Applied Linguistics

(The TQCC of Applied Linguistics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Constructing Playful Talk through Translanguaging in English Medium Instruction Mathematics Classrooms84
Can Self-Regulation be Transferred to Second/Foreign Language Learning and Teaching? Current Status, Controversies, and Future Directions51
Validating the Short-form Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale49
How Foreign Language Enjoyment Acts as a Buoy for Sagging Motivation: A Longitudinal Investigation44
The Most Appropriate Lexical Unit for L2 Vocabulary Research and Pedagogy: A Brief Review of the Evidence33
Translingual Discrimination: Skilled Transnational Migrants in the Labour Market of Australia32
Critical Race Pedagogy for More Effective and Inclusive World Language Teaching27
Human versus Computer Partner in the Paired Oral Discussion Test27
Linguistic positivity bias in academic writing: A large-scale diachronic study in life sciences across 50 years21
‘Who Is My Research for?’: Researcher Perceptions of the Research–Practice Relationship21
The Causal Relationship between Learner Motivation and Language Achievement: New Dynamic Perspective20
Decolonization, Language, and Race in Applied Linguistics and Social Justice20
The growth trajectories of L2 self-efficacy and its effects on L2 learning: Using a curve-of-factors model20
Multilingualism, Chronotopes, and Resolutions: Toward an Analysis of the Total Sociolinguistic Fact17
Empowering Students Through the Construction of a Translanguaging Space in an English as a First Language Classroom16
Beyond Differences: Assessing Effects of Shared Linguistic Features on L2 Writing Quality of Two Genres16
Exploring Teacher Caring as a “Happy Object” in Language Teacher Accounts of Happiness15
Evaluating Bilingual Children’s Native Language Abilities in Côte d’Ivoire: Introducing the Ivorian Children’s Language Assessment Toolkit for Attié, Abidji, and Baoulé14
The Impact of Race on Speech Perception and Accentedness Judgements in Racially Diverse and Non-diverse Groups14
A Translanguaging Perspective on Teacher Contingency in Hong Kong English Medium Instruction History Classrooms13
Community-Centered Collaboration in Applied Linguistics12
‘I Feel … Slightly out of Touch’: a Longitudinal Study of Teachers Learning to Teach English Pronunciation over a Six-Year Period12
Responding Effectively to Customer Feedback on Twitter: A Mixed Methods Study of Webcare Styles12
A Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Second Language Pragmatics Instruction12
Applied Linguists Cultivating Relationships for Justice: An Aspirational Call to Action12
Don’t Turn a Deaf Ear: A Case for Assessing Interactive Listening11
Resonance as an Applied Predictor of Cross-Cultural Interaction: Constructional Priming in Mandarin and American English Interaction11
Raced Repertoires: The Linguistic Repertoire as Multi-Semiotic and Racialized11
Towards Epistemic Justice: Constructing Knowers in Multilingual Classrooms11
Bias in Automatic Speech Recognition: The Case of African American Language10
Racialized Trajectories to Catalan Higher Education: Language, Anti-Racism and the ‘Politics of Listening’10
Providing Opportunities for Patients to Say More about Their Pain without Overtly Asking: A Conversation Analysis of Doctors Repeating Patient Answers in Palliative Care Pain Assessment10
Automatic Analysis of Constructional Diversity as a Predictor of EFL Students’ Writing Proficiency9
For the Record: Questioning Transcription Processes in Legal Contexts9
A Decolonial Crip Linguistics9
Co-constructing Social Justice: Language Educators Challenging Colonial Practices in Mexico9
Transitioning between ‘Outside’ and ‘Inside’ Knowledge in an Online University EMI Chemistry Course9
How Ready Are Indian Primary School Children for English Medium Instruction? An Analysis of the Relationship between the Reading Skills of Low-SES Children, Their Oral Vocabulary and English Input in 8
L1 versus Dominant Language Transfer Effects in L2 and Heritage Speakers of Italian: A Structural Priming Study8
Pursuing Testimonial Justice: Language Access through Patient-centered Outcomes Research with Spanish Speakers8
‘Did You See That?’—The Role of Repetition and Enhancement on Lexical Bundle Processing in English Learning Materials8
Linguistic and Geographic Diversity in Research on Second Language Acquisition and Multilingualism: An Analysis of Selected Journals8
Self-Regulated Learning and Knowledge Blindness: Bringing Language into View7
Climate change in the UK press: Examining discourse fluctuation over time7
Open Access Academic Lectures as Sources for Incidental Vocabulary Learning: Examining the Role of Input Mode, Frequency, Type of Vocabulary, and Elaboration7
Quantifying Native Speakerism in Second Language (L2) Writing: A Study of Student Evaluations of Teaching7
Translanguaging Health7
Bidialectal Practices and L2 Arabic Pragmatic Development in a Short-Term Study Abroad7
Pithy Persuasion: Engagement in 3 Minute Thesis Presentations7
Cognitive Benefits of Learning Additional Languages in Old Adulthood? Insights from an Intensive Longitudinal Intervention Study6
Research Engagement and Research Culture in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT): Empowering the Profession6
Discourses between the Public and the Private: Transnational Families at the Crossroads6
Marrying Collective Wisdom: Researcher-practitioner Collaboration in Developing ELT Textbooks6
Connecting Extramural English with ELT: Teacher Reports from Austria, Finland, France, and Sweden6
Transpositioning: Translanguaging and the Liquidity of Identity6
Attitudes of German high school students toward different varieties of English6
Translanguaging in a Context of Colonized Education: The Case of EFL Classrooms for Arabic Speakers in Israel6
Trajectories in Decolonizing Language: A Conversation with Ngugi wa Thiong’o5
A Data-driven Learning Focus on Form Approach to Academic English Lecture Comprehension5
Task Planning and Oral L2 Production: A Research Synthesis and Meta-analysis5
‘Juntos Somos Fuertes’: Writing Participatory Corridos of Solidarity through a Critical Translingual Approach5
Two Sources of Miscommunication in Oncology Consultations: An Observational Study Using Conversation Analysis5
Global Villain, but Local Hero? A Linguistic Analysis of Climate Narratives from the Fossil Fuel Sector5
Affordances of Plurilingual Instruction in Higher Education: A Mixed Methods Study with a Quasi-experiment in an English Language Program5
Developing Requests in Multilingual Classroom Interaction: A Case of Second Language Development in Middle Childhood5
Development of Noun Phrase Complexity Across Genres in Children’s Writing5
Effects of the Continuation Task and the RCC Task on Japanese as a Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning5
Emotional, Attitudinal, and Sociobiographical Sources of Flow in Online and In-Person EFL Classrooms5
On the Promise of Using Membership Categorization Analysis to Investigate Interactional Competence4
Lexical Access in L1 Attrition—Competition versus Frequency: A Comparison of Turkish and Moroccan Attriters in the Netherlands4
Which Words Matter Most? Operationalizing Lexical Prevalence For Rank-Ordered Word Lists4
Investigating the Use of Grammar Learning Strategies in Hungary and Poland: A Comparative Study4
New Methods for Tracking Development of Sociophonetic Competence: Exploring a Preference Task for Spanish /d/ Deletion4
Creativity is a Toaster: Experimental Evidence on How Multilinguals Process Novel Metaphors4
Beyond Language: The Complex Positioning Work by Language Teachers in an Integration Classroom4
Whose Voice Matters? Chronotopic Position(ing)s and the Dialogic Inclusion of Marginalized Stakeholders in Critical Applied Linguistics4
Move–Bundle Connection in Conclusion Sections of Research Articles Across Disciplines4
Translanguaging and Educational Inequality in the Global South: Stance-taking amongst Brazilian Teachers of English4
Co-Topical Small Talk: Troubles-Telling in Traditional Chinese Medical Encounters4
Effects of Classroom Instruction on the Development of L2 Interactional Resource for Joint Stance Taking: Use of Japanese Interactional ParticleYoin Spontaneous Peer Conversation4
Modeling Intra- and Inter-individual Changes in L2 Classroom Engagement4
Into Collabs: Public Applied Linguistics and Hip Hop Language Technicians4
Is It Time to Reconsider the ‘Gold Standard’ for Nativelikeness in ERP Studies on Grammatical Processing in a Second Language? A Critical Assessment Based on Qualitative Individual Differences4
Gig Economy Teaching: On the Importance and Dangers of Self-branding in Online Markets4
Greeting in English as a Foreign Language: A Problem for Speakers of Chinese4
Correction to: A Translanguaging Perspective on Teacher Contingency in Hong Kong English Medium Instruction History Classrooms4
Applied Linguistics Communities of Practice: Improving the Research Practice Relationship4