African Journal of Ecology

(The H4-Index of African Journal of Ecology is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
DNA metabarcoding reveals that African leopard diet varies between habitats17
Causes of admission to a raptor rehabilitation centre and factors that can be used to predict the likelihood of release15
Wild meat hunting levels and trade in a West African protected area in Togo12
Assessment of land use and land cover changes in Kenya’s Mt. Elgon forest ecosystem12
Use of maximum entropy (Maxent) niche modelling to predict the occurrence of threatened freshwater species in a biodiversity hotspot of Zimbabwe11
Assessing local knowledge on the diversity and abundance of bushmeat species and hunting pressure in the fragmented forest islands of southern Benin (Dahomey Gap)10
Continued availability and sale of pangolins in a major urban bushmeat market in Cameroon despite national bans and the COVID‐19 outbreak9
Anthropogenic impact on wildlife resource use: Spatial and temporal shifts in elephants’ access to water9
The Chief Goliath and the future of African ecology9
Spatiotemporal sharing and partitioning of scent‐marking sites by cheetahs and leopards in north‐central Namibia9
Assessing the status of leopard in the Cape Fold Mountains using a Bayesian spatial capture–recapture model in Just Another Gibbs Sampler9