Applied Ocean Research

(The H4-Index of Applied Ocean Research is 34. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Surface wave interactions with submerged horizontal viscoelastic sheets205
Modeling Kelvin wake imaging mechanism of visible spectral remote sensing165
Model test of a hydroelastic truncated floating bridge with a stay-cable tower90
Microstructure properties of soft soils under marine, interactive marine, and river-lake facies sedimentary environments79
Experimental study of floating bridge global response when subjected to waves and current76
Simulation of vortex shedding around cylinders by immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann flux solver75
Deep reinforcement learning for adaptive path planning and control of an autonomous underwater vehicle65
Structural dynamic performance of floating continuous beam bridge under wave and current loadings: An experimental study51
Hydrodynamic performance of a continuous floating bridge with heave plates49
Prescribed performance dynamic surface control for trajectory-tracking of unmanned surface vessel with input saturation47
Hydrokinetic power scavenging from galloping phenomenon with two juxtaposed bluff bodies46
A novel path-following control algorithm for surface vessels based on global course constraint and nonlinear feedback technology46
Critical force of upheaval buckling for imperfect subsea pipe-in-pipe pipelines on nonlinear foundation45
Investigation on influence of RCP-based climate scenarios on the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic changes during extreme events44
Trajectory tracking control for unmanned amphibious surface vehicles with actuator faults43
The surrogate model for short-term extreme response prediction based on ANN and Kriging algorithm43
A comparison of jack-up spudcan penetration predictions and recorded field data43
Risk assessment of offshore fire accidents caused by subsea gas release42
Identification of coupled response models for ship steering and roll motion using support vector machines42
Assessment of a porous viscoelastic model for wave attenuation in ice-covered seas41
Theoretical method for generating solitary waves using plunger-type wavemakers and its Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics validation40
Analysis of seawater-sediment-bedrock interaction model under obliquely incident P-SV waves with arbitrary angles40
Ship speed optimization method combining Fisher optimal segmentation principle39
Modified Shields number for sediment incipient motion around a pile with impact of three-dimensional seepage in a porous seabed39
Response analysis and experimental research on control characteristics of pipeline intelligent plugging robot autonomous plugging hydraulic system39
Coupled stability of offshore wind monopile foundations and submarine slopes under periodic loads39
Seawater based MICP cements two/one-phase cemented sand blocks39
Experimental and CFD analysis of roll damping of a wind turbine installation vessel38
A study of wave-driven flow characteristics across a reef under the effect of tidal current37
Wave Characteristics and Berthing Capacity Evaluation of the Offshore Fishing Port under the Influence of Typhoons37
Numerical study of effects of stand-off distance and gravity on large scale bubbles near a breach37
A comparative study of two fish farm layouts under pure current conditions35
A multimodal dynamic vibration absorber for controlling longitudinal vibration of propulsion shafting system35
Coordination of distributed unmanned surface vehicles via model-based reinforcement learning methods34
Influences of wave resonance on hydrodynamic efficiency and loading of an OWC array under oblique waves34