International Journal of Remote Sensing

(The TQCC of International Journal of Remote Sensing is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Investigation of the sensitivity response of Touzi target scattering decomposition to modeled early ice growth94
Random forest method for analysis of remote sensing inversion of aboveground biomass and grazing intensity of grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China91
Multi-radar data fusion for maritime moving target detection based on three-dimensional sliding window76
Super-resolution of remotely sensed data using channel attention based deep learning approach58
Vertex extraction-guided local back-projection algorithm for velocity estimation using ground penetrating radar data58
Crop-specific hyperspectral band selection method using limited ground-truth data56
MS3A-Net: multi-scale and spectral-spatial attention network for hyperspectral image classification56
Multi-objective multi-verse optimizer based unsupervised band selection for hyperspectral image classification55
Laboratory shortwave infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating grain protein content in rice and wheat54
HMLNet: a hierarchical metric learning network with dual attention for change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images53
A phenological object-based approach for rice crop classification using time-series Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in Taiwan51
Convolution neural network with edge structure loss for spatiotemporal remote sensing image fusion45
Fusing Landsat-7, Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 surface reflectance to generate dense time series images with 10m spatial resolution43
Retrieval of olive tree biophysical properties from Sentinel-2 time series based on physical modelling and machine learning technique36
New SAR target recognition based on YOLO and very deep multi-canonical correlation analysis36
Almond cultivar identification using machine learning classifiers applied to UAV-based multispectral data36
Nonnegative matrix factorization with entropy regularization for hyperspectral unmixing33
Joint-task learning to improve perceptually-aware super-resolution of aerial images32
Evaluating the NASA MERRA-2 climate reanalysis and ESA CCI satellite remote sensing soil moisture over the contiguous United States32
STFRDN: a residual dense network for remote sensing image spatiotemporal fusion31
Rejection methods for vegetation mapping using hyperspectral airborne data31
Semantic segmentation for multisource remote sensing images incorporating feature slice reconstruction and attention upsampling31
Multi-Scale translation method from SAR to optical remote sensing images based on conditional generative adversarial network30
Research on smoke relative concentration identification method based on Landsat8-OLI multispectral data and multivariate analysis27
A new method for retrieving urban heat island intensity using GNSS-derived ZTD and atmospheric empirical model27
Optimal superpixel selection for hyperspectral image classification of limited training samples27
Long-term continuous monitoring of the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm from global oceans using combined SeaWiFS and MODISA data27
Tracking Acid Generating Minerals and Trace Metal Spread from Mines using Hyperspectral Data: Case Studies from Northwest India27
A large-scale disturbance mapping ensemble through data-driven regionalization27
Reflections on the scientific life and legacy of Professor Ted Milton (10 April 1954 – 8 June 2021)25
Deep learning-based point cloud registration: a comprehensive investigation24
Semantic land cover change detection using harDNet and dual path coronet24
Monitoring of large and inconsistent deformation in coal mining area using point-like target offset tracking23
FIAD net: a Fast SAR ship detection network based on feature integration attention and self-supervised learning23
Characterizing post-fire northern boreal forest height dynamics22
Aerosol physico–optical–radiative characterization and classification during summer over Ny-Ålesund, Arctic22
Hyperspectral unmixing using weighted sparse regression with total variation regularization22
ANN estimation model for photogrammetry-based UAV flight planning optimisation22
Analysis and compensation of stop-and-go approximation in high-resolution spaceborne synthetic aperture radar21
Identification of forest fire points under clear sky conditions with Himawari-8 satellite data21
Spectral-spatial hyperspectral image classification based on capsule network with limited training samples21
Efficient line-by-line technique for calculating accurate and compact spectral lookup tables for satellite remote sensing21
Suspended particulate matter and secchi disk depth in the Chilika Lagoon from in situ and remote sensing data: a modified semi-analytical approach21
Investigations on extraction of buildings from RS imagery using deep learning models21
Secchi Depth estimation for optically-complex waters based on spectral angle mapping - derived water classification using Sentinel-2 data20
A Local Similarity Driven Model for Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing with Spectral Variability20
Visual attention-driven framework to incorporate spatial-spectral features for hyperspectral anomaly detection20
A new algorithm for mapping large inland water bodies using CYGNSS20
A strategy for evaluating micro-doppler signature and motion parameter of ship over time-varying sea surface20
Lightweight detection network for arbitrary-oriented vehicles in UAV imagery via precise positional information encoding and bidirectional feature fusion19
Study on the LAI and FPAR inversion of maize from airborne LiDAR and hyperspectral data19
Semantic edge-guided object segmentation from high-resolution remotely sensed imagery19
JSH-Net: joint semantic segmentation and height estimation using deep convolutional networks from single high-resolution remote sensing imagery19
A monthly night-time light composite dataset of NOAA-20 in China: a multi-scale comparison with S-NPP19
A novel bivariate distribution and its divergence-based hypothesis inference: an application to the deforestation focus detection19
Morphological reconstruction algorithms for urban monitoring using satellite data: proper selection of the marker and mask images19
Canopy active fuel loads estimation with C-band PolSAR by combining polarization decomposition and vegetation scattering model: a case study in Southwestern China18
Potentiality of ultraspectral sensor in biophysical and biochemical vegetation parameter inversion18
Parcel-level mapping of apple orchard in smallholder agriculture areas based on feature-level fusion of VHR image and time-series images18
MFMENet: multi-scale features mutual enhancement network for change detection in remote sensing images18
Multi-scale multi-temporal landscape pattern analysis using high spatial urban scene classification18
Aircraft detection from large-scale remote sensing images based on visual saliency and CNNs18
Agave crop segmentation and maturity classification with deep learning data-centric strategies using very high-resolution satellite imagery18
SAAC-Net: deep neural network-based model for atmospheric correction in remote sensing18
Exploring single-frame super-resolution on real-world Hyperion and PRISMA datasets of an urban area in a developing nation17
An Extracting DEM Method Based on The Sub-apertures Difference in CSAR Mode17
Estimation of the rotation velocity and scaling for ISAR imaging of near-field targets based on the integrated generalized cubic phase function and image interpolation17
Object-based modelling and accuracy assessment of Gordion tumuli using very high-resolution stereo satellite images17
Soil moisture mapping from SMOS: evaluating the accuracy of the operational product in a Mediterranean setting17
A primal-dual method for total-variation-based pansharpening17
Analysis of image-to-image registration performance of multitemporal KOMPSAT-3∙3A imagery with respect to convergence angle17
Integration of LST and NDVI for adjusted night light index (ILNANLI): a novel index to reduce the effect of saturation and blooming of DMSP-OLS data17
Automated ocean front feature mapping using Sentinel-1 with examples from the Gulf Stream17
Preface: Recent developments in the remote sensing of night-time light16
Improved DMSP nighttime light monthly products over India16
Radar altimetry for classifying surface conditions of subarctic lakes during freezing and thawing periods16
Hyperspectral-multispectral image fusion using subspace decomposition and Elastic Net Regularization16
Estimation of tropical forest aboveground biomass in Nepal using multiple remotely sensed data and deep learning16
Establishing effective learning bridge cross multi-scale feature maps for object detection and semantic segmentation16
Estimation of downwelling surface longwave radiation for all-weather skies from FengYun-4A geostationary satellite data15
Diagnosis of the accuracy of land cover classification using bootstrap resampling15
Analysis of affecting factors for laser underwater transmission echo signals based on semi-analytic Monte Carlo15
Spatial heterogeneity of driving factors-induced impacts for global long-term surface urban heat island15
An inversion method of subsurface thermohaline field based on deep learning and remote sensing data15
Assessing satellite-derived wind speeds: insights from buoy measurements and analysis of deviation factors15
Evaluation of L-band GPS signal attenuation to multiple vegetations using ground-based measurements14
Assessing 100 biophysical indices performances in the Mediterranean basin using multi-satellite data14
Simulation of canopy urban heat island at a block scale based on local climate zones and urban weather generator: a case study of Beijing14
Remote sensing inversion of land surface temperature for cloud coverage areas based on NDVI in the North China Plain14
New framework for land surface temperature and emissivity inversion based on hyperspectral thermal infrared data14
Retrieval of cloudy land surface temperature from AMSR2 brightness temperature, precipitable water vapour and cloud liquid water14
Research on infrared hyperspectral remote sensing cloud detection method based on deep learning13
A generalized method for retrieving global daily mean land surface temperature from polar-orbiting thermal infrared sensor instantaneous observations13
Putting green canopy reflectance by time from colourant and spray oil combination product application13
A new method to estimate the speed of internal solitary waves based on a single optical remote sensing image13
A deterministic descriptive regularization-based method for SAR tomography in urban areas13
The optimization of XGBoost model and its application in PM 2.5 concentrations estimation based on MODIS data in the Guanzhong region, China13
A GAN-based cyclic iterative unsupervised change detection network13
A self-adaptive parallel image stitching algorithm for unmanned aerial vehicles in edge computing environments13
An object-based graph model for unsupervised change detection in high resolution remote sensing images13
Towards nationwide mapping of bamboo resources in the Philippines: testing the pixel-based and fractional cover approaches13
Stage estimation of Himalayan rivers using passive microwave radiometer and altimeter13
A framework for reconstructing 1km all-weather hourly LST from MODIS data13
Automated remote sensing tools to counter illicit maritime activity: vessel detection, bathymetry and topography from WorldView imagery13
A novel linear spectral unmixing-based method for tree decline monitoring by fusing UAV-RGB and optical space-borne data13
Bi-Temporal change detection of high-resolution images by referencing time series medium-resolution images13
Assimilation of leaf Area Index from multisource earth observation data into the WOFOST model for sugarcane yield estimation12
Prediction of low Zn concentrations in soil from mountainous areas of central Yunnan Province using a combination of continuous wavelet transform and Boruta algorithm12
Single-frame super-resolution for high resolution optical remote-sensing data products12
Volume imaging of aspect sensitivity in VHF radar backscatters: first results inferred from the Advanced Indian MST radar (AIR)12
Comparing field measurements and annotations as training data for UAV-based detection of standing dead trees in coniferous forest12
Rooftop extraction method for high spatial resolution remote sensing image based on sparse representation12
A method of retrieving significant wave height based on shadowing from X-band marine radar images12
Hyperspectral anomaly detection based on score-guided cooperative autoencoders12
MKLM: a multiknowledge learning module for object detection in remote sensing images12
Retrieving leaf area index from FY-3D MERSI-II data using a sensor-adaptive algorithm12
Estimation of forest aboveground biomass by using mixed-effects model12
Utility of INSAT 3D / 3DR products in understanding the physical processes in clouds associated with western disturbance affecting North India during winter12
MFI-CD: a lightweight siamese network with multidimensional feature interaction for change detection12
Combined multi-level context aggregation and attention mechanism method for photovoltaic panel extraction from high resolution remote sensing images12
Two-Stage Attention Network for hyperspectral image classification12
Soil moisture estimates over sporadically flooded farmlands: synergies and biases of remote sensing and in situ sources12
Finding a suitable sensing time period for crop identification using heuristic techniques with multi-temporal satellite images12
Ship detection based on a superpixel-level CFAR detector for SAR imagery11
Monitoring of geohazards using differential interferometric satellite aperture radar in Australia11
A novel strategy for pest disease detection of Brassica chinensis based on UAV imagery and deep learning11
Spatial and temporal distribution of satellite turbidity in response to different environmental variables in the Bahía Blanca Estuary, South-Western Atlantic11
Laser point cloud registration method based on iterative closest point improved by Gaussian mixture model considering corner features11
A chlorophyll-a retrieval algorithm for the Coastal Zone Imager (CZI) onboard the HY-1C satellite in the Pearl River Estuary, China11
OAMSFNet: Orientation-Aware and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for shadow detection in remote sensing images via pseudo shadow11
A method of calculating the leafstalk angle of the soybean canopy based on 3D point clouds11
Design of supercontinuum laser hyperspectral light detection and ranging (LiDAR) (SCLaHS LiDAR)11
Small object detection in remote sensing images based on attention mechanism and multi-scale feature fusion11
Automatic registration framework for multi-platform point cloud data in natural forests11
Building panoptic change segmentation with the use of uncertainty estimation in squeeze-and-attention CNN and remote sensing observations11
Determining the value of different wavelength ranges of non-imaging hyperspectral reflectance to estimate carotenoid content using the PROSPECT-5 model11
GNSS ground-based tomography: state-of-the-art and technological challenges11
Comparison of along-track resolution of SARAL/AltiKa and ENVISAT-RA2 satellite altimeters over continental margins11
Mapping the páramo land-cover in the Northern Andes11
Vertical slice equal sampling and transformer network for point cloud ground filtering11
Estimation of leaf nitrogen content in winter wheat based on continuum removal and discrete wavelet transform11
Towards interpretability lightweight semantic segmentation model for waterbody extraction in large-scale high resolution remote sensing images11
Edge-Preserving classification of polarimetric SAR images using Wishart distribution and conditional random field11
An improved rescaling algorithm for estimating groundwater depletion rates using the GRACE satellite11
Farmland parcel-based crop classification in cloudy/rainy mountains using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 based deep learning11
Unsupervised segmentation of LiDAR fused hyperspectral imagery using pointwise mutual information10
A Method by using predefined windows to improve the InSAR atmospheric correction model based on GNSS ZTD and its horizontal delay gradient10
Improved method for cropland extraction of seasonal crops from multi-sensor satellite data10
Marine oil spill detection using improved polarimetric feature based on polarization SAR image10
Readily dispersible clay in soils from different Brazilian regions by visible, near, and mid-infrared spectral data10
Mapping spatial-temporal nationwide soybean planting area in Argentina using Google Earth Engine10
Global offshore wind turbine detection: a combined application of deep learning and Google earth engine10
Learning to enhance areal video captioning with visual question answering10
Identification and classification of Asian soybean rust using leaf-based hyperspectral reflectance10
Semantic segmentation of urban land classes using a multi-scale dataset10
A combined model based on stacked autoencoders and fractional Fourier entropy for hyperspectral anomaly detection10
Stratified diagnosis of cotton canopy spectral characteristics based on CWT-SPA and its relationship with moisture, nitrogen, and SPAD values10
Producing annual Australia-wide vegetation height images from GEDI and Landsat data10
Hyperspectral prediction model of soil Cu content based on WOA-SPA algorithm10
Benchmarking Sentinel-2-derived predictors for long-term burn severity modelling: the 2016–17 Chilean firestorm10
Assessment of ISRO’s S-band polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) at SHAR with IMD-DWR and GPM-Ku radar10
Angular variation of SAR polarimetric parameters over multiyear ice9
UAV remote sensing monitoring of pine forest diseases based on improved Mask R-CNN9
Nonnegative matrix factorization-based environmental monitoring of marine mucilage9
Learning from Data for Remote Sensing Image Analysis9
Estimating canopy parameters of winter wheat at different stages using hyperspectral data combined with soil variables9
GB-SAR geocoding considering the radar attitude inclination angles for building facade deformation extraction9
AFD filter and E2N2 classifier for improving visualization of crop image and crop classification in remote sensing image9
A study of internal solitary waves in the Northern South China Sea using the Geo High-Speed Imager of the FY-4B satellite9
Direction-aware multi-branch attention and Gaussian label assignment for remote sensing aggregative object detection9
Stress detection in vegetation based on remotely sensed light absorption coefficient9
Use of the time series and multi-temporal features of Sentinel-1/2 satellite imagery to predict soil inorganic and organic carbon in a low-relief area with a semi-arid environment9
A weighted contextual active fire detection algorithm based on Himawari-8 data9
A new method to extract coal-covered area in open-pit mine based on remote sensing9
InsPLAD: A Dataset and Benchmark for Power Line Asset Inspection in UAV Images9
A new method of retrieving atmospheric refractivity structure9
Multi-task deep learning for quantifying methane emissions from 2-D plume imagery with Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio9
Mapping of African urban settlements using Google Earth images9
Structured low-rank representation learning for hyperspectral sparse unmixing9
Grass curing-driven fire danger index in a protected mountainous grassland using fused MODIS and Sentinel-29
Segmentation-based linear discriminant analysis with information theoretic feature selection for hyperspectral image classification9
Cloud base height variability observed using a Laser-Based Ceilometer over a tropical station Pune, India9
CBERS data cubes for land use and land cover mapping in the Brazilian Cerrado agricultural belt9
Spatial correlation filter and its application in hyperspectral ground objects recognition9
Advancements in the remote sensing of landscape pattern of urban green spaces and vegetation fragmentation9
Derivation and assessment of forest-relevant polarimetric indices using RCM compact-pol data9
A joint change detection method on complex-valued polarimetric synthetic aperture radar images based on feature fusion and similarity learning9
Automated mineralogical anomaly detection using a categorization of optical maturity trend at lunar surface9
Multi Angle Rotation Object Detection for Remote Sensing Image Based on Modified Feature Pyramid Networks9
The role of remote sensing in species distribution models: a review9
Image translation between high-resolution optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data9
Variations in solar irradiance caused by solar cycle affect the temporal stability of ETM+ (LS7) ToA reflectance values at pseudo-invariant calibration sites (PICS)9
Shaped patch based nonparametric discriminant analysis for hyperspectral image classification through the CNN model9
Remote sensing wattle rust induced defoliation across black wattle timber plantations in Southern Africa9
Optimized faster R-CNN for oil wells detection from high-resolution remote sensing images9
Water-Body Segmentation for Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Images by Feature Pyramid Enhancement and Pixel Pair Matching8
Sea ice image classification based on ResFPG network and heterogeneous data fusion8
Multilevel segmentation algorithm for agricultural parcel extraction from a semantic boundary8
Deep support vector machine for PolSAR image classification8
Spectral indices for estimating total dissolved solids in freshwater wetlands using semi-empirical models. A case study of Guartinaja and Momil wetlands8
Mind the gaps: horizontal canopy structure affects the relationship between taxonomic and spectral diversity8
The optimization of marine geoid model from altimetry data using Least Squares Stokes modification approach with additive corrections across Malaysia8
Impact of 2015–2016 El Niño on phytoplankton size class distribution during the summer and winter monsoon in the Arabian Sea8
A modified Fuvar fusion algorithm based on adaptive end-member selection for hyperspectral remote sensing images8
Performance analysis of mean level CFAR detectors in homogeneous gamma-distributed radar clutter8
Local interpretation of machine learning models in remote sensing with SHAP: the case of global climate constraints on photosynthesis phenology8
Fractional vegetation coverage downscaling inversion method based on Land Remote-Sensing Satellite (System, Landsat-8) and polarization decomposition of Radarsat-28
A method to pan-sharpen SAR amplitude data via electromagnetic reflectance similarities8
Greenery change and its impact on human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka: a model-based assessment using Sentinel-2 imagery8
A deep learning based oil spill detector using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery8
Identification of vegetation under natural gas leakage by spectral index based on feature selection8
GSCCTL: a general semi-supervised scene classification method for remote sensing images based on clustering and transfer learning8
Distribution and main sources of oil spills in the Persian Gulf based on satellite monitoring with synthetic aperture radar8
Impact of cyclone Ockhi on phytoplankton size classes structure in the Arabian Sea8
Retrieval of total suspended matter concentration in the yellow river estuary offshore area based on QAA-RF model8
GS–CDNet: a remote sensing image cloud detection method with geographic spatial data integration8
A multiscale fuzzy dual-domain attention network for urban remote sensing image segmentation8
Emerging trends in topobathymetric LiDAR technology and mapping8
MIRACLE: multi-satellite Island image registration using anisotropic coherence locality enhanced nonlinear diffusion and Mahalanobis distance guided marginalization8
A novel unsupervised forest change detection method based on the integration of a multiresolution singular value decomposition fusion and an edge-aware Markov Random Field algorithm8
GOCI-II based sea surface salinity estimation using machine learning for the first-year summer8
Intelligent agent for hyperspectral image classification with noisy labels: a deep reinforcement learning framework8
Developing a near-seamless tidal datum by integrating tidal and satellite altimetry data with a Digital Elevation Model for maritime boundary delimitation8
Preface: the role of space ocean science and technology towards sustainable development goal8
Multi-expert contrastive learning for remote sensing long-tailed image classification8
Interactive transformer and CNN network for fusion classification of hyperspectral and LiDAR data8
Hyperspectral image classification Based on weakened Laplacian pyramid and guided filtering8
An automatic eddy detection algorithm based on quadrant angle of velocity vector and its application8
Comparison of UAV and SAR performance for Crop type classification using machine learning algorithms: a case study of humid forest ecology experimental research site of West Africa7
New mean tropospheric temperature models based on machine learning algorithms for Brazil7
Estimation of global horizontal irradiance in China using a deep learning method7
Efficient Real-Time Human Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Optical Imagery7
Probabilistic approximation to change and no change in multispectral remote sensing7
Application of RNN on GNSS Reflectometry Sea level monitoring7
State-level statutes governing unmanned aerial vehicle use in academic research in the United States7
Estimating fractional vegetation cover and aboveground biomass for land degradation assessment in eastern Mongolia steppe: combining ground vegetation data and remote sensing7
Training redefinition with entropy-based structure set density for supervised hyperspectral imagery classification7
UAV-based prediction of ryegrass dry matter yield7
Tree species classification based on PointNet++ deep learning and true- colour point cloud7
Semantic segmentation sample augmentation based on simulated scene generation—case study on dock extraction from high spatial resolution imagery7
Error removal by energy scaling from hyperspectral images for performance improvement of spectral classifiers7
When complementarity meets consistency: weighted collaboration fusion constrained by consistency between views for multi-view remote sensing scene classification7
Multi-resolution satellite images bathymetry inversion of Bangda Co in the western Tibetan Plateau7
SRMA: a dual-branch parallel multi-scale attention network for remote sensing images sea-land segmentation7
A meta-methodology for preserving narrow objects when using spatial contextual classifiers for remote sensing data7
Hyperspectral anomaly detection based on the distinguishing features of a redundant difference-value network7
Mapping off-road tracks and animal paths in protected areas using high-resolution GeoEye-1 panchromatic satellite imagery7
Multi-scale spectral-spatial dual-transformer network for hyperspectral image classification7
Near-Shore ship segmentation based on I-Polar Mask in remote sensing7
Assessing cropland disagreement in Tanzania using machine learning methods with Sentinel-2 and Planet Scope imagery7