Ethnic and Racial Studies

(The H4-Index of Ethnic and Racial Studies is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
British migrants in Berlin: negotiating postcolonial melancholia and racialised nationalism in the wake of Brexit136
Difference in difference: language, geography, and ethno-racial identity in contemporary Iran44
How Muslims respond to secularist restrictions: reactive ethnicity, adjustment, and acceptance43
Notting Hill Carnival and Rock Against Racism: converging cultures of resistance during late 1970s Britain35
Embracing Afro hair, resisting colourism: Black women’s experiences in North Cyprus33
A cosmopolitan explanation of the integration paradox: a mixed methods approach29
The United Nations Genocide Convention: an introduction25
Antisemitism: the “modality in which the revolution was lived”: what Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution teaches us about the challenges facing antiracism and “the left” today24
Why do people discriminate against Jews?24
Kill the overseer!: the gamification of slave resistance23
Sport, migration, and gender in the neoliberal age22
Debating the drug war: race, politics, and the media21
Furthering fair housing: prospects for racial justice in America’s neighborhoods21
Who is a minor? Age assessments of refugees in Germany and the classificatory multiplicity of the state19
Cities and migration17
The work of whiteness: a psychoanalytic perspective17
Immigration and Freedom17
Thehole, thecorridorand the landings: reframing Lampedusa through the COVID-19 emergency17
Urban social mechanisms at work: commentary on “Stockholm: social mechanisms of migrants’ emplacement in a segregated global city” by Johan Sandberg17
“The sky is the limit. So I just hope, one day, I will reach my destiny:” hope, uncertainty, and disillusionment among LGBTQ + migrants in South Africa17