Applied Ocean Research

(The median citation count of Applied Ocean Research is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Surface wave interactions with submerged horizontal viscoelastic sheets205
Modeling Kelvin wake imaging mechanism of visible spectral remote sensing165
Model test of a hydroelastic truncated floating bridge with a stay-cable tower90
Microstructure properties of soft soils under marine, interactive marine, and river-lake facies sedimentary environments79
Experimental study of floating bridge global response when subjected to waves and current76
Simulation of vortex shedding around cylinders by immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann flux solver75
Deep reinforcement learning for adaptive path planning and control of an autonomous underwater vehicle65
Structural dynamic performance of floating continuous beam bridge under wave and current loadings: An experimental study51
Hydrodynamic performance of a continuous floating bridge with heave plates49
Prescribed performance dynamic surface control for trajectory-tracking of unmanned surface vessel with input saturation47
Hydrokinetic power scavenging from galloping phenomenon with two juxtaposed bluff bodies46
A novel path-following control algorithm for surface vessels based on global course constraint and nonlinear feedback technology46
Critical force of upheaval buckling for imperfect subsea pipe-in-pipe pipelines on nonlinear foundation45
Investigation on influence of RCP-based climate scenarios on the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic changes during extreme events44
Trajectory tracking control for unmanned amphibious surface vehicles with actuator faults43
The surrogate model for short-term extreme response prediction based on ANN and Kriging algorithm43
A comparison of jack-up spudcan penetration predictions and recorded field data43
Risk assessment of offshore fire accidents caused by subsea gas release42
Identification of coupled response models for ship steering and roll motion using support vector machines42
Assessment of a porous viscoelastic model for wave attenuation in ice-covered seas41
Theoretical method for generating solitary waves using plunger-type wavemakers and its Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics validation40
Analysis of seawater-sediment-bedrock interaction model under obliquely incident P-SV waves with arbitrary angles40
Ship speed optimization method combining Fisher optimal segmentation principle39
Modified Shields number for sediment incipient motion around a pile with impact of three-dimensional seepage in a porous seabed39
Response analysis and experimental research on control characteristics of pipeline intelligent plugging robot autonomous plugging hydraulic system39
Coupled stability of offshore wind monopile foundations and submarine slopes under periodic loads39
Seawater based MICP cements two/one-phase cemented sand blocks39
Experimental and CFD analysis of roll damping of a wind turbine installation vessel38
A study of wave-driven flow characteristics across a reef under the effect of tidal current37
Wave Characteristics and Berthing Capacity Evaluation of the Offshore Fishing Port under the Influence of Typhoons37
Numerical study of effects of stand-off distance and gravity on large scale bubbles near a breach37
A comparative study of two fish farm layouts under pure current conditions35
A multimodal dynamic vibration absorber for controlling longitudinal vibration of propulsion shafting system35
Coordination of distributed unmanned surface vehicles via model-based reinforcement learning methods34
Influences of wave resonance on hydrodynamic efficiency and loading of an OWC array under oblique waves34
Simulating multi-phase sloshing flows with the SPH method33
Improvement to stochastic tsunami hazard analysis of megathrust earthquakes for western Makran subduction zone32
Integrated navigation algorithm for deep-sea AUV based on M-estimation and heavy-tailed noise32
Experimental measurement for dynamic tension fatigue characteristics of HMPE fibre ropes32
Design of the swimming system of a bionic jellyfish robot for seabed exploration31
A new soft-computing approach for stability evaluation of inclined circular anchor in natural clays30
Individual wave overtopping at coastal structures: A critical review and the existing challenges30
Reliability assessment of a floating offshore wind turbine mooring system based on the TLBO algorithm30
Predicting monotonic lateral load-displacement behavior of offshore flexible piles in saturated MCC soils: An application of the cavity expansion theory30
Prediction of uplift resistance of circular anchors in anisotropic clays using MLR, ANN, and MARS30
Practical squat assessment for a ship manoeuvring in muddy environments30
Regional assessment of extreme significant wave heights in the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea30
Suppression of the hydroelastic responses of a composite very large floating structure by a submerged elastic ring29
Failure mode and mechanism of large cylinder structures for artificial islands on soft clay29
Flow field and drag characteristics of netting of cruciform structures with various sizes of knot structure using CFD models29
Composite learning tracking control for underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle with unknown dynamics and disturbances in three-dimension space29
Numerical investigation on the effect of trim on ship resistance by RANSE method29
Low-supervised domain-adversarial neural network for cross-domain mooring line failure detection29
Numerical simulation of pore pressure development beneath suction anchor under undrained condition during uplift29
Fatigue constrained topology optimization for the jacket support structure of offshore wind turbine under the dynamic load29
Simulation and experimental study of sediment sampling to improve sampling technique efficiency28
Experimental observation on wave propagation and geomorphological evolution in a sandbar-lagoon system28
Editorial Board28
Surface gravity wave interaction with a floating dock in the presence of a submerged composite wavy porous plate28
Experimental and numerical investigation on dynamic response of a four-tier container stack and lashing system subject to rolling and pitching excitation28
Flow field identification and water resistance calculation method of underwater tracked vehicle based on artificial lateral line28
Numerical parametric study of medium sized container ship squat27
Effects of strut cover and lower vertical fin in podded propulsion units on ship maneuverability27
Editorial Board26
Assessment of viscous damping of a solid heave disk for motion reduction of a floating circular cylinder26
Shearing behavior of suction caisson wall-sand interface throughout the suction caisson life-cycle26
Cooperation and compressed data exchange between multiple gliders used to map oil spills in the ocean26
Laboratory tests on a hybrid SDR approach for jacket platforms via improved dynamic-reduction system26
Radiated waves and rotational flows generated by cylindrical Oscillating Water Columns26
Seepage deformation characteristic of gap-graded coral sand in the South China Sea26
Computing free motion of floating structures by pole-residue operations26
Novel analytical solutions without finding complex roots for oblique wave scattering by submerged porous/perforated structures26
Comparing trivariate models for coastal winds and waves accounting for monthly seasonality26
An experimental investigation on the dual-resonance revealed in the VIV of flexible cantilevers with orthotropic bending stiffness25
Editorial Board25
A stable free-surface boundary solution method for fully nonlinear potential flow models25
Hydrodynamic performance of a new-type vertical wall breakwater with inclined culvert on a permeable rubble mound foundation25
Experimental Measurement of Large-Amplitude Intermittent Vibrations of an Inclined Bendable Riser Transporting Unsteady Multiphase Flows25
Environmental design load for the line force of a point-absorber wave energy converter25
A comparative numerical study of bank effects on a cruise ship in crabbing motion based on URANS method25
Editorial Board24
Analysis of aquaculture safety in marine cage culture area of Maniao bay under the effect of typhoon24
Effects of soft marine growth on vortex-induced vibration: A comparative analysis with hard marine growth24
Recursive analysis of added mass, damping coefficient, and wave-exciting force using time-series data of two-dimensional floating body’s motion only24
A new tribo-dynamics modeling and online measurement method for crosshead bearings in marine engines24
An experimental study on hydrodynamic process, beach profile, and sand migration in swash zone under action of dam-break bore24
Parametric investigation of spatio-temporal variability of submerged body hydrodynamics24
Sloshing-induced motions of a spar inside a cylindrical dock with baffles in waves24
An equivalent single plate approach of ship stiffened panels considering coupling effect of compression and bending24
Effects of nonlinearity and viscous damping on the resonant responses in two-dimensional moonpools with a recess23
Multiple moonpools within a vessel free to heave and pitch: An experimental study23
Simultaneous sea state estimation and transfer function tuning using a network of dynamically positioned ships23
Data assimilation in a regional high-resolution ocean model by using Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter and its application during 2020 cold spell event over Asia-Pacific region23
The numerical re-creation of experimentally generated nonlinear irregular wave fields using a time-reversal approach23
Probabilistic stability analysis of anchored cantilever sheet pile walls using fuzzy set theory23
A block failure model for deep-sea sediment between grousers of deep-sea mining vehicles based on elasto-plastic theory23
Storm sequence chronology and initial profile morphology controls on beach erosion23
Parameterised transfer functions with associated confidence bands22
Bending moment response of batter piles in clay under spudcan-pile interaction22
A conceptual basis for surveying fouling communities at exposed and protected sites at sea: Feasible designs with exchangeable test bodies for in-situ biofouling collection22
Editorial Board22
Editorial Board22
Prediction of buffeting responses of the thin plate under joint action of wave and wind using LSTM and transfer learning22
Effect of tertiary interactions on free-surface motion of a fixed box in realistic irregular sea states22
Assessment of experimental tests on SFT small scale specimen22
Estimating space–time wave statistics using a sequential sampling method and Gaussian process regression21
Time-domain Signal Compressing-Reconstruction Method for Underwater Inclination Data Transmission of a Multi-point Mooring System21
Prediction of plastic deformation of post-buckling subsea pipelines21
Experimental study of the effects of initial shear stress on post-liquefaction behavior of submarine liquefiable ground: An energy-based evaluation21
Hydrostatic vs. non-hydrostatic modelling of density currents developing two dimensionally on steep and mild slopes21
Editorial Board21
Methodologies for automated design of subsea layout alternatives for oil production systems21
Comparative study of the mating process for a spar-type floating wind turbine using two alternative installation vessels21
Plunger-type wavemakers with flow: Sensitivity analysis and experimental validation21
Moving load in an ice channel with a crack21
Coupled dynamic response of a tension leg platform system under waves and flow at different heading angles: An experimental study20
Gaussian process regression approach for predicting wave attenuation through rigid vegetation20
Flexibility sensitivity-based approaches for damage evaluation in jacket-platform structures20
An overtopping formula for shallow water vertical seawalls by SWASH20
Numerical investigation on flow-induced vibrations of two tandem cylinders localized selective roughness with different natural frequencies20
Field study of wave reflection from permeable rubble mound breakwater of Chabahar Port20
Experimental study to make gas bubbles as proxies for oil droplets to test AUV detection of oil plumes20
New system design for the cultivation of extractive species at exposed sites - Part 1: System design, deployment and first response to high-energy environments19
CFD approach to heave damping of spar with heave plates with experimental validation19
Fast wave-by-wave prediction of weakly nonlinear unidirectional wave fields19
Acoustic Detection and Recognition of Dolphins using Swarm Intelligence Neural Networks19
SPH modeling of wave interaction with reshaped and non-reshaped berm breakwaters with permeable layers19
Novel multi-objective optimisation for maintenance activities of floating production storage and offloading facilities19
Dynamic motion analysis of stepless and stepped planing hulls in random waves: A CFD model perspective19
Bayesian analysis of short term extreme mooring tension for a point absorber with mixture of gamma and generalised pareto distributions19
Soil failure mechanisms during installation and inclined pullout of stiffened suction caisson in calcareous silt19
A new multi-sensor hierarchical data fusion algorithm based on unscented Kalman filter for the attitude observation of the wave glider19
Development characteristics of excess pore water pressure in saturated marine coral sand based on shear strain characteristics: An experimental study19
Wave scattering by a periodic array of porous breakwaters19
Fatigue behavior of bucket foundation under vertical cyclic loading19
Assess the Typhoon-driven Extreme Wave Conditions in Manila Bay through Numerical Simulation and Statistical Analysis19
Local joint flexibility of multi-planar tubular TT-joints: Study of geometrical effects and the formulation for offshore design practice19
Bayesian-based water leakage detection with a novel multisensor fusion method in a deep manned submersible19
Study of beach permeability's influence on solitary wave runup with ISPH method19
A unified seakeeping and manoeuvring model with a PID controller for path following of a KVLCC2 tanker in regular waves19
An energy-efficient dynamic positioning controller for high sea conditions19
Improved calibration method for refraction errors in multibeam bathymetries with a wider range of water depths18
Seabed foundation stability around offshore detached breakwaters18
Wave-attenuation and hydrodynamic properties of twin pontoon floating breakwater with kelp18
Influence of predefined angle of attack on piezoelectric energy harvesting from transverse galloping of different bluff bodies18
On the natural frequencies and modal shapes in two-dimensional moonpools with recesses in finite water depth18
Experimental measurements of propulsive factors in following and head waves18
A numerical flume for waves on variable sheared currents using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with open boundaries18
New evaluation method of failure pressure of steel pipeline with irregular-shaped defect18
Behavior of single pile subject to oblique uplift load in sandy soil under global scouring18
Ensemble Extreme Gradient Boosting based models to predict the bearing capacity of micropile group18
Numerical investigation of multi rising bubbles using a Coupled Level Set and Volume Of Fluid (CLSVOF) method18
Partitioned MPS-FEM method for free-surface flows interacting with deformable structures18
CFD database method for roll response of damaged ship during quasi-steady flooding in beam waves18
Experimental investigation of flow and sediment transport on an equilibrium beach formed by surging breaker18
Theoretical investigation of hydrodynamic performance of multi-resonant OWC breakwater array18
Experimental study on wave attenuation and stability of ecological dike system composed of submerged breakwater, mangrove, and dike under storm surge18
Mathematical modeling of shallow water effects on ship maneuvering18
Editorial Board17
Compact floating wave energy converter arrays: Inter-device mooring connectivity and performance17
Ensuring the safety of maritime transportation of drilling fluids by platform supply-class vessel17
Design and experiment of a sea-air heterogeneous unmanned collaborative system for rapid inspection tasks at sea17
Estimation of encountered wave elevation sequences based on response measurements in multi-directional seas17
Event-triggered formation control of AUVs with fixed-time RBF disturbance observer17
Cooperative motion planning and control of a group of autonomous underwater vehicles using twin-delayed deep deterministic policy gradient17
The Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-DOFs Coanda-effect Jet Device for Underwater Robots17
Study on applicability of internal solitary wave theories by theoretical and numerical method17
Three-spring soil reaction model for wind turbine monopile foundation in clay17
Active flow control on unsteady cloud cavitation: Insights into jet dynamics17
Size-dependent behavior of micro piezoelectric VIV energy harvester: Parametric study and performance analysis17
CFD modelling and grid uncertainty analysis of the free-falling water entry of 2D rigid bodies17
Buckling collapse of submarine thick-wall pipe under torque and hydraulic pressure based on vector form intrinsic finite element method17
Prediction of Chinese-lantern submarine hose tension variation in extreme sea states based on data-driven methods17
Sensitivity analysis of control parameters errors and current parameters to motion accuracy of underwater glider using Sobol’ method16
Effect of tower elasticity on the performance and fatigue character of monopile support tower for tidal current turbine16
Maneuvering modeling of a twin-propeller twin-rudder inland container vessel based on integrated CFD and empirical methods16
Development and assessment of CFD methods to calculate propeller and hull impact on the rudder inflow for a twin-screw ship16
A physical model simulation of combination of a geo-bag dike and mangrove vegetation as a natural coastal protection system for the Indonesian shoreline16
Effect of nonlinear pipe-soil interaction on lateral buckling of subsea pipelines triggered by a distributed buoyancy section16
Computational fluid dynamics predictions of draught and trim variations on ship resistance in confined waters16
Fatigue damage development of grouted connection under varying cyclic loading16
Failure envelope of suction caisson anchors subjected to combined loadings in sand16
Modelling and testing of a pressure-differential wave energy converter with flexible membranes16
Approach-angle-based three-dimensional indirect adaptive fuzzy path following of under-actuated AUV with input saturation16
Propagation of a solitary wave over a finite submerged thin plate16
A high-order finite difference method with immersed-boundary treatment for fully-nonlinear wave–structure interaction16
Probabilistic approach to the stability analysis of caisson foundations under combined loading in spatially variable soil16
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent round jet released in regular waves16
An Innovative Eco-friendly Method for Scour Protection around Monopile Foundation16
Surface current prediction based on a physics-informed deep learning model16
Experimental analysis of hydrodynamic forces on net panel in extreme waves16
Geometrical effects on the degree of bending (DoB) of multi-planar tubular KK-joints in jacket substructure of offshore wind turbines16
Optimized geometry design of a radial impulse turbine for OWC wave energy converters16
Efficient computation of temporal exceeding probability of ship responses in a random wave field16
Surface gravity wave scattering by multiple slatted screens placed near a caisson porous breakwater in the presence of seabed undulations16
The optimum mooring configuration with minimum sensitivity to remove a mooring line for a semi-submersible platform15
Transfer-path analysis to estimate underwater radiated noise from onboard structure-borne sources15
A nonmode-shape-based model updating method for offshore structures using extracted components from measured accelerations15
Regional forecasting of significant wave height and mean wave period using EOF-EEMD-SCINet hybrid model15
Water hydraulic soft actuators for underwater autonomous robotic systems15
A parametric study of an innovative offshore foundation by the semi-analytical solution approach15
A non-local formulation for simulating the fully nonlinear Serre–Green–Naghdi equations for a solitary wave interaction with a variable slope15
Reducing conservatism in highest density environmental contours15
Nonlinear antiswing control for shipboard boom cranes with full state constraints15
An effective resonant wave absorber for long regular water waves15
VIV response of risers with large aspect ratio and low rigidity using a numerical scheme based on wake oscillator model15
Experimental investigation on the impact force of the oblique water entry of a slender projectile with spring buffer15
Vibration analysis of cylindrical shell discontinuously coupled with annular plate with arbitrary boundary conditions15
Evaluation of dynamic behaviour of pipe-in-pipe systems for deepwater J-lay method15
Numerical simulation on the influence of artificial island on reef hydrodynamics15
Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibrations of inclined flexible risers subjected to uniform current15
Artificial neural network framework for prediction of hydroelastic response of very large floating structure15
Assessing junction boundary layer and wake flow of a benchmark submarine model with tripped appendages15
Dynamic response of monopile-supported wind turbines considering non-Gaussian characteristics of wind inflow15
Motion estimation and system identification of a moored buoy via physics-informed neural network15
Design and analysis of a passive adaptive wall-climbing robot on variable curvature ship facades15
Theoretical and numerical study of the buckling of steel-composite cylindrical shells under axial compression15
The study on the wake of a CLT propeller under different advance coefficients15
On the experimental full scale vibrational response analysis of a large pleasure yacht14
Hydroelastic analysis of a forced circular elastic floating plate in the presence of porous barrier14
Assessment of Different Hybrid Methods for Simulations of Free Running Surface Ship Maneuvering in Waves14
An improved tidal prediction method using meteorological parameters and historical residual water levels14
Fatigue life analysis of threaded connections in offshore wind turbines14
Nonlinear wave resonance by four bottom-mounted cylinders in a uniform current using a higher order finite element method14
Large-deformation study of T-bar penetration in spatially variable sediments14
Corrigendum to “Experimental analysis on the risk of vortex ventilation and the free surface ventilation of marine propellers” [Applied Ocean Research, Volume 67, September 2017, Pages 201–212]14
Nonlinear spring model for dynamic uplift behaviour of suction caisson under impact loading14
Effect of scour remediation by solidified soil on lateral response of monopile supporting offshore wind turbines using numerical model14
Estimation of moored ship motions using a combination of machine learning techniques14
Deep learning-driven optimization design for the configuration of lazy-wave umbilical cables14
Study on water entry impact characteristics and parameter influence analysis of the vehicle passing through the thin crushed ice zone in a polar environment14
Numerical study of underwater acoustic radiation and propagation induced by structural vibration in ocean environments using FEM-BMSBM14
Bearing capacity of monopile-bucket composite foundation in sand-over-clay under V-H-M combined static loads14
Wave power calculation of a large periodic array of bottom-hinged paddle wave energy converters using Floquet–Bloch theory14
Numerical implementation of an extended multi-resolution SPH-PD coupling model for fluid-structure interaction problem with impacting failure14
Numerical investigation on the amplitude and mechanics of internal solitary waves generated by the gravity collapse method14
Simulating Vortex-Induced Vibrations in Sheared Current by Using an Empirical Time-Domain Model with Adaptive Parameters14
Hydro-acoustic optimization of propellers: A review of design methods14
Fuzzy-based ensemble methodology for accurate long-term prediction and interpretation of extreme significant wave height events14
Thermal-mechanical sequence coupling analysis on the ultimate bearing capacity of embedded foundations in polar marine permafrost14
The fishnet-harvesting buoy to collect ghost nets in the ocean: Technology concept and feasibility14
Model test of L-shaped caisson quay wall in sand foundation with clay interlayer14
Distributed finite-time neuroadaptive fault-tolerant formation control for multi-robot systems14
Ripple-averaged wave boundary layer over long-crest sand ripples at high Reynolds number: Observations and theoretical model13
Effect of hull displacement on hydro- & aerodynamics of a planing trimaran13
Design of marine propellers with prescribed and optimal spanwise circulation distributions based on genetic algorithms and neural network13
Data-driven path-following control of underactuated ships based on antenna mutation beetle swarm predictive reinforcement learning13
Generation of navigation database using AIS data for remote situational awareness of coastal vessels13
Development of an oscillating water column-type wave absorber for anti-reflection and effective energy extraction13