Optics and Lasers in Engineering is 36. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Frequency-scanning interferometry for dynamic measurement using adaptive Sage-Husa Kalman filter196
Design of a resonator-bus-resonator anti-parity-time-symmetric integrated optical gyroscope187
Multi-sensor spatial augmented reality for visualizing the invisible thermal information of 3D objects98
Broadband absorber coupled with anti-reflection inverted pyramid type all-dielectric microstructure91
Optimization strategy for measurability assessment in viewpoint planning of highly reflective parts82
When Deep Learning Meets Digital Image Correlation81
DIC-Net: Upgrade the performance of traditional DIC with Hermite dataset and convolution neural network78
A multi-code 3D measurement technique based on deep learning77
Two-dimensional phase unwrapping method using a refined D-LinkNet-based unscented Kalman filter76
A method for spatio-temporal characterization of pulse beams with an all-optical image sensor75
High-speed 3D shape measurement using efficient moiré-assisted three-frequency heterodyne phase unwrapping algorithm66
High-speed road sign detection scheme based on ultrafast single-pixel scanning LiDAR60
Quantitative phase imaging of opaque specimens with flexible endoscopic microscopy59
Hyperspectral vision beyond 3D: A review59
Research on rapid and high-sensitivity ellipsometry employing multi-harmonic terms of dual cascade photoelastic modulators58
Self-assembling of PDMS microlens arrays through pyro-EHD for real-time 3D microscopy55
Hybrid periodic microstructures fabricated on chromium films by SLM-assisted nanosecond laser processing53
Bioinspired photonic crystal structures from Papilio Ulysses butterfly wings for versatile laser applications53
Accurate phase aberration compensation with convolutional neural network PACUnet3+ in digital holographic microscopy52
A novel laser-based duffing oscillator system to identify weak ultrasonic guided wave signals related to rail defects50
A four-aperture super-resolution camera based on adaptive regularization parameter tuning50
Rapid misalignment correction method in reflective fourier ptychographic microscopy for full field of view reconstruction49
End-to-end infrared radiation sensing technique based on holography-guided visual attention network47
A novel GM-APD array-based heterodyne imaging detection system supports large array multi-pixel parallel target motion state image detection45
Improved mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation for accuracy-enhanced dual-surface profile and deformation measurement43
FringeNet: A cyclic U-Net model with continuity imposed hybrid cyclic loss for demodulation of isochromatics in digital photoelasticity42
Application and development of optical-based viscosity measurement technology42
Two-pack frequency-selective incoherent holography by using a dual-beam setup41
High-efficiency nano-integrated input/output based on shallow-etched lithium niobate gratings41
Design of a three-channel pixelated phase mask and single-frame phase extraction technique39
Factors influencing the applications of active heterodyne detection39
Scalable non-invasive imaging through dynamic scattering media at low photon flux38
TruingDet: Towards high-quality visual automatic defect inspection for mental surface37
High precision and sensitivity detection of gas measurement by laser wavelength modulation spectroscopy implementing an optical fringe noise suppression method37
A 3D shape measurement method for high-reflective surface based on accurate adaptive fringe projection37
Fast single-layer reconstruction for three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy36