Behavioral and Brain Sciences

(The TQCC of Behavioral and Brain Sciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Accuracy in social judgment does not exclude the potential for bias159
Cesario's framework for understanding group disparities is radically incomplete54
The disintegrated theory of consciousness: Sleep, waking, and meta-awareness47
The internal validity obsession42
Random effects won't solve the problem of generalizability41
Shared intentionality and the representation of groups; or, how to build a socially adept robot30
Beyond folk-sociology: Extending Pietraszewski's model to large-group dynamics25
The “hearts-and-minds frame”: Not all i-frame interventions are ineffective, but education-based interventions can be particularly bad24
Unpacking the nudge muddle23
Internal versus external group conflicts22
Explaining bias with bias22
Can group representations based on relational cues warrant the rich inferences typically drawn from group membership?22
External validity of social psychological experiments is a concern, but these models are useful21
Framing is a motivated process20
Frames, trade-offs, and perspectives19
Framing provides reasons18
We need to think more about how we conduct research16
The study of rational framing effects needs developmental psychology16
We know what stops you from thinking forever: A metacognitive perspective16
Mind the gap: Why is there no general purpose ideographic system?14
A bigger problem for ideography: The pervasiveness of linguistic structure9
Purity is not a distinct moral domain8
Drinking and feasting are perceived as facilitating cooperation8
The missing link? How do non-human primates fit in the minimalist model of ownership?7
On cooperative libertines and wicked puritans7
Primordial feeling of possession in development7
A crisis of generalizability or a crisis of constructs?7
The central problem is still evolutionary stability6
Psychological ownership: Actors' and observers' perspectives6
Illustrating continuity between linguistic and non-linguistic human communication and expression6
Boyer's minimal model should also represent multiple ownership without collective agency6
Models need mechanisms, but not labels5
The scaffolded evolution of human communication5
Reframing rationality: Exogenous constraints on controlled information search5
Correction, uncertainty, and anchoring effects5
The evolutionary roots of goal-directed mechanisms: A communication account5
Taking a lifespan approach to polygenic scores4
Beware of the phony horserace between genes and environments4
Deliberation is (probably) triggered and sustained by multiple mechanisms4
Life, mind, agency: Why Markov blankets fail the test of evolution4
“Switching” between fast and slow processes is just reward-based branching4
How research on persuasion can inform dual-process models of judgment4
Building causal knowledge in behavior genetics without racial/ethnic diversity will result in weak causal knowledge4
Automatic threat processing shows evidence of exclusivity4
Replies to commentaries on beyond playing 20 questions with nature3
The role of religion in the evolution of peace3
Observing effects in various contexts won't give us general psychological theories3
Individual differences do matter3
Toward dual-process theory 3.03
Test many theories in many ways3
Rethinking peace from a bonobo perspective3
Notational systems are distinct cognitive systems with different material prehistories3
Some problems with zooming out as scientific reform3
Societies also prioritize female survival3
Cultural evolution is not independent of linguistic evolution and social aspects of language use3
Of children and social robots3
Measurement validity and the integrative approach3
“Staying alive” in the context of intimate partner abuse3
Interpreting and reinterpreting heritability estimates in educational behavior genetics3
Addressing a crisis of generalizability with large-scale construct validation3
When a thinker does not want to think: Adding meta-control into the working model3
Not just a hijack: Imaginary worlds can enhance individual and group-level fitness2
“Who's there?”: Depicting identity in interaction2
The relation of subjective experience to cognitive processing2
Déjà vu: A botched memory operation, illegitimate to start with2
Linguistic structure and the languages-of-thought2
A neurocognitive view on the depiction of social robots2
Imaginary worlds are awesome: Awe provides a key to understanding the individual and social functions of imaginary worlds2
Taking social psychology out of context2
Social and economic interdependence as a basis for peaceful between-group relationships in nonhuman primates and humans2
Does the metaphysical dog wag its formal tail? The free-energy principle and philosophical debates about life, mind, and matter2
On peace and its logic2
Why psychologists should embrace rather than abandon DNNs2
Fixing the problems of deep neural networks will require better training data and learning algorithms2
Combining meta-learned models with process models of cognition2
Explananda and explanantia in deep neural network models of neurological network functions2
The emperor has no blanket!2
Déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories as two distinct cases of familiarity in patients with Alzheimer's disease2
Déjà vu may be illusory gist identification2
Making reification concrete: A response to Bruineberg et al.2
Trait attribution explains human–robot interactions2
Integrating cultural evolution and behavioral genetics2
Learning agents that acquire representations of social groups2
Why do people create imaginary worlds? The case of Fanfiction2
What realism about agents requires2
Are we there yet? Every computational theory needs a few black boxes, including theories about groups2
Statistical prediction alone cannot identify good models of behavior2
Simulation, stories, and fictional worlds2
A developmental account of curiosity and creativity2
What's special about space?2
A rational analysis and computational modeling perspective on IAM and déjà vu2
Accommodating the continuum hypothesis with the déjà vu/déjà vécu distinction2
Putting relating at the core of language-of-thought2
A continuity of Markov blanket interpretations under the free-energy principle2
The scientific value of explanation and prediction2
The Emperor Is Naked: Replies to commentaries on the target article2
Creating shared goals and experiences as a pathway to peace2
Cultural evolutionary theory is not enough: Ambiguous culture, neglect of structure, and the absence of theory in behavior genetics2
Capacities for peace, and war, are old and related to Homo construction of worlds and communities2
The Dorian Gray Refutation2
The hard problem of meta-learning is what-to-learn2
Thinking beyond the ventral stream: Comment on Bowers et al.2
Meta-learning as a bridge between neural networks and symbolic Bayesian models2
Do nonlinguistic creatures deploy mental symbols for logical connectives in reasoning?1
If you presume relevance, you don't need a bifocal lens1
Disentangling paradigm and method can help bring qualitative research to post-positivist psychology and address the generalizability crisis1
Disciplining the disciplined: Making sense of the gender gap that lies at the core of puritanical morals1
The cost of success or failure for proxy signals in ecological problems1
Coalitionary psychology and group dynamics on social media1
The cost of crisis in clinical psychological science1
Vertical pleiotropy explains the heritability of social science traits1
Hierarchical Bayesian narrative-making under variable uncertainty1
Do conviction narratives drive individual decisions?1
Autonomy, the moral circle, and the limits of ownership1
Sex differences are insufficient evidence of ecological adaptations in human females1
Culturally fluent real-world disparities can blind us to bias: Experiments using a cultural lens can help1
Cultural evolution needed to complete the Grossmann theory1
Bayes beyond the predictive distribution1
How deep is AI's love? Understanding relational AI1
For human-like models, train on human-like tasks1
The wisdom in the story: Clarifying assumptions about radical uncertainty and reasonableness in narrative judgment1
Making the unconscious conscious: Developing maladaptive scripts into conviction narratives1
Psychological and actual group formation: Conflict is neither necessary nor sufficient1
Triadic conflict “primitives” can be reduced to welfare trade-off ratios1
Ownership as an extension of self: An alternative to a minimalist model1
Bifocal stance theory: An effort to broaden, extend, and clarify1
There is a fundamental, unbridgeable gap between DNNs and the visual cortex1
Fictional emotions and emotional reactions to social robots as depictions of social agents1
Toward biologically plausible artificial vision1
Recurrent, nonequilibrium systems and the Markov blanket assumption1
Bifocal stance theory, the transmission metaphor, and institutional reality1
There are no shortcuts to theory1
Dual-process theory is Barbapapa1
Mental computational processes have always been an integral part of motivation science1
Middle-earth wasn't built in a day: How do we explain the costs of creating a world?1
Why a group-level analysis is essential for effective public policy: The case for a g-frame1
Peace in other primates1
Beyond the fearful ape hypothesis: Humans are also supplicating and appeasing apes1
It's bigger on the inside: mapping the black box of motivation1
Behavioral market design1
Language-of-thought hypothesis: Wrong, but sometimes useful?1
The cognitive and evolutionary science of behavioural modernity goes beyond material chronology1
Practical consequences of flawed social psychological research on bias1
An updated perspective on teleonomy1
Using the study of reasoning to address the age of unreason1
Concepts, core knowledge, and the rationalism–empiricism debate1
Causal complexity demands community coordination1
Citizen science can help to alleviate the generalizability crisis1
Getting lost in an infinite design space is no solution1
Ownership psychology as a cognitive adaptation: A minimalist model1
Creativity and tradition: Music and bifocal stance theory1
Axioms and postulates: Finding the right match through logical inference1
“WEIRD” societies still value (even needless) self-control and self-sacrifice1
Cultural innovation is not only a product of cognition but also of cultural context1
Consistent preferences, conflicting reasons, and rational evaluations1
Rational framing effects: A multidisciplinary case1
Moral emotions underlie puritanical morality1
Novelty seeking is neither necessary nor sufficient for curiosity or creativity, instead both curiosity and creativity may reflect an epistemic drive1
(Super-)cultural clustering explains gender differences too1
Imaginary worlds through the evolutionary lens: Ultimate functions, proximate mechanisms, cultural distribution1
The labelled container: Conceptual development of social group representations1
We aren't especially fearful apes, and fearful apes aren't especially prosocial1
The power of the weak: When altruism is the equilibrium1
Where not to look for targets of social reforms and interventions, according to behavioral genetics1
Females undergo selection too1
Genes, genomes, and developmental process1
The small world's problem is everyone's problem, not a reason to favor CNT over probabilistic decision theory1
Learning and memory are inextricable1
Proxy failures in practice: Examples from the sociology of science1
Understanding causal mechanisms in the study of group bias1
Bifocalism is in the eye of the beholder: Social learning as a developmental response to the accuracy of others' mentalizing1
Conformity versus transmission in animal cultures1
People treat social robots as real social agents1
When Pinocchio becomes a real boy: Capability and felicity in AI and interactive depictions1
When it comes to taxes, ownership intuitions abide by the law1
What makes narratives feel right? The role of metacognitive experiences1
Good theoretical debate, but insufficient proof of concept1
Causal dispositionalism in behaviour genetics1
Cognitive exploration drives engagement and re-engagement with imaginary worlds, but not spatial exploration as predicted by evolutionary theory1
Interacting with others while reacting to the environment1
Impact on the legal system of the generalizability crisis in psychology1
A tale of two histories: Dual-system architectures in modular perspective1
Dimensional versus conceptual incommensurability in the social and behavioral sciences1
Deep problems with neural network models of human vision1
Connecting theories of personality dynamics and mental computational processes1
On Skinner's pendulum: A framework for assessing s-frame hope1
Nudges, regulations, and behavioral public choice1
Extending and refining the fearful ape hypothesis1
Are we jingling modern hunter-gatherers and early Homo sapiens?1
Developmental research assessing bias would benefit from naturalistic observation data1
Tradition–invention dichotomy and optimization in the field of science1
A game of raids: Expanding on a game theoretical approach utilising the prisoner's dilemma and ethnography in situ1
Revising the null model in language evolution research1
The missing consequences: A fourth flaw of experiments1
Reductionism and proxy failure: From neuroscience to target-based drug discovery1
Is generalization decay a fundamental law of psychology?1
What we don't know about what babies know: Reconsidering psychophysics, exploration, and infant behavior1
A skeptical reflection: Contextualizing police shooting decisions with skin-tone1
There is no generalizability crisis1
A cooperative–competitive perspective of ownership necessitates an understanding of ownership disagreements1
Consciousness generates agent action1
On the evolutionary origins of the bifocal stance1
Community-engaged research is best positioned to catalyze systemic change1
Purity is linked to cooperation but not necessarily through self-control1
Prediction error minimization as a common computational principle for curiosity and creativity1
Cultural evolution may influence heritability by shaping assortative mating1
Animal welfare science, performance metrics, and proxy failure1
The reemergence of the language-of-thought hypothesis: Consequences for the development of the logic of thought1
Depiction as possible phase in the dynamics of sociomorphing1
Genomics might not be the solution, but epistemic validity remains a challenge in the social sciences1
The human fear paradox turns out to be less paradoxical when global changes in human aggression and language evolution are considered1
Somatic maintenance/reproduction tradeoffs and human evolution1
On the potentials of interaction breakdowns for HRI1
Conceptualization, context, and comparison are key to understanding the evolution of fear1
The adaptiveness of fear (and other emotions) considered more broadly: Missed literature on the nature of emotions and its functions1
Don't miss the chance to reap the fruits of recent advances in behavioral genetics1
Markov blankets do not demarcate the boundaries of the mind1
Neither hype nor gloom do DNNs justice1
Are we virtuously caring or just anxious?1
Quo vadis, planning?1
Generalizability challenges in applied psychological and organizational research and practice1
Ownership and willingness to compete for resources1
Narratives need not end well; nor say it all1
Social robots as social learning partners: Exploring children's early understanding and learning from social robots1
Why is system 1/system 2 switching affectively loaded?1
Natural logic and baby LoTH1
The ephemeral stories of our lives1
More than fear: Contributions of biobehavioral synchrony and infants' reactivity to cooperative care1
Discovering the unknown unknowns of research cartography with high-throughput natural description1
Why frightening imaginary worlds? Morbid curiosity and the learning potential of horror1
Evidence for LoTH: Slim pickings1
Optimizing behavior change through integration of individual- and system-level intervention approaches1
Perception is iconic, perceptual working memory is discursive1
Brave new world: Imaginative fictions offer simulated safety and actual benefits1
Heightened fearfulness as a developmental adaptation1
The unboxing has already begun: One motivation construct at a time1
The psychology and policy of overcoming economic inequality1
Cultural dynamics add multiple layers of complexity to behavioural genetics1
Neuroadaptive Bayesian optimisation can allow integrative design spaces at the individual level in the social and behavioural sciences… and beyond1
Why evolve consciousness? Neural credit and blame allocation as a core function of consciousness1
Ignoring the role of reiterative processing and worldview transformation leads to exaggeration of the role of curiosity in creativity1
Maps and territories, smoke, and mirrors1
Shared intentionality may have been favored by persistence hunting in Homo erectus1
Self-protection as an adaptive female strategy1
The creativity of architects1
No unleashed expression without language1
Let's move forward: Image-computable models and a common model evaluation scheme are prerequisites for a scientific understanding of human vision1
On vagueness and parochialism in psychological research on groups1
Drowning in shallow causality1
The origins of property law1