Sociology of Health & Illness

(The median citation count of Sociology of Health & Illness is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Conflict and antagonism within global psychiatry: A discourse analysis of organisational responses to the UN reports on rights‐based approaches in mental health84
Coalitions of touch: Balancing restraint and haptic soothing in the veterinary clinic55
Issue Information36
The deadly intersections of COVID‐19. Race, states, inequalities and global society. By SuneraThobani (Ed.), Bristol: Bristol University Press. 2022. 176 pages. £47.99 (hardcover); £16,99 (ePub). ISBN30
Disease surveillance infrastructure and the economisation of public health27
‘Improving the odds for everybody’: Narrative and media in stem cell donor recruitment patient appeals, and the work to redress racial inequity24
Fight or flight? Exploring suicide thoughts, experiences, and behaviours among correctional workers and their interventions of agency22
The costs of care: An ethnography of care work in residential homes for older people22
Divided bodies: Lyme disease, contested illness and evidence‐based medicine20
Infrastructures of racial violence, health and debility19
Taking care of our own: When family caregivers do medical work19
Diagnosing Dissent: Hysterics, Deserters, and Conscientious Objectors in Germany during World War One19
Human papillomavirus self‐sampling: A tool in cancer prevention and sexual health promotion18
Strange Blood: The Rise and Fall of Lamb Blood Transfusion in 19th Century Medicine and Beyond18
Issue Information17
Healers and Patients Talk – Narratives of a Chronic Gynecological DiseaseVéronique A.S.GriffithLondon: Lexington Books. 2020. 260pp $95.00 (hardback). ISBN 978‐1‐7936‐0187‐2, $90.00 (ebk) ISBN 978‐1‐717
Unintended Consequences of Electronic Medical Records An Emergency Room Ethnography Barbara Cook Overton Lexington Books Print ISBN 9781498567459, 1498567452, e‐text ISBN 9781498567466, 1498567460 pri16
Dying to Count: Post‐Abortion Care and Global Reproductive Health Politics in Senegal Rutgers15
Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the StatePetrUrbanLizzieWard (eds.) Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 318pp. £79.99 (hbk) £54.99 (pbk) £63.99 (ebk) ISBN: 978‐3‐030‐41436‐815
Issue Information15
Against All Odds. Psychosocial Distress and Healing Among Women. 1st edMahimaNayarNew Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2019. 237 pp. ISBN: 978935328192215
Transforming Health Care with Qualitative Research15
Body Odor and Biopolitics: Characterizing Smell in Neoliberal America14
Frailty as biographical disruption13
Young onset Parkinson’s disease: Biographical disruption as a repetitive process13
The sociology of diagnosis: Critical distance12
Chemically Imbalanced: everyday suffering, medication and our troubled quest for self‐mastery12
Thanks to Reviewers – October 2021 to September 202212
Battles over ‘unruly bodies’: Practitioners’ interpretations of eating disorders and the utility of psychiatric labelling11
‘Nesef Doctora’—When mothers are considered to be ‘half‐doctors’: Self‐medication with antibiotics and gender roles in the Arab society in Israel11
Feeling Medicine: How the Pelvic Exam Shapes Medical TrainingKellyUndermanNew York: NYU Press. 2021. 292 pp ISBN: 978147989304111
The pandemic and the problem of compliance with safety measures: The case of Egypt11
Islam, assisted reproductive technology and the politics of emergence: When markets and hegemonies collide11
Issue Information11
Compelled loneliness and necessitated social isolation: “It’s like being on the other side of a mirror, just looking in”10
Imaginaries of patienthood: Constructions of HIV patients by HIV specialist health professionals10
Commodities of Care: The business of HIV testing in China. By Elsa L.Fan, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 2021. pp. 216. $100 (clo). ISBN: 978‐1‐5179‐0764‐8; $25 (pbk). ISBN: 978‐1‐51710
The ritualisation of the surgical safety checklist and its decoupling from patient safety goals10
The formation of classed health lifestyles during youth: A two‐generational, longitudinal approach10
Ageing and health: The politics of better policies. By Scott L.Greer, JuliaLynch, AaronReeves, MichelleFalkenbach, JaneGingrich, JonathanCylus, and ClareBambra, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10
‘Black African’ identification and the COVID‐19 pandemic in Britain: A site for sociological, ethical and policy debate10
‘It's just a matter of playing the odds’: Navigating risks associated with sexual behaviour in the COVID‐19 era10
Normative puzzles for local government: Managing the introduction of single‐handed care in England10
COVID time: Temporal imaginaries and pandemic materialities9
Stuck in separation: Liminality, graffiti arts and the forensic institution as a failed rite of passage9
Childhood social capital and drug use disorder in adulthood: A retrospective study on antecedent determinants of the type of drug use9
How artificial intelligence is reshaping the autonomy and boundary work of radiologists. A qualitative study9
The power of family? Family social capital and the risk of externalising behaviours among youth with multiple childhood adversities9
‘We Don't Want You to Diet’: Bariatric professionals' boundary work and negotiation of pleasure and control9
The paramedic at work: A sociology of a new profession. By McCannL., Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022. pp. 272. £32.49 (hbk). ISBN 978‐0‐19‐881636‐29
Temp nurses go digital: Examining gig care in US nursing homes9
Just care: Messy entanglements of disability, dependency and desire. By A.Nishida, Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 2022. pp. 264. $110.50 (hardcover); $34.95 (pbk); $34.95 (ebk). EAN 97814399199
Excitable models: Projections, targets, and the making of futures without disease9
Motherhood on ice: The mating gap and why women freeze their eggs. By M. C.Inhorn, New York: NYU Press. 2023. pp. 352. £25.49 (pbk). ISBN: 14798130449
Expressivist objections to prenatal screening and testing: Perceptions of people living with disability8
Sensemaking in the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A narrative exploration of polarised morality in an NHS Trust8
Desire over damage: Epistemological shifts and anticolonial praxis from an indigenous‐led community health project8
Psychosocial resilience among left‐behind adolescents in rural Thailand: A qualitative exploration8
Pregnancy and new motherhood in prison. By L.Baldwin and L.Abbot, Bristol: Bristol University Press and Policy Press. 2024. pp. 208. £47.99 (hbk); £16.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978‐14473633928
Just go on the pill, the uneven burden of reproductive politics. By KrystaleLittlejohn, USA: University of California Press. 2021. pp. 179. ISBN: 97800‐520‐30745‐28
Biological costs and benefits of social relationships for men and women in adulthood: The role of partner, family and friends8
How companions speak on patients’ behalf without undermining their autonomy: Findings from a conversation analytic study of palliative care consultations8
Peer conversation about substance (mis)use8
Negotiating Care: The Biographical Narratives of Young Adults Who Questioned Their Gender When Younger8
Diagnosis and the practices of patienthood: How diagnostic journeys shape illness experiences8
Care entanglements: Upholding difference through the uses of mental health diagnosis in Chilean schools8
Interrogating the promise of technology in epilepsy care: systematic, hermeneutic review8
Trust, affect, and choice in parents’ vaccination decision‐making and health‐care provider selection in Switzerland8
Turning the gaze: Digital patient feedback and the silent pathology of the NHS8
Help‐seeking and access to care for stroke and heart attack during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative study8
Experiential knowledge in mental health services: Analysing the enactment of expertise in peer support7
Subordinated agency: Negotiating the biomedicalisation of masculinity among gay men living with HIV7
Unsettling the treatment imperative? Chemotherapy decision‐making in the wake of genomic techniques7
Patient‐activist or ally? Assessing the effectiveness of conscience and beneficiary constituents in disease advocacy fundraising7
Undoing motherhood: Collaborative reproduction and the deinstitutionalization of U.S. maternity. By K.Johnson, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 2023. pp. 204. $28.95 (pbk); $150 (hbk); $28.95 (eb7
Platform encounters: A study of digitised patient follow‐up in HIV care7
Epistemic injustice in experiences of young people with parents with mental health challenges7
Understanding health inequalities through a practice‐oriented ‘capabilities’ perspective. Motherhood and leisure time physical activity7
Towards a sociological understanding of medical gaslighting in western health care7
Reinventing the good life: An empirical contribution to the philosophy of care. By J.Pols, London: UCL Press. 2023. pp. 372. £45 (hbk); £30 (pbk); £0 (ebk). ISBN: 97818000860297
‘You’re just a Guinea pig’: Exploring the barriers and impacts of living with long COVID‐19: A view from the undiagnosed6
Medicalising agents? Teachers’ uncertainty and emerging expertise in the age of inclusion policy and medicalisation in Israel6
Masculinities and men’s emotions in and after intimate partner relationships6
When the wheels come off: Actor‐network therapy for mental health recovery in the bicycle repair workshop6
Proposing a new history of grief’s medicalisation: A critical discourse analysis6
Drinking as affective labour: A discussion of Australian men working in hospitality and corporate workplaces6
‘Becoming restrained’: Conceptualising restrictive practices in the care of people living with dementia in acute hospital settings6
Navigating the Limits of Diagnosis: Young Adults' Experiences of Chronic Living6
A sociology of precision‐in‐practice: The affective and temporal complexities of everyday clinical care6
The (radical) role of belonging in shifting and expanding understandings of social inclusion for people labelled with intellectual and developmental disabilities6
Changes of heart: Debating the role of cardiology and cardiac surgery in India, 1948–19686
Health consequences of child removal among Indigenous and non‐Indigenous sex workers: Examining trajectories, mechanisms and resiliencies6
Elite class self‐interest, socioeconomic inequality and U.S. population health6
The impossibility of engaged research: Complicity and accountability between researchers, ‘publics’ and institutions6
Current challenges for doctors in India: Deprofessionalisation, reprofessionalisation or fragmentation?6
Like clockwork? (Re)imagining rhythms and routines when living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)6
Unexpected: Parenting, Prenatal Testing and Down Syndrome5
Black Lives Matter: Extended Special Section5
Institutional, humane, therapeutic: Towards an understanding of caregiver violence through third sector violence prevention discourse in Finland5
Hospital corridors as lived spaces: The reconfiguration of social boundaries during the early stages of the Covid pandemic5
The pandemic divide: How COVID increased inequality in America. By Gwendolyn L.Wright, LucasHubbard, William A.Darity (Eds.), Durham: Duke University Press. 2022. pp. 312. $14.84 (ebk). ISBN: 978147805
Patient experience data as enacted: Sociomaterial perspectives and ‘singular‐multiples’ in health care quality improvement research5
Situating adherence to medicines: The embodied practices and hinterlands of HIV antiretrovirals5
The Biomedical Empire: Lessons learned from the COVID‐19 pandemic. By B. K.Rothman, Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2021. pp. 164. $14.00 (pbk). ISBN: 978‐1‐5036‐2881‐65
The (commercialised) experience of operating: Embodied preferences, ambiguous variations and explaining widespread patient harm5
Running out of time: The case of patient advocacy for ovarian cancer patients' access to PARP inhibitors5
Troubling content: Guiding discussion of death by suicide on social media5
Incivility experiences of racially minoritised hospital staff, consequences for them and implications for patient care: An international scoping review5
Correction to ‘Companions’ contributions to information gathering in Chinese outpatient clinical interaction’5
Disruption, discontinuity and a licence to live: Responding to cancer diagnoses5
Epistemic in/justice in patient participation. A discourse analysis of the Dutch ME/CFS Health Council advisory process5
The Normalization of the HIV and AIDS Epidemic in South Africa. Katinkade Wet. London: Routledge, 2019. 170 pp £120 (cloth) £36.99 (pbk) £33.29 (ebk) ISBN 9780367193553.5
Vaccine hesitancy and emerging parental norms: A qualitative study in Taiwan5
Issue Information5
Privileges, and Permissions: Theorising Intersectionality and Cultures of Control in the Care of People Living With Dementia in Acute Hospital Settings5
Disputes over the figures of the COVID‐19 pandemic: Epistemic diversity, dissemination of science, and political opposition5
A Political–Economic Model of Community and Societal Health Resources: A 92‐Country Global Analysis5
Knowledge, community and care: Digital biocitizenship in gestational diabetes5
The health effects of wage setting institutions: How collective bargaining improves health but not because it reduces inequality5
A Socio‐Criminological Analysis of the HIV Epidemic. B.MeiniDelaware: Vernon Press, 2020. 158pp £33 (cloth) £27 (pbk) £55 (ebk) ISBN: 978‐1‐64889‐054‐35
Socially stratified associations between self‐employment and health among Chilean older people4
Being just their hands? Personal assistance for disabled people as bodywork4
Theorising health equity research for people with intersex variance through new materialism4
Sleep, body work and bodily capital: Sleep discourse in the magazines Men's Health and Women's Health4
Big Med: Megaproviders and the High Cost of Health Care in America. By DavidDranove and Lawton RobertBurns, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2021. pp. 336. $35 (cloth) $22.5 (pbk) $34.99 (ebk). I4
Hearing the Silence and Silenced: Co‐Producing Research on Infant‐Feeding Experiences and Practices With Black Women With HIV4
Cabin fever: Surviving lockdown in the coronavirus pandemic. By PaulCrawford and Jamie OrionCrawford, Bingley: Emerald Publishing. 2021. pp. 152. £16.99 (paperback). ISBN: 978‐1‐80071‐355‐04
Gathering Medicines: Nation and Knowledge in China’s Mountain South4
The needle pricking and two modes of ‘doing good’ in the Swedish school‐based human papillomavirus vaccination programme4
Othering and ethics of belonging in migrants' embodied healthcare experiences4
Passive tolerance and productive uncertainties in food allergy immunotherapy biomedical practices4
Editorial JANUARY 20224
Religion and Health Care in East Africa: Lessons from Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia4
Reconsidering patient centred care: Between autonomy and abandonment. By Pilnick, Alison, Emerald. 2022. 168pp. £65 (hbck). ISBN: 97818007174424
Issue Information4
Varieties of improvement expertise: Knowledge and contestation in health‐care improvement4
Non‐binary genders: Navigating communities, identities, and healthcare. By BenVincent, Bristol: Policy Press. 2020. pp. 250. £26.99 (pbk); £79.99 (hbk). ISBN: 978‐14473519244
The global governance of pandemics4
Issue Information4
Wandering the Wards: An Ethnography of Hospital Care and its Consequences for People Living with DementiaKatieFeatherstoneAndyNorthcottLondon: Routledge. 2020. xxii + 165pp. £77.38 (cloth) free (ebk) 4
The medicalisation of everyday life: A critical perspective4
Talking about borderline personality disorder, shaping care: The multiple doings of narratives4
Explaining mental illness: Sociological perspectives. By B.Brossard, A.Chandler, Bristol: Bristol University Press. 2022. pp. 198. $139.95 (cloth); $42.95 (pbk); $42.95 (ebk). ISBN: 978‐15292150694
Divergent spender: State‐societal and meso‐organisational mechanisms in the containment of public spending on pharmaceuticals in a liberal capitalist democracy4
Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with long COVID4
Taking Care of Our Own: When Family Caregivers Do Medical Work4
More than medicine: Nurse practitioners and the problems they solve for patients, health care organizations, and the state. By LaTonya J.Trotter, Ithaca, New York: ILR Press. 2020. 191 pages. $115.00 4
When biographical disruption meets HIV exceptionalism: Reshaping illness identities in the shadow of criminalization4
The Political Sociology of NICE: Investigating Pharmaceutical Cost‐Effectiveness Regulation in the UK4
Sexual citizens: A landmark study of sex, power and assault on campus. By Jennifer A.Hirsch and ShamusKhan, New York: Norton and Company. 2023. 45(4), 395 pages. ISBN: 9781324001706 (hbk); £19.47 (hbk4
Interrogating nonsuicidal self‐injury disorder through a feminist psychiatric disability theory framework4
Tinkering with (in)visibilities: Caring for older people with surveillance technologies4
Edgework, institutions and enhanced interrogation4
Making organ donation after circulatory death routine: Preserving patienthood and reproducing ways of dying in the intensive care unit4
Donors: Curious connections in donor conception. By PetraNordqvist, and LeahGilman, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. 2022. pp. 274. £24.00 (pbk). ISBN: 97818004356744
Curating ‘the good story’: Care as representative performance in Danish veteran rehabilitation4
The Digital Pill: What Everyone Should Know about the Future of Our Healthcare System4
Issue Information4
Abortion ecologies in Southern African fiction: Transforming reproductive agency. By Caitlin E.Stobie, Bloomsbury. 2023. £85.00 (cloth); £28.99 (pbk); £76.50 (ebk). ISBN: 97813502501924
Issue Information4
Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals Jill A. Fisher New York: NYU Press. 2020. 336pp. $89 (cloth) $30 (pbk) $16.50 (ebk) ISBN: 978‐14798621604
Health inequalities among people experiencing food insecurity. An intersectional approach3
Explanations for sickness absence due to common mental disorders: A narrative study of young health and social care workers3
Data driven or data informed? How general practitioners use data to evaluate their own and colleagues’ clinical work in clusters3
Gut Anthro: An experiment in thinking with microbes. By A.Benezra, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2023. 266 pages (pbk). £21.99. ISBN: 978‐1‐5179‐0130 (pbk); £90. ISBN: 978‐1‐5179‐0129‐5 3
Disaggregating inequalities in the career outcomes of international medical graduates in the United States3
Diagnosing social ills: Theorising social determinants of health as a diagnostic category3
Doing and undoing transgender health care: The ordering of ‘gender dysphoria’ in clinical practice3
1845 or 2023? Friedrich Engels’s insights into the health effects of Victorian‐era and contemporary Canadian capitalism3
The transformation of health and social care: Insights from sociology3
Introduction to special issue: New dialogues between medical sociology and disability studies3
The sociology of rationing: Towards increased interdisciplinary dialogue ‐ A critical interpretive literature review3
Eating disorders in public discourse: Exploring media representations and lived experiences. By A.Cariola Laura (Ed.), Liverpool: University of Exeter Press. 2023. pp. 362. $106 (hardcover). ISBN: 9783
The shame–blame complex of parents with cognitively disabled children in Italy3
For better or worse: Governing healthcare organisations in times of financial distress3
‘Staying in the lane’ of public health? Boundary‐work in the roles of state health officials and experts in COVID‐19 policymaking3
Sick of social status: A Bourdieusian perspective on morbidity and health inequalities3
Genomic uncertainty and genetic counsellors' professional authority3
Issue Information3
Drug fatalities and treatment fatalism: Complicating the ageing cohort theory3
At the limits of “capability”: The sexual and reproductive health of women migrant workers in Malaysia3
Moral barriers to HIV prevention and care for gay and bisexual men: Challenges in times of conservatism in Brazil3
Desperately seeking reductions in health inequalities in Canada: Polemics and anger mobilization as the way forward?3
Social vulnerability and the impact of policy responses to COVID‐19 on disabled people3
Risk ambassadors and saviours: Children and futuring public health interventions3
Emotion work and emotional labour, neglected facets of parental health information work. Analysing mothers of neurodivergent children3
Can a disability studies‐medical sociology rapprochement help re‐value the work disabled people do within their rehabilitation?3
Issue Information3
Working diagnosis: The medical labour process and the classification of suffering3
Multimorbidity: Inequalities, lived experience and the need for service redesign3
Quality of life beyond measure: Advanced cancer patients, wellbeing and medicinal cannabis3
‘I just wanted a change, a positive change’: Locating hope for young people engaged with residential alcohol and drug services in Victoria, Australia3
All the good care: Valuation and task differentiation in older person care3
Transformations in Queer, Trans, and Intersex Health and Aging2
Communicating COVID‐19: Interdisciplinary perspectives. By MoniqueLewis, ElizaGovender, and KateHolland (Eds.), Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Cham. 395pp. £109 (hardcover) £87.50 (ebk). ISBN: 978‐3‐2
Commissioning Healthcare in England: Evidence, Policy and PracticeAllenPaulineKathChecklandValerieMoranStephenPeckhamBristol: Policy Press. 2020. 181pp ISNB 9781447346135 (pbk.) 9781447346128 (ebk)2
What would it take to meaningfully attend to ethnicity and race in health research? Learning from a trial intervention development study2
Issue Information2
Black knowledges matter: How the suppression of non‐white understandings of dementia harms us all and how we can combat it2
The Western disease: Contesting autism in the Somali diaspora. By Claire LaurierDecoteau, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. 2021. pp. 272. $97.50 (cloth) $32.50 (pbk) $31.99 (ebk). ISBN2
Gendered social practices in reproductive health: A qualitative study exploring lived experiences of unwed single mothers in China2
Imaginaries of the data‐driven hospital in a time of crisis2
Assembling care: How nurses organise care in uncharted territory and in times of pandemic2
Mildred Blaxter New Writer's Prize 20212
Issue Information2
Being human during COVID‐19. By P.Martin, S.De Saille, K.Liddiard, and W.Pearce (Eds.), Bristol University Press. 2022. 176 pp. £45.99 (cloth); £16.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978‐15292231322
A Care Crisis in the Nordic Welfare State? Care work, gender equality and welfare state sustainability. By L. L.Hansen, H. M.Dahl, and L.Horn (Eds.), Bristol: Policy Press. 2022. pp. 218. GBP 85.00 (h2
All that was not her. By ToddMeyers, Durham and London: Duke University Press. 2022. pp. 231. $99.95 (clo); $25.95 (pbk); $24.65 (ebk). Paper ISBN: 978‐1‐4780‐1789‐9; Cloth ISBN: 978‐1‐4780‐1527‐72
Bedtime negotiations: Unravelling normative complexity in hospital‐based prevention2
Issue Information2
Thanks to Reviewers – October 2020 to September 20212
Hearts in their hands—Physicians’ gestures embodying shared professional knowledge around the world2
Complementary and Alternative Medicine legitimation efforts in a hostile environment: The case of Portugal2
Intellectual disability in the twentieth century: Transnational perspectives on people, policy, and practice. By JanWalmsley and SimonJarrett, London: Policy Press. 2021. ISBN: 978‐14473445992
Exploring the relevance of intersectionality in Australian dietetics: Issues of diversity and representation2
Dealing with complicity in fieldwork: Reflections on studying genetic research in Pakistan2
Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender2
National Health Services of Western Europe. Challenges, reforms and future perspectives. By G.Giarelli and M.Saks, Abingdon/New York: Routledge. 2024. pp. 340. £108.00 (hbk); £31.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978032
Who cares where the doctors are? The expectation of mobility and its effect on health outcomes2
Sociological contributions to race and health: Diversifying the ontological and methodological agenda2
Understanding advances in treatment and care of people living with and alongside HIV: Contributions from the Sociology of Health and Illness2
Disability policy and practice in Malawian employment and education2
Issue Information2
Cultural health capital and the stratification of reproduction in Czech and Spanish egg donation markets2
Issue Information2
Enforcing Exclusion: Precarious Migrants and the Law in Canada Sarah G. Marsden Vancouver: UBC Press. 2018. 237pp CDN$ 89.28 (cloth) CDN$32.95 (pbk) CDN$17.29 (ebk)2
Understanding mental distress: Knowledge, practice and neoliberal reform in community mental health services. By RichMoth, Bristol: Policy Press. 2022. pp. 263. ISBN: 978‐1‐4473‐4987‐7 (hardcover); IS2
Affect, dis/ability and the pandemic2
‘It's not just to treat everybody the same’: A social justice framework for caring for larger patients in healthcare practice2
Tourism and maternal health: Customs, beliefs, and everyday practices2
Linking socioeconomic disadvantage to healthiness of food practices: Can a practice‐theoretical perspective sharpen everyday life analysis?2
Family imaginaries in the disclosure of a blood‐borne virus2
Material Citizenship: An ethnographic study exploring object–person relations in the context of people with dementia in care homes2
Training the ageing bodies: New knowledge paradigms and professional practices in elderly care2
Diminished faculties: A political phenomenology of impairment. By J.Sterne, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2022. pp. 304. $102.95 (cloth); $27.95 (pbk). ISBN: 978‐14780150862
Digital health and technological promise: A sociological enquiry2
Mental Health Ontologies: How we talk about mental health, and why it matters in the digital age. By JannaHastings, Exeter: University of Exeter Press. 2020. pp. 192. £75 (hbk); £25 (pbk); £75 (ebk, E2
The reflexive imperative in the digital age: Using Archer’s ‘fractured reflexivity’ to theorise widening inequities in UK general practice2
Living Pharmaceutical Lives. 1st edition. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health of Illness2