Leadership & Organization Development Journal

(The H4-Index of Leadership & Organization Development Journal is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Promoting green behavior through ethical leadership: a model of green human resource management and environmental knowledge127
Frugal-based innovation model for sustainable development: technological and market turbulence64
Entrepreneurial leadership: the key to develop creativity in organizations43
Leader–member exchange, employee turnover intention and presenteeism: the mediating role of perceived organizational support41
Crisis leadership from the perspective of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic39
The impact of servant leadership and perceived organisational and supervisor support on job burnout and work–life balance in the era of teleworking and COVID-1937
Transformational leadership and employee outcomes: the mediating role of psychological empowerment37
How despotic leadership jeopardizes employees' performance: the roles of quality of work life and work withdrawal35
How servant leadership affects organizational citizenship behavior: the mediating roles of perceived procedural justice and trust33
“Being true to oneself”: the interplay of responsible leadership and authenticity on multi-level outcomes32
When and how authoritarian leadership influences employee innovation behavior in the context of Chinese culture32
The impact of a proactive personality on innovative work behavior: the role of work engagement and transformational leadership31
The effect of servant leadership on organisational sustainability: the parallel mediation role of creativity and psychological resilience29
Inclusive leadership, ambidextrous innovation and organizational performance: the moderating role of environment uncertainty29
Sense of calling, job crafting, spiritual leadership and work meaningfulness: a moderated mediation model27
Knowledge hiding as the dark side of competitive psychological climate27
How exploitative leadership influences employee innovative behavior: the mediating role of relational attachment and moderating role of high-performance work systems26
The chain mediation effect of spiritual leadership on employees' innovative behavior25
My meaning is my engagement: exploring the mediating role of meaning between servant leadership and work engagement25
The resilient effects of transformational leadership on well-being: examining the moderating effects of anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis22
Knowledge-oriented leadership, team learning and team creativity: the roles of task interdependence and task complexity22
Paradoxical leadership as sensegiving: stimulating change-readiness and change-oriented performance22