Leadership & Organization Development Journal

(The median citation count of Leadership & Organization Development Journal is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Promoting green behavior through ethical leadership: a model of green human resource management and environmental knowledge127
Frugal-based innovation model for sustainable development: technological and market turbulence64
Entrepreneurial leadership: the key to develop creativity in organizations43
Leader–member exchange, employee turnover intention and presenteeism: the mediating role of perceived organizational support41
Crisis leadership from the perspective of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic39
The impact of servant leadership and perceived organisational and supervisor support on job burnout and work–life balance in the era of teleworking and COVID-1937
Transformational leadership and employee outcomes: the mediating role of psychological empowerment37
How despotic leadership jeopardizes employees' performance: the roles of quality of work life and work withdrawal35
How servant leadership affects organizational citizenship behavior: the mediating roles of perceived procedural justice and trust33
“Being true to oneself”: the interplay of responsible leadership and authenticity on multi-level outcomes32
When and how authoritarian leadership influences employee innovation behavior in the context of Chinese culture32
The impact of a proactive personality on innovative work behavior: the role of work engagement and transformational leadership31
The effect of servant leadership on organisational sustainability: the parallel mediation role of creativity and psychological resilience29
Inclusive leadership, ambidextrous innovation and organizational performance: the moderating role of environment uncertainty29
Sense of calling, job crafting, spiritual leadership and work meaningfulness: a moderated mediation model27
Knowledge hiding as the dark side of competitive psychological climate27
How exploitative leadership influences employee innovative behavior: the mediating role of relational attachment and moderating role of high-performance work systems26
The chain mediation effect of spiritual leadership on employees' innovative behavior25
My meaning is my engagement: exploring the mediating role of meaning between servant leadership and work engagement25
Paradoxical leadership as sensegiving: stimulating change-readiness and change-oriented performance22
The resilient effects of transformational leadership on well-being: examining the moderating effects of anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis22
Knowledge-oriented leadership, team learning and team creativity: the roles of task interdependence and task complexity22
Impact of Big Five personality traits on authentic leadership21
The effects of shared leadership on team performance21
The mediating effect of psychological empowerment on leadership styles and task performance of academic staff21
Sustaining work outcomes through human capital sustainability leadership: knowledge sharing behaviour as an underlining mechanism20
The mixed blessing of supervisor bottom-line mentality: examining the moderating role of gender20
The relationship between emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, and performance: a test of the mediating role of job satisfaction20
The impact of authentic leadership on individual and team creativity: a multilevel perspective20
Inclusive leadership: scale validation and potential consequences18
Exploring the predictor and the consequence of digital organisational culture: a quantitative investigation using sufficient and necessity approach18
Does servant leadership predict innovative behaviour above and beyond transformational leadership? Examining the role of affective commitment and creative self-efficacy18
Silence and proactivity in managing supervisor ostracism: implications for creativity18
The impacts of CEO leadership behaviors on employees' affective commitment and scouting behavior: the mediating role of symmetrical internal communication18
An empirical study of the relationship between inclusive leadership and business model innovation17
Paradoxical leadership and organizational citizenship behaviour: the serial mediating effect of a paradoxical mindset and personal service orientation17
Innovation with flow at work: exploring the role of servant leadership in affecting innovative work behavior through flow at work16
Employee state paranoia: linking abusive supervision with employee voice behavior16
The impact of ethical leadership on employee creative deviance: the mediating role of job autonomy16
The mediating role of innovative climate on the relationship between transformational leadership and firm performance in developing countries: the case of Ghana16
The contagious servant leadership: exploring the role of servant leadership in leading employees to servant colleagueship15
The impact of spiritual leadership on workplace spirituality in the light the COVID-19 pandemic in the governmental health sector15
Is turnover contagious? The impact of transformational leadership and collective turnover on employee turnover decisions15
The effect of nurse managers' servant leadership on nurses' innovative behaviors and job performances15
Exploitative leadership and organizational cynicism: the mediating role of emotional exhaustion15
Turning visions into results: unraveling the distinctive paths of leading with vision and autonomy to goal achievement15
Linking emotional intelligence to turnover intention: LMX and affective organizational commitment as serial mediators14
Does narcissistic leadership enhance employee resilience? A moderated mediation model of goal-directed energy and psychological availability14
Authentic leadership, person-organization fit and collectivistic orientation: a moderated-mediated model of workplace safety14
How does coaching leadership promote employee's constructive deviance? Affective events perspective13
Impact of transformational leadership and transparent communication on employee openness to change: mediating role of employee organization trust and moderated role of change-related self-efficacy13
Inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviors: a moderated mediation model13
Building-up resilience and being effective leaders in the workplace: a systematic review and synthesis model13
Ethical leadership and organizational commitment: the dual perspective of social exchange and empowerment12
Transformational leadership and non-family employee intrapreneurial behaviour in family-owned firms: the mediating role of adaptive culture and psychological empowerment12
How and when does centralization affect the likelihood of passive leadership?12
Identifying key leadership competencies for digital transformation: evidence from a cross-sectoral Delphi study of global managers12
How to match mentors and protégés for successful mentorship programs: a review of the evidence and recommendations for practitioners12
Transformational leadership and success of international development projects (ID projects): moderating role of the project team size11
Transformational leadership and work engagement in public organizations: promotion focus and public service motivation, how and when the effect occurs11
The antecedents and outcomes of transformational leadership: leader's self-transcendent value, follower's environmental commitment and behavior11
Followership: a review of current and emerging research11
Integrating a transfer perspective into evaluations of leadership training11
Ethical leadership, perceived leader–member ethical communication and organizational citizenship behavior: development and validation of a multilevel model11
Transformational leadership promoting employees' informal learning and job involvement: the moderating role of self-efficacy11
Effects of managerial coaching on employees' creative performance: cross-level moderating role of a climate for innovation11
Supervisor incivility and employee voice: the roles of cognitive reappraisal and psychological distress10
How does participation impact IT workers' organizational commitment? Examining the mediating roles of internal communication adequacy, burnout and job satisfaction10
Purpose-driven leadership and organizational success: a case of higher educational institutions10
Ambidextrous leadership and sustainability performance: serial mediation effects of employees' green creativity and green product innovation10
Spiritual leadership and corporate social entrepreneurial orientation: the mediating role of workplace spirituality9
A two-nation investigation of leadership self-perceptions and motivation to lead in early adulthood: the moderating role of gender and socio-economic status9
Stimulating exploitative and exploratory innovation through transformational leadership and knowledge management capability: the moderating role of competitive intensity9
Emergence and outcomes of shared leadership: unraveling the role of transactive memory system and team mindfulness using mixed-methods approach9
Leader boundary-spanning behavior and creative behavior: the role of need for status and creative self-efficacy9
How leader bottom-line mentality relates to employee innovation: a cross-layer model mediated by psychological contract breach9
Integrating relational systems theory with ethical leadership: how ethical leadership relates to employee turnover intentions9
The role of HEXACO in the development of authentic leadership and its consequences on task performance9
When to challenge employees' comfort zones? The interplay between culture fit, innovation culture and supervisors' intellectual stimulation8
You can't make me! The role of self-leadership in enhancing organizational commitment and work engagement8
Living with tensions in the workplace: a grounded theory of paradoxical leadership in cultivating subordinates' paradox mindset8
How CEO transformational leadership impacts organizational and individual innovative behavior: collaborative HRM as mediator8
Servant leadership and organizational deviant behaviour: interpreting some contradictory results from public sector of Pakistan8
Explaining incongruities between leadership theory and practice: integrating theories of resonance, communication and systems8
On the motivational nature of authentic leadership practices: a latent profile analysis based on self-determination theory8
Impact of managerial skills and ties on business model innovation: the role of exploitative and explorative learning7
The mechanism of the influence of coaching leadership behavior on subordinate’s sense of gain at work7
The impact of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior: a mediated moderation model7
Bad time to be humble! When and why leaders should not be humble7
Does benevolent leadership consistently lead to employees' voluntary behaviors?7
The nexus of servant leadership and project success: the mediation of emotional intelligence and job stress and moderation of team effectiveness7
The impacts of knowledge-oriented leadership on employees' knowledge management behaviors in Chinese based organizations: a qualitative study7
The relationships between perceived team psychological safety, transactive memory system, team learning behavior and team performance among individual team members7
Emotional intelligence congruence: the influence of leader and follower emotional abilities on job satisfaction7
Interrelations between enhanced emotional intelligence, leadership self-efficacy and task-oriented leadership behaviour–a leadership coaching study7
Virtuous leadership, moral behavior, happiness and organizational citizenship: the mediating effect of virtues-centered moral identity6
Leader–follower psychological capital congruence and work outcomes: the mediating role of organizational embeddedness6
Innovative culture and rewards-recognition matter in linking transformational leadership to workplace digitalisation?6
How line-manager leadership styles and employee-perceived HRM practices contribute to employee performance: a configurational perspective6
Leader green behavior as an outcome of followers' critical thinking and active engagement: the moderating role of pro-environmental behavior6
Protean career attitude and organisational commitment in learning organisation climate6
More humility for leaders, less procrastination for employees: the roles of career calling and promotion focus6
Striving for the bottom line: the impact of supervisor bottom-line mentality on employees' work effort and helping behavior6
Seizing the benefits of age diversity: could empowering leadership be the answer?6
Effects of emerging leadership styles on engagement – a mediation analysis in a military context6
Red tape and change-supportive intention: an extension of the theory of planned behavior6
How do leaders' positive emotions improve followers' person–job fit in China? The effects of organizational identification and psychological safety6
Instrumental leadership and creativity: cognitive mechanisms via problem-solving rumination and knowledge sharing with coworkers6
Leader humor and newcomer adjustment: The mediating role of role breadth self-efficacy6
Becoming morally disengaged: how long does it take?5
I am my own boss: effect of self-leadership on gig worker's work engagement and performance5
The ambidextrous and differential effects of directive versus empowering leadership: a study from project context5
Developing a leadership potential model for the new era of work and organizations5
Is supervisor-subordinate Guanxi always good for subordinate commitment toward organizations? An inverted U-shaped perspective5
The formation mechanism of destructive leadership behavior: from the perspective of moral deconstruction process5
A relational identification perspective on why and when servant leadership foster employees' extra-role customer service5
Spiritual leadership and innovative work behavior: the mediated relationship of interpersonal trust and knowledge sharing in the hospitality sector of India5
The impact of perceived overqualification on employees' innovation behaviour: role of psychological contract breach, psychological distance and employment relationship atmosphere5
Does servant leadership affect organisational citizenship behaviour? Mediating role of affective commitment and moderating role of role identity of young volunteers in non-profit organisations5
Strategic leadership in SMEs: the mediating role of dynamic capabilities5
Great minds think alike: does leader-follower similarity in construal level of the work enhance leader-member exchange quality?5
My LMX standing with my leader as compared to my coworkers: conditional indirect effect of LMX social comparison5
Supervisor expectations regarding work-related messages: their differential effects among remote and on-site workers5
Inclusive leadership, employee performance and well-being: an empirical study5
Understanding organizational change management: the role of micro and macro influences5
Paradoxical leadership as a moderating factor in the relationship between organizational silence and employee voice: an examination using SEM5
Extending the consequences of entrepreneurial bricolage to competitive advantage and sustainability performance: the role of servant leadership5
Managerial coaching: a paradox-based view5
The influence of social capital on knowledge sharing: the moderated mediator of perceived supervisor support and psychological ownership4
Prevention-focused leadership and well-being during the pandemic: mediation by role clarity and workload4
Leadership through the subordinates' eye: perceptions of leader behaviors in relation to age and gender4
How and when humble leadership influences employee adaptive performance? The roles of self-determination and employee attributions4
The impact of manager recognition training on performance: a quasi-experimental field study4
Growth-oriented management and employee outcomes: employee resilience as a mechanism for growth4
Promoting green employee behaviour from the lens of green transformational leadership4
Easing the multiplicative effects of abusive supervision4
When does abusive supervision mitigate work effort? Moderating roles of cognitive reappraisal and rumination4
Organizational culture perceptions and change frequency: the moderating effect of members' hierarchical level in the organization4
Linking authentic leadership and employee turnover intention: the influences of sense of calling and job satisfaction4
The role of cynicism in follower championing behavior: the moderating effect of empowering leadership4
Perceived competence overrides gender bias: gender roles, affective trust and leader effectiveness4
Comparing models of follower outcomes: destructive and constructive leader behavior4
Effects of trust, structure and processes on effectiveness in a military organization: exploring a moderated mediation model4
The mediating effect of moral courage in the relationship between virtuous leadership and moral voice4
Executive coaching: an exploration of the coachee's perceived value4
The effective measurement of shared leadership: a multi-scale comparison4
One of these things is not like the others”: the role of authentic leadership in cross-cultural leadership development3
The impact of inclusive leadership on employees' innovative behavior – an intermediary model with moderation3
Three change strategies in organization development: data-based, high engagement and generative3
Turning the tide: an impact of leader empowering behavior on employees' work–family conflict, spillover and turnover intention in tourism3
Work engagement contagion from leader to follower through cognitive and affective mechanisms3
Exploring behavioral change support: the role of perceived uncertainty and self- and other-interest in change3
Meaningful leadership and sustainable HRM: catalysts for follower calling – a moderated mediational model3
The effects of leader–subordinate power distance orientation congruence on employees' taking charge behaviors in China: a moderated mediation model3
Towards leadership effectiveness: the role of leadership individual competencies and constraints. Introduction of the Bounded Leadership Model3
Favouritism: a recipe for ostracism? How jealousy and self-esteem intervene3
Examining the effect of knowledge hiding towards individual task performance: the moderating role of transformational leadership3
Dual crossover mechanisms of benevolent supervision on followers' contextual performance and emotional exhaustion alleviation3
The role of leadership and engagement in call center performance: answering the call in Peru3
The Leadership/Management Concept Scale: differentiating between actions constituting leadership and management3
Needs before deeds: psychological need satisfaction as a mechanism linking inclusive leadership to organizational citizenship behavior3
Do leaders and followers see eye to eye? Exploring patterns of congruent expectations and self-views in leader-follower relationships3
How does leader career calling stimulate employee career growth? The role of career crafting and supervisor–subordinate guanxi3
Catalyzing transformational leadership in Chinese hospitality industry – complexity theory perspective: mix method approach3