Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control

(The TQCC of Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Robust H∞ control of an uncertain bilateral teleoperation system using dilated LMIs61
Design and implementation of multispectral band gonioradiometer for ultraviolet light sources measurements59
Multi-objective H2/H saturated non-PDC static output feedback control for path tracking of autonomous vehicle55
Fractional order active disturbance rejection control design for non-integer order plus time delay models42
Bipartite consensus-based formation control of high-order multi-robot systems with time-varying delays37
A 3D LiDAR odometry for UGVs using coarse-to-fine deep scene flow estimation35
Stabilization of networked switched affine systems with event-triggered strategy34
Gait coordination control of bipedal modular reconfigurable robot based on adaptive neural network33
Path tracking based on model predictive control with variable predictive horizon32
Dynamic surface control for formation control of quadrotors with input constraints and disturbances32
Distributed robust consensus based on prescribed-time unknown input reduced-order observers26
Non-fragile quasi-synchronization of delayed heterogeneous dynamical networks with memory sampled-data control25
Finite-time robust control of robotic manipulator with input deadzone and time-varying disturbance compensation23
Distributed state constraint containment control of multi-AUV formation with unknown control direction21
FMI real-time co-simulation-based machine deep learning control of HVAC systems in smart buildings: Digital-twins technology19
Multi-fault diagnosis of rolling mill main drive system based on UIO–DBO–SVM17
Outlier-resistant observer-based control for interval type-2 T-S fuzzy systems under adaptive event-triggered protocols17
Fully distributed adaptive consensus tracking for uncertain multi-agent systems16
Global stabilized control for nonlinear systems with multiple time-varying power coupling terms16
Chaos theory for prognostic purposes in multiple sclerosis16
Online optimum velocity calculation under V2X for smart new energy vehicles16
Nonlinear lateral motion stability control method for electric vehicle based on the combination of dual extended state observer and domination approach via sampled-data output feedback16
Intelligent sliding mode tracking control for electro-hydraulic position servo systems based on variable exponential power reaching law with CGWO-PSO16
Improved nonlinear extended state observer based on model compensation for Interior permanent magnet synchronous motors sensorless drives16
Event-triggered finite-time neural control for uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown disturbances and its application in SVC16
Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow structures induced by the free-falling spin flight of maple seeds15
An event-triggered distributed cooperative guidance law for simultaneous attack with autopilot lag consideration14
Fixed-time consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics14
Incipient fault detection and process monitoring of thermal power plant pulverizing system based on deep representation learning14
Model-free adaptive backstepping control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems14
Security and privacy with K-step opacity for finite automata via a novel algebraic approach13
Fluid catalytic cracking process quality-driven fault detection based on partial least squares and deep feedforward neural network13
On real-time creep damage prediction for steam turbine13
Compound robust tracking control of disturbed quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles: A data-driven cascade control approach13
Global exponential stabilization of a quadrotor by hybrid control13
Asynchronously switched fault detection filter design for full-envelope flight vehicle13
Design of an optimal preview controller for linear discrete-time periodic systems13
Performance analysis of optimized differential power processing converter with switched inductor using enhanced fuzzy logic control for solar photovoltaic systems13
A two-stage image reconstruction strategy for electrical impedance tomography13
Disturbance estimator-based switching function for discrete-time sliding mode control systems with control saturation13
A fusion estimation method of clamping force for electro-mechanical brake system based on adaptive Kalman filtering13
Experimental implementation of a vehicle anti-lock brake system employing intelligent active force control with a P-type iterative learning algorithm12
A novel remaining useful life prediction method based on gated recurrent unit network optimized by tunicate swarm algorithm for lithium-ion batteries12
Shielded open-circuited probe for in-situ measurements of soil permittivity in Very high frequency (VHF) and Ultra high frequency (UHF) bands12
Adaptive model predictive control–based curved path-tracking strategy for autonomous vehicles under variable velocity12
Investigation of contribution of number of trials in Monte Carlo simulation for uncertainty estimation for a pressure balance12
Ripple force compensation based on ILC–ASMC for linear servo system12
An automatic alignment method for discharge arm of mobile crushing station based on binocular vision and fuzzy control12
Incremental adaptive optimal control for nonlinear systems with disturbance and input time-delay12
Robust secure consensus of multiagent systems with DoS attacks12
Observer-based decentralized dynamic event-triggered scheme and resilient control under DoS attacks12
Command filter–based fixed-time fault estimation and compensation control for nonlinear systems with prescribed performance12
Simultaneous tuning of cascade controllers based on nonlinear optimization12
Gearbox fault diagnosis based on improved multi-scale fluctuation dispersion entropy and multi-cluster feature selection11
Effect of tube dimensions on resonant frequency of stepped acoustic resonator11
Maximum correntropy smoothers based on information theoretic learning in non-Gaussian environments11
FIR digital filter redesign via sampled-data H discretization in low-frequency domain11
Perturbation observer design based on extremum seeking control: An analytical insight11
Unscented Kalman-filter to manage the handling-comfort trade-off of quarter-of-vehicle11
A robust proportional filtered integral controller based on backpropagation neural network11
Dynamic event-triggered consensus for discrete-time hidden Markov multi-agent systems with partially unknown probabilities11
Robust distributed adaptive consensus for linear multiagent systems with uncertain topologies11
Experimental investigation of hybrid energy sharing strategy for multi-source electric vehicle10
Advanced power quality monitoring with dilated convolutional neural networks for smart nanogrids10
A feature sample screening and local outlier factor fusion method for detecting tidal stream turbine blade impact fault10
Stability and unweighted L1-gain analysis for switched time-delay positive systems with stable and unstable subsystems10
Optimized dead-zone control based on a sliding-mode mechanism for a class of unknown nonlinear dynamic systems10
Wavelet packet measurements and neural networks applied to stator short-circuit diagnosis10
Sliding-mode observer-based fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of the main drive system of rolling mill10
Quasi-synchronization of complex dynamical networks with switched coupling strengths based on a generalized Halanay’s inequality10
Multi-group formation tracking fault-tolerant control for matched nonlinear multi-agent systems with switching topologies and unknown control inputs10
Robust stability analysis of uncertain discrete-time delayed systems with finite wordlength nonlinearities via delay partitioning approach10
State of health estimation for the lithium-ion batteries based on CNN-MLP network10
Adaptive model predictive control based on neural networks for Hover attitude tracking with input saturation and unknown disturbances10
Implementation of T-S fuzzy approach for the synchronization and stabilization of non-integer-order complex systems with input saturation at a guaranteed cost10
Multi-objective parametric design of PI/PID controllers via multi-level game-theoretic optimization for systems with time delay10
Partial state-constrained integrated guidance and control for an STT missile with self-adjusting prescribed performance via non-barrier Lyapunov function method10
Full prediction cascade control of permanent magnet toroidal motor with time-varying parameters9
Floating offshore wind turbine fault diagnosis using stacked denoising autoencoder with temporal information9
State of charge estimation based on active disturbance rejection control for power batteries in engine waste heat recovery system9
Barrier Lyapunov function–based command-filtered adaptive fuzzy control of random quadrotor systems9
Observer-based integrated event–triggered sliding mode control for Internet of vehicles with communication constraints9
An improved transfer learning approach based on geodesic flow kernel for multiphase batch process soft sensor modeling9
Model predictive control for three-axle trucks during tire blowout on expressway based on equivalent chassis9
A new MOPSO algorithm for solving mathematical test functions and control engineering problems9
Guaranteed cost and finite-time event-triggered control of fractional-order switched systems9
Internal pressure control for high-speed trains based on condition matching and performance iteration9
Sliding mode control based on RBF neural network for a class of underactuated systems with input quantization and event-triggering9
Event-triggered model predictive-preview control strategy for trajectory tracking of autonomous vehicle9
A hybrid Aquila optimizer and its K-means clustering optimization9
Consensus error analysis for linear continuous-time multi-agent systems with additive noises9
A graphical tuning rule for higher-order systems with H∞ complementary sensitivity function framework9
Learning-based modeling and control design for a coaxial helicopter with aerodynamic coupling9
Constrained integral fuzzy sliding mode control for an electric vehicle: An LMI-based approach9
Multi-dimensional Taylor network adaptive predictive control for single-input single-output nonlinear systems with input time-delay9
A novel modified Lévy flight distribution algorithm to tune proportional, integral, derivative and acceleration controller on buck converter system9
Adaptive PSO-tuned trajectory tracking controller for quadrotor aircraft based on Lyapunov approach9
Finite time adaptive neural tracking control for non-strict-feedback uncertain non-linear systems with disturbance and input delay9
Tansig type NLESO-based integral terminal sliding mode control for modular robot manipulators with uncertain disturbance: Theory and experimental verification8
Distributed formation tracking control of underactuated surface vehicles based on event-trigged control8
Decentralized time-delay controller design for systems described by delay differential-algebraic equations8
Online estimations for electrical and mechanical parameters of the induction motor by extended Kalman filter8
In situ temperature measurement of a deforming interface with thermoelectricity8
Concise leader-follower formation control of underactuated unmanned surface vehicle with output error constraints8
A data-driven distributed process monitoring method for industry manufacturing systems8
Exponential sliding mode controller for tracking trajectory of nonlinear systems8
A thrust allocation strategy for intelligent ships based on model prediction control8
Multi-step network traffic prediction using echo state network with a selective error compensation strategy8
Path planning of unmanned surface vehicle based on artificial potential field approach considering virtual target points8
Distributed observer-based positive consensus of fractional-order multiagent systems over directed graphs8
Intelligent approach for optimal sizing in photovoltaic panel-battery system and optimizing smart grid energy8
Image-based visual servoing with depth estimation8
Observer-based H control for uncertain one-sided Lipschitz Markovian jump-delayed systems with partially unknown transition rates8
Attitude optimization control of hypersonic flight vehicle considering partially unknown control direction8
Adaptive global energy optimal management strategy based on the Pontryagin’s minimum principle: An isolated microgrid example8
Fixed-time stabilization for lower-triangular nonlinear systems under the p-normal form8
Event-triggered adaptive multi-dimensional Taylor network tracking control for stochastic nonlinear systems8
Stabilisation of network-controlled aircraft pitch control system with time delay8
Distributed time cooperative control of multi-missile systems via second-order sliding mode8
Editorial: Special Issue on Automation in Mechatronic and Robotic Systems – Advanced Perception, Planning and Control8
Electrode subset selection to lessen the complexity of brain activity measurement using EEG for depression detection8
Lyapunov-based fractional-order PID controller design for coupled nonlinear system8
Dynamic event-triggered H control for switched linear systems with internal dynamic variable8
An improved indirect adaptive neural control performance based on MOPSO approach: An experimental validation via a transesterification reactor8
Fault tolerant control for robotic manipulator using fractional-order backstepping fast terminal sliding mode control8
Model reference control in quasi-linear systems with a parametric feed-forward compensator and state-feedback stabilization controller8
Shared control based on ANFIS for brain-controlled driving8
Efficient reconstruction scheme with deep neural network for highly compressive sensing of fiber Bragg grating spectrum7
Fixed time steps discrete-time sliding mode consensus protocols for two degree of freedom helicopter systems7
Design of all feasible output feedback controllers for robust output tracking of Boolean control networks7
Deep regression of convolutional neural network applied to resolved acceleration control for a robot manipulator7
RETRACTION NOTICE: Event-based switching control for production inventory systems with time-varying delays7
Adaptive fuzzy Lyapunov-based model predictive control for parallel platform driving simulators7
A multimode process monitoring strategy via improved variational inference Gaussian mixture model based on locality preserving projections7
Prescribed-time stabilization control for p-norm stochastic nonlinear systems based on homogeneous dominant technique7
Adaptive quantized controller design for synchronization of uncertain fractional-order nonlinear systems satisfying incremental quadratic constraints7
Fixed-time sliding mode observer-based multi-faults estimation method and its application to PMSM drive system7
Recent deep learning models for diagnosis and health monitoring: A review of research works and future challenges7
Quantized ADMM design for distributed strongly convex optimization7
GPIO-based nonsingular terminal sliding mode control for high-pressure common rail systems7
Double-loop control in air–ground cooperation for a switched-trajectory quadrotor under gust winds7
Retraction Notice: An efficient grasshopper optimization with recurrent neural network controller-based induction motor to replace flywheel of the process machine7
Semi-active vibration control via a magnetorheological damper and active disturbance rejection control7
Improved Stanley guidance law–based adaptive path-following control of underactuated ship with state-constrained and time-varying drift angle7
Predictive generalised active disturbance rejection for load frequency control with communication delay7
An adaptive super-twisting algorithm based on conditioning technique7
An application of Newton-like algorithm for H∞ proportional–integral–derivative controller synthesis of seesaw-cart system7
Scene terrain classification for autonomous vehicle navigation based on semantic segmentation method7
Event-triggered control with waiting time based on state observer for switched linear systems7
Lower-order linear active disturbance rejection control for electro-hydraulic servo system based on structural invariance compensation7
Finite-time higher-order moment state estimation for Markov jump linear system with time-correlated measurement noise7
BEV transformer for visual 3D object detection applied with retentive mechanism7
Predictive functional control for chamber pressure: A quantum simultaneous whale optimization approach7
Mean square exponential stability with l2l gain of discrete-time switched-Markovian jump systems7
Binocular visual pendulum angle detection and anti-swing control of quadrotor suspension system7
Synchronous current suppression of active magnetic bearing system based on a nonlinear variable step-size least mean square (LMS) algorithm7
Exponential H stabilization of uncertain neural networks with time-varying delay and external disturbance via periodically intermittent control7
Event-triggered adaptive sliding mode control for steer-by-wire systems with actuator fault7
Start-up process optimization of pumped-storage unit with Tilt–Integral–Derivative controller7
Fault reconstruction and fault tolerant control design for a network of dynamical systems7
Adaptive secure lateral control of autonomous electric vehicles under denial-of-service attacks6
Model-based adaptive security control strategy against false data injection attacks in cyber–physical systems6
A sensorless control system of permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric locomotive based on improved high-frequency rotating injection method6
Quadrotor UAV attitude stabilization using fuzzy robust control6
Detection of data tampering attack in FIR system identification with binary-valued observations6
Editorial cooperative sensing, control, and optimization6
A novel dynamic parameter identification method for the multi-degrees-of-freedom series direct drive manipulator6
Finite-time control of switched stochastic delayed neural networks with Φ-dependent average dwell time6
Design and implementation of an adaptive neural network observer–based backstepping sliding mode controller for robot manipulators6
Robust H adaptive model following control for fractional-order systems with polytopic and bounded uncertainties subject to input saturation6
Distributed state estimation–based secondary control of island microgrid under false data injection attacks6
Adaptive invariant Kalman filtering for lie groups attitude estimation with biased and heavy-tailed process noise6
A field programmable gate array-based biomedical noise reduction framework using advanced trilateral filter6
Experimental measurement of force, torque control and vibration absorber system for intraoperative tele-operated robotic-assisted femoral shaft drilling using air-controlled soft balloon damper6
A fast-moving horizon estimation method based on the symplectic pseudospectral algorithm6
Optimal closed-loop robust rendezvous guidance with the observability constraint of angles-only navigation6
Application of artificial bee colony algorithm for particle size distribution measurement of suspended sediment based on focused ultrasonic sensor6
Robust preview control of nonlinear uncertain discrete-time time-delayed singular systems via sliding mode approach6
Cooperative target search and tracking for multi-UAVs based on control barrier functions6
Event-triggered fixed-time distributed output feedback sliding mode cooperative control for multiple surface vessels with input saturation6
Design and implementation of C-MEX S-functions in an Android-based networked control system laboratory6
Adaptive secure output consensus tracking of linear multi-agent systems via dynamic event-triggered impulsive control under DoS attack6
Predefined-time sliding manifold-based fixed-time attitude stabilization control of receiver aircraft with measurement noises6
An adaptive power distribution scheme for hybrid energy storage system to reduce the battery energy throughput in electric vehicles6
Optimization of indoor vehicle ultra-wideband 3D localization using graph attention networks6
Design and robustness analysis of fuzzy PID controller for automatic voltage regulator system using genetic algorithm6
Observer-based time-varying group formation tracking for one-sided Lipschitz nonlinear second-order multi-agent systems6
A novel ESO-based adaptive RISE control for asymptotic position tracking of electro-hydraulic actuator systems6
Quantized H filtering for networked systems with stochastic cyber attacks: A dynamic event-triggered scheme6
L1 adaptive output-feedback fault-tolerant control for uncertain nonlinear systems subject to unmodeled actuator dynamics and faults6
HMM-based dissipative filtering for Markov jump neural networks under event-triggered scheme and stochastic cyberattacks6
Adaptive control for full-states constrained nonlinear systems with unknown control direction using Barrier Lyapunov Functionals6
Adaptive neural network–based fault estimation for nonlinear systems with actuator faults in simultaneous multiplicative and additive forms6
Self-learning current optimizing control for conventional stepping motor drive technique based on step pulses6
Complete consensus control of nonlinear cyber-physical systems with two-layer switching networks6
An improved sliding mode control–based GMPPT algorithm for photovoltaic system6
Consensus of discrete-time multi-agent systems with consecutive packet losses in directed communication topology6
Interactive control algorithm for shoulder-amputated prosthesis and object based on reinforcement learning6
Constructing the real-world driving cycle for electric vehicle applications: A comparative study6
Immersion and invariance based adaptive command filtered backstepping control design for a class of SISO uncertain nonlinear systems in strict-feedback form6
Adaptive dynamic windowing approach based on risk degree function6
Dynamical distributed controller for the synchronization problem of integer and fractional order partial differential equation systems5
An effective CNN-MHSA method for the fault diagnosis of ZPW-2000A track circuit5
Missing value imputation method based on correlation analysis and Gaussian mixture model5
Neural network–based adaptive fractional-order terminal sliding mode control5
Two-channel dynamic event-triggered H∞ control for Markovian jump systems under multiple cyber-attacks5
Road surface real-time detection based on Raspberry Pi and recurrent neural networks5
A model predictive control trajectory tracking lateral controller for autonomous vehicles combined with deep deterministic policy gradient5
Discrete-time rate-dependent hysteresis modeling and parameter identification of piezoelectric actuators5
Stability and performance comparison analysis for linear active disturbance rejection control–based system5
Mixed dissipative filtering design for uncertain singular Markovian jump time-varying delay systems with nonlinear perturbations and generally uncertain transition rates5
Distributed adaptive event-triggered iterative learning controller based on a filtering network5
An interval type-2 fuzzy linear quadratic regulator method for an overhead crane5
Fixed-time second-order sliding mode control for uncertain nonlinear systems subject to non-vanishing mismatched terms5
Dynamic event-triggered fault detection filter design for dynamical systems under fading channels5
Consensus of multi-agent systems with state-dependent intermittent communication5
A modular fault diagnosis method for rolling bearing based on mask kernel and multi-head self-attention mechanism5
A feedforward control method for turntable servo system based on physics-guided neural network5
Design of decentralized proportional–integral proportional–retarded controllers in discrete-time domain for two-input two-output processes5
Neural network-based robust predictive control for visual servoing of autonomous vehicles with friction compensation5
A new regulation control method for underactuated 3D overhead cranes5
A fixed-time nonsingular terminal sliding mode control based on radial basis function neural network for vehicle active front steering system5
Generalized method for rational approximation of SISO/MIMO fractional-order systems using squared magnitude function5
Ultra-short-term wind power prediction based on double decomposition and LSSVM5
Speed control of PMSM based on neural network model predictive control5
Adaptive output feedback asymptotic tracking for uncertain nonlinear systems with dead-zone input5
A slope-based automatic identification and optimization of key time nodes method for adaptive control vector parameterization5
Observer-based fault-tolerant fixed-time attitude tracking control for rigid spacecraft without angular velocity measurement5
Magnetic levitation system control research based on improved linear active disturbance rejection5
Adaptive PID controller using deep deterministic policy gradient for a 6D hyperchaotic system5
Time-varying formation consensus for fractional-order multi-agent systems based on sliding mode control5
Event-triggered adaptive control for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle with prescribed performance5
L2-gain analysis and fault-tolerant control of nonlinear discrete time-delay saturated switched systems with memory state feedback5
Reference-trajectory-planner–based integrated guidance and control under input saturation and impact angle constraint5
Fuzzy adaptive observer–based resilient formation control for heterogeneous multiple unmanned aerial vehicles with false data injection attacks and prescribed performance5
Barrier function–based adaptive STSMC for steering feel feedback of SBW vehicle with uncertainty5
Anonymous security authentication protocol based on identity encryption for cyber–physical power system5
A novel cyber intrusion detection model based on improved hybrid sampling5
Design of PIλ-PDμ controller for high-order systems based on model order reduction using BB-BC and time moment matching5
Event-triggered control of positive switched systems with randomly occurring state saturation5
Guidance law of interceptors against a high-speed maneuvering target based on deep Q-Network5
Intelligent electric vehicle trajectory tracking control algorithm based on weight coefficient adaptive optimal control5
Finite-frequency self-triggered model predictive control for Markov jump systems subject to actuator saturation5
Interval observer-based methodology for passive fault tolerant control of linear parameter-varying systems5
Development of Electrical Quantities Primary Standards5
Sliding mode control of a pumping system supplied by photovoltaic generator5
Automatic tuning of robust model predictive control in iterative tasks using efficient Bayesian optimization5
Fault-tolerant consensus control of linear multi-agent systems with polynomial faults based on event triggered mechanism5
Adaptive path tracking control for autonomous vehicles with sideslip effects and unknown input delays5
Anomaly detection and prediction evaluation for discrete nonlinear dynamical systems5