Journal of Plankton Research

(The median citation count of Journal of Plankton Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Global patterns in copepod thermal tolerance27
Influence of global environmental Change on plankton26
Annual phytoplankton succession results from niche-environment interaction23
Phytoplankton photosynthesis: an unexplored source of biogenic methane emission from oxic environments22
Transcriptomics and metatranscriptomics in zooplankton: wave of the future?21
Predicting the effects of climate change on freshwater cyanobacterial blooms requires consideration of the complete cyanobacterial life cycle21
Effect of eutrophication on the functional diversity of zooplankton in shallow ponds in Northeast Brazil20
Mixoplankton and mixotrophy: future research priorities19
The ongoing need for rates: can physiology and omics come together to co-design the measurements needed to understand complex ocean biogeochemistry?17
Plankton community response to fronts: winners and losers17
Environmental factors affecting chytrid (Chytridiomycota) infection rates on Planktothrix agardhii16
Spatial patterns in planktonic cnidarian distribution in the western boundary current system of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean16
Phytoplankton community composition and biomass in the oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico16
Seasonal variability in non-consumptive mortality of Arctic zooplankton15
Single-cell metabarcoding reveals biotic interactions of the Arctic calcifier Neogloboquadrina pachyderma with the eukaryotic pelagic community15
Sinking carbon, nitrogen, and pigment flux within and beneath the euphotic zone in the oligotrophic, open-ocean Gulf of Mexico14
Key drivers structuring rotifer communities in ponds: insights into an agricultural landscape14
Mesozooplankton biomass, grazing and trophic structure in the bluefin tuna spawning area of the oceanic Gulf of Mexico13
Allometry and the calculation of zooplankton metabolism in the subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean12
Taxon-specific phytoplankton growth, nutrient utilization and light limitation in the oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico12
Active prey selection in developing larvae of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in spawning grounds of the Gulf of Mexico12
Hydrozoans, scyphozoans, larvaceans and ctenophores observed in situ at hadal depths12
Similarities between the biochemical composition of jellyfish body and mucus12
Protoplasmic streaming of chloroplasts enables rapid photoacclimation in large diatoms12
Species composition of three size fractions of zooplankton used in routine monitoring of the Barents Sea ecosystem11
Cephalopod paralarval species richness, abundance and size structure during the 2014–2017 anomalous warm period in the southern Gulf of California11
Allometry of carbon and nitrogen content and growth rate in a diverse range of coccolithophores11
Taxonomic and functional differences between winter and summer crustacean zooplankton communities in lakes across a trophic gradient11
Interactions between a planktivorous fish and planktonic microcrustaceans mediated by the biomass of aquatic macrophytes11
Rare but persistent asexual reproduction explains the success of planktonic foraminifera in polar oceans10
The colorful world of cryptophyte phycobiliproteins10
Microbial food web dynamics in the oceanic Gulf of Mexico10
Bluefin Larvae in Oligotrophic Ocean Foodwebs, investigations of nutrients to zooplankton: overview of the BLOOFINZ-Gulf of Mexico program10
Long-term changes of ichthyoplankton communities in an Iberian estuary are driven by varying hydrodynamic conditions9
Reduction in thermal stress of marine copepods after physiological acclimation9
Krill diel vertical migration in Southern Patagonia9
Predator-induced allometric changes in the tail spine length ofDaphnia: a distinct resource allocation strategy8
River discharge-related nutrient effects on North Sea coastal and offshore phytoplankton communities8
Use of optical imaging datasets to assess biogeochemical contributions of the mesozooplankton8
Predation assessment of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in a French Mediterranean lagoon8
Trade-offs between risks of predation and starvation in larvae make the shelf break an optimal spawning location for Atlantic bluefin tuna8
Constraining the sources of nitrogen fueling export production in the Gulf of Mexico using nitrogen isotope budgets8
Tropical cyclones: what are their impacts on phytoplankton ecology?8
The effect of phytoplankton properties on the ingestion of marine snow by Calanus pacificus7
Seasonal dynamics and life histories of three sympatric species of Pseudocalanus in two Svalbard fjords7
Egg production and hatching patterns of Acartia erythraea (Copepoda, Calanoida), with a note on its two egg types, in a eutrophic bay in Korea7
Near-reef zooplankton differs across depths in a subtropical seascape7
Drivers of microplankton community assemblage following tropical cyclones7
Relationships of pelagic ciliates with the microbial food web components at a coastal station in the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean Sea: temporal and vertical variability6
In situ automated imaging, using the Plankton Imager, captures temporal variations in mesozooplankton using the Celtic Sea as a case study6
Plankton food webs in the oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico spawning grounds of Atlantic bluefin tuna6
Elevated temperature results in higher compositional variability of pioneer phytoplankton communities in a mesocosm system6
Phytoplankton phagotrophy across nutrients and light gradients using different measurement techniques6
Contribution of zooplankton nutrient recycling and effects on phytoplankton size structure in a hypereutrophic reservoir6
Container volume may affect growth rates of ciliates and clearance rates of their microcrustacean predators in microcosm experiments6
Temperature, phosphorus and species composition will all influence phytoplankton production and content of polyunsaturated fatty acids6
Large differences in bacterial community composition of nearby shallow lakes surrounded by Nothofagus pumilio forest in Patagonia (Argentina)6
Spatial variation and transport of abundant copepod taxa in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in autumn6
Increasing temperature and prey availability affect the growth and swimming kinematics of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) larvae6
Changes in phytoplankton community structure over a century in relation to environmental factors6
Feeding in mixoplankton enhances phototrophy increasing bloom-induced pH changes with ocean acidification5
Zooplankton community size structure across lakes within a semi-arid landscape: the effect of temperature and salinity5
Zooplankton size spectra and production assessed by two different nets in the subarctic Northeast Pacific5
Influence of food quality on larval growth of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Gulf of Mexico5
Phytoplankton RNA/DNA and 18S rRNA/rDNA ratios in a coastal marine ecosystem5
Determinants of phytoplankton size structure in warm, shallow lakes5
Spatiotemporal genetic structure in theDaphnia pulexcomplex from Sierra Nevada lakes (Spain): reproductive mode and first record of North European alpine lake5
Plankton digital twins—a new research tool5
Nitrogen sources (NO3− vs N2 fixation) inferred from bulk δ15N values of zooplankton from the deep water region of the Gulf of Mexico5
Global gradients in species richness of marine plankton functional groups5
Food quality impacts on reproductive traits, development and fatty acid composition of the freshwater calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus sp.5
Changes in astaxanthin and fatty acid concentrations during the developmental process in the calanoidArctodiaptomus walterianusin an alpine lake at low latitudes5
Autumn blooms and seasonality of the dinoflagellate Unruhdinium penardii in the Han River (Korea) as tracked by morphological and molecular techniques5
Opportunistic vs selective feeding strategies of zooplankton under changing environmental conditions5
Mucilage protects the planktonic desmid Staurodesmus sp. against parasite attack by a chytrid fungus4
Potential of arsenic bioremediation by a cyanobacterium isolated from the Salado River in the Atacama Desert4
Symbiont diversity in the eukaryotic microbiomes of marine crustacean zooplankton4
Does increased springtime solar radiation also increase primary production?4
Nutrient availability is the main driver of nanophytoplankton phago-mixotrophy in North American lake surface waters4
Diversity of dormant and active zooplankton stages: spatial patterns across scales in temperate riverine floodplains4
Three-dimensional distribution of larval fish habitats at the entrance of the Gulf of California in the tropical-subtropical convergence region off Mexico (April 2012)4
Vertical changes in abundance, biomass and community structure of pelagic polychaetes down to 1000 m depths at Station K2 in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean covering the four seasons and day–night4
Which physicochemical variables should zooplankton ecologists measure when they conduct field studies?4
Chain or sphere? Perspectives on colony shapes and sizes in microalgae4
Global observing for phytoplankton? A perspective4
Phytoplankton and particle size spectra indicate intense mixotrophic dinoflagellates grazing from summer to winter4
Phytoplankton nutritional quality is altered by shifting Si:N ratios and selective grazing4
Large-scale culturing of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, its growth in, and tolerance of, variable environmental conditions4
Scyphozoan jellyfish (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) from Amazon coast: distribution, temporal variation and length–weight relationship4
Data-driven dynamics of phytoplankton blooms in a reaction–diffusion NPZ model4
Seasonal variation of vegetative stages and cysts of planktonic ciliates in a temperate coastal bay4
The rôles of plankton and neuston microbial organic matter in climate regulation4
Zooplankton assemblage and body size responses to severe lake eutrophication from agricultural activities near mink farms in Nova Scotia, Canada4
Phytoplankton cell geometric shapes along Mediterranean seasonal environmental variability in natural and artificial lakes4
A 3-year study of the seasonal variability of abundance, biomass and reproductive traits of Oncaea venusta (Copepoda, Oncaeidae) in a subtropical coastal area4
Changes in phytoplankton composition hinder the recovery from eutrophication in a perialpine lake (Lake Lugano, Switzerland and Italy)4
Taxonomic and functional coherence of active and dormant zooplankton communities between perennial and temporary aquatic environments3
Phytoplankton growth regulation by dissolved P and mortality regulation by endogenous cell death over 35 years of P control in a Mountain Lake3
Desiccation increases the hatching of resting eggs of a freshwater calanoid copepod3
Temporal and vertical dynamics of diatoms and dinoflagellates in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea3
The influence of spring warming and food chain length on plankton phenology in subtropical shallow lakes: a mesocosm study3
Salinity changes may influence dinoflagellate cyst morphometry: data from monsoon-influenced tropical coastal ecosystems3
Mesozooplankton trait distribution in relation to environmental conditions and the presence of krill and salps along the northern Antarctic Peninsula3
Pioneers of plankton research: Victor Hensen (1835–1924)3
Fine-scale vertical distribution and diel migrations ofPyrosoma atlanticumin the northern California Current3
Thermal niche of the dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum across different salinity and light levels3
A synthesis of the biogeographical distribution of Rotifera in Africa3
Climate change effects on plankton recruitment from coastal sediments3
Contemporary adaptive evolution in fragmenting river landscapes: evidence from the native waterflea Ceriodaphnia cornuta3
Phytoplankton carbon and nitrogen biomass estimates are robust to volume measurement method and growth environment3
Notable predominant morphology of the smallest most abundant protozoa of the open ocean revealed by electron microscopy3
Hydroclimatic drivers associated with an unusual bloom of Microcystis aeruginosa and increase of CyanoHABs in a deep oligotrophic lake3
Annual cycle of mesozooplankton at the coastal waters of Cyprus (Eastern Levantine basin)3
Phenology of alpine zooplankton populations and the importance of lake ice-out3
Application of species-specific primers to estimate the in situ diet of Bythotrephes [Cladocera, Onychopoda] in its native European range via molecular gut content analysis3
The private life ofCystodinium:in situobservation of its attachments and population dynamics3
Winter zooplankton dynamics in the English Channel and southern North Sea: trends and drivers from 1991 to 20133
Estimating genotypic richness and proportion of identical multi-locus genotypes in aquatic microalgal populations3
Sleep walking copepods? Calanus diapausing in hypoxic waters adjust their vertical position during winter3
Prey selectivity and feeding rates of the scyphozoan Catostylus tagi (Haeckel, 1869)3
Variability of tintinnid ciliate communities with water masses in the western Pacific Ocean3
Small is beautiful: the important role of small copepods in carbon budgets of the southern Benguela upwelling system3
Impact of native and invasive cyclopoid predators in relation to the diversity of the zooplankton community3
Effects of micronutrients on the detection of extracellular superoxide produced by the harmful raphidophyte Chattonella antiqua in culture3
Hiding in plain sight—Euplokamis dunlapae(Ctenophora) in Norwegian waters3
Seasonal hydromedusan feeding patterns in an Eastern Boundary Current show consistent predation on primary consumers3
Trends in phytoplankton over space and time2
Zooplankton community variability in the South Atlantic Bight (2015–2017)2
Two versions of short-term phytoplankton ecophysiology and taxonomic assemblages in the Arctic Ocean’s North Water (Canada, Greenland)2
Patterns in Rhizosolenia- and Guinardia-associated Richelia abundances in the tropical marginal seas of the western North Pacific2
Half-century trends in alpha and beta diversity of phytoplankton summer communities in the Helsinki Archipelago, the Baltic Sea2
On the different role of alarm substances and fish kairomones in diapause induction in a freshwater planktonic crustacean2
Cladoceran body size distributions along temperature and trophic gradients in the conterminous USA2
The persistent presence of Chrysaora fulgida (Scyphozoa; Discomedusae) in the northern Benguela ecosystem is not reflected by constant recruitment2
Should we reconsider how to assess eutrophication?2
Formation and reversibility of inducible morphological and behavioral defenses in Daphnia magna2
Influence of egg sacs on the swimming performance of freshwater cyclopoid copepods2
Does the predatory rotiferAsplanchnainduce a behavioral response in the prey rotiferBrachionus calyciflorus?2
Seasonal variation of growth and reproduction of the subarctic krill species, Thysanoessa raschii, driven by environmental conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence2
Seasonal and day–night changes in the vertical distribution of Gnathophausia longispina and G. elegans (Peracarida, Lophogastrida) in the East China Sea2
Response of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas to oxidative stress in three phytoplankton species2
Long-term dynamics, population structure and connectivity of the helmet jellyfish Periphylla periphylla in a Norwegian fjord and adjacent waters2
Thalia longicauda(Quoy and Gaimard) from the south-western Atlantic Ocean (31°S–38°S): distribution and population structure2
The short-term effects of planktivorous fish foraging in the presence of artificial light at night on lake zooplankton2
Abundance and biomass of copepods and cladocerans in Atlantic and Arctic domains of the Barents Sea ecosystem2
Postponing development: dormancy in the earliest developmental stages of a high-latitude calanoid copepod2
Comparison of population structure, vertical distribution and growth of sympatric, carnivorous, mesopelagic copepods,Paraeuchaeta glacialisandHeterorhabdus norvegicus, in the western Arc2
Determination of sampling time interval for investigating ecological trends of tintinnids2
Copepods key traits in diverse habitats of tropical waters2
Appendicularians and marine snowin situvertical distribution in Argentinean Patagonia2
Genetic variability, biomass parameters, elemental composition and energy content of the non-indigenous hydromedusa Craspedacusta sowerbii in North America2
Assemblages of pelagic thaliaceans in oceanographic features at the tropical-temperate transition zone of a western boundary current2
Ingestion rate estimated from food concentration and predatory role of copepod nauplii in the microbial food web of temperate embayment waters2
Trophic niche partitioning of three larval Sciaenidae species in the north-western Gulf of Mexico2
Body condition of larval roundherring,Gilchristella aestuaria(family Clupeidae), in relation to harmful algal blooms in a warm-temperate estuary2
Non-lethal effects of the predator Meganyctiphanes norvegica and influence of seasonal photoperiod and food availability on the diel feeding behaviour of the copepod Centropages typicus2
A day in the life of winter plankton: under-ice community dynamics during 24 h in a eutrophic lake2
Jellyfish diversity, trends and patterns in Southwestern Mediterranean Sea: a citizen science and field monitoring alliance2
Phytoplankton prey of an abundant estuarine copepod identifiedin situusing DNA metabarcoding2
Uncovering hidden structures: previously undescribed pseudopodia and ectoplasmic structures in planktonic foraminifera2